Valhalla slowly descends to Mount Olympus which gives them time to talk " You got the Gjallarhorn? " Chara asked " Yeah obviously " Everyone stared at Zhack .
" Whaaaatt ? As an adventurer I have to be thrifty with my things why do you think I made my own spatial storage and made my own fighting style "
" I'm just worried about what Petra has to deal with later on " " It won't be a problem right ? " Ikuta looked at them " Other than Harkness everyone here will be interviewed like crazy "
" Nobody interviewed me " " because you were with me , Petra said the reason nobody bothers me is because she made it so but I don't know how "
" Then I'll just stay with you " Zhack said ' I'll even meet Ratatoskr ' " Then I will too " Chara said " You will need some help to tend to a world tree " " Then I will leave as soon as we arrive at Midgard " Harkness said .
Petra looked at the rainbow and watched Valhalla come down " Huh ? " She was surprised to see a building and the Bifrost carrying it " What ? " Petra gets a call and hears " Petra I found the Saintess Chara and the adventurer Zhack at Valhalla " she was very surprised to hear something like that .
Before anyone knew it cameras were flashing all over Zhack and Chara " Miss saintess what happened during Ragnarok ? " " Who was the victor ? " " Exactly what happened in Mount Olympus " " Who killed you sir adventurer " Zhack who was very used to the attention was doing well minus the cameras .
Chara was annoyed by the noise because she always had some filtering out any of her guest " One at a time " the reporters went silent and Chara picked someone " what is that building that stood on the Bifrost ? " " It is Valhalla " " Why did you bring Valhalla from Asgard ? "
" You what's your question ? " " Who was the one who made the Bifrost ? " " Currently Ikuta repaired the broken Bifrost and you're next " " Is Asgard still accessible ? " " No without the Bifrost you won't be able to get there " Chara kept answering their questions and finally returned to the rude one .
" So what's your question " the reporter was ashamed about their behaviour awhile ago and asked " Why did you bring Valhalla here ? " Everyone was silent to hear it " Because there is a threat that tried to possess it , it's why Eikthyrnir and Heidrun had to hide at Asgard "
" Oh , no wonder it was so hard to catch them " Zhack said while Chara ignored him and continued " Valhalla could be useful to them After all the threat can take advantage of souls " " How would the unnamed threat be able to do that ? "
" It is just very possible , but there is little to worry about it , I have spoken with the Norns about the potential loss during Ragnarok so there are already some precautions that were taken and the protection of realms was part of those and Midgard is one of the lucky ones to have its protection "
" Miss what about the threat you identified can you tell us more ? " " Afraid not all I can tell you is that you have to prepare for them " " Then Sir Zhack can you tell us anything ? " " Nope " Zhack followed Chara and they met up with Stork and Ikuta .
" That was a terrible performance by the way Zhack " " Hey not my fault I showed everyone everything I discovered" " What about the things you stole ? " Chara asked " That is another story "
" How many treasures did you find at Asgard " Stork and Ikuta remembered that Zhack did take a suspiciously long time to find EIkthyrnir and Heidrun before he returned " Zhack there is always the offer of being chased by ladies if you don't confess " Stork said .
