"Bollocks," Draco exclaimed.
The distance from his makeshift treehouse to the ground was impossible to make in one jump. Looking up to the sky he could see the beginnings of dawn peeking through the dark horizon. If he didn't make it down in time he would be stuck as a unicorn in a tree, and Merlin knows he didn't need that. Grabbing onto the vines and using his man-made footholds, he began his descent to the ground.
Upon reaching the base of the grand tree, he immediately fell to the ground. His transformation was quickly overcoming him. It wasn't as painful as it used to be when he was first cursed by that old coot Dumbledore, but that didn't mean it wasn't painless. Getting used to shifting between that of a man and a four-legged creature wasn't easy. It definitely didn't make things better having such coveted fluid running through his veins. Dodging all those bloody hunters drained plenty of his energy and by the time he was clear of them all, most of the day was gone.
Trotting through the forbidden forest in his new form was always out of the question but Draco had no choice. It was either learn to use his horn to protect himself or die trying.
Picking up his speed, he galloped until he came to his favored grazing area. He looked around for anyone and anything that could be considered a predator before bending his massive head to the ground for some breakfast. His mind wandered to the events that resulted in his current four-legged state and in particular, a woman.
Hermione Granger, the former bane of his existence. One-third of the Golden Trio and a bossy, know-it-all swot. That is, until seventh year when they were both chosen as Head Boy and Head Girl to promote house unity by that foolish headmaster of theirs. Having to share a dorm with Granger exposed Draco to a side of her that he never imagined existed. A dark side... which appealed to him in the most primal of ways. His mind and heart followed, of course, but his body led the way. He had no idea of all the evil plans running through Hermione's brain or the reason behind her change of heart. He never asked her and now he'll never get a chance.
After he was cursed, Draco lost most of his connection with the wizarding world. Voldemort was defeated by a fluke discovery by the Order that had many of the lower Death Eaters running for the hills. His parents were arrested the last he heard. Without Hermione on their side, he was sure the dark would prevail. But, of course, that wasn't the case. And now, nearly two years later, he was a unicorn. A beast. His only saving grace was that when he shifted back into a human at night, he could stalk the shadows of Knockturn Alley for any news. Even if it was only for a few hours.
Having had enough grass for the moment, he headed to the water to slake his thirst. Upon reaching the lake, he found it a little quiet. Not thinking anything of it, he once again lowered his head, but this time for a drink. Unbeknownst to him, the merrows had been hunting that morning and were still in the area.
Draco abruptly lifted his head to scan the water's surface but the sudden movement caused him to stumble.
He whined in pain as an arrow had embedded itself into his flesh. Draco tried to get away but he was shot by two more arrows. One in his back leg and the other into his buttock. He looked toward the water again and saw his attackers. The merrows. They had never bothered him before, or maybe, he had never bothered them before. Nevertheless, they were after him now. There were so many and as he tried to make his way back to the forest he heard an incredible screech. The sound was so piercing that it caused him to become discombobulated for a few seconds. He noticed that the merrows stopped attacking him and turned their attention to wherever the scream came from. He used that moment to make his escape and stumbled his way among the trees for refuge. He almost made it deeper into the forest, when he collapsed from the loss of blood and exhaustion.