There you were, staring at it. It was your ticket out of this crazy prehistoric world and back to normalcy. You kept asking yourself that as you ran towards the cave. “Did I really want to go back home?” That’s when you heard the roars of Pyro, your raptor dinosaur guardian. Inkagi, a tribal boy was waiting for both you and your friend Alaska at the entrance of the cave. You could see he was waving, letting you know that the coast was clear. He was helping both of you get back home.
As you and Alaska ran with everything you had towards the cave that could teleport you back home, you heard Pyro’s roars once again, his cry out for help. You could not take another step forward. You instantly stopped running and looked back. Alaska now noticed and yelled out to you in desperation.
“Come on, we're almost there! Why did you stop?” She hesitated. Alaska didn’t want to leave you behind. But you… you didn’t want to leave Pyro behind to die. You could see from a distance that Pyro was being pinned down on the ground by another mutated yellow raptor. You reached into your pocket and pulled out the red Guardian Stone that will give Pyro power to defeat his attacker.
The scene was tense as you stood there, contemplating whether to leave Pyro behind or not. The pull of normalcy was strong, but the loyalty you had for Pyro and the bond you shared with him was even stronger. You knew that you couldn't just abandon him in his time of need.
Without a second thought, you ran towards Pyro, ignoring Alaska's cries for you to come back. As you got closer, you could see the struggle between Pyro and the yellow raptor. Pyro was fighting with all his might, but the other raptor was too strong.
You reached into your pocket and pulled out the red Guardian Stone. You had been carrying it with you for the entire journey, waiting for the right moment to use it. This was it. You held the stone up high and chanted the ancient words that you had learned from Inkagi. The stone began to glow, and a bright red light enveloped Pyro.
Pyro's eyes widened, and you could see the power of the stone surging through his veins. With a mighty roar, Pyro broke free from the yellow raptor's grip and stood up. He was stronger, faster, and more powerful than before.
The yellow raptor hesitated for a moment, surprised by Pyro's sudden burst of energy. But Pyro didn't give him a chance to recover. He lunged forward, his claws extended, and his teeth bared. The yellow raptor tried to fight back, but Pyro was too quick. Pyro charged with all his strength and slammed his head into the yellow raptor’s abdomen one more time pushing it straight down the cliff. Pyro was safe and you were glad.
You rushed to the edge to see the yellow raptors' fate. At the bottom of the cliff, it was motionless, blood now flowing from its lifeless body.
You and Alaska cheered as Pyro walked towards you, his head held high. You turned to stare into the yellow eyes of Pyro. You didn’t want to… You didn’t want to leave the poor thing to die on its own after so many times it risked its own life for you, Alaska, and Inkagi. You could see the gratitude in his eyes, and you knew that you had made the right decision. Loyalty was a powerful thing, and it had just saved Pyro's life.
Pyro let out a triumphant roar, signaling his victory. You and Alaska cheered in excitement, happy to see Pyro back to his old self. He nuzzled his head against your hand, thanking you for your loyalty and bravery.
"I'm going to miss you, Pyro,” you said, as you gave Pyro one last pat on the nose. It was your way of saying ‘thank you’.
You smiled, feeling the warmth of Pyro's affection. You knew that your bond with Pyro was stronger than ever before, and you were grateful for the experience. As you turned to leave, you noticed Inkagi waiting for you at the entrance of the cave. He was smiling, happy to see that you and Pyro were safe. Pyro softly growled and walked away disappearing into the jungle, you knew that you would never be able to touch his red shiny lizard skin again.
You slowly made your way to the cave to find Inkagi and Alaska. Alaska, who was furious at you at the time, didn't even want to make eye contact with you as you approached her. “Have you lost your MIND!? You could have gotten yourself killed. And then I would be the only one to return home. Is that what you want?” She was extremely frightened for you, you could tell.
“I just… I didn’t want Pyro to die. He’s always helped us out.”
Alaska threw her hands up in the air. “Because of your crazy heroics, we would have possibly lost our only chance to get out of this crazy dinosaur-infested world!”
