God sat on his throne and said " The Count is coming " Metatron brought out his blade as god said " Don't worry it will work this time " " What about your side my lord ? " " I will be safe alone " Metatron nods as he flies to the third sphere .
" Oh look we're here " " This heaven is super bright " " Of course it is , that's what heaven was described as " " There's like no one here " " Maybe except Leviathan " " I heard he is supposed to be big " " C please don't say it like that " Karma sees their surroundings get brighter and brighter .
He looks up to see Metatron descending down " Oh it's the little Deus " " Count " " Yes ? " " C he doesn't know you , also what did you come here for ? " Metatron holds the same blade he used to strike a fatal blow " Oh I did remember asking for you to turn the sea into blood "
Metatron goes to kill Karma swinging the blade into the air missing Karma " Hey isn't the damage of breaking an oath like that severe ? " Karma leaves before he can be stabbed as he appears where Leviathan lives " This place is amazing " Karma looks at the sea made for Leviathan .
' he did send me letters ' Karma looks at the doorbell and gives it a try as Leviathan opens it " Oh Count you are here were you killed in the battle ? God did promise me that you would come to heaven during the battle down there " ' I think he's too vague kinda like my style '
" I did die " " That's great I'm not trying to be sarcastic but it's good that you came to heaven instead " ' It looks like Leviathan has a similar bias the believers have '
Leviathan led Karma into his home and seated him on the couch " I'll get some tea and snacks tell me about the side of yours what happened there ? "
" There were some believers who laughed at the misfortune of the Babylonians " " Oh I hated that hearing them break another of god's teaching makes me so mad " ' so he isn't entirely on the believers' side either ' Leviathan gets some tea leaves out of the cabinet .
" By the way how did you make those three beasts ? " " Science of course with a little help from your memories and from getting the Lamb's head " " Oh that must've been painful for the lamb " Leviathan took out some mugs and took a seat opening a paper pack of biscuits .
" I have so many things I wanna ask you it's like talking to Metatron when I was asking him about the book of Enoch " " It sounds interesting to do that did you ask the same kind of questions to god ? " Leviathan fidgets " ehh nooo I feel underqualified to ask god " " You're not questioning him at all you are just clarifying "
" Yeah but you know , he created this world and all , I can't help but feel shy " " you sound like some girl talking about her hallway crush " " not a hallway crush more like someone who lives so high you can't reach them "
" god does sound like that " " yeah I'm lucky to be able to be near the first sphere , I tried talking to the angels here but they never talk probably too busy singing "
' No maybe it's because of something else ' " Anyways how was heaven treating you during Revelation " " Rather than treating me , I didn't have many people visiting me before this might be because of what the apocryphal text and what mass media said about me , but the people slowly opened up to me as they get to know me as for the during Revelation there wasn't much difference other than the shock of course "
Karma smiled seeing Leviathan not see the severity of Karma's action " Say Leviathan do you know what god had planned ? " " Ehh not at all why ? " Karma takes out a scroll as Lucifer who was watching through his eyes recognized it .
" This is the will that god had addressed to Lucifer , it says things about Lucifer being meant to lead sinners " " Huh ? " Leviathan was confused as Karma unrolled it and handed it over to Leviathan " Verify it yourself "
Leviathan looks at it as he reads it surprised to see a side of god that was rarely shown to others " How is this possible are you saying that the role was this important "
" Yep it just shows how many people are still part of god's plan , nothing else is said about what happens after other than eternal paradise and damnation "
" But this letter denies damnation " " Exactly but it had planned for the journey that will be led by Lucifer and the fallen angels together with the souls , had it been discovered sooner it would've led to Lucifer taking the role instead of keeping it from happening "
Leviathan rolls it back " But what would happen now that Lucifer is no longer the one in the role , all of Lilith's spawns , Azazel's Nephilim and the Nephalem what happens when they were removed " " Don't worry if you haven't heard the Fae or the Pagans have returned with those spawns "
" So it would go the same way ? " " Not sure , god is supposed to be all-powerful yet he gave the role of leading the strong humans and fallen angel to Lucifer he doesn't sound so powerful right ? " Leviathan nods but also mentions .
" But he is still benevolent " " I wouldn't disagree with that , he's kind to everyone but to himself " " What why ? " " You see god was never a god to begin he was a human when he began " Leviathan was Intrigued and so was Lucifer .
