I rouse early the next morning, earlier than the day before. It was my final day to impress Selena. Was allying with her really a good idea though? Is it okay for me to put my trust into her? She is-was- a Career anyway. Uneasy thoughts flood my mind as I enter the training center. I need to look as good as I can. I am regretting all of this, terribly. Too late now, I already made my decision. I'm the first one there, as always.
A few hours later, at last Selena enters the training center. I hop between archery, throwing knives, knots, berries, plants, and climbing every few minutes to show her all my skills. Was she impressed? I doubt it. If she was, she hid it well.
As the evening looms, the upcoming Games begin to haunt me. Tomorrow was training scores. And then, the interviews. Finally, the games. I shudder. But as I told Lionel a few days before, I'm not afraid of the Games. I'll die anyway, even if I do win. Being a victor doesn't grant me immortality. I leave for dinner later than usual, getting unnecessary extra practice. I sit at the table, and help myself to some mashed potatoes. "Are you ready for your training scores tomorrow?" Zenia asks, in her typical high-pitched voice.
I cough, and when I speak, my voice is scratchy and barely audible. "Yes. Sorry, frog in my throat." I clear my throat and take a sip of water. Its just then when I realize it was my first drink of water of the day.
Zenia smiles. "For the interview, Aurelius has created the best dress. If you haven't blown them away already dearie, you have now!"
"Its," I sternly correct her. "Haylynn!!"
"Sorry dear- Haylynn, I know tributes usually prefer dearie over their real name. Keeps them in reality, I suppose." she says. Her words make no sense, but I fall silent except for the sounds of chewing and swallowing.
Aurelius looks up from his pork. "Well, Panem loved your chariot outfit. So... we're sticking with the burning sensation you've become."
"No clue what that means. But sounds good." I say.
Zenia's eyes dart from Van, back to me. "Tomorrow you will receive your training scores! And then the following day you get have four hours with me for performance and four hours with Selena for content to prep for the interviews!" Selena looks up from her green beans.
"I'll have such a field day with you." Selena points at me with her finger, her long magenta nail poking at me.
"Oh yes. What fun." I say sarcastically through a mouthful of brioche.
"Well if someone wouldn't be so stubb-" Selena begins to argue, before Aurelius's deep voice interrupts her.
"Just eat girls, will you?" I smirk at Selena before sinking back into my chair and helping myself to a jam doughnut.
I am awakened early the next morning by Zenia rapping on my door. She bursts in. "Up, up, up!! Busy day! Training scores!!" I nod groggily, and yawn. I look at my calendar, and realize I only have three more days of freedom. And they'll be an agonizing three days.
I dress in my training clothes once again, and eat a small breakfast. I know I'll need to load myself with food and water the day before the Games begin, to get myself a bit of a head start. As I bite into my strawberry, I wonder what I'll do to get my training score. Archery is my specialty, so perhaps I'll do that. Yes, I'll shoot some targets down. Or is that too boring? I need to impress them. I tend to think best on my feet, so I'll wait for my turn in the center to decide.
I walk into my room. District 1 was in the training center. It should be a few hours until its my turn. I sit on my bed and replay images of the past Games in my mind. I remember four years ago, when the male from District 4 won. It was down to the female and the male. The female sacrificed herself to the tiger mutts to let the male win. Will I do that for Van? Do I love him that much? I shake the thoughts out of my head. District 2 has won for the past three years. I think back to Selena's words, "I think we're breaking District 12's 18 year losing streak. I'm betting on you." Now that she knows me better, is she still really betting on me?
My eyes flutter shut. My lack of sleep the past few nights had finally gotten to me. I rest for what seems like for only a few minutes, but it must be a long time because Selena stomps into my room, shouting at me to get up. "Get up!! Its your turn, if you don't get up, you're going to be late!"
"Okay, okay, calm it down!" I slip on my shoes and sprint out to the training center. Its past 4 o'clock. I see the Gamemakers digging into their dinner. I lift up the bow, and pull back on the arrow. I release my grip on the arrow and it sticks into the target. I look up at the Gamemakers. They are chatting and laughing with one another. I clear my throat. They don't hear me. So, I load my bow and aim for the tip of a woman's beret. I hit it, and the hat is pinned to the wall.
Champagne and juices are spilled, the liquids pouring over the table, staining clothes and the perfectly snow white carpet. The head Gamemaker, Caeso, turns to glare at me. The woman whose hat I skewered looks shocked. They want drama, don't they? They want to be entertained, don't they?
I smile. "Good day." I return the bow to the rack and walk out of the center.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.