Several days after Vine is accepted as a member of Magi village, Alice along with Vine reads a book in her tent containing a classic story of how sailors used to tell inexperienced young sailors to beware of sirens. The story is told from the perspective of an experienced sailor who managed to escape from the sirens. The poet in the book gives a clear hint of the siren:
"Beware of the siren”
“Its sweet lull voice has lured many men to their death”
“Beautiful face like a mermaid that fooled many men”
“Many has met their doom by this monster and never found”
“Beware of sailing on the sea too far”
“As the sirens prey upon men”
Vine shows a horrified expression upon reading the poet. “What a scary monster...,” he said in a terrified tone.
“I wonder if they exist. If they really exist then...I wonder where we can find them,” Alice wondered.
Vine gives a frightened look at her.
“But Alice...the book said that Sirens are dangerous,” he said.
“But has siren ever lured woman before? At that time...only men are allowed to do rough work,” Alice said.
Vine’s eyes widened when she said that.
“Really? I didn’t know that,” he said.
Alice gives a sharper look at Vine.
“Of course, you wouldn’t. You are a Valkyrie and you came from the Night Realm. I just returned to this Human world with you 4 days ago so basically, I brought you here 4 days ago,” Alice said.
While Vine wondered about the Human world, a sweet voice echoes throughout the village.
“Shh...Did you hear that?” Vine asked as his long ears twitch at the sound.
“What?” Alice whispered and listened.
Alice and Vine walk out of the tent and notice that others are listening to the sweet voice too.
A young man looks at them while listening to the voice.
“ heard the voice too...,” the young man said.
“That is...the voice of mermaid...,” a granny said in a raspy voice.
“I will check that voice,” Alice said.
Alice searches for the location of the voice, Vine followed her out of worry.
“Alice, wait...,” Vine ran to her side.
A young girl extends her hand to Alice from afar.
“Wait a minute. Alice, it’s too dangerous. I will go with you,” she said.
The girl walks behind them while the trio followed the voice. As the voice gets clearer, a blue light pulls them down to a different timeline. Alice notices that they were pulled in the midst of the sea as Alice could see a seafloor below her and begins to gag inside the water along with the others. Alice and the young girl try casting a barrier on self but the barrier unable to prevent the water from entering. As they gag, a swimming figure swam down and brings them to the water surface.
“Gah! That was close. I almost drown to death,” Alice said.
“We need to find land to pull ourselves from the sea. We can’t swim like this forever,” The girl said while struggling to stay on the surface.
Vine looks around and sees a rock nearby.
“How about that big rock over there?” he pointed.
The girl looks at the rock and agrees with him.
“Good idea. Hurry!” The girl swam to the rock.
Alice, Vine, and the young girl climb the wide rock in the sea.
Alice looks around with a confused face of where they are.
“Where are we? We followed the sweet voice and end up here in the middle of an unknown sea,” she mumbled.
Vine looks around and notices a light.
“Hey look, a light. Someone is coming here. Hey!” he shouted.
Alice stands up and looks behind.
“Someone is heading this way. Oi!” she shouted.
“Hey! Over here!” The girl shouted.
“Hello there!” A voice coming from the light.
It’s an aged sailor passing by. As the sailor approaches them, Alice heard a splashing sound behind her. When she turns at the sound, she sees a figure pops half of its face on the surface that reveals a blue scaly skin with strange hair and pink eyes. Alice gives a thank you to it and it dives into the water again.
“What are you doing here, kids? Ride onboard!” The sailor said.
Alice turns at the ship that stops in front of them.
“Let’s go,” she said.
Everyone climbs on the small sailor ship.
“We were trying to figure out a sweet singing voice. Do you know whose voice was that?” The girl asked.
The sailor’s eyes widened as soon as the girl mentioned a singing voice.
“Ye are talking about the siren, lad?” he asked.
Alice’s eyes widened.
“Wait, you knew about this?” she asked.
The sailor looked around warily.
“Why don’t we discuss this in my cabin?” he said.
“Right,” Vine said.
In the cabin, the sailor sits down with a terrible backache.
“So...Ye asked if the voice came from the deep. Aye, it is no other than the siren itself,” he said.
“!” Everyone was shocked at what the sailor said.
“Don’t tell me...They are real??” Vine asked with disbelief.
“That means...the siren’s singing voice lured us to this time,” Alice whispered to Vine’s ear.
“We have to deal with this monster soon if we want to return,” The girl said.
The sailor’s eyes turn wary on them, he knew that they are no ordinary children.
“What’re your names, kids?” he asked.
“My name is Marta,” The girl said.
“I’m Alice Maro,” Alice answered.
“Blue Vine,” Vine answered.
“Strange names...Are you from England?” The sailor asked.
“England? No, we came from America. We are orphans but we can take care of ourselves. Me and Marta live in a village located in a forest while Vine was an outsider but...we took him in as part of our village 5 days ago,” Alice answered truthfully.
“(Groan) being young sure is amazing,” The aged sailor mumbled.
Marta’s eyes widened.
“Is being young that good?” she asked.
“Even though we are young, we have our limit too,” Alice said.
“What are ye talking about? Being young means more active than a sea dog like me,” the aged sailor said.
Vine wonders about what year it is.
“Something troubled ye, lad?” the sailor asked.
“This may be a silly question but...what year is it now?” Vine asked.
Everyone looks at Vine with a perplexed look except Alice who was thinking the same thing.
“This is 1940, son. Ye are such a funny lad,” the sailor answered with a perplexed tone.
A singing voice echoes in the room.
“It’s that singing voice again,” Vine said.
“This time we will get that siren,” Alice said.
As everyone was about to leave, the sailor stopped them.
“Wait, ye don’t understand what ye are facing!” he warned.
“(Sigh) We came here to see if the siren is real or not. Has siren ever lured women instead of men? We will find out the truth soon,” Alice said confidently.
The sailor sighs.
“Guess nothing can stop youngsters nowadays. This sea dog won’t stop ye, kids. Do as ye want,” he said.
“Thank you, sir. We will come back safely, I assure you,” Marta said.
“Let’s go, Alice!” Vine shouted.
“Yup, let’s go!” Alice nodded and everyone runs out from the wooden house.