Two days later…
The ticking of a clock, a white room, several blue stained glass windows, posters and curtains all over the room. Along the beds, monitors on rolling stands everywhere with plenty of wires, this room resembling a massive hospital wing to some form of building. Sitting on some of the beds, the five DreamScapers bandaged.
Derrick, his arms in casts with patches across his face and upper arms, Sam with bandage around her forehead, Dilan with multiple patches in sections of three, Monte in a half body cast, and Amber with several wraps herself. A woman, walking back and forth between the five with two sitting in chairs nearby, “There, that should do it for the treatment therapy. Now if you’d take a bit to let the toxins injected into you to do their thing you can be out of here within an hour.”
“Just one hour and our body’s will be completely healed?! That’s incredible!”
“Well, it’s only because of the type of wounds. Nightmare creatures like that just tear away at your life energy typically and don’t cause actual wounds. The body isn’t physically hurt but it still takes time to heal. The toxins I had you all drink accelerate the recovery time.”
“Galakin,” came the growl of Derrick, her gaze crossing his, “I want you to tell us everything about that guy. Hold nothing back. We already had a bit about him explained to us but I want to know more.”
A sigh leaving her, her head shaking, “It can’t be avoided anymore since you all lost to him already… the Goblin King, known also as Zalazar, as you’ve heard from Damerick, is one of the most powerful Nightmares that EdgeLord Zaraka has with him right now, said to be as strong as an EdgeLord, with the power over elements, super abilities, and ability to control the darkness in a person’s heart. You also were told that he can fight some of the best of us.”
All five nodding, standing now, looking around, she’d nod, “The Nightmare World is host to a variety of creatures like him and those you’ve fought, the strongest of which are granted the title of EdgeLord. Over the years, we’ve had our fair share of confrontations with the EdgeLords while we’ve gone into the Nightmare World to try and stop them before they could come and stop us. Those with the title are famous for their power, though, they are not the only ones.”
A glance down, a sigh, then another glance forward, “They are known as Enforcers or Generals of their world, beings too powerful for any lone DreamScaper or ONUS Operative. There are many like the Goblin King; some of the more famous ones are Generals Bronxz, Uondra, Zander, Cratasius, and Zalazar. In fact, he might be EdgeLord level; Zaraka might be one of the weakest EdgeLords but some who have fought both of them claim the Goblin King is stronger. Two generations ago we had another squad of DreamScapers, about ten years older than you guys, who came before Damerick. Like you they had defeated and captured many Nightmares, arguably our best squad of the era… that is, until they met Goblin King Zalazar. Zalazar in a single night buckled our forces and defeated all of the DreamScapers of that generation in one battle.”
“No way, he defeated them?”
“How does that happen?!”
“It happened because we underestimated Zalazar. We aren’t even sure if the intelligence we gathered about him being the weakest General is accurate. Some people who fought him have also fought Zaraka and have claimed that Zalazar is stronger.”
“Tch, that guy, he wasn’t even serious when he battled us. He brushed off our attacks like they were nothing.”
“I’ll never forget his power myself.”
“… you kids have no idea what sort of a monster Zalazar is. He was a part of Zaraka’s invading forces once upon a time and took on several of us himself. We never did get him to go serious, mostly because we managed to seal Zaraka away. For whatever reason, Zalazar chose to retreat rather than continue to fight. He’s no ordinary Nightmare, that’s for certain.”
“So… there’s truly no way to stop a guy like that is there?”
“At your current levels no, I suppose not.”
“Man, this is totally not good.”
“If Zaraka decides to just cause trouble with that guy, we’ll never be able to win.”
“At the current rate of things, is there any hope?”
“Heh… how unusual to hear you guys doubting yourselves, you especially brother.”
“What do you mean by that Damerick?”
“Your elder brother is right Derrick. You all see it as hopeless but you’ve yet to really begin to learn about your powers have you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve only recently acquired them so I don’t expect you to notice it yet. Heh… if you’ll excuse us for now actually, there’s something I must tend to.”
“Oh, ok?”
“See you Ms. Galakin.”
Damerick standing, following after with the others leaving the five in the room as the door shut.
“What do you think she meant?”
“I have no idea to be honest with you...”
“Victoria, do you honestly think these guys can become true DreamScapers?”
“Yes, Damerick, I do. They have a lot of potential out of all the candidates that I’ve seen. Our section is dealing with a big matter right now with Zaraka and now Zalazar.”
“Our section? Wait, do you mean-”
“Possibly, yes. The Goblin King retreated when victory could’ve been his, which means he has something else in mind. I don’t know what as that monster loves to play games but we need to be ready. I have a few calls to make, one of which is to get that school to allow the kids to take their test in the next four days, the day right before the thirty-first. I have no doubt that the enemy will launch an attack on the following day, one that could do a lot of damage to the town potentially. If that happens, we might lose our opportunity with them and go back to square one.”
“You’re serious about taking them in then?”
“The situation has changed Damerick. These kids were chosen by fate to come to us. We must handle this now. The longer Zaraka and Zalazar are on the loose, the more likely it is that their power will awaken other EdgeLords and break more seals. We can not allow this to happen. If we don’t stop it now then I fear the outcome for this world. I have but one more test for them and should they pass then it’ll be time.”