Hello guys!
So this week we find out exactly why Miles is acting this way. And because there was so much to say, I packed the chapter 5,000 words long, easily the longest chapter I've ever written. It was a blast to write, and I hope that you all enjoy it.
Lastly, now that school is out for seniors like me, I'm going to try and spend this weekend revising a few things in HOR. how I formatted the speaking parts needs to be rewritten, and I feel like some of the cuss words are unneeded in the earlier chapters. I put them there when the story was shaping out to be something different, and I had to deal with the inspiration for pedostache as one of my 'teachers' and he was even worse than how I wrote him (he isn't a perv, but he's a dicky douchey jerkbutt). Having to deal with him on a daily basis made me angry, and it translated into my writing. I'm still keeping pedostache since he's a semi key character and I still strongly dislike him in person, but the anger he caused has mostly disapated. That being said, this chapter is going to have some more colorful language because it gets a bit emotional for certain characters.
With that being said, enjoy!
Alex sat at the ruined table with Janus and Croe, still in shock about what happened. No one was talking and no one seemed to want to be the first.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Croe spoke up. “You're probably wondering why Miles lost it like that.”
Alex nodded. “I suppose you could say that.”
“You've got to give Miles some slack,” Croe said. “All of the Coders have been hurt by the Hackers. Miles was hurt worse than anyone else. He lost his best friend to the Hackers.”
“You mean BA,” Alex said. “Wasn't he the guy who got put in a coma for a month?”
Both Janus and Croe winced. “Yeah, that was him,” Janus said.
“I never got to know him, but from what I've heard, it hit Miles pretty hard when he died,” Croe added
“Died? I thought he was put in a coma, not actually killed,” Alex said, shocked.
“Considering no one except Miles saw him after he was put in a coma, he's pretty dead,” Janus clarified. “To the game at any rate.”
“So what happened?” Alex asked.
Janus fidgeted uneasily. He seemed to think about his response for a moment before answering. “What we're getting into here, is pretty dangerous territory. No one likes to talk about it, Miles especially. Professor BA was kind of the face of the Coders. Qilin may have been the leader, but everyone looked up to BA. When word got out that he had deleted his account, half the coders followed in his footsteps and did the same. We haven't come even close to the numbers we used to.”
“Deleting your account just because your hero did so as well?” Alex said affronted. “That’s a dick move there.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t just about BA,” Croe said. “It was also about the fact that the Hackers had something that could seriously hurt you in real life.”
“It was about 16 months ago when this all happened,” Janus began. “Back then, it was looking like we had a chance at succeeding. The whole thing seemed like a big party; like the war between the Hackers and Coders was just something the game developers had put in. I guess it helped that the Hackers didn't have their virus yet. The worst they could do back then was hacking the markets to steal items and payments, and go invisible or pass through walls without spells and potions. They had used this wealth to start work on the castle we destroyed a while back. The Coders had a base a fifth the size of our current one, and it was protected by a measly invisibility spell. Qilin didn't like that and proposed we take the Hacker's hideout for our own. People really took to the idea. They felt it had a certain sense of irony. All it was though, was one of the worst mistakes we ever made.”
16 months ago
Milesoftheblades: Qilin, My group is in position and ready for assault.
Qilin1: Good. When you hear the trumpet, get to the walls and over them as fast as you can. Do your job right and we can get this done without a hitch.
Miles closed the IM program and turned to the Coders behind him. When the plan was laid out, he had been given command of about thirty Coders tasked with getting over the west wall and engage the Hackers. From there, Miles and a few others would infiltrate the houses on that side and destroy the spawn stones located in them. Miles knew that this was one of the most important parts of the plan. If they didn't succeed, the enemy could simply respawn right behind them and slaughter them from behind.
“Alright guys, we're going with Sharp's strategy. I'll be in the front with the spellcasters right behind me keeping the rest of us safe. Our jumpers will be in the second line. Your job is to get up to the roof and throw down lines for the rest of us. If one of you gets taken down, the rest of you need to make sure their rope is good to go. Once that's settled, the rest of us will scale the ropes and attack. The sooner you get the ropes down, the sooner we can get up and help you attack, so try to do it quickly. Any questions?”
An elf raised his hand. “Pardon me for interrupting sir,” he said as if it were a venomous word, “But won't it be better for you to be behind the spellcasters? It would seem you would be better protected that way.”
Miles shrugged. “I'll be fine.” he said nonchalantly. “It's you who'll have to watch out. Anyone else?” he asked.
