Blunt, but it’s not like I disagreed with him. I’m not special, Katherine did most of the work in that fight. I didn’t deserve the special attention I got and…
“Being a Nequese doesn’t make you special, you put in the work to being what you are,”
“Wait. What?”
“Don’t make me say it again, don’t think you’re important because you’re the first of your kind to be an adventurer. If you get full of yourself and slack off in your training then you’ll put the rest of us in danger. Fall behind and I won’t slow down for you,”
At that, he quickened his pace towards the Abbey infirmary.
Bizarre as it was, that was the most encouraging thing Reggie had ever said to me. That was also the first time I’d ever heard him say “Nequese” instead of “rat” or “rodent”. But I suppose a backhanded compliment is an improvement from the norm.
In spite of Katherine’s protests, the monks moved her to the infirmary and began attending to her injuries.
“By Maria! How did your leg get so swollen?”
“Well, you know how battles can…”
“Katherine! There is no way it is that swollen after today’s battle, you must’ve gotten from-”
“Shut up Gus!”
“I think we can handle it from here, why don’t you all get some rest,”
Tired as I was, the idea of sleeping was not especially appealing. With what happened today, I was sure the nightmares would be back in full force.
After a while, I decided to get some tea to try and calm my nerves before bed. As I approached the kitchen, I heard Gus and Reggie chatting.
“And how are your injuries, Reggie?”
“Pfft, I actually got approved for the mission by Glenda. I’m fine.”
“Good, remember, you can always talk to me,”
“Speaking of, how’s your mom and brother doing?”
“They’re surviving,”
“Is the medicine working?’
“Yes, but Walter’s out of a job again,”
“Sorry to hear that, he’s still healthy?”
“As far as I know, but just living with someone with the Sordestese plague…”
“I know you don’t want to accept it, but please,”
“Thank you, Gus, but I’m fine. After this mission, I’ll be halfway to being able to afford her treatment,”
“That’s great news, but you won’t get there if you only eat when there’s free food,”
“I get lunch at the dining hall,”
“We are adventurers, you need more than lunch to keep up your strength. If you won’t accept my gold, at least let me get you some food now and then,”
“Fine, thank you, Gus,”
“You’re welcome,”
I knew it was impolite to eavesdrop, but my curious nature had gotten the best of me. This must’ve been why Gus had defended Reggie’s behaviour before.
“I’m going to turn in for the night,”
“Same here,”
Uh oh.
As they began to move towards the hall I’d been listening from, I slowly backed up before heading towards the kitchen as if I had just arrived.
“Just getting some tea,” I said.
“Ah, well, have a good night, Mak!”
“Did you hear any of what we were saying?”
“Uh, something about lunch?” I stammered, trying not to directly lie.
Reggie simply narrowed his eyes before walking away.
I breathed a sigh of relief as they walked out of sight, promptly had my drink, and scurried to bed. Trying not to think about what kinds of images I’d be treated to in my sleep.
Naturally, it was Krun.
This nightmare incarnation of the Orc stared down at me as if he was a giant.
“Once a rat, always a rat!” he repeated as he lay waste to town after town. Crushing houses and barns, devouring all the inhabitants.
All while I was chained up and being dragged along to witness the carnage.
Katherine tried in vain to help me, every time she caught up, she’d fall down in pain from her leg.
But then, something strange happened.
A golden light surrounded her leg and she stood up, Gus arrived with Reggie and the three of them charged forward. I slipped out of my chains, and the three of us began to fight the beast together.
And we were winning.
For the first time, I could remember, my dream ended with hope.