“Grrr....where did they come from?” A figure growled.
“Hiss...So...they had found us,” Another figure hissed.
Alice heard the voices and opened her eyes.
“Who’s there? What the...?” Alice saw two strange figures.
Alice sees a big tall figure with the appearance of a reptilian monster. It has bluish-purple scaly skin, vermilion eyes with a yellow hue, its feet have three fingers, purple claws, finned tail, and big protruding teeth that gave it a scary look. The other figure has the same appearance as June but with sea snake hairs, long pointy fingers, purple eyes, and has several tattoos on the body bearing bizarre symbols. June, Marta, and Vine wake up and see these two figures.
“What a brute figure,” Marta commented.
“The other looks like a witch,” Vine said.
“How dare you call me a brute!” The figure roared.
“Shh...How rude, calling me a witch,” the siren hissed.
"You’re the one who ripped the dimension apart!” Alice said.
“Grrr, it’s none of your business!” The figure growled.
“Girl, there are some things that you shouldn’t meddle with,” the siren said.
“When they said that...it means that they’re behind the dimension rift,” June said.
“You knew from their tone?” Marta looked at June.
“Call it intuition,” June said.
“Raugh! You figured out our plan! Curse you, human and siren! Me Argill and Nagi will not let you leave this realm alive!” the figure roared.
Argill draws a spear with a harpoon head from the spear holder on its back while the siren draws a trident wrapped in a snake figure.
“Mine weapon Barbara will stop you. Barbara Strike!” Argill summoned Barbara the brute sea demoness figure from his spear.
The sea demoness strikes in a straight path.
“Watch out!” Everyone dodges Barbara’s charge and the sea demoness disappears.
“My Ophiucus shall destroy you in my stead. Ophiucus! Yahahaha!” Nagi laughed like a witch.
Nagi summons Ophiucus the Queen of snake from her trident. Ophiucus releases the snakes covering her torso toward everyone and disappears.
Marta points her finger at the snakes in fear. “Sea snakes!!” she screamed.
Marta hides behind Alice out of fear.
“Look out!” Alice cast Barrier on them.
June cuts the snake’s head before it can bite. Vine destroys the snake in front of him with a single claw strike.
“Marta, go handle Argill with Vine! I will handle that witch together with June. June, let’s stop this damn witch!” Alice said with an angry tone.
Alice and June charge at Nagi while Marta helped Vine handle Argill.
“Me can handle you by me self. Grrr!” Argill’s harpoon spear split the ground in two.
Marta couldn’t avoid the splitting ground and almost fell to the abyss.
“Ahh! I almost fell down! Help me up!” Marta shouted and Vine pulled her up.
“Damn you, Argill!” Vine slammed Argill with his tail.
Argill didn’t flinch from Vine’s tail slam.
“Grrr! Me fight better underwater! Barbara!” Argill filled the dimension with water.
Nagi turned at her back after hearing what Argill said.
“No! Don’t do it here, you fool!” Nagi hissed.
Too late, the dimension has been filled with water.
“You big fool! I can’t use my magic in this water!” Nagi yelled at Argill.
“Hmph! Me do what me want, Nagi! Me do not listen to order!” Argill looked away with a grim face.
Nagi hisses and shocks Argill with electric magic from her touch. As they keep squabbling and fighting at each other, Alice looks at them with a perplexing look while Vine looks confused at the situation.
“Uh...What’s going on between them?” Vine is confused at the situation.
“They even fight at each other...Seems like they don’t get along well with each other as our enemy,” June said.
“I have an idea...We can make them fight each other without making the situation harder,” Alice whispered at everyone’s ear.
“Grrr! How dare you shock Argill! Me hate thunder shock!” Argill growled at Nagi’s face.
Alice calls both of them with a whistle. “Hey, have you forgotten about us?” she called while waving her hands.
Nagi looks at Argill angrily. “Just don’t get in my way, fools!” Nagi exclaimed.
She chases after Alice and June.
“Hmph!” Argill faced Vine and Marta.
“You are facing me now, my child. Hmhmhm...Coral Viper!” Nagi released some Coral snakes from her hair.
“Not again!” Alice groaned.
Alice blocks the Coral snake’s bite with her staff while June cuts the snake in half with her sword.
“I almost got bit by a venomous snake. June, take care of that witch. Quick Chrono!” Alice helped June move faster with time magic.
“Hmhmhm...What a clever child. Tsunami!” Nagi created a wild flowing wave underwater.
“Oh no you don’t, I won’t let that hit June. Time Freeze!” Alice threw a ball of time magic.
“Oh no! I can’t stop that in the middle of magic casting. Syah!” Nagi hissed.
The ball bursts in a wide area that freezes Nagi in time. June slashes Nagi several times and runs before Nagi could fight back. When time returned to normal, Nagi stopped casting and screamed in pain as many slashing wounds appear on her torso.
“Shhh, how dare you! Whirlpool!” Nagi caused a whirlpool in the sea.
Alice gasps in panic. “Oh no! Wah!” she screamed when the whirlpool sucked her.
“Nagi, why? Grrroar!” Argill sucked by the whirlpool.
Alice manages to hold onto an object before the whirlpool swallows her. “Ghh...No other choice then. Time Freeze!” Alice’s magic stopped the time.
While everyone froze under her time magic’s effect, Alice brought Vine, Marta, and June out from the whirlpool.
“Freeze Smog!” Alice froze the whirlpool using freezing smog from the hand.
When time returned back to normal, the whirlpool stopped with Argill trapped within the whirlpool frozen by ice.
“(Gasp) No, Argill!!” Nagi saw Argill inside the frozen whirlpool.
She looks at them with fierce eyes. “Curse you, humans!” she showed her sharp teeth and hissed.
“Curse us anytime, you siren witch! Your curse won’t affect us just like the Davy Jone’s sunken ship,” Alice taunted.
“How did you---,” Nagi shocked.
“Hit the target, did I? Who would lay a curse upon the sunken ship? It’s none other than you and Argill. Tell me, who sent you?” Alice asked.
“Shhh, we will never tell you our master!” Nagi pointed her weapon forward.
“Master?” Alice wondered.
“Ophiucus!!!” Nagi summoned Ophiucus from her trident.
“Again??” Marta said.
“I shall turn you into nothing! Stone beam!” Nagi commanded Ophiucus.
Ophiucus’s eyes generate a beam that turns any creature into stone.
“Vine, get behind me! Reflector!” Alice cast a barrier in front of her.
Marta creates the same barrier as Alice. June blocked the beam with her swords. Alice and Marta’s barrier reflects the beam back to Ophiucus, turning Ophiucus into stone.
“No!!” Nagi screamed and Ophiucus vanished.
“This time you will regret turning us into stone. I’m copying Ophiucus’s ability and you can’t run from this. Stone Curse!!” Marta cast a curse on Nagi.
Nagi tried to outrun the curse but the curse caught her and turned into a stone statue sinking to the seafloor.
“Grrr! Master Mirage will destroy you!” Argill disappeared using magic.