You now became upset at Alaska. She didn’t see things the way you saw them. She didn’t see it from your perspective. “Alaska, you need to appreciate what you have. You don’t care whether Pyro dies or not. He SAVED you so many times from those hungry monsters.”
"I didn't say that! I appreciate Pyro. I do. But unlike YOU, I want to do whatever it takes to get back home.”
A cough interrupted your argument. Inkagi was trying to get your attention. “Look, both of you, I think it’s the moment of truth. You shouldn’t waste any more time arguing. The sun will set soon. We need to see if this is the cave that will bring you home.”
When you and Alaska first met Inkagi, the very day you arrived in this prehistoric realm, Alaska and you both agreed to stop arguing. You remember it was nonstop. Ever since you got to this place, frustration and bitterness got the best of you at times and you end up disagreeing on many things.
After you and Alaska both said your goodbyes to Inkagi and you thanked him for his help, he waited at the entrance of the cave as you both held each other’s hand. "Thank you for your help, Inkagi," you said, feeling grateful for his guidance and wisdom, "we couldn't have done it without you."
Inkagi smiled. "It was my pleasure. You and Pyro make a great team. Your loyalty to him is evident. He will miss you. And I will miss you both too."
You both agreed to close your eyes as you walked toward the inside of the cave.
As you enter the cave, you couldn't help but wonder what other challenges awaited you in the future. Back home you wouldn’t have the Guardian Stone. You knew you would have to face those challenges without Pyro and Inkagi. But for now, you were content with the knowledge that you had done the right thing. You had stayed true to your values, and that was all that mattered.
The power of loyalty was a force to be reckoned with, and you were glad to have it on your side. Who knew what other adventures would have occurred in the future if you’d both remained in this prehistoric world.
You walked a step forward, then another, then another, while you had a strong feeling, a strong sense of determination washing over you. You felt like this was it, the end of a long journey. It was difficult, but you were ready to face anything head-on. As you and Alaska entered the cave, ready to return home, you couldn't help but also feel a sense of gratitude for the experiences you had in this prehistoric world.
You had learned the power of loyalty, the importance of bravery, and the value of trust. These were qualities that would serve you well in the future, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
Inside you opened your eyes, seeing only a cave wall in front of you. Was this it? Did you make it back home?
Your face changed from hopeful to disappointed. Alaska didn’t want to say anything, even in the darkness of the cave you could easily see it in her face. She wanted to say something.
She finally spoke after a minute went by. “This cave… this isn’t the cave that can bring us home. I remember now and… this isn’t the right one.” Alaska said that then began to sob. You went through so much to find the right cave, to find a way back home. This was the third cave so far that you’ve found that wasn’t the correct one. You and Alaska slowly step out of the cave while comforting her.
“It’s alright Alaska. We will find a way home. We will. I promise.” Inkagi didn’t want to make eye contact. He knew you were disappointed. That’s when you heard it… the roar of another dinosaur. Inkagi was alarmed and quickly looked at you.
“It’s him!” He said that as he grabbed your arm. You react quickly by running towards the cover of the leaves in the jungle near the cave. And that when you saw him. Out of the jungle emerged a man with a green glowing stone in his hand. It was that same man again.
“Shintiro, right?”, you whispered to Inkagi as he nods and without another thought you all began kneeling in the foliage so that the man wouldn’t spot you. Shintiro was after you. He kept trying to hunt you down to steal from you your red Guardian Stone. This mysterious tribal man had a bonded dinosaur just like you and Pyro. He used the green Guardian Stone in his hand to control his green raptor. In front of Shintiro was his dinosaur roaming about, scouting the area. He was still looking for you. You weren’t going to just hand over your stone. If the stone is ever removed from your possession, your bond with your dinosaur will be gone. At least that’s what Inkagi was certain of when he told you and by no means you did not want that to happen.
“We need to get away from here and fast,” Inkagi whispers to you as he turned around on his knees and went deeper into the jungle. You and Alaska follow him and did exactly what he did.
The sun was now setting, and it was getting dark. That’s the time when all chaos breaks loose and dinosaurs all over the place begin to hunt for food. You needed a place to go to for the night, a safe place away from those hungry monsters and away from Shintiro.