Chapter103Please respect copyright.PENANA4KztOFMyh2
It was noon time when the small group103Please respect copyright.PENANAtKleuiFla0
spotted the city from horseback. Their travel was relatively uneventful, aside103Please respect copyright.PENANAXk9O1DDTYU
from the constant bickering of the recruits which did little to ease Vander’s103Please respect copyright.PENANAvw5QzJiUYM
troubled mind. Perhaps sensing his friend’s mood, Alex spent some time103Please respect copyright.PENANAcO3bTbXtA1
lecturing the recruits on proper etiquette for when they arrived at the city103Please respect copyright.PENANABRTzppB1ad
which gave him some reprieve to think.
Veyar mentioned a war was coming, but103Please respect copyright.PENANAjvbyI8CWso
she didn’t say when or the parties involved. If it scared even the Goddess of103Please respect copyright.PENANAZO3zOl24qf
the Dark, it must be something terrifying and that only left one possible103Please respect copyright.PENANAbK0RJRxqjy
person: the Darkness, but who would be foolish enough to release her from her103Please respect copyright.PENANAXILspOP7Kd
prison? And what did the Ma’akti have to do with it? Too many things had been103Please respect copyright.PENANAWzkY1v4sjI
lost in time leaving him scratching his head. There were only a couple of103Please respect copyright.PENANA8AvbSbklGw
people in the entire city who might have the answers he needed so he made a103Please respect copyright.PENANAUegpPchTjI
mental note to visit them whenever he had the chance.
“Are we there yet?” Chicken103Please respect copyright.PENANAXCCHn2Rowo
complained from the back of the cart.
“Almost.” Vander smiled. “If you want103Please respect copyright.PENANAgPlPxupol5
to come up to the front, you can see the city from here.” There was a mad103Please respect copyright.PENANANCTAKSkw8k
scramble from the recruits sitting behind the cart. He heard Rooster shout in103Please respect copyright.PENANA1qsT9Ho09Y
annoyance as his squad mates pushed him aside to make room for themselves. Vander103Please respect copyright.PENANA5Ix5JsBdlH
closed his eyes then willed his spirit up and out. He found a suitable host103Please respect copyright.PENANAzZnbEp6rFN
above them in the body of a small bird. When he opened his eyes again, he was103Please respect copyright.PENANAaPusvhasJO
flying high above. His wing beating to keep him aloft while his lungs pumped to103Please respect copyright.PENANACXaEjUurYI
keep him flying. This was his favorite way to see the city, only he and the103Please respect copyright.PENANA9yrq5ZWLVr
birds knew what it looked like from above and that was a secret he wasn’t103Please respect copyright.PENANAKpyDCNcW0f
willing to tell.
From here he could see the three103Please respect copyright.PENANARh0dGPOx5D
rings that made up the city. All told there were half a million people living103Please respect copyright.PENANAwmze8IjQgy
here, the majority lived in the outermost ring. People living there were packed103Please respect copyright.PENANAOxN9koVSbJ
tightly together as it was the only way to fit them all in. It was separated103Please respect copyright.PENANAbgs9nrbne0
into four different districts, though you could live in any of them.
The first was the market district103Please respect copyright.PENANAtqhQ5BJf7G
where people bought and sold goods from all over the country. The second was103Please respect copyright.PENANA21nnr99Fqm
the goods district where goods were created to be sold such as the blacksmith,103Please respect copyright.PENANAigMhrJtejy
carpenter, and many seamstresses. The third district was the religious district103Please respect copyright.PENANAkcj6CektjJ
where statues of the four deities of light were built, and people would spend103Please respect copyright.PENANAZJtAz1QSwI
their time praying to them for help for various things going on in their lives.103Please respect copyright.PENANAowr9Wys3JQ
The fourth district was the slums or, as many called it, Lower Eluvia. It’s103Please respect copyright.PENANAC02Nu2VPLR
where those who were spurned by the rest of society gathered and ruled by their103Please respect copyright.PENANAYwBsrm4wpL
own ‘king’ who oversaw the day-to-day activities there. The guards no longer103Please respect copyright.PENANAlznqOeOLvA
patrolled there because it wasn’t worth their time, which allowed the place to103Please respect copyright.PENANA30EwLm4SBf
fester and rot. Even from up here Vander could smell its stench.
