I smile at the crowd as I skip out, and take a seat on the cotton chair. Gadges Milsand grins at me. "Look at the girl. Beautiful, isn't she?" he says. His hair is in a short mohawk, dyed a pastel yellow. In response, I grin. "How do you feel about being burnt for our entertainment?"
"Oh, its fabulous! The burn marks are painless, really." I say sarcastically.
Gadges busts out into laughter. "Ah, yes, I'm glad!! And this dress today, wow! Twirl for me, will you?" I smile and stand up. I spin around, and look down. The diamonds change color into reds and oranges, and it looks as if flames bite up toward my waist. Suddenly, sparks fly out of the gems, turning into a full-fledged fire.
I lose my balance, and nearly topple over the edge of the stage, but Gadges grabs a hold of my hand, and whirls me back to my feet. He helps me sit back in my chair, and the flames die down to a wisp of ash. "Oh, foolish of me, the interviewer can't be in love with the tribute, am I right?" The crowd roars in laughter at that, and I can't help but, embarrassed, join in. "Now, miss Burns, why did you volunteer? What was going on in your mind?"
I gulp. Reliving my reaping, again? I take a deep breath, and choose my words carefully. "I know Paige. We're close friends, but I didn't do it with Paige entirely in my mind. Of course, I couldn't bear for her to die. But what about Van? I want to go in with him. I want to go down for him." I hear the crowd roar out.
"Oh, that is touching!" Gadges exclaims. "Do you like your stylist? Are you impressed with Aurelius's work?"
"Yes!!" I say so loudly Gadges flinches slightly. "The chariot ride costume was beautiful, now this dress, its just, wow!!"
Gadges grins at me. "You seem to be in your glory. Are you confident for the Games tomorrow?"
My mind answers, but thankfully it doesn't come out as words- the answer is no. "Well. Yes. I'm skilled enough. I think I'll make it pretty far, if not win."
"You sound like an excellent candidate." Gadges says warmly. "How was your time at the Capitol?"
"Well, it was, er, different than life in 12 for sure. Lovely all right."
"What was your favorite thing about the Capitol?" Gadges asks me curiously.
Oh dear. I'm going to get tripped up here. Nothing! I'd rather go back to 12! I would've enjoyed myself more if I didn't have the nagging thought I would be fighting to my death in a few days! "The...food!" I quickly make something up.
"Okay, elaborate miss?"
"Well, in 12 we don't get much food. I surely gained myself some weight. It feels good alright," I take a break from talking to force a chuckle. "But the meat, its so moist and tender! The sauce tastes so good, I love how the meat in the pigs in blankets is so spicy and, wow.." I trail off dramatically.
"Yes, our food is excellent!"
I add some real truth to my words. Sure, the food wasn't a lie, but there was something more accurate. "And," I start.
"Oh, folks there's more!! This isn't it!!" Gadges laughs, bringing laughter and claps from the audience.
"Aurelius. He just makes such amazing things, and he is such a good person all in all. I'm so lucky to have him." I say sincerely. The crowd oohs and ahs at that, and Gadges fakes sad puppy eyes.
"THAT was touching."
"I'm touching everyone tonight, aren't I?" I laugh.
"Indeed, indeed you are. Alright, Miss Haylynn Burns of District 12!! You're time is up! Good luck for your Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor."
I stand up and curtsy. I run out behind stage, and see Van cowering up to the stage, in a fiery red tuxedo with a black tie. "Hello, sir Van! How are you doing today?" Gadges asks.
"Nervous." Van squeaks.
"No need, no need!" Gadges exclaims. "You look quite handsome today. What do you think about the Capitol?"
"Its really fancy," he responds quietly.
"It is!! What was your favorite part of the Capitol?"
"The clothes are much better than ours." I can't help but agree with him. But, just now I really want to feel the supple leather boots that molded around my feet to fit perfectly. I run behind stage, and run into my room. I strip off my dress and rinse off the delicate makeup. Tomorrow, I could be dead. In 24 hours or less, I could be mangled. I fall onto my bed, and I instantly hear a knock on the door a few minutes later. Its Van. He is holding a large tray of food. The spiced meat I love, along with some radishes and bread with jam generously spread over it. There's some pigs in blankets, and red velvet cupcakes smothered with buttercream. We eat, and eat, and eat until the tray is cleaned of food and crumbs. I slip into my silky pink nightdress, and climb into bed. Van crawls in beside me. We snuggle up close, and I begin to speak to him, determined to drill my words into Van's head.
"Run to the forest. I'll follow. Run to the forest. I'll follow." I repeat the words. And he may was well be asleep by now, but I keep going until I lull myself to sleep.
That night I sleep restlessly, at one point kicking Van square in the chest. I never fell back to sleep after that.
I take my time to eat until I don't want to anymore. I fill myself up with water, careful not to make myself sick, and try to rest again. I fall into a light sleep, before waking up at seven in the morning.
Aurelius silently hands me an outfit. Thick gray trousers, a black shirt and a baggy jacket. I dress in it and sigh. The day has come. The day I've dreaded. I moan silently and sit down on a chair. "Do you want to talk, Haylynn?" I subtly shake my head. "Well, I know I'm not your mentor, but run. I know you can do it. Just run. Make me proud, okay?"
I nod, and I walk into the chute where I would taken to my podium.