The bell ringing, for these five, what would be the final time of the year. A clock ticking, the final time of the year for them as well. A conference room, tables off to the side and desks put in their place across the room, a window taking up most of one wall, upwards of twenty-two students within this room. The DreamScapers in the corner talking, then the rest scattered around laughing and discussing.600Please respect copyright.PENANAWKnnHiY4Vz
A sign at the front of the room, ‘Special Testing: TODAY!!’ it read.
“Man, can you believe it?”
“I know, Ms. Galakin got us into the Special Program to take this thing early.”
“Oh I wasn’t talking about that Sam, I was talking about her enrolling us in their academy this winter. That’s awesome!”
“Do you think we can actually unlock some form of new power?”
“Who knows, we were granted our powers by Ms. Galakin so anything is possible.”
“Good because we focus too heavily on hand to hand combat. Against guys like that Goblin King we need something else if we can’t punch them harder.”
“Punch them harder, really? Monte, I hope that’s all you unlock, I will laugh.”
“Shut up Derrick, haha. If I can one shot the Goblin King with a single punch, I’d be good.”
“Right? Haha!”
The door opening, an older lady walking in standing at the front, turning to face the students, glancing around, and then a cough, “Ahem… students, take your seats wherever you’d like please.”
Scrambling, all would comply and be seated.
“Now, you’ve all been enrolled into this Test Out Early Examination, known as the T.O.E.E., because the school thinks you are both ready and have to be graduated early. I however could care less. I am here to simply pass and or fail you. Yes, I realize I said pass and or fail you, and that’s because I can do both. Now, take up your pencils and be ready as I pass this out.”
Papers being handed out, the teacher walking by, several pages in thickness as for about a minute she moves around before taking up the front, “Now, you’ll all have two hours to take the exam. Succeed… and well, you won’t have to return until next year for school. If you have any questions, don’t bother asking, I’m not here to help. Now, I suggest you get to-”
Screaming heard, the glass shattering to the room, the instructor falling over with a few of the desks flopping, shock filling everyones faces and with a slight glance towards the window, a pack of Imps, laughing and floating, flying in with their pitchforks.
Two bat wings black in color flexed up and two smaller ones flexing down, four arms spreading out dark red in color with claws showing, black lines spread round, and two massive horns growing upwards with long white hair flying round wildly red eyes with green pupils staring back at the kids, “RAAAAAAA!!!!!!!”
“Imp King!” came the shout of Dilan.
“What? No way!”
Snickering, thirty-three Imps flying right in at the five all standing now, Amber unleashing a sonic shriek at the window impacting many of them and the Imp King, blowing all of them out as the students quickly flew out of the room through the doors. Amber’s shriek stopping with Derrick and Monte flying outside. The Imps, slowly rising back up, only to receive a kick from Monte and a punch from Derrick, yowling as they’d launch back.
Yelling, they’d be launched back crashing, one by one being beat by the DreamScapers, though just as the Imp King himself stood, he’d be slammed by a desk sending him flying back with other tables and desks crashing into the Imps taking them out. In the blink of an eye, several of the Imps would be quick to attack their own, their eyes glowing red with Dilan’s.
Derrick rushing, quickly punching away at and kicking Imp King, several shots with the King’s wings deflecting most of the strikes, then a single knee to the gut sending him flying, followed next by another desk and a wail slamming into him, throwing him through a glass window into a shed, “BAHHH!!!” came his yell, the shed collapsing right atop him.
“Did we get him?”
“HRAAA!!!” came the yell, the shed blowing apart, the Imp King hovering in the air, eyes glowing.
“That answer your question?”
Lightning flying out, surprising all only to then take a step back, Amber taking a step forward shrieking, the lightning flying right back and slamming into Imp King, his yell audible and then his form launching back, crashing into the ruble, groaning.
“We got him!”
“I doubt it, he’s probably not done.”
“Except I think that’s more than enough,” came a voice, one very familiar to them, the voice of the instructor stepping forward, “Well done. From the report I received, last time you couldn’t even touch his second form and yet, here you are, able to take him like it’s nothing.”
“Your report? Who are you??”
“I am an Agent of ONUS. The true purpose of today was to test you against a foe you had already lost to to see how far you’ve come. We released the Imp King with orders. If he attacked you and was able to help this test along, we’d shave time off his sentence. I am pleased to announce you all passed.”
“But what about the test?”600Please respect copyright.PENANAkilqGqS60X
“Test? Ha, our bosses already paid off the school and told them it was a government issue. You all are now moving on to your Junior Year of highschool next year. And I am pleased to say that starting next week Monday, you’ll be brought to our own academy to receive special training to prepare you for anything to come. Congratulations, I didn’t think it’d be so easy for you.”
“This is awesome!!”
“Yeah, good job kids,” came the mutter of the Imp King hovering now back in his first form, “Ugh… I don’t want to fight them again.”
“Not to worry EdgeLord Zaraka. My attack on them was a test of sorts to see how I could proceed. Now I’m pleased I have my ticket,” came his chuckle, a glowing green orb in hand with a yellow core, “It’s time for those DreamScapers to see what true power really is, I guarantee success for there will be no way they can stop me at their current levels. They and ONUS will fall before my true power as this is merely the beginning... count on it!”
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