The second ring was smaller than the103Please respect copyright.PENANALPVswLDmZa
first and more put together. Here was where those from the noble families103Please respect copyright.PENANA3vbw09MsGQ
lived. Their land was larger as each had a sprawling estate to call their own.103Please respect copyright.PENANAqzXIee3Tej
They mostly kept to themselves, instead sending their servants into the first103Please respect copyright.PENANA3W2bDO4jYn
ring to gather food or supplies. Sometimes they would venture out to do their103Please respect copyright.PENANAdhexu8Nl0u
own shopping, but many went escorted by soldiers to protect them. A waste of103Please respect copyright.PENANA5gq0pQ1qgc
manpower, but whatever it took to make them feel safe.
The third, and most impressive out of103Please respect copyright.PENANA7w6NBEhrCF
the three, was the inner most ring where the King’s castle and estate was103Please respect copyright.PENANAzq3mQDstGp
located. This ring was sealed off on all103Please respect copyright.PENANAYtnB8ZN4aw
four sides by massive metal walls and gate houses guarded by squads of Blades.103Please respect copyright.PENANAvxRYV6X9UN
To get in you either had to be invited by the king, one of the Blades or a103Please respect copyright.PENANAPpuxaVQerm
member of the council. The royal family took their safety and privacy very103Please respect copyright.PENANATraqMNVWPV
seriously. Even their servants were thoroughly vetted before being hired. They103Please respect copyright.PENANAVi4rcnhmMx
were forced to take a vow, breaking it was punishable by death.
The center point for the ring was the103Please respect copyright.PENANAcwL7C81jj3
castle itself and no matter where you were in the city, you could see it. The103Please respect copyright.PENANAbbbJX8i7Rf
castle walls were made from a special white marble found only in the northern103Please respect copyright.PENANA60wqoMMuFQ
mountains and had to be carried brick by brick hundreds of miles to the city.103Please respect copyright.PENANAnLXRgpm33o
The marble had special properties that could only been seen during a lunar or103Please respect copyright.PENANA2zui6LTwDi
solar eclipse, but in the form of the bird, Vander could see it whenever he103Please respect copyright.PENANAlIIbdYTKA1
chose. During the solar eclipse, the marble would shine bright blue103Please respect copyright.PENANAIm7CjOKBJu
illuminating the city in a blueish hue. During the lunar eclipse, the marble103Please respect copyright.PENANA0NZm79l8VF
would turn orange and the city would turn yellow for a period. It was truly a103Please respect copyright.PENANAIV2ZCAy9hH
wonderous experience that came around one or twice in a lifetime. Up here, the103Please respect copyright.PENANAdj2aCeuqlO
colors swirled together constantly making it a wonder that Vander so badly103Please respect copyright.PENANAbczweYRu2M
wished he could share.
With a weary sigh, something103Please respect copyright.PENANAFAaINkTOjS
impossible for a bird, Vander willed himself back into his body. His eyes103Please respect copyright.PENANAs0tRgDZtN9
slowly opened, not quite enjoying the pain as he moved his body. He had been103Please respect copyright.PENANAbOHLqZXhbV
sitting there without moving for so long his body stiffened. If this wasn’t103Please respect copyright.PENANAApTRrqS0Hm
something he had practiced daily for years, he would have fallen from his103Please respect copyright.PENANAwyPIAA8Izx
horse, but he could pass this off as a quick nap.
“Did you enjoy your time above?” Shea’s voice barked in his head.
“I did.” He said. “It’s always sad103Please respect copyright.PENANA4HlV4nf0v0
coming back down from up there. It’s just so exhilarating.”
“Don’t forget that the more you do,103Please respect copyright.PENANABpBBT7EQvr
the harder it is to return.” She growled. “Make sure you don’t lose yourself.” He103Please respect copyright.PENANAoyBVWxOnGN
let the conversation die there. It was one they had many times in the past.103Please respect copyright.PENANA2BQy6Xj17p
When he was younger he had almost done exactly that, and it wasn’t an103Please respect copyright.PENANAB9AQlkkNX4
experience he wanted to happen again.
