Van's sobs begin to die down, just as Zenia enters the room. "Hello hello! We'll take you two in a train to go to the Capitol!!" Van wipes his tears on his sleeve and we stand up. I flatten my lilac dress and we follow Zenia to the train entrance. Van trembles, and trips at the entrance. "Oh!" Zenia exclaims. "Are you alright deary?"
"I-I'm fine." Van stammers.
I help him up and see him blush in embarrassment. We walk over to a table where I see Serena Diaz sitting. The table is covered with delicious food that I've never seen before in my life. My stomach growls as I stare at the yams, soups, pork roasts, brioche breads, roasted greens, lobster, tarts, and pies. I take a seat and help myself to brioche and some yams. I see a box of cigarettes sitting on the table, close to Serena. I see her outstretched hand reaching for it. Suddenly, Van swats the box off the table, and the cigarettes fly across the floor. Serena's face reddens with rage. "I do believe you're supposed to be coaching us, not smoking." he snaps.
Serena glares at him through her thick eye makeup. "Its none of your business what I do. You can't and won't control me."
"Yes, Serena," I say, siding with Van, like I always do. "I also believe you are supposed to be training us for the Games."
Serena stands up, followed by Van and I. She slaps Van across the face. In Van's defense, I punch Serena's jaw. She gasps in pain. "Were two fighters reaped this year?" she asks. Van and I nod in unison. She clasps a hand onto my shoulder and drags me from the room. I see a black and blue bruise forming on her jaw line. She closes a door and looks at me. "I like you."
"Obviously, you announced that to the entire district not long ago."
"You know why I like you?"
"You remind me of myself."
"How?" I ask out of curiosity.
"One- you volunteered. Two- you are a very defensive girl. Three- you're from the Seam."
"You volunteered as well?"
"In place of my sister. She died anyway." Serena says, ruthlessly.
I scan Serena up and down. She does look like someone from the Seam- except her skin is a pale peach, instead of the usual olive tone of Seam residents. Her eyes are grayish blue and her hair is curly and black. "You look more like someone for the merchant section rather than the Seam." I say.
"My father was from the merchant section and my mother grew up in the Seam." she says. "Are you good with any weapons?"
"Bows and knives." I answer, honestly.
"District 12 may break its 18 year losing streak." she says. "I'm betting on you."
"What about Van!? Are we just going to imagine that I didn't just sacrifice my life for him!? Sure, he's humble and modest but he deserves recognition!" I say, my voice uncontrollably rising to a shout.
"I haven't gotten to know hi-" Serena begins, but I angrily cut her off.
"You don't know anything about me either! You don't know the loss I've fought through! You don't know me Serena!" my voice is lethal, and I see her recoil. Good. If my mentor is afraid of me, that gives me hope for the Games.
"I know Haylynn, its just..." her voice trails off.
I walk back out to the table to eat with Van. I see Zenia watching us. "Everything okay?" she asks once Serena walks out.
"Yes! Perfectly fine!!" Serena and I lie in unison, in a fake cheerful voice.
I reach for a plate of lobster as Serena sits down. "Van," she says, ignoring my gaze. "Are you good with any weapons?"
"Slingshots." he answers through a mouthful of pork roast.
"Survival skills?"
"I'm quick," he says, in thought. "I can climb easily. Not as good as Haylynn thou-"
"DON'T mention me. Go on." I tell him, and bite into a yam.
Van flinches at the firmness of my voice, but continues. "I can identify safe plants and berries. I can prep food and..." he trails off, clearly deep in thought. "Outwit people!!"
"You're better than I thought!" Serena smiles. At those words, I shoot her a deadly glare. She sighs and rolls her eyes back at me. Now she was sending mixed signals- does she like me or does she not?
Zenia walks over to us. "Our plan is that when we get back, you will meet your stylists and get ready for the opening ceremony. Next, you'll have 3 days in the practice center. Then, you'll get your training scores. After that, you get to have your interviews. Then you're off to the arena!! We'll be soooo busy!! Oh, its soooo thrilling!" she says cheerfully.
I finish my food and look up at Zenia. "Who's my stylists?"
"Linah, Alisa, and Timo. Your head stylist is Aurelius. You'll love him!!" Zenia says.
"W-what about m-me?" Van asks, stuttering. His nervous state clearly returned. "W-who's m-my stylist?"
Zenia grins at him. "No need to be afraid, little one!" she exclaims. "Your head stylist is Emmelise. Her assistants are Lottie, Everleigh, and Alexandria. You got the girl group!"
Van nods, and I give him a hug, to try to soothe his anxiety. Our train comes to a halt. "We're at the Capitol!! It is absolutely STUNNING and BEAUTIFUL!! You will LOVE it!!" Zenia says, emphasizing her words.
Van smiles, and we stand up. I release my grip around him, and we walk toward the exit. I turn to see Serena picking up the cigarettes. I walk back to her and help her pick them up. She looks at me. "I'm sorry I screamed at you." I say quietly. She looks at me and bites her lip.
"I don't blame you. I was being foolish." Serena whispers back. She rubs her bruise and tucks the box into her pocket. We walk out of the train, following Serena and Zenia. My stomach somersaults just as it had earlier this morning. I realize only six hours ago, I had been cheerfully hunting with my father.
Time goes by way too fast.