Zhack opened his spatial storage and they were amazed to see everything " I knew it " Chara said " It's okay it's better this way than the otherworlders getting it "
Ikuta said trying to defend Zhack ' Have you thought of how you can take care of Richard He already found a bigger vessel for the mimic other than some badly built scraps "
' I'll think about it Harkness " Ikuta turns to Chara " Chara do you know how to untangle black mana " " Why are you asking that ? " " Well it could be useful when we encounter whoever had the black book "
" Oh I remember that artifact " ' Everyone does not acknowledge the dark figure that's coming " The denier simply waltzed in " Oh look almost all of the family is here , your oldest sister should still be on the moon right now , impressive how she was able to build that giant contraption "
" The black book was something made by a master black mage however they were trapped inside it by their disciple along with the rest of the cult , this disciple was able to use the trap souls to learn knowledge , they had a very strong mind to resist the noises "
" Just like the Lich , that guy was so annoying to kill man good thing he doesn't have the book " Zhack laughed and talked ' He doesn't right ? "
" You can talk about the Lich later for now I believe that with all the corpse that probably weren't burned by the sacred flame to preserve a gods' dignity then there might be people who found them it would be much worse if these people were black mages "
Their parent left and when Ikuta gave the signal they heaved a sigh of relief " Dang I saw dad last time and I see him again I guess he really can't tell that I can see him " " So you think someone has the black book ? "
Ikuta nodded and Chara was worried " While I'm confident of untangling black mana myself , I'm not sure about you with untangling black mana , in the first place the white mana is different from black mana " " Vedrfolnir did say it was like putting my hand in a box of blades "
Chara creates an example " Then let me try and teach you , see when you use white mana you have to be gentle with it , make sure it doesn't break , I have some experience in black mana "
A strand of black was shown " The thing you can do about black mana is to be gentle just like white mana , and while both can be handled similarly they're not the same "
Two tangled yarns were formed one was white and the other was black " Unlike black mana if you were to pull the ends of a tangled mess of white mana " the white tangled yarn easily break apart " Meanwhile for black mana " The black tangled yarn starts to expand making it much tighter .
" It's like you are subjecting the souls that make this black mana to more pain , white mana breaks easily because it's the opposite in nature , it's like a child who will cry when they fall for the first time , of course , there are some white mana that are more durable but the same applies to black mana "
" What if someone can tie all these black mana together then ? " " It would be a great one but it could still tangle up if you don't keep them together because if you don't give them some space they will likely expand " Ikuta draws with dark mana showing a think rope " Is that what it's supposed to look like ? " Chara asked .
' Yes but the black mana are individual strands derived from different souls " Harkness explained " Sounds like there is supposed to be something that spins it ? like a spinning wheel to cotton ? " Ikuta nodded " Then you'll have to be careful about who is using the spinning wheel . "
' You know who don't you ? " Chara asked through their soul link ' Yeah we had someone cover for Ikuta's first encounter with the dark cult , our parent knew that someone was controlling it but didn't know who "
' How did this occur ? " ' Mother wanted to fish out all the black cults but as for the reason I'm not entirely sure " ' I can see that taking care of their movements is difficult ? " ' Not exactly we managed to stop the Lich Richard by making him aware of the speed of today's information technology "
" So I just have to unwind the spinning wheel so that the black mana that made the rope " Ikuta asked " I guess that could work unless of course , someone tries to tangle it which isn't hard considering the normal implications of tangling up a normal ball of yarn "
They hear a knock and Zhack quickly gets Mjolnir " Young master ? " " Oh Petra come in " " We have dealt with all the lawsuits about Mount Olympus however the media still has a lot of question about you but we can ignore that " " Okay I will "
Petra looked at the other three and tried her best to avoid thinking about them " Is there anything that you need young master ? " " Dinner a lot of it "
" Wow this era's food is so tasty " Zhack said eating as much as he can while also learning from Ikuta " You are eating a lot won't you get fat " " Oh it'll be fine even if you have the abyss in you I have my own spatial storage "
Ikuta could hear the escorts having trouble keeping the reporters away " There is quite a crowd outside " Chara explained " Do you also use something to store all the lifeforce ? "
Zhack asked seeing the plates that were stacked beside her " There is the grass from Folkvangr's fields that I just recently formed a connection to my body it's a very delicate process but they will grow with the connection "
" You guys are lucky to eat I have been suffering every mealtime with this guy and seeing the most visually tasty meals of all time " Stork complained . Ikuta watched the outside people doing their best to push security who were defending them .
