We travelled all day and night on Magnus’ back and we awoke to the city of Oakenveil illuminated in the distance by the rising sun. The tall and ornate buildings reflected the rays of light and gave off an ethereal feel. I turned to Krimsun, who seemed to halve a half-smile half-frown as she looked upon her former home. “Get ready,” she said, “We will be landing shortly.” We all got up and prepared ourselves for the day. As we drew closer to the city it became apparent just how truly massive it was. The streets were bustling with people and the buildings were massive and all complimentary in architecture and colour. “It is beautiful,” Gus said as he looked out the window. Katherine quickly pulled out her sketchpad and proceeded to produce a bastardized recreation of the scene.
We landed just outside the city walls and thanked Magnus as we exited the carriage. “We shall be seeing you soon,” Krimsun said to the massive creature. “Don’t get yourselves into too much trouble in there,” Magnus replied in a tone more serious than I was comfortable with. We approached the drawbridge where two guards were waiting. “Halt! State your business!” said the more nervous looking of the two. “We’re from the Exordium Adventurer’s guild,” Krimsun said calmly as she handed him the quest paperwork. The older-looking Elf took it from him and began looking it over, “Hm, looks legitimate, Krimsun… Well,” he chuckled a bit, “I’ll be, haven’t seen you around here in quite some time.” Krimsun sighs, “Yes, Falnor, my work tends to keep me occupied.” Falnor waved to some guards at the top of the wall, “Well, I’m flattered you remembered me. Enjoy your stay and catch that feathery troublemaker.” Krimsun nodded as the drawbridge quickly lowered. As we walked past, the nervous guard kept an eye on me, clearly uncomfortable and unsure of what to do. Falnor simply maintained a neutral expression much like Krimsun typically did.
My concerns were swiftly kicked to the back of my mind at the splendor of the city before me. As we walked past the gate the vibrant colours and delicious smells of the city came in full force. The streets were packed with elves, “Stay close, we are to meet with the captain of the guards,” Krimsun said before casually walking into the fast-moving crowd. I jumped onto Katherine’s back as we entered the fray.
It was so loud that I could barely think. Yelling, haggling, gossiping, I hadn’t heard such continuous noise since Trodthrew. But this was not the time for a panic attack. Focusing on my breathing, I tried to tune out everything except Krimsun’s footsteps. I closed my eyes and envisioned my surroundings, slowly the other people on the street began to vanish in the noise and I could see Krimsun walking quickly but steadily through the street. Then my vision became just Katherine’s shoulder beneath me, Krimsun in front of me, Reggie and Gus to either side, and a couple of elves carrying lumber headed right towards us!
I opened my eyes just in time to see a plank of wood knock me off my perch and send me plummeting to the ground. I scrambled to my feet and tried to back up to Katherine, but I kept getting kicked by the busy elves rushing through the streets. “Mak! Mak! Where are you?” I heard her yell. I jumped up above the crowd, “Over here!” I yelled. But she couldn’t seem to hear me, somehow, we had ended up on opposite ends of the street and her human ears could pick up my voice. “What a great start.” I thought to myself. Before I could decide whether or not I was more afraid of getting lost or the scolding I would get from Krimsun as a result, a large elf booted me into an alleyway.
“At least I can pause a moment to get my bearings,” I foolishly thought to myself. Suddenly, the whistle of a slashing sword came from behind me. I dodged just in time and turned around to find a couple of large elves with drawn weapons. “How did a filthy rat like you get into our nice clean city?” the one with cruel eyes asked. “I… I…,” I began to stammer. “It can talk? Fancy that!” spoke the other as he stretched his sword arm. I could hear whimpering from behind them, a small Orc child was curled up by some garbage. She was covered in bruises. “I… Am Mak,” I finally said, “I am a member of the Exordium Adventurers guild. Here on a special mission.” The two elves laughed hysterically, “Haha! You, you can be serious! Kolin, have you ever heard a lie that dumb before?” the cruel-eyed one asked. “No way Danis, this rat is a regular jester!” spoke Kolin as he pointed his blade at me.
I quickly flashed my Wolfsnake badge, “I’m serious! I am supposed to meet with the captain of the guards. And if you don’t leave me and that child alone…” Danis smirked, “You’ll what?” he said as he brandished his weapon. “I’ll have you reported for assault!” I said weakly. Naturally, this caused them to laugh even harder. It wasn’t like I thought I couldn’t beat them in a fight, they didn’t look especially well trained, but without Katherine or the others here. I felt like a mouse in front of two lions. Not to mention the fact that I had no idea what kind of trouble I might get into if I got in a fight. Unfortunately, that decision was about to be made for me.
