“Defend the gate with your lives!” The Guard Captain shouted as the soldiers got into formation to stop us.
Krimsun began to whip up a whirlwind while Reggie turned invisible. I went low and dodged around with my portals. Katherine charged forward, shield first into the crowd. As much as we didn’t want to harm them, far more would suffer if we didn’t hurry.
Even with Krimsun with us, there were countless guards and they had their own magic. We were losing precious time.
“Hoo hmm,” I heard a familiar laugh from above, “It looks like they could use some assistance down there, Glenda,”
“I agree,” the Dwarf replied, “Come on son, show me what I’ve taught you!”
Wisebeak lowered Glenda and Gnorfdul from where he had been levitating them before heading back up, “My my, there are quite a lot of you. I do hope you’ll forgive us, but our friends need to enter the castle,”
Several small portals opened up around Wisebeak and dozens of weapons and tools began to pour out and whiz around the battlefield.
“Just like old times, eh Krimsun?” Glenda said as she knocked over five guards at once with her quarterstaff.
“Quite, though we are still rather outnumbered. Is this all you could bring?”
“Of course not!” she replied, firing a bolt of energy at what had been an invisible attacker, “Take a look at the gate!”
Much to the guards’ surprise, the gate began to open and the cloaked figure from before emerged with a badly beaten Ignatius.
“Sorry about being late, I was... err… detained,” Ignatius said.
“Katherine, Mak, good to see you two are well,” the cloaked figure said, “Father and Mother would’ve killed me if you were harmed,”
Jerome revealed his face as he summoned a mass of dark energy that formed a bridge over the crowd and towards the gate.
“Hurry up! We’ll take care of things here.
There was no time for any sort of questioning as we simply rushed over the bridge. Katherine and I thanked them with a wave before heading into the castle. Reggie gave him a nod as well.
“Duck!” I shouted as I heard crossbows readied to fire as we made it inside.
Krimsun and Katherine deflected and blocked the oncoming bolts before Reggie and I moved in to disarm our assailants.
We wasted no time making our way upstairs, but I could hear the sound of many more people two floors above. All heavily armoured.
“We’ve got more on the third floor! Lots more!” I said.
“I was afraid of that,” Krimsun said, not even turning around, “The Holy Guard are probably there, let’s just hope the Archbishop isn’t leading them,”
“Why, hello there my young friends,” The Archbishop said as we reached the third floor.
The man stood at the front of at least forty soldiers in golden armour, weapons pointed toward us.
“I must say,” he began, “Even having witnessed your bravery firsthand, I never would’ve expected this!”
Krimsun moved in front of us and cloaked herself in flames, “Your Excellency, I assure you our cause is just, but we have not the time to explain!”
“Many have resorted to violence thinking their cause was just,” he replied unflinchingly, “Am I to simply trust that you, an outcast from your own land and an escaped criminal in ours, is acting in good faith?”
Krimsun’s flames grew and I could feel the temperature of the room increase dramatically.
“I had so much hope for your group, such passionate young adventurers. Do you earnestly believe that what you are doing is worthwhile? Perhaps a plan to stop The Obelisk?”
“Yes!” Katherine shouted, “It is the Guildmaster! He’s behind this! And the King is the only one who can help! His majesty is in danger!”
One of the Holy Guard scoffed, “Lies! Sir Vincent is the noblest of us all!”
The Archbishop raised an eyebrow and looked directly at me, “These are quite serious accusations. I assume you have proof?”
“Yes! But there isn’t time to-”
“Graakmamak,” he said, “The last time we met, I said that you would make history,”
The Archbishop slammed his staff on the ground and light began to shine around him as dozens of golden rings of energy arose around him. These rings had many eyes engraved upon them and wings kept them afloat as they span in circles.
“Now, it is time to see if my prophecy was correct!”
He raised a hand and an orb of light grew in his palm. Krimsun bolstered her own flames, but even they were barely visible in the blinding rays.