Dust settling, smoke drifting, grass blowing in the wind, a lot of smoke drifting off into the sunny blue sky without an actual cloud in sight. Standing around, walking around, running around, several individuals, most in ONUS gear, the five DreamScapers, Damerick, and other unknown entities.
“And so he was going to use the Pixies to make a Pixie Dust to turn inanimate objects into servants to rule the west coast. Gnome King intended to then bring mostly just lawn ornaments to life to harvest more Pixie dust using the pixies, to make a bigger army, then take over the entire world to free all lawn gnomes.”
“Ingenious plan… if he hadn’t gotten caught that is.”
“Gah, I would have gotten away with it… I should have gotten away with it!!”
“Tough break Gnome King, you enslaved the Pixies so it was only a matter of time before one got loose to inform us of what you were up to.”
“DARN YOU!!!!” he then yelled being drug away.
“Good work DreamScapers, yet another villain behind bars now.”
“This is almost becoming too easy… I was expecting this job to be a lot more painful.”
“You would think since you kids are dealing with monsters and such but activity has been on the decline lately other than Zaraka. If not for him, half of the field team might be out of the job.”
“That’s crazy!”
“I mean, that’s just life ya know. Anyways, I think you’ve all done a splendid job so far… why not take the rest of today off? We’ll handle the cleanup work the Gnome King left us with.”
“Thanks Damerick.”
“Anytime Sam.”
“So do you guys want to do anything?” Monte in turn questioned, the group of five moving away from the scene towards a new limo parked just on the edge of the field.
“I don’t know… go to bed?”
“You can be so lazy at times Dilan. It’s not even five yet.”
“It’s five o’clock somewhere.”
“Eh whatever… what about you Derrick?”
“Chores to do, lawn needs cutting, trees need tending, yada yada.”
“Ah… Amber?”
“Like, daddy is picking out a new car.”
“What happened to not wanting to rely on your parents?”
“A car is a car man.”
“Mhmm… and Sam?”
“Can’t, I have more research work to do on the Gremlin King.”
“You guys are all lame!”
With that, all of them would break out into laughter continuing, soon to get in the limo, ready to roll, ready to leave and do their own things once more, be them whatever they desire for the group or alone.
The limo, slowly pulling to a halt next to a yellow house, a flower filled yard, door opening automatically and out would walk Sam, turning back, “Thanks for the ride Flavo.”
“Of course milady. See you again.”
Door shutting, the limo pulling out and driving off, Sam turning to the house and stepping forward though on the porch, Stark, his head glancing up at the sight of Sam with a bland expression bearing witness.
“Sam… we need to talk.”
“Oh uh… alright,” she murmured approaching, “What about?”
“Sam… we’ve been friends for forever… though lately I feel like you’ve been blowing me off these last few weeks… ever since you started hanging out with the others.”
“We used to do things Sam… I just wanted to ask you about what’s going on.”
“Nothing at all Stark, I’ve just been very busy.”
“Hmph… I can tell that was a lie. You guys are up to something.”
“I… I can’t say.”
“Can’t… or won’t?”
“I will find out Sam,” came his mutter, standing and walking down the driveway, turning back once on the sidewalk, “You’ve changed… and I will find out why.”
With those words, he’d then walk down the sidewalk, disappearing with the next turn, leaving Sam to only look and ponder.
Clicking and clacking on a keyboard, a monitor blaring in the night, Sam’s gaze locked tight to a monitor attached to a computer, scrolling up and down page after page. Typing, she’d insert ‘Gremlin King’ into the search bar, continuing to read. A phone, sitting next to her, would remain still, reflecting the light of the screen back up as once more she searched for yet another page.
A sigh, soon to escape her, “Man… this is taking forever… where are you Gremlin King...”
Pushing the wall, chair rolling back, she’d top and collapse upon her bed, staring up at the ceiling quite content with a sigh, “You are somewhere… or was it just a one time job for you? No… we need some form of bait for you wouldn’t we? Or… was that truly just an unnatural natural coincidence… unnatural natural coincidence? Heh, wow. Hmm...”
Blinking, still staring, it would take not more but a split second and immediately she’d fly, “That’s it, bait!”
Flying up, quickly rushing to the desk, hands slammed down and phone flying up, a slight ringing in the following seconds until, “Derrick, call the others, I just figured out how to catch our Gremlin friend… yeah, I need to contact Damerick too… uh huh, I figured we could use bait… yeah, I know but what if we spread a rumor that say, we’re working on a device to help fight Zaraka, he might send in the Gremlin King to sabotage it, then we spring a trap. I know, right!? Alright, we’ll be able to take him with that. Uh huh, alright, bye.”