“Let’s go.” He tapped his horse. “I103Please respect copyright.PENANAERnDtMbNra
don’t want to be late.” With a crack of the reins his horse sped off towards103Please respect copyright.PENANAfPCQLxmyNh
the city walls. Alex cursed behind him, but within moments the rest of them103Please respect copyright.PENANAwixltwF6kH
started following him down the road.
They were forced to slow down as103Please respect copyright.PENANAgYyRGYGPoD
there was a massive number of people trying to make their way into the city. It103Please respect copyright.PENANAhZMi1QEfRn
wasn’t uncommon for merchants from the other villages on the city’s outskirts103Please respect copyright.PENANACmGAzvJo7S
to get in and try and sell the goods they’ve made in the city, so backups were103Please respect copyright.PENANAxRXj9tqoc9
common. Guards had to search their carts and bags to make sure they weren’t103Please respect copyright.PENANAY5YeU51UNV
bringing in any contraband, but sometimes they could go a little overboard.
“Let’s see if we can skip the line.”103Please respect copyright.PENANAUcv6r5MtFp
Alex whispered to Vander. “We are on a time constraint.”
“Do it.” Vander agreed. They hated103Please respect copyright.PENANA6dDL50rJJr
showing off their status like this, but they had to get moving. It wouldn’t do103Please respect copyright.PENANAD5ITGuWM3Y
well to make the Commander wait.
“Out of the way!” Alex bellowed.103Please respect copyright.PENANAx8kOXsUmTD
“Blades coming through, step aside.” It took a moment for the command to103Please respect copyright.PENANAmAfwxZJwBH
register, but once the villagers noticed the large warhorse and the irate Alex103Please respect copyright.PENANAV6lqJNktND
sitting on top, they moved quickly. They stood off to the side with their heads103Please respect copyright.PENANAhSmEpLxM8k
bowed as the group rode past. A couple of them looked up at Vander. He heard103Please respect copyright.PENANADbAToOSrQR
the sharp intake of breath and the mutterings.
“Bastard.” One of them spat at him.
“Go back to the forest and die.”103Please respect copyright.PENANAJSQIQ8Wyaz
Another snarled. Shea snarled back at them forcing them to silence, but their103Please respect copyright.PENANA8mxt1aW3Ac
glares burning in the back of his head as he rode past.
“Leave him alone!” Rooster snapped.103Please respect copyright.PENANA9d4mqHDF32
“Don’t you have anything better to do than harass someone who would lay down103Please respect copyright.PENANAv9xIsA2aWA
their lives to protect you.” His words were meant to be reassuring, but they103Please respect copyright.PENANAi8QytLZ5Ff
just caused him to flinch.
“We don’t want his help.” Urged on by103Please respect copyright.PENANA5UynE25AfF
each other, an angry hum started traveling amongst the travelers. “He’s103Please respect copyright.PENANAaGpsVavA7O
nothing, but a curse upon us.”
“Why you-“
“Rooster, that’s enough.” He turned103Please respect copyright.PENANAcwHKgBAdMG
back to face the recruits. “Keep your eyes facing forward and ignore them.103Please respect copyright.PENANAqioHvXh2xS
Don’t stoop to their level.”
“But-“ The glare from Vander dried103Please respect copyright.PENANAxt6Bqjcjxo
his response in his throat. Without another word, Vander kept his head high103Please respect copyright.PENANAk0vOyvkXZe
despite the glares from the gathered travelers.
When they came upon the gate leading103Please respect copyright.PENANAX2WcDQoJQ5
into the eastern district, there were four guards stationed there. Two of them103Please respect copyright.PENANAj9QCSAW3h5
held lancers pointed to the sky while the other two wore their swords at their103Please respect copyright.PENANANZeEvFpVlg
hips. One had three metal bars attacking his cape that marked him as the103Please respect copyright.PENANA2nHrA0nqlr
garrison Captain in charge of the gate. The captain walked over to them with a103Please respect copyright.PENANAGpe7F6zFsE
smile that didn’t reach his eyes. The other guards tightened their grips on103Please respect copyright.PENANAjek6gZLOnl
their lances. Vander looked up at the ramparts to see several archers with103Please respect copyright.PENANAhrxk1QQzLh
their bows raised, an arrow pressed to the string, but not pulled back. It was103Please respect copyright.PENANAT5JW2EQIuT
a warning.
