Alex Samson was a troubled teen.937Please respect copyright.PENANAL7a0jIbXSK
At least, that’s what his psychologist said.
Twice a week for 2 hours, he had to go to psychological therapy and be berated for being a lazy introvert who didn’t apply himself. When his last report card came out, he was berated on that as well. The man said that Alex needed to find something he enjoyed that he could apply to real life and make money with. Apparently his attitude also didn't meet social norms and needed improvement as well.
And how was Alex doing this?
By sitting in an internet and coffee café, nursing a rapidly cooling espresso, debating with Sam, one of his only friends, whether Spiderman or Batman would win in a fight.
“You see, Spiderman has his spider sense, which totally nerfs Batman’s stealth, allowing him to counter his attacks while getting in his own.” Alex argued.
“Dude, Batman could just, like, create some spray or something to dull his senses.” Sam argued right back.
“Yeah, but that would take time beforehand. Time, that Spiderman could also use to prepare; you forget that Peter Parker is pretty smart!”
“Dude whatever. Batman still wins.”
Alex grinned. “I think you're just in denial that I’m right and you're wrong.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “And I think you are living in a fantasy land where Spiderman is somehow better.”
“If I am, I'm not leaving anytime soon.”
“You're crazy.” Sam said with resignation. At that moment, the door opened, letting in a gust of chilly air.
“Be right back, I need to take this,” Sam said. Unlike Alex, Sam wasn't there just to hang out. He actually had a job. He worked the front desk of Coffeenet- the cafe they were in, renting out computers to people and whipping up caffeinated drinks.
Two portly men waddled their way to the counter, lugging a large amount of equipment. Alex placed them in their early twenties. They ordered two computers and several jumbo sized cups of coffee. Sam gave them the usual warning about downloading viruses and illegal stuff and let them go. One took the other’s gear and made his way towards the computers, while the other stayed back to pay and get their drinks. Curious, Alex approached him.
“Seems like you’re packing a lot of gear.” Alex remarked. “What’s it for?”
The man turned to him. He had a mess of brown hair on his head and a scruffy beard on one of his multiple chins. He looked Alex over a couple of times then gave him a yellowed teeth smile.
“My friend and I are practicing for an,, upcoming tournament. Our internet went on the fritz last night, so we came here” he said in a quiet, careful tone.
“Tournament for what?” Alex asked. He had heard of people like these men. They created powerful characters in online MMOs and battled in tournaments, often for massive cash prizes.
“It’s a RPG called Rune; you want to check it out?”
Alex thought. He needed to get home soon and work on his math homework (Alex hated math) as well as start on a three page essay for language arts.
“It sounds interesting, but I’ve gotta get going.” Alex said sadly. “Tell me this though, how good is it?”
The man laughed, making his multiple chins wobble. “It’s great! You pay $20 to get in, and about $15 for the gear, and then everything else is free. The world is massive, and it’s filled with secrets and quests. I once spent 24 hours just explor-”
They turned to see the other man standing next to their gear.
“Get your lazy ass over here and set up your own damn gear!”
Brian motioned to Alex to hold on, and went over to the man. They spoke for a minute, and seemed to agree on something. Brian then returned to Alex.
“Sorry about that. My friend over there can be a bit impatient at times.” Brian grabbed a pen and napkin and wrote something down. He handed it to Alex.
“Those are our usernames. If you decide to join, send us a message and we’d be more than happy to show you around.”
Alex thanked him and walked out the door. He was immediately assailed by a cool winter breeze, a rarity in Florida. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and made his way down the street.
Alex opened the door to his home and walked right into an argument. Dunham, the family butler, and a man in a pinstripe suit were in the entranceway shooting glares at each other.
“What I’m saying, young man is that until Mr. Samson has returned, his children are in control of his property. As their advisor in these matters, I’m telling you we aren’t interested.”
“Look you old coot,” the man in the suit countered, “we’re offering a good deal here. Their old man is fish bait somewhere in the Atlantic. Once the court declares him legally dead, all business transactions go to the board of directors. You’re nothing but a senile old man if you think that they’ll let then remain heads of the company. Now, my clients are offering a large sum of money for the deeds to the company. It is certainly more than their own company will even dream of offering those little,” he stopped as he became aware of Alex’s presence. He quickly turned and put on a fake smile.
“Hello Mr. Samson,” he said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“What do you want?” Alex said impatiently. He had a feeling what this was all about. His dad was the CEO of Samson Aviation Industries- a large aviation design company that designed some of the coolest stuff in the world. Jet fighters, VTOLs (short for vertical take off and landing), if it was cool, his dad built it. He was on his way to a conference a year ago, when his plane mysteriously vanished. Since then, people had been coming about once a week to try and get him and his sister to sign away the company to them.
“Mr. Samson, I represent a corporation that is very interested in your father’s company. We are willing to offer a lot of money for it. Wouldn’t you like a lot of money? I’m sure you could by a lot of video ga-”
“Give me a break,” Alex said, cutting him off. “Do you really think that I’m going to buy that act? My dad may be a world class douche,”
“Alex!” Dunham cried, shocked.
Alex continued unopposed, “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sell off his property to some stranger, just because he says I can get a lot of money for video games. Seriously, just because I’m a teenage male, does not mean that I spend my time playing video games. You’ve got no deal.”
The fake smile left the face of the pinstriped man as his face turned to a cruel sneer. “You naïve little brat. Your father and his company are a large obstacle for us that we’d like to eliminate. The sums we can offer you are much more than anything you’ll get from our competitors. That includes your father’s own company. The board will strip your family of everything and leave you on the streets.”
Alex stood firm. “My dad will never let that happen.”
The man got very close to Alex and whispered- “your father is dead, boy. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can all move on.”
A hand suddenly gripped the man’s shoulder. He spun around to come face to face with Dunham.
“I advise you to remove your face from the proximity of my charge and leave, young man, before I charge you with trespassing and harassment. Now get out.”
He stood for a minute, and then shrugged. “Your funeral.” He tossed over his shoulder, before slamming the door behind him.
Dunham’s shoulders sagged and he gave a weary sigh. “Thank you Alex. He was the third one today and the most stubborn.”
“It’s the least I could do” Alex said. “I hate them just as much as you do.”
Dunham nodded, and then added “but you should not call your father a douche, Alex.”
“Why not?” Alex shot back “That’s what he is. Even before he went missing, he was rarely at home during the day, and wouldn’t come to anything I asked him to. I could never bring a friend to meet him because some ‘emergency’ would crop up, and he’d have to go!”
“I understand that you are upset with him, and you have ample reason to” (Alex snorted at this) “but you need to keep it to yourself, or at least not mention in front of people like him” he gestured at the door.
“Whatever. I’m going up. Don’t expect me for dinner.” Alex said.
Dunham moved to stop him, but by then, Alex was halfway up the stairs, and already spaced out.
Dunham sighed. When their father disappeared, the state wanted to put Alex and his sister in foster care. Dunham stopped them by citing their father’s will and applying to be their legal guardian. Since then, he had tried to be the best substitute to their father. It hurt him to see Alex like this, but he couldn’t seem to get to him.
Shaking his head, Dunham moved on towards the kitchen. Despite what Alex said, he would probably end up coming down anyways. It was, after all, meatball night.