Kolin brought his blade down upon me, but in a swift motion, I extended the blades on my gloves and deflected the attack. “The little pest has claws! I wonder where he swiped them from?” sneered Danis as he tried to stomp on me. Throwing a portal down below myself, I vanished and reappeared from the wall behind him. His foot landed in my portal and I kicked his rear. Danis fell forward and got his entire leg jammed into the portal. “Ouch! I’ll feed you to my cat!” he yelled. Kolin approached me, more cautiously this time. He attempted to deliver a kick, but I simply jumped on top of his foot and then spring-boarded up to his face, where I delivered a slash from his cheek to his nose.
“Murderer! Filthy vermin!” he screamed as he fell on his back, holding his face in his hands. I ran over to the child and helped her up, “Are you alright?” I asked. She delivered a weak smile, but suddenly got a terrified look and ran down the alleyway. I turned around to find three angry-looking elves in spotless uniforms looking down at me.
“Oh… Hi, you must be the guards. I… I need to speak with your captain.” They chuckled menacingly, “Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary.” He said as he delivered a kick to my gut that sent me flying into the wall behind me. “Wait... P-please.” I tried to say before kicked me again. “We don’t take kindly to pests in our city.” He spat as he spoke. He grabbed me by the collar slammed me against the wall. As he did I placed a portal behind me, when he slammed again I fell through and out to a wall near the exit to the alleyway. “What!? That little monster can use magic?” he yelled. I focused energy into my legs to try and run, but the guard took out a spool of thread and made several quick gestures before tossing a tightly woven net at me. I dodged to the side, but the net followed me! I looked at my shirt and saw that a thread was connected to the net. Before I could react, I was trapped. “Don’t bother trying to escape,” he said as I clawed and gnawed at the thread. “That thread is as tough as steel and nullifies magic. Now, be a good little rodent scream for us.” He then took out his blade and pointed it at my face. “AAAGH!” I screamed internally, but on the outside, I simply froze as he slowly began to pierce my skin. “What no show? Guess I’ll have to take my ti-” A plume of flames lit up the alleyway.
“Lieutenant Lenfon,” spoke a familiar voice in a threateningly calm tone. “K-Krimsun!” he stuttered nervously, “What are you doing here?” he asked. “That is need-to-know information, now, what are you doing?” she replied as she gestured towards me. “I… I was just removing this pest from our city! I have no idea how he got in here!” he went from threatening as a dragon to as pitiful as a child that forgot to do their chores while their mother was out in an instant. “This…” Krimsun said, gesturing to me once more, “Is one of my subordinates, you will release him immediately, Lenfon.” The guards were dumbstruck, one even dropped her weapon. “Wh-what?” Lenfon asked, “I mean, of course, ma’am.” The net dissolved around me and I collapsed on the ground. “Did you find him!?” came another voice from around the corner.
“Mak!” Katherine yelled as she ran over to me. “What did you dung-born cretans do to him!?” she said in a low voice as she drew her blade and charged it with energy. “Hold your blade and your tongue, Katherine.” Krimsun scolded coolly. “Lieutenant, you will escort us to Captain Verdona.” Lenfon saluted and the guards formed up and headed out of the alleyway just in time for Gus and Reggie to catch up.
“You already got yourself beat up?” Reggie scoffed. Gus simply ran over and began applying healing magic. I yelped as the magic stung, but I could feel the rest of the pain begin to numb. “Sorry,” Gus said as he saw the pain in my face. “I told you to stay close,” Krimsun said, “Just because you were able to dodge attacks not meant to hit you, does not mean you can move about the street with your eyes shut.” Every hair on my body stood up at once. “So, you saw me practicing…” I said quietly. “We all did, I am impressed with your progress, but you need to be more prudent about when and where you train.” It was hard for me to tell if she was mad or not, so I decided to remain silent.
After another pass through the chaotic streets of Oakenveil, we made it to a large tower. It appeared to be made of perfectly cut stone and had an ornate, but sturdy-looking door. It bore a symbol much like the Quatricore. “Allow me.” Said Lenfon as he opened the door for Krimsun. “Thank you, Lieutenant,” she said dispassionately. As we headed into the building, I noted how well-kept everything was. There were long rows of paintings, depicting figures from the military history of Oakenveil, each lined up perfectly and in chronological order. Not a frame was tilted and not a spec of dust was to be found anywhere.
Finally, we were led into a large room with comfortable-looking furniture in front of a beautifully crafted oak desk. Behind this desk sat an Elf woman in a set of light armour adorned in symbols that indicated her rank and achievements. She looked up from some paperwork, smiled softly, and rose to greet us. “Krimsun, my dear sister. It is such a delight to see you again.” She said in a serene and yet, threatening tone.