I think we've all experienced those moments when creating a story where you just have some plot bunnies and problems with how we feel our characters act, or speak or just how they turn out. For example: My friend and I are working on a story at the moment, and just a few weeks ago, we had a long skype session to discuss our antagonist. We agreed that that character wasn't coming together and after some long brainstorming and a little head-butting, we finally came to the conclusion that our antagonist (who we had earlier decided to write as being a psychopath) should just be obsessive instead.
A great piece of advice that my 8th grade english teacher gave to me and my friends in the writing club at school was this: as you write your story, your characters will drop little hints to you as to who they are and what type of people they are, what they like etc.. so don't go too much into planning every aspect of your character.
She was right actually. That same principle applies to the problem my friend and i were having because as I was writing her our antagonists part, I had a feeling that the character wasn't meant to be a psychopath. And it just made sense, as random as that sounds.
Anyways, thanks to everyone who reads this! I hope it's at least a little interesting and helpful! :)
-The Book Girl