Alex walked into the family room to find his father on the couch playing through the campaign of a Halo game. Nothing mysterious, nothing related to work. Just his dad playing Halo on the couch.
"Hey," he called out to Alex while plugging a grunt with a magnum.
"Uh, hey yourself," Alex replied awkwardly.
This created an awkward pause where Alex just stood there staring awkwardly at his father playing Halo. This continued for several minutes before his father paused the game and turned around. "If you're going to watch me, you might as well help me beat this level. I'm playing on legendary right now."
Alex grabbed a controller from the couch and sat down, joining his father in his fight against the aliens.
"So, I hear that school's going alright for you," his father said.
"Yeah, it's okay," Alex answered while ducking under cover as plasma fire raked the air above him.
"Heard that psychiatrist got arrested for good this time."
"Yeah, he was an asshole. Said I was a troubled child or something like that."
His father smiled slightly at this. "Did he now?"
Alex nodded. "Yeah, but then again, he was hired by the board to discredit us in any way possible, so why listen to him?"
"Exactly," his father said.
The End.
Started: December 18, 2013, 9:07:16 PM
Finished: August 15 12:05 AM
Time it took: 1 year, 7 months, 28 days, 5 hours 5 minutes, 9 seconds
Give or take.
Total wordcount: 83035 (strange, I could've sworn we hit 100,000)
Number of different machines used: 3 (1 Toshiba, one Dell, one godawful HP that came between the Toshiba and the dell, but sucks and therefor gets mentioned last)
Word processors: 2 (Microsoft Word, and Libre Office)
Primary location for writing: propped up in my bed
Special thanks (with their names replaced by their HOR counterpart)
Croe for creating Croe when I couldn't, and for being there since the beginning
Miles for helping me with Professor BA as well as inspiring certain aspects of Miles
Sam for sitting me down and saying: No dude, that's not how MMOs work
Christopher "Kirbopher" Niosi who showed me that anyone can become something by just doing what they love. I've never met you, but this story wouldn't have happened without you
Texas Longhorn for inspiring me to write in the first place (still waiting for the next chapter dude)
To anyone who inspired a character, even the people I hate (irony!)
And to anyone else that I don't know who read Heroes of Rune and sat through it all with me
Thank you to all of you
This is the first work of fiction that I started and finished
One year, seven months, and twenty-eight days is a long time
And in that time, I'd like to think that I matured as an author
I started Heroes of Rune out in a mindset I never want to go back to
The real life inspiration for Pedostache was the bane of my existence
He wasn't a real pedophile (I don't think so at any rate) but he was awful
I hated him
I truly hated school at that point because I knew that second period was going to be absolute hell with him
I looked elsewhere for something, anything
A way to escape
A vacation
Just like Alex when the board announced they'd be taking CEO status from his family
And in that search, I came across places like , and people like Christopher Niosi
Where stories created by people came to life, were seen by others, and were loved
Stories like those that have coursed through for as long as I can remember
My first attempt was with a Pokemon Fanfic. Long story short, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and it sucked as a consequence
This led me to do the unthinkable: discontinue the story
That was the ultimate shame for me as a writer
But while this happened, a new story began to appear
A little thing called Heroes of Rune
It was for the most part, original, fresh, and in my mind, awesome
And so I began writing
But Pedostache didn't disappear
He kept making my life hell
And because of him, the anger seeped into my writing, making the language harsh, the people harsher
When he was gone and the anger had faded, I tried to fix things
But it was too late the characters, the stage, it was all set
All I could do was to work with what I got
Several times I debated throwing in the towel, became disgruntled with what I had created
But when I began writing for Heroes of Rune, and started to see it was different, I made myself promise
Finish Heroes of Rune
And so here we are. One year, seven months, and twenty-eight days later
I started HOR with the hope of possibly getting my story in print, or at least making a sequel
I now see this is very unlikely
But I will not forget this journey
Not one character, not one line of dialogue
I will always remember this as my first complete story
And the journey that accompanied it
Thank you all
This is Wrenchinator signing out