" I'm done eating I'll go out to exercise " " No stop if you do that you'll be chased and probably like one of those action movies " Ikuta said " What's a movie ? " Ikuta sighed " Stork it's your turn " " What !? Me again ? "
" I did hear you knew Zhack before your deaths " Chara said " Also I think it will be a problem when we have Valhalla here " " What do you mean ? " " Richard might try to get the souls , There are a lot of souls there " ' Everyone someone is coming "
A spell circle appears along with Estrea " Hello , Ikuta I believe it's been a while ? " " Estrea " " ESTREA ? " Zhack quickly turned to lightning to escape but Estrea stopped him " Now now dear Zhack you shouldn't escape like this "
" Ikuta help me from this crazy woman " Estrea hugged Zhack disabling his movement " You are still soft and fluffy and cute like I remembered , Ikuta I must thank you for being able to help me see this cutie again " Estrea was so happy to see Zhack .
" Miss sage are you just here for Zhack ? " " Not entirely I was coming here for official business " " Then make it stay like that " Zhack's electricity allowed his body to move away from Estrea and hide behind Chara .
" What is it then ? " Estrea sighed " It's about Valhalla with that many souls it would be a great target for the black book's owner , I would like your cooperation , even though I was the one who sold the project to you " " You owned mount olympus ? " Ikuta asked .
" Yes I invented a couple of things to get it so that I could get it to calm down and finally bring Zhack back " Zhack shivers when he hears about Estrea's obsession with him .
" So when I heard you wanted it I gave it all up with a reasonable price but now I'd like you to help me after you bought a very good bait down here " Estrea cleared her throat to get to the official business .
" So we disocvered a lot of things when we followed your suggestion about searching for the mimic , We found one worker who recently disappeared the same day as the mimic and found that the black cults have been communicating we caught up with the recent news and found there is a new leader who had the black book "
" Yeah you got your guy can you leave now " " Oh Zhack you're constant rejection hurts me and the other ladies " Estrea said with some tears in her eyes " But the problem is he properly maintained his sanity and we found the covers of the black book along with the seal "
" Oh no " Ikuta acted his gasp " And he even found the world serpent which I have to say would be dangerous because the leader Richard is bringing the skeleton and used the mimic for the flesh , he has quite the grasp over the mimic makes me wonder what kind of methods he is using and I'm sure "
Estrea pointed at Chara " You , will help after all Valhalla is being targeted " " of course I will " ' it would be the perfect chance to see if Lodurr is around here , he is supposed to be a good father '
" And you Ikuta ? I'm sure I asked for your help before " " I'll try to help " " good good but be careful and make sure to use that artifact of yours and can I have Zhack ? "
" HEL NO " Zhack yelled behind Chara " What you prefer this woman over me ? " " No I'm hiding behind her because I know she wouldn't do what you are planning "
Ikuta grabbed Stork and headed out " Ikuta , how did you find the saintess and adventurer ? " " Did it involve Valhalla ? " the media failed to get anything from Ikuta with security holding strong against the reporters .
Ikuta arrives at his private luxury suite with Eikthyrnir and Heidrun " Stork can you help figure out this thing " Ikuta holds out the hourglass " Why ? " " I did try creating an opposite of paradise using knowledge from the cult I controlled it's a little bad so it's based a lot on white magic in paradise "
" Okay I'll help " Ikuta starts the artifact showing the runes " Yeah I can see it the runes for white magic are very ancient compared to the black magic " " I know it's based on the clerk's games but I'm trying to understand how to reverse the black mana into souls "
" This one derives white mana from souls and even your own black magic is based off that " " I have very little to work " Ikuta said and looked at Eikthyrnir and Heidrun .
" Oh I forgot you need some food I'll get Laerad for you " Ikuta was hit with a loud message in his head ' Ikuta I did it I was able to make flowers now we can get plenty of ambrosia !!! "
Ikuta rubbed his head ' Sorry I should've been quieter " ' It's okay I'll just sleep early tonight " the next morning Ikuta woke up and looked at mount Olympus with much better security watching it " Oh yeah Valhalla is supposed to be bait " Ikuta checked his phone to see that Petra left some message .