One of the Jumpers raised his hand. “It's going to be hard enough trying to get up there alive. I still don't know if we can hold them off and get the lines secured.”
Miles nodded. It was a valid point. “We've got a guy already up there in disguise,” Miles said. “He'll do what he can to help you clear it.”
Suddenly, revelry echoed across the valley and reached Miles on the other side. Miles sprang out of the bush-line and sprinted down the hill towards their target in the valley: a half-finished castle. Behind him, the rest of the west attack force followed, waving their weapons and letting out a fierce battle cry. Miles joined them, their voices echoing down the slope. In the distance, he could see workers dropping their tools and scrambling for cover. It was in vain. Several dozen archers stepped out of the trees and fired arrows towards the castle. The slim projectiles arced through the sky and landed with deadly precision. Only two survived the onslaught and neither unscathed. They ran to a bell and started ringing it in alarm.
Miles grinned. He highly doubted that the Hackers could put up any substantial form of resistance. From observations done by several scouts, they had gathered that most of the Hackers were in the Pacific standard time zone. It was with that knowledge that Qilin had decided to launch the attack at one in the afternoon in hopes that most of the hackers would be at work and therefor too busy to stop them. He almost laughed when he saw half a dozen NPCs emerge from hiding, strapping armor on as they ran to their positions.
As they neared the walls of the castle, several Coders pulled out Scrolls of Icarian flight and took massive leaps into the air. The landed on the tops of the walls and tossed lines down to the group below. Miles caught one and began hauling himself up as soon as it was secured. As he neared the top, the Jumper above Miles was blasted off by a wind spell, falling past Miles down to a grisly end. Miles kept climbing, albeit at a slower pace. The Coders who had just died knew their job was to first get the ropes secured for the others, and then fight. They'd probably have to sit the remainder of the battle out, but it was worth the sacrifice.
Just as he placed a hand on the top stone, the rope snapped. The Coders beneath him screamed and fell thirty feet down to the ground as Coders waiting for their turn to climb scrambled out of the way.
Miles grimaced and hung on to the edge with his one hand, while reaching to his belt for a length of rope he had brought with him in case something like this happened. As he did, the head of a Minotaur appeared above him. It bellowed and slammed its fist down on Miles' fingers. His health flashed as his fingers slipped off the ledge. He fell halfway down the wall before coming to a sudden stop. He looked up in time to see a blazing Minotaur fall past him. He soared up to the top of the wall and landed in front of a cloaked figure. A glowing staff was clutched in his left hand that was still smoldering with green fire from the attack it had just pulled off. Miles put on a fake look of irritation. “You're getting sloppy. I almost hit the ground before you caught me.”
The cloaked figure laughed and shrugged off the cloak to reveal a dark haired magician in a labcoat that at one point may’ve been perfectly white, but was now covered with doodles and graffiti. “Please, you only fell about ten feet. And if you had hit the ground, your body fat would've absorbed the blow.”
“It's not fat, it's muscle! Miles protested indignantly.
The magician held his hands up in mock surrender. “Whatever man. If it helps you sleep at night, you can call it anything you want.”
Miles glared at him for a few more seconds, then laughed and wrapped the magician in a bear hug before turning to the courtyard. Several Coders had made it to the top and were doing battle with the NPCs and the few Hackers who were online.
“So what's the objective again?” the magician asked. “I got bored during the briefing and kinda went and got a snack. Missed everything after 'BA go hide on the wall and kill anyone who tries to kill us'.”
“Your job was to take care of the wall and then help where needed. And since the rest of the team who were supposed to help me with the spawnstones are dead or otherwise engaged, I need your help taking them down.”
The magician nodded. “Right, so what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some ass!”
He turned to the courtyard and spread his arms wide. “Attention Hacker's and NPCs alike! Prepare to be summarily beaten to a bloody and slightly smoking pulp! I'd tell you to run, but there is no running from Professor BA, the one man in the Rune with a PHD in badassery!”
While the rest of the Coders fought the defenders, Miles and BA leapt from the wall and made their way to the first house. It was locked, but BA broke it down with a swift jab from his staff. Inside, they found a single room with a cluster of glowing crystals set into curling patterns. They were spawnstones, created to allow players to spawn at a specific location. Usually extremely expensive and hard to get, the Hackers had acquired about a dozen for their castle alone. Miles approached the edge of one. “Hard to believe that these little things are the source of all our problems.”