“Do you normally give Blades such a103Please respect copyright.PENANAlHbBQ2I2YA
warm welcome, Captain?” Vander asked. He kept his hands on the cantle, but103Please respect copyright.PENANAEjaktef3YI
Shea’s hackled were raised at the danger they currently found themselves in.
“No, but most of them aren’t103Please respect copyright.PENANAlMz1wGzqa9
inflicted with your brand of sickness.” He grinned. “Think of it as a103Please respect copyright.PENANAno3lD3vjKS
precaution for our safety and the safety of all of our guests.”
“That’s kind of you.” Vander resisted103Please respect copyright.PENANADuVrviw6Yc
their urge to roll his eyes. “But if your theatrics are done, we need to be on103Please respect copyright.PENANAfJvD68wQ3B
our way.”
“Certainly.” He stepped aside. “We103Please respect copyright.PENANABMbAb2AHVQ
can’t keep the Blades waiting, now can we?” Vander eyed the man, but once he103Please respect copyright.PENANAYznexnoC50
was certain that he wouldn’t try and stop them, he gave the signal for them to103Please respect copyright.PENANAVsCxBP4YpF
continue forward. The guards protecting the gate stepped aside, but each of103Please respect copyright.PENANAjwh7w6MZbz
them had the look of a killer just waiting for their chance to strike. Shea103Please respect copyright.PENANA5uxZwaydm8
snarled at them causing one to recoil which brought a small smile to his face. Once103Please respect copyright.PENANAX44Ikz35CY
they were clear, the guards started issuing orders to the villagers again.
Alex let out a loud sigh of relief.103Please respect copyright.PENANAAEXPRrChJp
“I almost thought they were going to keep us from entering.” He rubbed the back103Please respect copyright.PENANAsXdTECTR3K
of his head. “What is the council thinking letting them get away with open103Please respect copyright.PENANAwHZ1L7I02t
hostility towards us?”
“Towards me.” Vander corrected. “It’s103Please respect copyright.PENANARTwf0dtdso
part of the reason I left the city in the first place. The Generals rumors are103Please respect copyright.PENANAeZ9a5gz613
quite nasty, and I didn’t want them to be a part of it.”
“After what he pulled, he should be103Please respect copyright.PENANA0AdEXMhMEL
the one in trouble, not you.”
“He had every right to do what he103Please respect copyright.PENANAqOZq9e7fWT
did.” Vander sighed. “Bree’s his daughter. Now, I don’t want to talk about this103Please respect copyright.PENANAXTW8rSFAJd
any longer. Let’s get a move on.”
The eastern gate spit them out right103Please respect copyright.PENANAJTu72AaWDa
into the heart of the market district in the first ring. It was busy here; a103Please respect copyright.PENANAZyY3ypNAzD
sea of people blocked the roads as they stopped to look at the stalls tucked to103Please respect copyright.PENANAtdLToBgwws
the side of the roads or entered buildings to do some shopping on the inside.103Please respect copyright.PENANAh3EJ1tP5Lj
City guards patrolled the streets in groups of four, appearing regal and103Please respect copyright.PENANA6dZnWc7Zs4
helping those who needed it.
Being here always overwhelmed Shea.103Please respect copyright.PENANAzAFyElNMmO
She jumped up into the back of the cart and hid underneath the blankets and103Please respect copyright.PENANA5KWhfRq6eN
bags they had brought with them. They maneuvered through the crowds with103Please respect copyright.PENANAfm0hHk3fqi
relative ease. People didn’t really look past the horses and drawn cart, but on103Please respect copyright.PENANAEgleVYqPtN
the off chance they did, they just saw the uniform of a Blade and promptly103Please respect copyright.PENANAufgpvS0jt7
moved aside. It was one of the perks of wearing the uniform.
They made their way towards the103Please respect copyright.PENANA0Mw1taeYfW
middle ring which was protected by another gate. These walls were also manned103Please respect copyright.PENANArNMQDQcE2z
by soldiers, but this was a special assignment only given to those who either103Please respect copyright.PENANAscIsBywdS9
have favors with the nobles or are children of noble families. As such they103Please respect copyright.PENANAjqwvVYXp6a
have a certain air of arrogance in them and many true soldiers think they don’t103Please respect copyright.PENANADCoqt801Dt
belong in their ranks, but it’s hard to do anything about it. Today the gates103Please respect copyright.PENANA2npUGCxnzQ
were closed, and the soldiers were leaning up against them, inside, smoking a103Please respect copyright.PENANA23LhtUcZaE
sig and chatting. The small group stood there waiting for any acknowledgement,103Please respect copyright.PENANAfV3TID0NzN
but they were ignored while the others chatted.
