Naturally, they held their wedding at the local state park, Glendale. It was close enough for all of their family to attend, they could hold the ceremony outside, and it was one of their favorite places in the world, even though it was a mere 10 minute drive from their home. They couldn't have asked for better weather either, which had been one of Elise's main concerns having an outdoor wedding in the middle of the typical rainy season in Indiana. It was a sunny, low 70's afternoon. Only the occasional cloud drifted by as her mother helped her get ready in the cabin Danny had rented for the two of them for the weekend.
Elise grew nervous thinking about reading the vows she had written in front of their family, even her own. They were very heartfelt, getting caught up in the moment when she had written them, thinking only of speaking them to Danny. She tried to remind herself of that now as her stomach churned. You're just reading them for Danny. You're just reading them for Danny.
"You ok, pumpkin?" her mother suddenly stopped fussing with her dress, looking up at her.
"I'm fine. Just a little nervous," Elise forced a smile and smoothed the front of her dress out.
"Don't go getting cold feet now," Beth joked, smiling back at her before continuing to nitpick at Elise's dress.
"It's not that," she laughed softly. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life," she paused. "I'm just nervous about sharing that in front of everyone."
Elise's mother took her by the arms and looked her seriously in the eyes.
"This is your day, sweetheart. No, let me rephrase that," she shook her head. "This is yours and Danny's day. Say whatever is on your heart, Elise. Pretend like the rest of us aren't here because you two are the only ones who matter today."
"Thanks, mom," she smiled and hugged her.
Neither she nor Danny could wipe the silly grins from their faces throughout the short ceremony. Everything was right in life in that moment and everything was falling into place where it belonged.
"You look beautiful," he had spoken softly in her ear as she made her way over to him at the lookout where their wedding was being held. Just because they were having a rustic, small, outdoor wedding didn't mean that she had wanted to scrimp on the fancy dress.
The dress Elise chose was an A-line, sweetheart neckline number with tiny, see-through capped sleeves. She had never been a fan of sleeveless dresses of any kind and her modest side felt like one for her wedding would be too sexy, especially considering her build. She had inherited her mother's large breast size and curves. Per Beth's insisting, Elise had tried on one sleeveless dress when she was shopping around. She was scared to death one of her boobs was going to flop out at any second. Even her mother had taken a long look at her with it on and said, "Go try another one."
Danny seemed smitten with her choice now as much as she was, but knew in her heart she could have shown up looking like a hobo and he would have been just as happy. Elise had never seen him in a tuxedo either, and couldn't help but think how funny, but handsome he looked, reminding her of the only other time she had seen him in something so nice, the suit he had worn to dinner the night he proposed.
"Elise, would you like to read some of your own words?" the pastor speaking her name got her attention. Had she been off in her own little world that entire time?
"Yes," she tried to speak up, how she spoke around Danny, not her usual meek voice around groups of people. Elise looked to her mother briefly, searching for reassurance.
"Go on," Beth mouthed and smiled.
She turned her attention back to Danny, who winked at her, giving his own non-verbal reassurance. Elise took a deep breath.
"Danny, I knew you were going to be trouble from the day I met you." Everyone chuckled, including Danny.
"The way you kept staring at me, sneaking glances throughout that meeting on my first day. I fell for your outward appearance right away too that day, but it didn't take me long to realize you were an even more beautiful person on the inside," Elise paused, feeling the first emotional stirrings.
"If I had known that day what a wonderful, patient, kind human being you were that day, I wouldn't have been as scared to fall in love with you. Well, that's not entirely true. You and I both know I would have still acted the way I did." Danny chuckled silently as he held her hands, but the tears were glistening evidently in his eyes.
"Still, if I had known then what I know now, it wouldn't have been as scary. But you were just the person I needed and still need. Falling in love with you was scary at first, but in a good way. Like a roller-coaster. Thrilling and safe at the same time," she smiled at him.
"You always say how beautiful I am, making it seem like I could get any guy I wanted. But there is no other guy for me. You are it, Danny. They say 'opposites attract' and that seems to be true of us. For all of my insecurities, you make up in confidence. You bring out the better parts in me, make me feel like a whole person. No one has ever made me feel or act this way and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else," Elise squeezed his hands tightly, looking up at him, trying not to cry too much. There was an empty pause before the pastor asked if Danny would like to say a few words of his own as well. Elise didn't dare look away from him. He was grounding her in the moment. Danny mouthed, "I love you," before he spoke his vows aloud.
"Elise Marie Roberts, I have loved you since the day I met you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I knew I was meant to be with you from the day I met you," he smiled at her again, still holding her hands.