Professor BA shook his head in wonder. “Yeah. They're kinda cool looking to. Shame to break them, don't you think?”
Miles shrugged. “No, not really.” he unsheathed his sword and slammed it into one of the crystals, breaking it. All at once, the remaining crystals began to glow brighter and brighter until in one mighty burst, they shattered, destroying the spawn and preventing the Hackers who were bound to it from respawning there after death.
Professor BA grinned. “One down, a few dozen to go.”
The next few minutes settled into a dull repetition broken only by occasional skirmishes with Hackers and NPCs. It continued for fifteen minutes until they were on the last one. Professor BA did the honors by slamming his staff into the stone; making the staff moan through the air, and the crystal shatter.
“Done, and done.” he said triumphantly. “What do you think we should do now?”
“Well, if we have time, I'd like to go find their armory,” Miles said. “I could use a new blade.”
Professor BA looked at Miles blade and frowned. It was a worn double edged blade with a circular pommel and a small guard. The constant bashing against the crystals had chipped the blade to near uselessness. “You know you really should take better care of your weaponry,” he said. “It’s not going to be of much use anymore in a fight.”
“I'm fine,” Miles said. “I've got my fists to protect me. And you of course. Besides, this sword was only supposed to last me long enough to get a custom sword.”
Professor Ba smiled. “Well, why don't we start the quest today, after this all winds down?”
Miles smiled. “Yeah, that'd be cool.”
They probably would've continued making plans if it hadn't been for the commotion outside. Professor BA peeked his head outside. “Oh my,” he said with mild concern. “It would appear that we have walked right into an ambush.
Miles opened the next window over to see Hackers pouring over the castle walls and charging towards the Coders. Unorganized and disjointed, the Coders scrambled to form a defense.
Miles swore. “Guess we're not going to raid their armory then,”
Professor BA sighed. “No, I suppose not. It would seem that we have to rescue Qilin and the others once more,”
Professor BA touched the wall with his staff and pushed. Immediately, the planks and bricks of the house began to disassemble and float up into the air. Ba waved his hand and an opening appeared in the swirl of debris that he and Miles walked through. As they strode towards the fray, the floating pieces of the house followed them. The sight was so profound, that Coders and Hackers alike froze in mid swing to stare at what was happening.
Professor BA strode to the middle of the fray and stopped. He cleared his throat and spoke. “It would seem that once again you people have decided that counterattacking is a good idea. You seem to think that you have a reasonable chance of success. Well allow the Professor to give you a schooling on how incredibly wrong that assumption is,”
The debris, which up until then had been peacefully floating, turned violent. Hackers were dove for cover as boards, nails, bricks, and shingles pelted them to death. Soon, the only people who were standing were the Coders and a few Hackers who had miraculously survived the attack. One of them stepped forward. It was a monkey in a martial arts robe and carrying a wooden staff. He bowed to Professor BA and said, “So the stories are true. You are the legendary Professor Badass. It is a true pleasure to meet you.”
Professor BA rolled his eyes. “Out of all the Hackers here, the role player had to survive.”
The monkey gave him a hard look. “Do not take us role players as silly men who spend more time in character than training and leveling up. If you saw what I am capable of, perhaps you would not be so confident,”
“Look, I know you want to keep on talking, but I've really got to finish this up pretty soon, I've got stuff to do. So can we just skip the talking and go to the part where I turn you into a monkey nugget?”
The monkey nodded in consent. “Of course. If you will allow us to even the score,” he raised his hand in the air, a signal.
Lightning arced down from the top of the Keep and landed on a Hacker. Each one began twisting and turning, before eventually standing back up, alert and ready to fight. Each of them activated a powerup and red aura flowed over their weapons.”
Professor BA frowned. “I've never seen that specific powerup. Which one is it?”
The monkey smiled. “Oh, just one that we've been cooking up for some time. I'm certain that you will find it quite interesting.” And with that, he activated the same powerup as the others and charged Professor BA, swinging his staff. Professor BA easily blocked it and retaliated with a green bolt that the monkey easily deflected before sweeping Professor BA's legs out from under him and jabbing him in the side. BA rolled to the side, yelling.
Miles ran in to attack, but Professor BA yelled “Miles, no! Don't attack him!” Ignoring him, Miles swung low, aiming for the monkey's legs, but was tackled from the side by a bear. The two went rolling and Miles punched desperately into the bear's side, trying to get free. The bear kicked him away, and he went tumbling into the side of a building, busting through and rolling to a stop. The building then proceeded to collapse, burying Miles up to his shoulders in debris.
