"Van?" I hurry, and rip the deer hide from the person, and I see Van's hazel eyes boring into mine. I embrace him, and he hugs back. I tousle my hand through his hair, and we sink back down into the shrub. Van had dug through the earth, and there is a hole beside the roots of the massive shrub. Its now I realize the navy blue berries aren't elderberry, rather blackberries. Its dark and cool, deep down into the earth. I look at Van. "I've missed you." I say.
"I have too." he responds.
"I'm sorry I didn't come for you." I apologize sincerely. Van just smiles, and strokes the top of my hand. He wears a small pack on his back, which I assume to hold very little. "Are you okay? Hungry? Hurt? Thirsty?"
"Sick. I have a fever." I plant my palm on his forehead, dripping with sweat. Its burning to the touch, and I pour a bottle of water onto his head to cool him down. "Don't waste your water on me!"
"Is there water nearby?" I ask him.
"A pond." he says simply.
"Lets take you there to wash you off." I instruct. I lift him up, and see beneath him is another piece of deer hide, struck with dirt from the earth. I help him walk toward the pond, which is a mere five minute trip away.
He hands me his pack. "Inside is another set of clothing." he says. I nod, and pull out crackers, half a can of oats, a pack of dried fruits, a freshly filled water skin, a small shovel, a small, dull knife, two small bowls, and finally find pants, a long sleeve shirt, and three pairs of socks.
He begins to undress, and I help him dive into the blissfully cool water. He sits and soaks for a bit, and I occasionally splash his face with one of my water bottle. After a bit, he dresses into his spare set of clothes while I wash his old ones. Once he's dried and dressed, I fill up the bottles and we return to his bush. I pluck a few blackberries and pop them into my nearly empty bag of berries from Eleven.
"Want to eat? I have a ton of food. I need to go on a hunt soon though." I tell him.
"Not hungry." he pushes away the rolls, potatoes, sweet potatoes, berries, and broccoli I show him.
"Please, Van, eat something! When's the last time you've eaten?" I ask.
Van thinks. "Three nights."
I audibly gasp. "Any other... things?"
"I'm always tired, even when I slept all day." he says. These words tell me how badly ill he is.
"You need to eat." I push two rolls upon him.
"I don't want to!" he exclaims.
"Please. You need to eat or else you'll get even sicker than you are now!" He finally gives in, taking small, baby bites of the rolls, but once he finishes, he admits to hunger. "I never really felt hungry, so I never ate. I guess food filling my stomach triggered it." He eats another roll, and we share a potato After, we munch on his can of oats and the plastic roll of crackers.
Once the sound of the anthem bores into me, I crawl from the hole, seeing who died. Only one- Gunner. I got to see that. Gruesome. I wish I never saw that.
I return to the hole, the hole dappled with light from the Capitol seal. Van is curled up in his deer hide, shivering in the cold. I pull out the sleeping bag. He lights up, and I zip him in. "I'll stand guard. I have some things to do anyway." I say. He nods, and rolls over.
I leave the hole again, and start a fire. Its a small one, the flames barely more than sparks. I set up a snare, before glancing over to the opening of the forest. Do I dare to leave Van to hunt? Yes.
I rise from the flames, and slowly stalk into the forest. No one is out there to harm us now. There's barely a handful of us, probably scattered far and thin in the arena. But if someone comes to harm Van, I'll viciously attack.
I manage to shoot down a groosling, and when I return to my campfire, I see a rabbit, its body entangled in the rope. I cut him out, and slit his throat to ensure his death. I begin to cook the meat over the fire, watching the stars, the clouds passing and blocking the moon's light.
After the groosling and rabbit is cooked, I situate it in the pack. The pack of food, Jasmyne's old pack. Its now I realize its blue, and almost shimmers in the light. It needs camouflaged. I dig my nails and fingers into the soft, sodden earth in the hole, pulling out a handful of dirt. I dump it in one of Van's bowls. It barely covers the bottom of the bamboo bowl, so I scoop out some more. I pour in a bit of water, and mash my fingers into the dirt, mixing my concoction together.
I blow out the sparks of my fire, and smash the coals with the blade of my knife. I spread it over the pack. I lather on mud, covering every inch of blue, before propping it up to dry. I look up at the sky, the full moon glowing, illuminating our camp.
The Games are surely moving too slowly. They'll likely want to see a fight. I just hope we can have a peaceful night.
I peer into the hole, checking on Van. He's stirring, and I hear something of a whimper. I slide in beside him. "You okay?"
"Hot." he pants. I pull out the first aid kit I got from Selena. There's a fever reducing pill bottle. I pour one out, and hand it to Van. He swallows it, and I pull out the roll of bandage. I cut off a square, and plaster it onto his forehead. I sprinkle some of the cool water on the bandage, and he rolls back over.
I step back out, and munch on a roll. Suddenly, a voice booms over the silent air. Its one of the Gamemakers, likely one whose name I didn't bother to learn, inviting the tributes to a feast. We already have a feast of food, nearly bulging out of Jasmyne's pack, so I shrug off the offer. But he continues speaking. What could he be announcing to us now?
"We know each of you needs something. Whether it be water, warmth, food, medicine, you'll find it at the feast." he says.
Van needs something. Something for his sickness.
"The bags will deposited at the Cornucopia at dawn. Don't shrug off this offer. It may be the supply that leads you home." he goes on.
I feel Van, grasping at my arm. "Don't you dare."