Time felt like it was moving fast those first few years, but the next decade of their life seemed to travel at light speed. One minute Elise was giving birth to their first son, the next she suddenly had a 2 year-old and another newborn son, Stephen.
Danny's father, Harold, had somewhat unexpectedly passed in that time too. The colon cancer had snuck up on him. By the time the doctors had discovered it, it was already too late, having spread extensively elsewhere throughout his body.
It was a bittersweet time when their son Stephen was born, only a few months after Harold's passing. Danny still wasn't quite right in the head, he and his dad being so close. Or at least as close as Harold would ever allow anybody through his tough exterior. Elise never quite understood their relationship. Danny had always talked about him being stern growing up, yet he had decided to stay close to his parents as an adult and seemed to have a bond with his father that not even Lorraine seemed to fully understand. Elise never questioned it, until later, at least, and let Danny come to terms with his father's death in his own time.
As hard as she had tried to repress it, Elise couldn't help but marvel at how similar their boys looked to the ones she had in her first awful nightmare years ago as they grew older. Parker had ended up with green eyes, like her, with dark brown hair and was lanky, like Danny. Stephen had been the spitting image of his father, forgive the reddish-brown hair, from the day he was born: Dark eyes, same facial features, etc.
Neither of them ever did follow their "dream jobs" they had admitted to each other one fateful night, but they were happy, raising their family in the same house she and Danny had started their lives together in. With their expanding family, he had even added on more rooms upstairs before Stephen was born. Elise even questioned him on why he had added an extra room, already having a bedroom downstairs where their old one was, but he always just answered "just in case" without elaborating further.
As it turned out, it was a good thing he did because he ended up talking her into having another baby on down the road when the boys were older.