Miles groaned; his ears were hurting from a strange feedback he'd gotten when the bear hit him. Looking up, he saw the bear loping back to his friend who was fighting in hand to hand combat with BA.
Miles struggled to get up and help his friend. Professor BA was easily one of the best fighters in the game, but he specialized in mid to long range combat. In contrast, Miles was known as an amazing swordsman, but had absolutely no long range attacks. That was one reason why he and BA made such a great team- they could support each other in whatever situation came up.
Suddenly, Professor BA’s voice boomed over the teamchat channel. “Fall back, repeat fall back. They’ve got some sort of attack that hurts you IRL. Qilin, try to get everyone out and back to the base. I’ll hold them off until you get over the walls.”
“This is Qilin. BA, are you certain? We won’t get another chance at this.”
“Qilin, I’ve never been more certain in my life. We need to get out of here before someone gets- AARRRRGGGHHH!” Professor BA yelled as he was hit in the head by a club swung by a lucky goblin.
“BA!” Miles shouted, then yelled in pain as feedback from a high pitched wail tore through his headphones. Judging from the sounds others were making, they heard it as well.
Miles disconnected from teamchat and the noise faded. He returned to freeing himself from the rubble that had fallen on him, but he was disoriented; both in the game, and in real life thanks to a pounding headache that threatened to split his skull in two. He sneezed painfully and something splattered against his keyboard. He pushed his headgear up to see that it was blood.
Meanwhile, the battle wasn’t going so well for Professor BA. Many of the reanimated Hackers were dead- this time for good, but many more had come to take their place. Professor BA was an island in a sea of Hackers. He fought desperately, his staff moaning through the air, swatting Hackers to the side. Suddenly, a dark chord swept through the air and a pitch black orb began pulsing above Professor BA’s staff.
”No, no, no!” Miles yelled, trying to squirm free. Professor BA was playing his trump card. The staff he was using was the only one of its kind in the game. As such, it had immense power, including a single use attack that destroyed virtually everything in a 25 meter radius. The downside was that the staff was destroyed and sent back to the quest required to gain the staff, and it left the user completely drained of mana and stamina. If it didn’t work, Professor BA would be utterly defenseless.
A wind picked up as everything not tied down was sucked into the orb. Bits and pieces of armor and weapons were the first to go, as they flew over the heads of the Hackers and disappeared into the orb’s depths. Even parts of ruined buildings were picked up. Soon, Hackers that were too close to Professor BA found themselves plucked from the ground and thrown into the orb. As soon as they made contact with it, they burst into pixels and were added to the orb’s growing mass. Realizing what was going on, the remaining Hackers tried to run from the orb. Those with heavier armor on lasted a few seconds longer than those without, but the effect was the same. Even the bear that had kicked Miles into the building was losing traction.
With an almighty yell, Professor BA tossed the staff into the orb, and the two exploded. The ground trembled as anything not picked up by the orb was suddenly pushed away by a massive force. The bear, which had been moments from being sucked into the orb was thrown into the pile that Miles was under, throwing most of it to the sides.
Professor BA collapsed to one knee, breathing heavily. “I really hated the quest to get that staff. And now it looks like I’m going to have to do it all over again,”
Miles finally freed himself from the rubble, except for his right foot. He turned around in time to see a figure rise up from the ground and swing at Professor BA. Unable to dodge, Professor BA took the full force of the blow to the head and tumbled to the ground, screaming in agony.
“You won’t get the chance to.” The monkey growled. It began systematically slapping Professor BA with his staff- not enough to do any real damage, but enough to let the strange powerup do its work. The bear lumbered over and began pounding Professor BA’s legs, listening to them crack.
“You’ve been a real pain in our collective asses, you know that right?” The Monkey said. “With you in the picture, things instantly become even more complicated.” He pushed his staff against Professor BA’s arm until it broke with a nasty crack. Professor BA shrieked in pain and background noises could be heard as he fell out of his chair.
“It took us a few times, but we finally figured out what made you so powerful.” the Bear said. “It was your staff all along. You were never all that special. All you had was the good fortune of getting that staff before anyone else did. And now that you've destroyed the staff, we can see we were right.” He twisted Professor BA’s leg until it bent completely in the opposite direction. Professor BA whimpered in pain. “So tell us,” the bear asked, “where did that quest take you? Answer us that, and we’ll stop.”
Professor BA grimaced in agony, but managed to whisper out one phrase. “Go violate some bees Winnie the Pooh.”