Ikuta sends her a message for his breakfast and gets ready . He went to eat and Petra updated him on what happened " Did Estrea bring more people " " Yes she believes that Richard who is planning to attack is going to bring an army "
' you're awake I should be telling you that Richard is already setting a plan in motion " " Where is everyone else ? " " They are at the front line , young master . "
' Harkness can you let me see what Richard is doing right now ? " ' yeah why ? " ' I want to see if I can get information for you it would be useful "
Harkness connected him to the eye and Ikuta gathered information his head was crammed again and he found a lot of bad things ' What did you find " Ikuta looked through the information and told Harkness .
' It seems quite a lot of souls right " ' Yeah all the souls are keeping me from seeing Richard so I only got the idea of the atrocities of the black mages inside it "
' Can you unfreeze the storm ? " Zhack asked out of nowhere ' yeah do you need it now ? " ' No just do it to trap the lich " ' I'm confused why ? " ' come to Valhalla and we'll explain " ... Ikuta looked at the Bifrost still carrying Valhalla like a stool .
" so you want to fight Jormungandr while I have to fight the lich and Chara fights the army ? " " Yeah it sounds like a good plan isn't it ? " Stork said " That could work but why do we trap Richard with Valhalla ? "
" Don't worry we already have Chara make this " Zhack hit the shield with Mjolnir which didn't shake at all " That is a very strong shield " " Nothing Richard can get " Zhack said confidently while Ikuta wondered about the defender now that the saintess was found .
' Harkness said she tried to remove it but it's not enough ' he wondered why the defender has so much of their parent's powers on him " So I have to fight Richard ? " " Yep you can fight with Stork but the sword he is inside isn't really very useful against souls but yours is "
Ikuta showed the sword and wondered if he should be able to use all of it . He looks at Valhalla " What is this made of ? " " The same material as your sword before it was called a different name like the vessel steel but after the abyss appeared it was given the name abyss ore cause of the appearance of the abyss "
" What a weird name " " Oh that's just the translation they had a different language in a much older past which is our siblings " Zhack thinks about the alchemist and the core " What do you think they would be like ? "
" EVERYONE MAN YOUR STATIONS THE SEA IS RISING " at the distance the ocean grew and a giant skull with pulsing flesh made of black mana inside the bones surfaced from the water " Wohahow " Zhack was excited seeing it and Ikuta and Stork looked at it .
" Dang Jormungandr wasn't kidding about the size " Stork said " You know him ? " " Yep you gotta make a lot of connections to meet all of them at the underworld though " " I'M HEADING TO BATTLE " Zhack sparked his body with a smile and dashed out of Mount Olympus .
Ikuta looked at a figure coming out of an eye socket with some dark souls that flew around him ' That's Richard ' Richard looked at Valhalla happy to see souls he could take while Ikuta finally got a clear understanding of his powers .
' Hades " " Be careful anyone who doesn't have spiritual sense shouldn't be able to see those souls " " That's why the black book is so dangerous " Estrea started the magic to hold Jormungandr back while Ikuta prepared to fight " Wait you're just gonna leave me here ? " Stork asked .
Ikuta brings Gungnir out at prepares to fight Richard ' I wonder if he has his old bones ' Richard looked at Ikuta and was confused to see it remembering how he dealt with Faulks he knew what kind of person he was dealing with ' I may as well get Paradise from him if he still has it '
' So he's the one who made paradise how did Faulks get it then ? ' just as he was about to learn from Odin's eye a soul got in the way giving him another information instead the souls surrounded Richard now that he got the information he needed ' I really have to fight him ' he clenched his weapons yet despite Zhack showing how strong the shield is he didn't trust it .
