Logan gave Adam a tour of the house, pointing out the rooms he could freely enter and the rooms he should not enter unless invited in. Namely, Logan's office, the master bedroom, Sophia's bedroom, and his mother's care room were off limits.
The last room was a bedroom on the second floor. The room had been decorated to look like a boy's room. It would be Adam's room for the week he stayed with the couple. Admittedly, some of the things in the room were what Adam himself had wished for. He could get used to this.
"Are you a runaway?"
"Yeah, but you don't have to worry about that; no one's looking for me."
"What agreement do you have with Aurora?"
"She said that you guys needed a kid for a week and that I'd get a bed, meals, and a pay check." Adam answered as he inspected the room.
"Did you sign a contract with her?"
"Then we don't owe you anything."
"Your wife promised to pay me!"
"She's not my wife. Besdes, you don't have a written contract; I don't have to pay you. Aurora brought you into this; she'll pay you herself. You only need to act like my son around others. Otherwise, stay out of my way and don't disturb my home."
Adam knew things didn't feel right with Logan. When Aurora was around, he didn't notice it. Logan was a selfish man.
"As you are obviously aware, I'm relatively wealthy. Watch videos or something on the computer, but learn to conduct yourself as the son of a wealthy family. I will not have you jeopardise my image."
"Anything else?"
"You'll call me 'dad' or 'father'."