“Excuse me.” Vander said after a few103Please respect copyright.PENANAkSkgs79Atr
minutes. “Why are you standing around? Open the gate and let us pass.” One103Please respect copyright.PENANAvah46aCh1l
soldier looked at him for a moment before going back to what he was doing.103Please respect copyright.PENANA7xGbmioPlW
Vander gripped the reins tightly, but Alex, sensing his friend’s irritation,103Please respect copyright.PENANATVp3aSKCNj
took matters into his own hands. He got off the horse and strode up towards the103Please respect copyright.PENANAKFGcer6c9I
“Is there a problem here?” Alex103Please respect copyright.PENANAOGFXuQQdUw
asked. “We have a meeting with the Commander, so finish whatever this is and103Please respect copyright.PENANAnWyQP2RSB0
let us in.”
“We don’t take orders from you dog.”103Please respect copyright.PENANAKP76IYVos1
One of the guards laughed. He flicked the ashes from his smoke towards Alex,103Please respect copyright.PENANAsrWGcuCBL3
but it just disappeared on the wind. “Now fuck off and let us finish our103Please respect copyright.PENANANn3HJri1ji
“I think not.” Alex grabbed the man’s103Please respect copyright.PENANAJPXYeh0eYf
hand through the portcullis and crushed the sig along with a couple fingers.103Please respect copyright.PENANAFiqCxiYHJS
The man screamed, falling to his knees. “Your job is to open the gate, close103Please respect copyright.PENANANM4NrbkBbt
the gate, and protect the gate, none of which you are doing now. Open it, while103Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZQkgteyAC
I’m still asking nicely.” The others went for their swords, but a voice boomed103Please respect copyright.PENANAEenOAnhzM5
from the walls above them:
“What are you doing?” Vander looked103Please respect copyright.PENANArAtDTLtO0Z
up, squinting as the sun blinded him.
“I’m not sure who is talking, but I103Please respect copyright.PENANAEMx8QXqPIS
am Vander Captain of the Blades, and the guards down here are keeping us from103Please respect copyright.PENANAtGyoYgmXCv
entering the third ring.” He replied.
“Any proof you are who you say you103Please respect copyright.PENANABlJ1UajvL7
are?” the voice asked.
“Is the white hair not enough?” The103Please respect copyright.PENANAOc3Am9MqCi
man was silent. Sighing, Vander looked back at the cart. “Shea, if you’d103Please respect copyright.PENANAuUMRw0TAsa
“Certainly.” The she-wolf popped her head up from103Please respect copyright.PENANAaxxZiKaPix
under the bags and stared at the voice.
“Good enough?” Vander asked.
“Good enough.” The man sighed. “You103Please respect copyright.PENANAZiE2EM5oCL
lot, open the gate this moment and let them through.” They scrambled to do as103Please respect copyright.PENANAn3VrsJFqWn
their leader ordered, the man Alex crushed was released. He whimpered staring103Please respect copyright.PENANAcGIrDUC1wE
at his mangled hand as she shuffled away. Two of them got on each side where103Please respect copyright.PENANA2qLbWFTxzN
the wheels to open the gate were and began cranking. Slowly and surely the103Please respect copyright.PENANApNcmKfbSex
portcullis began to rise.
As Vander issued the orders for them103Please respect copyright.PENANAssXuIwkJUj
to continue, the man who talked to them was walking down the stairs. He was a103Please respect copyright.PENANAVAP09FDpjo
young man, platinum blonde hair with gray eyes. That combination made him a103Please respect copyright.PENANA8hsLr201Co
Jilena, the look was native only to their family.
“You might want to make sure they are103Please respect copyright.PENANAuaSzLUjJe1
doing their job properly.” Vander stopped to chat with the younger man. Looking103Please respect copyright.PENANAypfg5xffPG
back over his shoulder Vander saw that the guards were standing at attention103Please respect copyright.PENANAvZFPlA6vCC
with their spears raised, except for the one who angered Alex. “They were103Please respect copyright.PENANAIEMEumKgfx
goofing off near the entrance and wouldn’t let us through.”