' Black magic is already dangerous on its own and it's even worse now that we know he's an otherworlder who managed to use his gifts properly '
Richard smiled looking at Valhalla and felt the skull he was standing on shake . The giant animated serpent hit a barrier " an easy fix " Richard jumped down and forced the souls to cooperate .
They wrapped around him without getting too close and melted the barrier with black mana surprising Estrea and Chara ' Ikuta , you must ensure Richard gets caught in that storm . " Ikuta knew what other precautions he had to prepare and Richard looked for Mount Olympus and mapped out his route .
The serpent driven by one single grudge smashed through the hole swinging its skull and breaking it with the black mana that fell out of its eyes " It's like the real Jormungandr " Chara complained and Zhack flings Mjolnir at the skull like how it was hit during ragnarok .
" Over here you oversized snake " the bones of Jormungandr were reminded of the force that killed them and tried to roar but with the mimic controlling the flesh it threw a fleshy appendage for a tongue at Zhack .
Mjolnir removes itself and Zhack jumps away allowing the makeshift tongue to hit the ground and be pierced by Mjolnir " Gross " He takes it out and looks at the bones and the Mimic " Time to die "
Zhack sparked himself again while Richard bypassed all the guards . Chara protects them with a spell while raining arrows at him but he uses the dead souls' hands to seize them .
The dirty and starved-looking hands burn holding the arrows and Chara focused on protecting the guards knowing what hurting them would do .
' Ikuta I must warn you that you will have a hard time with Richard " ' Yeah it's about the pain I might give the souls right ? " ' Yep " ' Don't worry I can at least stop Richard from getting the souls of Valhalla "
Ikuta watched Richard get even closer he got his sword from Niflheim and tapped the ice ' I'll make sure to get their souls ' from the foot of the mountain the frost started to gather up losing its hold on the elements of the ground .
Richard sees this and blasts himself towards Ikuta knowing how hard it is going to be to pass the storm . Chara slows Richard down by forming barriers but he uses the souls to move away from the barrage .
The storm starts to break free from the lack of Niflheim frost keeping it in place and breaking it . With the foundation gone it was only time for the rest to break , Ikuta took enough Niflheim frost from each speck of mana to let them crack and take Niflheim's ice mana to create a bigger storm .
Richard was being pestered by Chara's constant obstacles and the mimic was still fighting Zhack who tried to protect any soldier " Seriously ? " many of the soldiers wondered how they would even be useful and Estrea used a spell to warn them .
" Be careful there are more than just them " At the sea some skeletons rosed and they quickly went to take care of them ' I predicted that there would be black mages but this was different , using necromancy and controlling them , why waste so much for that ? '
Richard was glad to see that many people were fighting while Estrea was trying to see what Richard had planned in bringing so many corpses to fight " Usually when this kind of thing appears "
Zhack looked at the Mimic " You are responsible " Chara was also trying to figure out what Richard's plan was while the storm on Mount Olympus was getting stronger and more violent . Ikuta looks at Richard and sees who he has that is allowing him to fight against the storm .
' Loki now known as Lodurr ' he was able to get a better glimpse at Lodurr and Richard before the storm took them . He looked at where they were taken and watched the storm grow darker . He gathered all the darkness with Harkness's umbrella .
He set fire to Valhalla and obtained the Bifrost end pieces as well as the prism and the light " Ikuta are you ready ? " " I'm not sure I'm kinda worried about what I'm looking at " Ikuta could still see Lodurr transform back from a small object and Richard struggle at the storm with the souls .
" All those souls are keeping me from learning more about Richard I don't even know why he bought so many corpses to fight " " You think it has to do with his black magic ? I'm sure you don't need to think about it Chara will untangle the god remains in case Richard messed up his spinning wheel "
Ikuta watched Richard lose his grip over the souls and Lodurr getting closer to leaving the storm " About Odin's oath with Loki " " Don't worry about that , Lodurr can't force you to drink Mead and you won't have to worry about the Oath it only applies to Odin himself not his body parts "
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