"I don't want to say that I knew we'd be here, a year and a half later, getting married, because I didn't. But I'm glad you chose me as 'your person'." Elise was having a hard time fighting her happy tears back.
"You are so funny, smart, beautiful and a million other things. I could go on about you all day, but I'm ready to get this party started," Danny joked, trying to provide some comedic relief. "You're my favorite person in the world and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he leaned in, slightly, as if he were going to kiss her, before quickly pulling back. Elise couldn't help but wonder if anyone else had noticed. It was another one of his "Dannyisms" that she felt like was so slight that only she noticed.
The pastor continued with their short ceremony and she and Danny exchanged rings. He had shown her the wedding ring he had in mind that he spoke of after their engagement, but seeing it on a computer screen hadn't done it any justice. Elise had fallen in love with it then and loved it even more now, seeing the intricate Celtic design weaving its way up among the white gold leaves along the side before framing the circular diamond in the middle of it in person as Danny slid it on her ring finger, nestled alongside the heartfelt engagement ring already resting there. Her name being spoken aloud brought her out of the trance of the ring and back to reality again.
" sickness and in health, till the day you both shall die?"
"I do," she said, both because she meant it and because she was ready to get the formalities over with and begin the rest of their lives.
Danny promised the same vow, taking Elise's hands again, vibrating with her own, waiting in anxious anticipation as the words were spoken.
"I now pronounce you 'husband and wife'. You may kiss the bride," the pastor finally finished his portion of the ceremony. Danny caressed the side of her face, holding the hair out of the way on her left side that wasn't being held back by a barrette. Elise had gone for "simple" with her warm auburn locks, down and curled slightly more than was the natural, wavy state of them. She had kissed him a thousand times, but that fact didn't stop the warmth that spread throughout her body as she closed her eyes and met his lips for the first time as man and wife. Elise felt like their kiss was lasting longer than was customary, but she didn't let go and neither did Danny for several long seconds. He finally, reluctantly, pulled away from her, smiling about as much as he could without showing teeth. Giddy with her own excitement, she smiled back at him.
"I present to you, Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Mortenson," the pastor announced right behind them as they turned together, hand-in-hand, towards their few friends and family who had gathered for the occasion.
"I love you, Mrs.Mortenson," Danny spoke quietly into her ear before kissing her temple.
"And I love you, Mr.Mortenson."
Danny and Elise got changed quickly out of their wedding attire back at the cabin. Elise was thrilled over the honeymoon they had planned together in Canada, but she was a bit relieved they wouldn't be rushing off there right after the wedding, staying at the cabin within the park for their wedding night instead.
They had both agreed that they probably wouldn't be up for traveling after getting ready all afternoon and the ceremony itself, being held in the late afternoon. Plus, while not a traditional wedding by any means, they didn't feel right running off from their guests, especially with Elise's parents having to travel over 2 hours to get there. Danny and Elise both wanted to spend some time celebrating with everyone afterwards.
"You about ready?" Elise asked, purse in hand, standing near the door. How on Earth had she gotten dressed before him? And why did he not seem to be hurrying? She didn't want to keep their friends and family waiting at the restaurant in town.
"Just about," Danny chuckled, pulling his black loafers back on.
"Before we go, though..." he trailed off, seemingly looking for something on his phone. He tapped the screen once more and guitar music filled the room.
"Will you dance with me?" he flourished his hand in front of himself before holding it out to her.
"Danny," Elise giggled, unmoving. "We need to go. I don't want to keep everyone waiting."
"It's our day, Elise. We can do whatever we want. Now come on," he waved his outstretched hand. "It's the song. Come spend a few minutes with me. Relax," he insisted.
She couldn't help the smile on her face as she finally took his hand and pressed her body lightly against his as they swayed to Neil Young's "Harvest Moon". For some reason, though he rarely sang in front of her, Elise wasn't surprised as he began softly singing the words so close to her ear it gave her chills, his cheek pressed against her own. Happy tears sprung to her eyes again as she tightened her embrace around his shoulders, not able to stop the stupid smile from forming on her face.
"I love you so much, Elise," he turned his head just enough to kiss her cheek as the song ended.
"I love you," she looked him in the eyes. She was certain she could get lost in them for hours if he would hold still long enough. It was like looking into his soul when he looked at her that way.
"I can't wait to make love to you later," Danny whispered in her ear, sending another shudder down her spine.
"Mmm, don't say things like that right now or I'll never be able to leave," she warned.
"That was kind of the idea," humor lit up in his eyes.
"Come on, Romeo," Elise gently pushed him away from her, smiling. "Let's go eat. I'm starving!"