“Apologies.” The young Captain bowed103Please respect copyright.PENANAoi53Mlikoq
his head. “My name is Jeffery Jilena, and I oversee this gate. Please allow me103Please respect copyright.PENANAFnX5npDFRQ
to deal with my men and their lack of awareness.”
“Are you new to this post, Captain?”103Please respect copyright.PENANAR2oy1clnfG
Vander saw the bars adorning the young man’s shoulder. A kid these young103Please respect copyright.PENANAsv2eiRuoqS
shouldn’t oversee the castle’s defenses, but his mother must have pulled some103Please respect copyright.PENANADfMcWaedeK
“Only started a few months ago.”103Please respect copyright.PENANA26xCIEizjY
Jeffery blushed. “I’m learning fairly quickly.”
“If we hadn’t come by, would you have103Please respect copyright.PENANA96omHs5upj
done anything about these soldiers standing here slacking off?” Jeffery opened103Please respect copyright.PENANA15rzhJhNKR
his mouth, but thought better than to lie, then shook his head.
“It’s important for a commanding103Please respect copyright.PENANAavX0iwYdJL
officer to instill discipline on top of being well liked by everyone.” Vander103Please respect copyright.PENANA2GYwJh6qqo
explained. “They must learn that you can be kind yet strict to enforce the103Please respect copyright.PENANAt8RkAl93f0
“I understand.” Jeffery sighed. “I103Please respect copyright.PENANApGy1D6GURF
promise I will do better.”
“Write them up, dock them half days103Please respect copyright.PENANAnyNkWKUqjF
pay.” Vander said. “Then take them out for a drink after. Do what needs to be103Please respect copyright.PENANA9HfOCjk35A
done, just don’t be a dick after. If it happens again, make it full day’s pay,103Please respect copyright.PENANArPMINuSSuh
and send them to the horse stalls to give the servants a rest.”
“I will keep your advice in mind.”103Please respect copyright.PENANAgRt3BNrY5D
Jeffery bowed again. “I’ll see you again soon.”
The small group rode up the path to103Please respect copyright.PENANAp38fR9OGYd
the castle until they reached a fork in the road. The road went straight103Please respect copyright.PENANA0u9d81lJb7
towards the King’s home while the left path went towards the Blades compound103Please respect copyright.PENANAKlEWEBC8Dr
where all the recruits and many others stayed. It was more cost-effective than103Please respect copyright.PENANANIA5uQszBl
having a house in the city and they were closer to the castle in case they were103Please respect copyright.PENANATV06yVCedv
However, there were plenty who had103Please respect copyright.PENANAm36HKPBLOp
their own homes and families. Unless there was a big event happening, they were103Please respect copyright.PENANAcljMXh77zS
all on a rotating schedule so they could spend time with their loved ones.
“Alex takes them to the compound and103Please respect copyright.PENANAL1ODoGVbvg
show them their rooms.” Vander ordered. “I will go up to the castle and see why103Please respect copyright.PENANAzr8uobOAKk
the Commander has asked for us.”
“Should we unpack?” Alex asked. “Or103Please respect copyright.PENANABnnhYDDnv9
are we going to be headed back out to the forest?”
“Provided he has nothing for us,103Please respect copyright.PENANAjYuWV6pyl2
training will proceed as normal.” There was a collective groan coming from the103Please respect copyright.PENANACukLRHO3ae
recruits. “Give them the rest of today off and make sure they are given the103Please respect copyright.PENANA497H0Q11mB
meal I promised them.” He reached into his pocket to remove a small bag of gold103Please respect copyright.PENANADchrBsdhdj
which he tossed to his friends. “Just don’t drink too much or you will regret103Please respect copyright.PENANA3TNXILw0QO
it tomorrow.” He warned.
“I thought they could only get a meal103Please respect copyright.PENANAo8ml6vEqQr
on you if you lost.” Alex grinned. “Did I miss something, or did you get your103Please respect copyright.PENANALBwVPqh2DG
ass kicked?”
“I was going to give it to them as103Please respect copyright.PENANA7X3EPBnN3r
long as they tried their best.” He explained. “They deserve it.”
