I've been having a mix between writer's block and lack of inspiration lately. I have the desire to write, but I lack motivation, and when I do push myself to write, it all comes out sounding awful. It's especially hard when I try to write poems. I know that the best way to overcome writer's block is to just push yourself to write, but that's hard if you don't feel. Even more specifically for writing poetry.
Poetry requires emotion, and when I first started writing poetry, it came out gracefully and felt good and beautiful, but then I went through something and all my emotions left me for a time. All I could feel was this terrible empty numbness and it wouldn't leave, but I kept writing my poems, only they didn't feel the same. Now that it's been at least 6 months since then, I figured I'd be able to go back to writing like I used to, but writing with that piece of me missing changed everything. Now I'm struggling to really write something with the same emotion.
I'm constantly being surrounded by beautiful words and phrases from movies and mostly songs and I keep thinking, What's wrong with me? Why can't I feel like I used to? It's really starting to take it's toll on me now. Writing is my outlet and this zone of being stuck is really something torturous. While I can explain this to my friends who love writing as much as I do, I just don't think they really understand what I'm saying. For them it's different when they get writer's block, just as it's different for me, and that is making things hard, because I want to be able to tell this to someone and have them be able to really know what it is for me. I know that's selfish of me. I know; but I can't help but want to have that happen.
-The Book Girl