Little Maria hopped down the street. She loved walking down this particular street for two reasons: her favourite bakery and the intricately designed sidewalk gratings.
Maria hopped along the grating, humming cheerfully. Her thoughts focused on what she'd buy at the bakery today. She had seen pineapple tarts in the display on her last visit, and her mother said they were the tastiest she'd eaten. Today, she'd buy a pineapple tart.
The familiar door chime stopped her in her tracks. Maria looked up and saw that she had arrived at the bakery. Hurrying inside, she pushed past a couple on their way out.
When she rushed over to the displays, Maria's heart fell. There were no pineapple tarts.
"Hannah, will there be more pineapple tarts?"
"No, we're sold out."
Maria's heart fell. She had waited all week for the pineapple tart, counting the days and minutes, and now she couldn't have one. Her eyes burned, threatening to release her tears. Maria froze; no other pastry would satisfy her today.
The more she thought about her mother's description and her patience all week, the sadder she felt. Several customers entered the bakery, and Hannah left Maria to attend them.
Maria's eyes stayed on the floor. Soon her vision was blurry and her cheeks wet. She didn't like to cry, but she couldn't stop the tears. A plate appeared in front of her with a single tart. Maria looked up and saw Margherita smiling at her.
"Have a bite."
The tart was flower-shaped with a bright yellow orb in the middle. It had a sweet, unfamiliar scent. Maria looked up at Margherita again, who gave her another smile and a nod of encouragement.
Maria bit into the tart. It was unlike anything she'd tasted before. It was sweet, sticky, and crumbly-soft.
"What is this? It's delicious!"
Margherita glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Maria. "It's a mango tart. Hannah's been practising to make them."
"Hannah made this?"
"She did. Why don't you go tell her how it tastes."
Maria raced over to Hannah at the till.
"Hannah, your mango tart tastes delicious!"
Hannah looked at Maria, confused. But seeing Margherita standing behind the girl, she was immediately embarrassed.
"You'll never know if they're ready if your customers don't sample them." Margherita said, leaving the shop floor.
"You really think it tastes nice?" Hannah asked again quietly.
"Yes. Better than the pineapple tart Mommy talked about."
"Mom baked those tarts. No way my tarts taste better than hers."
"I don't know what they tasted like, but I really like your mango tarts. Are there any more?"
"Yeah, a few."
Hannah stepped into the back and returned with a small container containing six tarts.
"Here, you can have these."
"You mean it?!"
"Yeah, I'd just eat them all myself. You can have them since you like them."
"Thanks Hannah!"