“Yes!” Rooster thrust his fist into103Please respect copyright.PENANAgJ8t8gkbPJ
the air. “I’m going to get smashed tonight and maybe find a girl to soothe me.”
“They only one soothing you will be103Please respect copyright.PENANAyQAYAU9TvJ
your hand.” Eve laughed. “Come on, last one changed has to do a hundred103Please respect copyright.PENANASjub08xZt7
pushups.” Before waiting for anyone to challenge it, she jumped off the cart103Please respect copyright.PENANA07lTpeW5A7
and raced down the road.
“Shit!” The others scrambled to103Please respect copyright.PENANAP7tTsj2Nj1
follow suit leaving a very confused Shea and an empty horse drawn cart.
“I changed my mind.” Vander rolled103Please respect copyright.PENANANd7oTTuu3s
his eyes. “Make them brush the horses down then bring them for food and drinks.103Please respect copyright.PENANArW9c9GDdX5
Meet at my place in a few hours.”
“Understood.” Alex clicked his tongue103Please respect copyright.PENANAQzrN9j5wUj
and trotted down the road with the horses pulling the cart following behind103Please respect copyright.PENANACywl83yDVr
him. Shea jumped down and went to stand by Vander’s. Without a word, his horse103Please respect copyright.PENANAMwfwTjE2d6
started walking down the road that would take them towards the keep.
Even though there was only a King and103Please respect copyright.PENANAR61EAEqbe3
the prince living in the castle, there were dozens of servants hired to make103Please respect copyright.PENANARhLqZPm0Pu
sure everything was pristine and immaculately taken care of. There were a few103Please respect copyright.PENANAn4olF2wBco
who were tending to the bushes in the garden pulling out weeds and watering the103Please respect copyright.PENANA4eXcz7c5Ax
flowers. Despite the heat, they were all dressed in black and white the103Please respect copyright.PENANAPjHhbpadWE
standard dress for people in their positions. Despite the work, the King made103Please respect copyright.PENANApex1Rf9lUj
sure everyone was taken care of and wanted for nothing. He was also very103Please respect copyright.PENANA4J3HHTyJd8
graceful for giving them time off to spend with their families.
As he reached the white steps leading103Please respect copyright.PENANA5vkrpQzdmN
inside, there were two Blades standing alongside the King’s advisor, Peyton103Please respect copyright.PENANAe2dgb3Amcy
Cranton, and the man in charge of managing the estate for the King: Bernard.
Peyton was about twenty years older103Please respect copyright.PENANA90HBNd3oLl
than Vander. His family had served many generations of Kings, and it was103Please respect copyright.PENANAOz20WrAaXC
expected that his own son would follow in his father’s footsteps. He had light103Please respect copyright.PENANAl59jgts0gs
brown hair that was growing white along the sides, green eyes, and a goatee on103Please respect copyright.PENANA24fDLJdDCa
his face. He wore small wire rimmed glasses and walked with an air of103Please respect copyright.PENANAAKeMZetgZH
well-earned authority. He wore a red robe with a black furred collar. There was103Please respect copyright.PENANAoIKRUDgq8w
the King’s seal pinned to his chest marking his status.
Bernard was a different story. He103Please respect copyright.PENANANu4sj5XbYT
rose to his position because he was very good at his job, though he would soon103Please respect copyright.PENANA1WiQB4yApK
be training a successor. He was pushing seventy and almost ready to retire. He103Please respect copyright.PENANAtiLR2IGDyU
had long white hair which was tied back into a ponytail with kind gray eyes. He103Please respect copyright.PENANA5AiZN1uDMI
wore a black suit with a red stripe going down the front which marked his103Please respect copyright.PENANA0pv9v2yDkC
status. He was well respected around the castle, more so than even the Blades103Please respect copyright.PENANAaH8PjwgsHJ
“Welcome back, Vander.” Peyton’s face103Please respect copyright.PENANAdDJyb8IQhx
was serious which wasn’t like the older man.
Vander dismounted and handed the103Please respect copyright.PENANAkzny21B7fA
reins over to Bernard who took it with a slight bow of the head.
“I didn’t expect both of you to come103Please respect copyright.PENANAkipikzpJTd
and greet me.” Vander shook Peyton and Bernard’s hand. “What’s the occasions?”
