Malich hated being away from Arya if he could help it, but as much as he wanted to remain buried inside her, he couldn’t allow the distraction she was to blind him from what needed to be done. Arya remained with the alumni. She wouldn’t give a reason as to why she wanted everyone to believe she had perished, but he was sure it had something to do with the last words her sister had spoken to her. Truthfully, Alara could have killed her in many ways, so why had she chosen that particular end. Why did she deem it necessary to whisper those finals words up close and personal?
It didn’t matter. Alara, whoever she was, would die for what she did to his beloved. No one would threaten Arya’s life the way she had and be allowed to continue to breathe. He was going to find a way to kill her and see it done. It’s the opposite of what Arya asked him to do, but he couldn’t let Alara’s actions go unpunished.
“A word, your highness,” Dax enters and inclines his head.
Waving his hand at the chair across from him, Malich nods. “Sit.”
Dax takes the seat across from him, but it seems as if he’s lost his tongue. Curious, Malich waits. “There is a force growing in the Deadlands. We received word of it several moons ago and I’ve dispatched several men to assess this new threat, but none of them have returned. The last I heard, this force was headed for the Redlands. There has been at least seven confirmed deaths…all suspicious, and all without witness.”
“So it is starting again,” Malich sighed. Dax nods in confirmation. “First the Seelie Court and now this. Do we know what it seeks?”
“No your highness, only that it wiped out the Seelie Court and has now turned its attention to the other courts. No court has remained impervious to suspicious deaths. The Summer Court however has the least casualties.”
“It appears we are in need of those who wield gifts.”
“Perhaps Arya-”
“Do not finish that statement,” Malich pinned him to where he stood. “I will not put her life in danger.”
“But her gifts…”
In a deep tone, fitting of someone as powerful as he, Malich extinguished the thought rising in Dax’s throat. “I said no.” The venom in his eyes left no room for debate, earning a deep sigh from his lieutenant.
“Speak nothing of this, only to me. Are we clear?”
“Indeed,” Dax inclined his head before exiting the room.
“Also, summon me an assistant. Arya has finally accepted my proposal and I’d like to start the preparations before she has time to come to her senses.”
“Perhaps you might consider coming to yours,” Dax had the audacity to speak to him in such a manner. “This desire you have for her, it has impaired your judgment. I’m not saying this to question you Majii, father, your highness. I say this out of worry that in your pursuit of her, you might lose yourself…your focus.”
“That is where you are wrong my dear friend. It is true, I bend to her feminine wiles, but I am not the only one doing the bending. You see, she bends to my will, my touch…my cock. I say that not with arrogance or as a conqueror, but with absolution. She bends because I bend. We bend together. She wanted a life as an assassin and I offered her the life of a queen. Give and take she and I. We conquer and concede together. She bends without offering me her power and I take, accepting nothing but that which she wishes to give, offering none of my power in exchange. We are the same, she and I. Thatis why we work, that is why thisworks.”
“She is a daemon your highness and you are Prime Fae. A child born to such a pairing would be an abomination.”
“Then perhaps it’s a good thing my love is not interested in procreation.”
“She is but a child herself and you-”
“Yet another statement I would not finish.” A carefully veiled threat that hit its mark. “You are like a son to me, and its because of that relationship that I will not have your tongue separated from your person, but do not ever presume to speak to me in such a manor again or I will have that girl, my beloved, exact her revenge for all of those savage beatings at your hands.”
“Beating youcommanded.”
“Beatings I’ve atoned for and you have not.”
A pained expression spread on Dax’s face. He nodded to Malich as a son would to a father who’d just scolded him and exited the room.
Aggravated, Malich had half a mind to demote him, but Dax was invaluable to him. It’s the only reason he still breathed. He too was a finely tuned weapon Malich liked to wield as he wished. His kingdom and everything he built hinged on it.
“All work and no play makes his royal highness a dull boy,” her voice filled the room. It aroused him like silk on bare skin. Malich slid his eyes to the doorway. Arya was clad in her red alumni leathers and armed to the teeth. He liked her that way. She cleaned her nails with her stiletto. Well, those she hadn’t outright chewed off. It’s one of his least favorite habits that she has.
“Once you become royalty you will be expected to behave as a proper lady.”
She scoffs, “I don’t have a proper bone in my body. You like it that way as I allow you to do so many wicked…nastythings to me,” she bit down on her bottom lip dragging it between her teeth. Her feral eyes wandered the length of Malich lingering on the particular organ she liked best.
“Is that all you wish from me?” He feigned indifference. “The organ hanging between my legs?”
“Is that all you have to offer?” She countered, sauntering over to him and placing herself on his lap, straddling him in his chair.
Malich wanted more for them, more than mere moments between the sheets. He wanted all of her and to give her all of him in return. His kingdoms, his wealth, and his lineage…he wanted it all to mean something. He wanted it to mean everlasting happiness and that they would rule side-by-side for all of eternity, their love never wavering. Prime Fae and his Prime Lady.
“Is something wrong?” Arya asks noticing the pensive look on his face, a worried expression spread across her own.
“I’ve told you I love you more times than I can count on all of the hands within the planes and you’ve yet to say it back,” he pinned her with a soft gaze. “And I’m not talking about the way a child would love a parent or a friend would love a friend. I’m speaking of the way a man would love a woman and she would love him back in return.”
Carefully she replied, “Before I utter those three words to any man I want to be sure he’s worthy of them. Just because we share a bed does not mean I must love you. What if you are unlovable?What if you’re an abuser of love and all that comes with it? A girl must guard her heart against such threats, both known and unknown.”
“Why accept my proposal if you do not love me?”
“Who says I don’t?”
“I’m in no mood for your games little phoenix. Either you do or you don’t. Out with it.”
Slowly removing her clothing, her eyes locked on his, she purred, “Command my tongue and I will speak lies.” Her full, perky, bare breasts presented themselves as she removed her shirt. “Command my will and I will rebel. It’s in my nature.” She whispered into his ears, sliding her tongue along his lobe. “Command my heart and you will find it absent of feeling.” She rocked her hips against the hardness of him. “Command nothing of me…and I will lay allat your feet.”
Eyes shut, savoring the way she feels he breathed, “You’re a godsdamned daemon.”
“On the contrary,” Arya swept her tongue over Malich’s, reveling in his taste. She unfastened his pants and then removed her own. If only he knew how much meaning he had in her life. “I am not a daemon, I devour daemons for a living.”
As she sank onto the hardness of him he gasped, “Oh Gods.”