Hello again!
I've noticed lately how much my music affects my writing, and I'm sure a lot of you probably listen to music while you write too. I guess there's just something about the setting and mood of a song that gets you in the right mindset to write sometimes. Personally, I have a tendency to click on a youtube playlist, or Pandora station, but occasionally, (and this is my favorite) I'll listen to movie soundtracks or songs that inspire the right type of feeling I'm looking for, for a certain scene I'm writing. This is especially true for when I write battle scenes. I think music holds some amount of control over us when we write. Music has the ability to invoke emotions, memories, and thoughts. I think of it as something akin to an electric circuit. It starts with the moment we flip the 'switch' or in the musical case, hit 'play'. The music stirs up feelings, movements, ideas in us. Then we write from that inspiration. We write furiously, or stagger, or even twitch the letters out. Then the song changes and the process starts all over again. Music flows into words, words flow into electricity. Music is the spark, the words are the current controlled by our switch.
What's even better is that each of us has our own unique switch and current. For some it's country or pop or reggae, for others it could be indie, oldies, jazz or even folk. On top of that we all have a different type of light/genre/style we speak with. We all use the same letters, the same universal words, but they all carry a different voice and meaning and sound.
I guess you could say, as writers, we make our own music. It may not hold a steady beat or use any instruments, but we carry our own melody and sound. We use music to make music. Now that's something I never really considered before.
So, in closing, continue to go out there and make your music, share your voice, spread your songs and stories! I'll be doing my best to do the same :)
Thank you so much to all of you who read this! Thanks for your support and for taking the time to read this! I hope you all have a great week and I apologize for this issue's brevity :)
-With hugs,
The Book Girl <3