“It’s best we wait for the Commander103Please respect copyright.PENANAQXPBMbvNfb
to tell you.” Peyton stepped to the side and motioned for Vander to go ahead of103Please respect copyright.PENANAsm2EFGit1y
him. “Shea is welcome to come too.” That startled Vander. Typically, the wolf103Please respect copyright.PENANA6o7l7sOapv
wasn’t allowed anywhere near the castle. She was always forced to wait outside.103Please respect copyright.PENANAYJf6OKiedz
Something bad must have happened for them to allow her in.
Vander was brought into the castle.103Please respect copyright.PENANA4ePBv6AkKG
As he walked behind Peyton, the servants stopped what they were doing to bow103Please respect copyright.PENANA6C690cjGnP
before resuming their duties. They were cleaning the carpets and beating the103Please respect copyright.PENANAy4kosGR2W8
curtains to remove all the dust and debris. There were many carrying various103Please respect copyright.PENANA3BP1mD2zZK
pieces of furniture up and down stairs. They must be getting ready for the103Please respect copyright.PENANAmioMwUtcdz
prince’s return with his soon-to-be bride.
They walked past a hallway that held103Please respect copyright.PENANAvTXcaCofc7
all the portraits of all the King’s from previous generations, all the way back103Please respect copyright.PENANAfT4jQCRMC1
to the mad-king, Evan, the one who almost caused a civil war before he was103Please respect copyright.PENANA4Gn9pInnB9
murdered by his own General. The General’s son would later become the first103Please respect copyright.PENANAdxuhJrhoff
Blade Commander.
“I expect your grandfather didn’t say103Please respect copyright.PENANAvmcW4CGe5o
anything in his letter.” Peyton asked once they got to the third floor where103Please respect copyright.PENANA2c7bhbGO2S
Blade Commander carried out his duties.
“No, he didn’t.” Vander said. “He103Please respect copyright.PENANALQ9XaKyM5z
just told me to get back here as quickly as possible.”
“It’s probably for the best.” Peyton103Please respect copyright.PENANAy4E7Wgf1O1
sighed. “There is a chance our enemies could have intercepted the letter, and103Please respect copyright.PENANANX44ODR2FJ
everything would be for naught.”
“Enemies?” Vander stopped in his103Please respect copyright.PENANAk0uT9IRQDX
tracks. “I thought we were at peace?”
“Peace never lasts Vander, not when103Please respect copyright.PENANAgmEG4KIlwo
there are people who want power and will stop at nothing to achieve it.” They103Please respect copyright.PENANADQB1THyyNK
paused in front of a massive ornate door. “I will leave you here for now. You103Please respect copyright.PENANAcjlyWhV8NW
grandfather will explain everything.” He clapped Vander’s back. “It’s good to103Please respect copyright.PENANAaDhquAgN9C
have your here.” He gave a soft squeeze before turning around and heading back103Please respect copyright.PENANAW64JeaeIVN
down the hall.
Vander reached out to open the door,103Please respect copyright.PENANA5wyQFxTRoQ
but his hand began to shake as soon as he touched the doorknob. He closed his103Please respect copyright.PENANAp2DSwQynCt
eyes then took a deep breath. Shea brushed up against his leg giving him the103Please respect copyright.PENANAuJtmGkW6f8
strength he needed to knock.
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103Please respect copyright.PENANALriCmpthBO
103Please respect copyright.PENANAzcE4JLhiQc
103Please respect copyright.PENANAnaipsqAr9F
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103Please respect copyright.PENANAy93L8FQXjb
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103Please respect copyright.PENANAjOexUVrBMy
103Please respect copyright.PENANAigHoCh3Ktm
103Please respect copyright.PENANAGsRMScPDZG
103Please respect copyright.PENANAaBH45b234f
103Please respect copyright.PENANAfpJj3NU0jc
103Please respect copyright.PENANAChjYlU96Bj
103Please respect copyright.PENANAvILKFX2iyQ
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103Please respect copyright.PENANArEGeLtsJ7m
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103Please respect copyright.PENANAP1O1dyYyZZ
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“Enter.” A loud voice boomed. Vander103Please respect copyright.PENANA5OJ13rTxJy
gripped the doorknob, twisted, and pushed. Then he stepped inside.