HE ACTUALLY STAYED TRUE TO THIS. He didn’t undermine Karin’s love for Sasuke after all. He actually STATED and proved once and for all what we (SK and Karin fans) had been saying all along. That Karin’s love for Sasuke was (is) selfless and that all she wanted all along was for him to be happy; that it was that that mattered the most to her. Hence why most of us knew that Karin was okay with SS and most likely supported it - as long as it meant Sasuke’s happiness.
I have to be honest and admit I am honestly relieved about this. I was honestly fearing the worst.
AND. Please. Karin’s face when Suigetsu asks her if she is over Sasuke.
Jesus. It was a direct punch to the heart. But in the best way possible. This is the face of a girl who may have (has, hopefully) moved on with her life but that will always, no matter what, have a special place in her heart for Sasuke and be connected to him.
Because - just like she so wisely said - connections come in many forms.
And while she may not have a child to connect her with Sasuke, she has her memories with him and all the shit they went through together. That’s not going anywhere and not being romantically entangled with him does not make any of that, nor their care for each other, any less meaningful. And Karin knows this.
And another thing that this Gaiden ended up proving is that Karin effectively was and is the closest to Sasuke out of Taka. She even helped in the delivery of his child (which happened in her hideout - a testament to Sasuke’s trust in her) and she is taking care of the umbilical cord.
All in all, just these last two pages alone made reading the Gaiden worth it. Seriously.
God Karin, I love you so much. I was so concerned your character would get ruined beyond recognition but you pulled through like a champ.