Capítulo 22: The planet's decision
The whole northern crater was collapsing and the four friends rushed out of the place. The Highwind, once with everyone inside, rose up quickly to get out of the crater.
An explosion shook the whole place and threw the ship out of the crater, fortunately the Highwind was not damaged.
Is everyone all right? asked Cid as he moved the ship away from the place.
I think we're altogether," Wedge replied.
That was a good flight, Cid - Cloud praised him for getting them out of the place alive.
The meteor is still approaching the planet," said Tifa and everyone saw how close it was.
Aerith approached the viewpoint of the ship's bridge and freed Sacred, the Materia she inherited from Ifalna.
Mother, help us," said Aerith and the Materia went through the glass and lost itself in the horizon.
Well, that's it, now the rest is up to Sacred," Barrett concluded.
It's true, we can't do anything anymore, our battle ends here," Biggs concluded.
The meteor was coming closer and closer, when suddenly a white glow exploded on its surface, that glow grew to look gigantic, it looked like a kind of shield that stood between the meteor and the planet.
It's Sacred, Sacred tries to protect the planet," said Vincent.
Please Sacred, please," Nanaki implored.
The giant meteor stopped and everyone on the bridge began to celebrate. Suddenly, the meteor resumed its march.
What's going on? Jesse said in a frightened voice.
We used Sacred too late," said Percy sadly and hugged Lydia.
Sacred could only slow down the meteor and hope left everyone's heart.
We still have the planet, maybe if it uses the vital current.... -reasoned Lydia, who kept an ounce of hope.
But what will happen to us if the planet uses the lifestream? asked Yuffie, who by fear approached Tifa and held her hand.
Tifa was surprised, but embraced the ninja to comfort her.
That depends on the planet, as your grandfather Nanaki said, it is the planet that will decide if humans are a threat," said Tifa as she comforted Yuffie.
Guys, I am told that the planet's lifestream is coming out everywhere," Cait Sith told them.
Surely because the whole planet is cracking," said Dyne as he looked down. "Marlene... I'm sorry, I did everything I could.
No, they report to me that the lifestream is coming out of the surface without causing any damage, it seems to be running like a river and heading for the meteor," Cait Sith told them.
Look, I can see something in the distance! Jesse pointed out, and indeed, a thin, distant green row was heading toward the meteor.
At first they could only see a thin green row, but soon after more and more rows came together. Not only did the vital current come out of the depths of the earth, it also seemed to come out of every person on the planet, and not only that, it also came out of the plants, animals, trees, rocks, waterfalls, rivers, of all the objects that were on the surface of the planet.
In the end, it seems that the entire planet has been transmuted into a green sphere. The brightness was so intense that all the friends seemed to be consumed by the green light.
Tifa, forgive me for everything I did to you," said Yuffie as a farewell.
Don't worry, Yuffie, be hopeful that nothing will happen to us," said Tifa and all around them was covered by the glow of the lifestream....
MARLENE DIARY FOR THE TEACHER FOR THE HOLIDAYS [it comes with spelling mistakes, remember, Marlene is a little girl]
Everything jere is very mobed dad Dyne brings me many gifts after comming of his work as sheriff of Midgar
I miss daddy Barrett but he jas a lot of work to do to jelp the people in correl but when he comes back he brings me a lot of nice things.
Uncle Biggs and Aunt Jesse are expecting a babi.
Tifa is a carate teacher with Wedge and works with her.
Aunt aerith and aunt clou also have jovs she has a flower shop and cloud is sharing things with her biqke.
Lydia wrote me some letters I zaid that she's with Percy in Wutai with Yuffie and they're looking for more cat boys
I was sad to learn that Nanaki didn't come because his grandfather died and I hope Nanaki didn't suffer too much.
cid talcs funny but looked very upzet with the votes for the new mayor of Midgar says that rrufus is a rrufian because he wants to be mayor and that some Turks help him I wonder what is a rrufian and what is a Turks
The party was funn I hope to play all the time with my friends in my always beautiful and always cheerful and always of flowerz rainvows as veautiful as the house of tifa has.
The end of the FF7 game is one of the most beautiful games I've seen, but it's also mysterious. What finally happened to Midgar and the humans? Perhaps, as Bugenhagen said, the planet decided that humans were a threat and eventually became extinct after 500 years...