Three Weeks Later…
October 24th, 20xx…
“NYAHAHAHAHAHAAA, you humans will BOW to me!!”
People running screaming, a small town of shacks with a forest nearby, a small Gremlin standing in the middle of the town square with several orbs of yellow light floating around, launching outward in all directions slamming into buildings causing blasts.
“Hey you, that’s enough!”
Turning left the Gremlin would laugh once more, five people rushing up, “A couple of kids, telling me that it’s enough!? Charming! Run along kiddies, you don’t stand a chance against me!”
“Man why are they always so stupid.”
“Hey, I’ll handle this one.”
“Alright Monte.”
Crackling wood and a collapse of debris, Monte standing right where the Gremlin had stood, smirking, “That’s that.”
Yet another bell ringing with students in their seats, sighing audible with a teacher approaching their desk, study hall. In this study hall, the five sat together, of course with two FBI Agents up front observing them.
“Are you sure those guys don’t know what we are?” Dilan would often ask.
“Positive and if they do they can’t prove it,” Sam would usually reply.
Today though, it was different, the Agents with note books studying the rest of the class.
“Man, I tell you what guys, I’m sick of getting called out for all these stupid assignments. The last three weeks have been nothing but boring jobs.”
“What do you expect? We’ve learned to use our powers. These guys aren’t going to be much from here on out.”
“Yeah, haha, remember that time with Gator Tator? That was a let down at the end.”
“Yeah, haha, you’re telling me. I was expecting more but this has uh, this has been boring more or less. I wish something fun would happen.”
Screaming could quickly be heard in the hall, door still open as a kid would run by yelling, the entire room standing with the two Agents bolting out, Sam looking to Monte, “Wish granted, let’s go!”
Quickly bolting forward along the side, the five would rush out of the room followed by others, the teacher yelling poking his head out, “You five, get back her- what the devil!?”
Running through the hallway, three three foot green men with loin cloths and pointed green ears, red eyed, laughing chasing fives students down the hall.
“Holy toledo!”
Running down the hall, bolting into a lightning fast sprint, Monte above would drop down with a round house, knocking the three off against a wall, the students looking back though still running as the little men crashed, grunting, then passing out.
“What are these guys supposed to be?”
“Goblins I think?”
“Sam might be right, Dilan, call this in. Monte, good work, we need to keep moving.”
Running past Dilan the rest went, turning down a hallway leaving Dilan there looking, “Yeah alright thanks!”
Laughter heard, more Goblins visible through the halls, papers flying and lockers being smashed, kids sent flying through the air crashing into each other only to quickly get up and scatter away.
Amber’s screech rushing out crashing into the Goblins, sending them flying out a window with Monte, Derrick, and Sam catching up to her quickly, the four nodding to each other to then follow outside, leaping out the window onto the ground, running forward into the courtyard, skidding to a halt seeing a group of eight, all facing and laughing.
“Great, more jokes. This won’t take more than two secon-”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Young DreamScaper!”
All looking up into the sky as bolts of lightning slammed down, blowing both the Goblins and DreamScapers away from each other, crashing into the walls with an explosion going off at the source of impact.
“Gah, what was that?!”
“I don’t know but I think we’re about to find out!”
“Hehahahahahahaha!” came a voice, echoing, a figure slowly dropping down and stepping, silver iron boots, ruby baggy kimono robes with chestplate armor on the front, the face of a demon on the front with alligator skulls attached to the shoulders, a set of large green outlined dark red wings bearing spikes, long brown horns, green skin, red eyes, a wide smile, and long silver hair with two long stands to the sides and a pony tail to the back with a skull designed crown atop his head, eyes glowing as with a blink, it would reveal a set of six eyes per side before opening back up into a single eye.
The wings retracting and fading away, “So you’re the troublesome little pests who have defied EdgeLord Zaraka for all this time and prevented his global conquest. HA!! What a pitiful little joke yet very illuminating.”
“Gah, who is this guy?!”
“His sneak attack got us pretty good-”
“He took out his own guys with that attack!”
“Heh, allow me to introduce myself then if that’s how you are. I am known simply as the Goblin King though for you my name is Zalazar, do well to remember the title and my name.”
“What, this is the Goblin King!?”
“No way!”
“Guys, stand ready!! This is by far no ordinary villain or Nightmare.”
“Derrick, we need to go now, remember what Ms. Galakin said?”
“Yeah… but as it stands, we can’t leave this guy alone or he might destroy the entire town. He must be stopped!”
“Heehahahahahaha, well if you insist on getting in our way then I have no choice but to take you.”
Aura bursting out of him with electricity, his laugh echoing, arms spread open welcoming an attack, ready for anything.