The bear roared in rage and slammed his paw down on Professor BA’s chest and held them there, digging his claws into his chest. Professor BA’s head lolled to the side, indicating that Professor BA was AFK, but the bear pounded it until Professor BA's character was dead.
“No!” Miles yelled, wrenching his leg out from under the pile. His ankle gave a sharp crack and his agility dropped by half, as he dropped to the ground, searching for a weapon. His fingers closed around a hilt and he pulled it out from under the wreckage. Unlike his previous blade, the one he was holding was almost twice its length with half its width added on. It was double handed and the sheath had silver inlaid in a pattern Miles might’ve paid attention to had he not been preoccupied. With a roar, he limped towards the two, who began laughing as they saw the sorry sight.
“Well well well, look at this sorry ass shmuck.” The bear chuckled.
“I, am going, to kill you both!” Miles grunted.
“Do you honestly think that you can?” the monkey asked. “Your friend here devoted all his time to taking us down. Whenever he wasn’t playing around with you and your Coding friends, he was fighting us. All that effort, and look at what it got him.”
Miles roared and swung at the bear, who easily dodged and kicked him in the back. Miles stumbled and winced as the noise filled his ears once more.
“You might as well give up and die.” The bear said. “God knows it will make it easier on us.”
“Well, he could, but I somehow doubt that he will.” A voice called from above. The bear and monkey looked up in time to have half a dozen shuriken bury themselves in their bodies. They dropped without a sound, their bodies lying right next to Professor BA’s.
Miles looked up himself to see Qilin repackaging one of the many hidden weapons he had installed on his person. A couple other Coders climbed the wall and hurried down a nearby set of stairs, offering support to Miles as he limped towards the stairs.
“I thought you two might need a bit of help.” Qilin called. “I’m sorry that we came too late.”
“Sorry?” Miles growled, shoving the players away. “BA was just tortured in front of me and you’re sorry?”
Qilin winced. “Well if you put it that way, it does sound awfully lame. But yes, I am sorry.”
“Forget it,” Miles said. “Let’s just get back. I’m sure BA will be waiting there for us.”
But he wasn’t. Professor BA didn’t turn up for the rest of the day, and the next, and the one after that. Qilin assured everyone that Professor BA was probably taking it easy after going through what he did, but Miles didn’t believe it. He knew enough about Professor BA to know that he would at least send a message saying that he was alright. Days turned into weeks, and before Miles knew it, a month had passed and Professor BA had still not shown up. Qilin stopped assuring people that Professor BA was alright, and began trying to get some sort of contact information to get ahold of him.
Finally, after a month and a half of waiting, Professor BA returned.
Miles was in the Citadel talking to one of the weapon traders about the sword he had picked up in the Hacker’s base to see how much it was worth. Perhaps he could sell it to get an even better sword.
“You’d be best to hang on to it” a voice said behind him. “It's not like the quest to get another one is at all fun.”
Miles spun around. There in front of him was Professor BA. Same face, same graffiti stained lab coat, same crazy hair that came from sticking your finger in an electrical socket. The only thing that was missing was his staff.
“Dude!” he cried. “It’s great to see you. We were worried about you.”
Professor BA let out a hollow laugh. “Considering what I hear the Hackers are packing now, you had good reason to. I’m sorry for not getting on earlier.”
“It’s okay,” Miles assured him, “we all figured you just needed some time after what happened.”
“Oh I got time,” Professor BA assured him. “Whether I wanted it or not.”
“Why was that?” Miles asked, puzzled.
“Well, when they took me down, I wasn’t just killed in the game. They actually put me in a coma. My roommate came in to see me lying on the ground with a pretty big puddle of blood coming from my ears and nose. He rushed me to the hospital and I’ve been on an IV until about a week ago.”
“You’re shitting me,” Miles said, shocked.
“I wish,” Professor BA replied. “Believe me, BSing you would be better than what hell I was put through.”
“Well, it’s good to see you back,” Miles said. “Everyone’s been pretty worried about you. They’ll be glad to see you safe and sound. And now you’re back, we can hunt those two who put you in a coma and hunt them down. We’ve been working on some code that will hopefully ban them so they’ll never bother us aga-”
Professor BA held up a hand and Miles stopped talking. He let out a long sigh and said “Miles, I’m not here to hang out. I’m here to say goodbye.”
“Wait, what?” Miles said, shocked. This was not the reunion he imagined.
