Saturday, (03/06/XX) 8:20PM
I don't know what happened between Sen and Ryunosuke, but they seem to be on better terms. The two interact more now, but I haven't seen them fool around like they used to.
There are only two weeks until we graduate. Scary as it was, the three of us decided to have a sleepover at Sen's place. It would be our last sleepover as high school students. Unwillingly, I let Anji join me because he's friends with Sen's younger brother.
This wasn't the first time coming over, so it felt as if I was at home. I opened the door and let my brother inside. We removed our shoes and placed them by the footsteps, facing the door. I looked down and saw that Ryunosuke was already there.
“Aki!” Sen walked up to us and smiled. Anji greeted Sen and went to find Sen's brother.
“Where's Ryunosuke?” I asked.
“He's in my room already.”
I nodded and followed him up the stairs to his bedroom where Ryunosuke was lying down on Sen’s bed with a book in his hand.
“Alright, Bookworm,” Sen said as he closed the bedroom door behind us. “put the book down. Akio is here.”
Ryunosuke turned his head to us. “It's about time.”
“Put the book away!” Sen stepped towards the wizard and pouted. “I'm going to tear those pages out if you don't.”
Ryunosuke glared at Sen. “Do that and I'll curse you.”
Sen wasn't phased by his threat. “We're going to eat dinner!”
“Fine,” Ryunosuke sat up. “Let's go eat.”
Sen smiled, grabbed Ryunosuke's wrist, and pulled him out of the room. I placed my belongings down and followed suit.
After eating dinner, the five of us decided to play some games. Ryunosuke won rock, paper, and scissors, so he got the first pick.
“Let's play shiritori. The loser has to do a dare.”
Sen groaned. “A word game?”
His brother smirked. “Too dumb to play?”
Sen smacked the back of his brother's head with a pillow.
“I'll go first,” Ryunosuke said. “Apple (Ringo).”
“Cockroach (gokiburi),” Sen said.
“Squirrel (risu).” Anji quickly responded.
“Supermarket (suーpaー).” I said.
“Panda.” Sen's brother replied.
“Strawberry mochi (Daifuku).”
Sen gulped. “Um, convenience store (Konbini), wait no! Cookie (kukki—)!”
It didn't take long for Sen to fumble.
The dares were mild in the beginning, but they became increasingly worse as the game progressed. Anji had to call the second person on his contacts that he needed a new pair of underwear because he pooped his pants, Sen’s younger brother had to wax off his leg hair, and I had to stand on the freezing lawn while singing and dancing.
After doing my dare I came back inside and wrapped myself in a fluffy blanket. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I turned on my phone and checked to see who it was.
*Nikolas sent a video*
OH NO HOW DID HE GET THAT VIDEO? I felt my face turning red.
Who sent that to you?!
I glanced up at Ryunosuke and glowered. “Ryunosuke, you sent a video of me dancing to Nikolas?!”
He chuckled with a smirk.“It was funny.”
I pulled the blanket over my head and groaned out of embarrassment.
It was a punishment…
Looks fun
Don't stay outside in the cold for too long
I began to smile at my phone. I turned and saw Anji frowning at me.
“What?” I deadpanned.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Anji tried to peek at my phone, but I pushed his face away with my hand.
We continued the game and the next dare was for Ryunosuke. Sen’s younger brother declared, “You have to hold hands with the person to your left for the rest of the game!”
I rolled my eyes at such a childish dare.
Ryunosuke held out his hand as Sen hesitantly placed his hand into his palm. Ryunosuke intertwined his fingers with Sen's, making the latter flinch.
Anji and Sen’s brother were getting a kick out of their reactions.
“O-ok let's move on!” said Sen.
It was amusing to see the two boys avoid eye contact with one another. I noticed Ryunosuke was also getting a kick from this too with the way he was trying to fight the urge to smile.
Throughout the rest of the night, we played card games, board games, and video games. When it was one or two in the morning, we all decided to head to bed. Anji and Sen’s younger brother moved to another room and the three of us stayed in Sen’s room.
Ryunosuke grabbed his things and went to wash up.
Sen grabbed my shirt by the collar. “Akio, please, you need to help me.”
“What's wrong?” I furrowed my brows.
“I'll sleep on the floor tonight. You and Ryunosuke can sleep on my bed.”
I blinked at him.
Sen groaned and started to shake me. “Akio, please! If I can't handle holding his hand, I won't be able to handle being in the same bed as him!”
“Why not? Just face the other way.”
Sen ruffled his hair. “You don't get it!”
“He's not going to stare at you while you sleep.” I pretended to be Ryunosuke as I jumped onto the bed and laid on my side, my bulging eyes staring at Sen.
He winced at my face. He desperately clapped his hands in a prayer. “Please, I won't be able to sleep tonight.”
“Fine,” I said while sitting up from the bed. “But I thought the two of you were on good terms?”
He bit his cheek and fiddled with his fingers. “Yes… Well, he’s waiting.”
“Waiting for…?” I trailed off.
“For my response! I haven't told him if I want to date him or not.”
“How long is he willing to wait? You shouldn't leave him hanging for too long.”
Sen grumbled. “I'm trying! I seriously couldn’t focus the entire night because he's here.” He laid flat on the floor. “Akio, you have a boyfriend. How did you get over these weird emotions?”
I never did, but I wouldn't tell Sen that. “Communication?”
“Great,” Sen laid face flat onto the futon. “thanks.”
“It's difficult. At one point I still thought Nik and I were only talking, but Nik had the idea that we were dating.”
Sen snickered. “That's funny.”
I scrunched my nose in irritation and cursed under my breath while kicking his leg.
Ryunosuke finally came back from the bathroom and the three of us all headed to bed. Ryunosuke slept on the left side of the bed while I slept on the right where I could see Sen sleeping on the futon.
I looked down and saw Sen mouth the words “Thank you”. I stuck my tongue out at him.
Before heading to bed, I went on my phone to tell Nikolas good night. I've been telling him about Sen and Ryunosuke. He finds their dynamic odd. He never thought Ryunosuke would be into Sen.
Also don't forget! Graduation is in two weeks
Yes I'll be there
I'll tell Kazu too
Sounds good!
Whenever Nikolas tries to use emoticons, I can't help but imagine him as an old man texting. Well, he is old.
Are we meeting tom?
I'll see you then
Goodnight ♡
Night! ♡
I plugged my phone in and called it a night. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw Ryunosuke's back facing me. I peeked down and saw Sen fast asleep.
I pulled the blanket over myself and grinned at the idea of Nikolas and I going on a date. I wondered if Ryunosuke and Sen ever thought about going on a date. It would be a perfect way for Sen to figure out if he wants to date Ryunosuke. I decided I would suggest that to Sen when I woke up before closing my eyes.