“Believe me, I’d love to stick around and make those two pay, but I’ve lost hearing in one ear, and most of it in the other. Right now, it sounds like you’re on the far end of a tunnel. The doctors said that I need to stay away from loud noises for the rest of my life, if I want to keep what hearing I have left.”
“But, you can’t go!” Miles said frantically. “There was so much we were going to do! And now with the Hackers having this new power, we’re going to need your help to stop them!”
Professor BA waved him away. “You don’t need my help, you never did. All I did was tote around that stupid staff and act like I was all awesome and shit. But really, it was all the staff. You saw how bad I got beat once I lost it. I’m nothing without it.”
Tears were pricking the corners of Miles’ eyes. “But, you can’t do this!” he said frantically. “You can’t just come here after a month and a half of being away, only to say that you’re leaving.”
Professor BA smiled sadly. “Miles, I've loved the time and effort I've put into Rune with you and the Coders, but that time is past. It was over the moment the Hackers activated that powerup. There’s no way it’s coming back.”
“Yes it can!” Miles insisted. “We’ve just got to get the developers to listen. Once they do, it’ll be back to the way things were.”
“The Dev’s?” Professor BA said incredulously. “You mean to tell me that they’ve suddenly started doing shit in the past month and a half? What changed their mindset? The fact that a player assured relative safety in their game now has permanent disabilities because they weren’t doing their job?”
“Well, they’ve not responded yet, but with your story,”
“Miles, stop. You're not going to convince me, and I’m not going to convince you. But before I go, I want you to promise me something.”
Miles looked at him. “What?”
“Those two that put me in a coma are called Bearzerker and Master Saru. If you’re going to continue playing Rune, I want you to promise me that if they come, if you’re fighting and suddenly they show up, that you run. Run and don’t look back. Because if you don’t, you’ll just end up like me. I fought them several times before and I am convinced that they knew exactly what they were doing, and were having a complete fucking blast. Please promise me that.”
Rage and triumph boiled up from Miles’ gut. At last, he had the names of the two who had done this to his friend. “I’m sorry BA. But I’m afraid I can’t do that. Not until they pay for what they did to you. I’m going to hunt them down- in real life if I have to. And when I get them; I’m going to make them wish that they had never come near this game!”
Professor BA looked at him sadly. “So that’s your decision then. You can’t even let a friend go knowing that one of his closest friends will be safe.”
“Goodbye Milesoftheblades.” Professor BA said. “Maybe we’ll meet IRL sometime.”
And without saying another word, he logged off. Miles desperately pulled up his friends list, only to see Professor BA’s name disappear from the list. He tried sending him a message, but he got a reply back saying he was trying to send the message to a player that did not exist.
Miles wailed and ripped off his headgear and flung it to the side. It struck a wall and shattered, pieces raining on his bed. Fat tears were streaming down his face as he curled up into a ball and sobbed. After ten minutes, he finally recovered. Shakily, he pulled himself into his chair again and brought up the messaging service for Rune once more. He selected Qilin’s name and began typing.
Milesoftheblades: Just saw BA. Turns out he was in a Coma for the past month or so thanks to the Hackers. Also lost most of his hearing.
Qilin1: You serious?
Milesoftheblades: That’s not the worst of it. He just left the game.
Qilin1: I don’t believe you. No way he would do that.
Milesoftheblades: I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that. Don’t think about trying it again.
Qilin1: Miles, this isn’t funny. Stop joking around.
Milesoftheblades: Listen to me very carefully Qilin. I just saw my closest friend after he had been in a goddam coma for a month, only for him to tell me that I’ll never see him again. Don’t you dare think that this is a fucking joke. And if for some reason you think that it still is, just try and look for his username.
It took Qilin five minutes to respond.
Qilin1: Son of a bitch. He really left.
Qilin1: This changes everything. We’re going to have to rethink our tactics. We can’t risk what happened to BA happening again. I can already imagine how many people are going to leave when they hear this. Something like that happens again and we're shit out of luck.
Milesoftheblades: I’ll help you and whoever stays to fight the Hackers, but as of today, I have a new mission.
Qilin1: And that is?
Milesoftheblades: I am going to show those two what happens when they fuck with my friends. The fires of Hades are nothing compared to what they will feel before I’m done with them.
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And that dear children is what happened to Miles. Leave a review if you liked it, or leave one anyways if you didn't. And if you haven't already, check out my RWBY fanfic "To Be Human". Until then, see you guys in two weeks!700Please respect copyright.PENANAxsr1j42JXg