" Leviathan you read the story that was published about creationism and evolution right ? " " Yep , I still prefer the creation of the Garden of eden but the evolution is interesting " " Then before the creation of Eden there were the Pagans "
Karma stops and thinks of it " No rather than Pagans you could say that these gods were just gods everyone had different types of worship back in that day however one person named El had a different approve , he was born in a tribe without worshippers "
Both listened attentively as Karma told the story nobody in the world has ever known " El was a skilled artist , all the paintings he drew were sold and some tribes tried to bring him to theirs so that they could gift his talents to their respective gods "
" However El didn't like having to dedicate himself to someone so he pretended to be a worshipper of an already great god , he made paintings of a beautiful garden , an eternal paradise with an afterlife , he was brimming in the talent of creating , however , what he creates were merely fantasies "
" The man kept making more and more symbols to worship his self made fake god , he eventually fell in love with his creation , the story he wished to see more than imagine , the garden he dreamed and painted , the terrifying angels whose appearance meant to scare monsters away "
" But every wish of turning his creation to reality came with a greater god to notice him , the god didn't do much only waiting for El to forget about his creation and eat the delectable memory that El forgets so as to not harm El "
" Wait this monster do you know what it is ? " " I do know a lot about it , god used to fear it , but the story of god's creation probably didn't end there , while the monster had tried to befriend El , El was too frightened to talk to them "
" Even after the monster gave him the sight to see them El would try to shut them " Karma stops as Leviathan waits until he decides that Karma was keeping him in suspense for too long " What happened next ? "
" I'm afraid I don't know what happened next from here on " " Really ? I thought you would continue to tell me about how god went ahead to create heaven and me ? "
" The monster that he feared left the world's dreams so El was safe from surveillance I assumed he reenacted whatever he had written because he somehow gained the power to do so probably by the strength of his soul and then he went to somewhere the monster couldn't find . "
Leviathan felt disappointed hearing that " But you know maybe god will give you the answer ? " Karma looks at the window as Leviathan misunderstood what he meant rushing to the door to see no one .
" I didn't mean he'll be here but I mean that there might be a way for him to tell us what happens later but for now " Karma eats the snacks " Let's play a few games "
Count falls from heaven as Michael notices and quickly yells for them to chase after the body that Count inhabits ' I can't believe I have to die just so that I can bring my real body '
" I need you to take over my body " " What why ? " " Obviously so that the blood can be used " " But you don't have enough in there " " I made some modifications in it so that you can turn the sea into the blood that will be your only chance though because , within an hour of my body's death , the sea will turn back to normal "
" Why can't you do it ? " " Because I'll be busy , I need to make sure someone keeps the angels down there " Count finds Reed and goes to him as he throws things at Michael and the angels to distract them .
" Maybe this will work " Count cuts their body parts as they create duplicates of Count's body surprising the angels as they constantly multiply independently .
' I may as well check on Reed ' Count incapacitates the angel chasing him as he finds Reed in the Count's mansion " Reed ? " Reed turned to Count " Karma , I thought you were heading for heaven ? "
" No , I'm Count , Karma gave me his body telling me I need to die because he will be busy up there but I'm not exactly sure why he needs to take so much time just to be in heaven " " So my friend is in my descendant's body , this is truly strange "
" Yes I know " " But why are you here if you need to die " " No I can just copy this body's ability and let it die for me " Reed doesn't know what kind of effect Count is trying to achieve " What happens when that body dies ? "
" Karma said it will turn the sea into his blood " " Did he specifically tell you to turn into clones ? " " No ? " " Then how would that work " Count senses their clones as many dead in a battle but doesn't turn the sea into blood .
" I don't get it " Count looks at Reed " I don't get it either " " But you are his ancestor " " And as the Founder of this family I don't know exactly what everyone knows , I have barely even known my descendants or spend time with them after returning to heaven "
" You are a terrible father " " I heard you didn't even take care of your children " Reed said crossing his arms " I was very big I didn't think the things that left my body eventually turned into living things "
" At least I understand that part but don't you think that you should at least apologize ? " " I already did " Count said in defeat " It's okay you're not alone in being a bad parent , after you gave me your memories I remembered that I wasn't a good parent to my successor "
" No that one was my fault " " Hey it's okay by the way what about that friend of yours that turned out to not be your friend " " I was trying very hard to persuade him okay , I didn't think he thought I was some creepy god like my children " Count tries to make a point due to their inexperience in talking to people .
" No your children are nice what are you saying " Reed said trying to comfort Count " I didn't raise them though " " It's okay they were born with memories which are probably your memories " " Some of the memories were so distorted it messed with their birth "
Reed wonders how far of a lost cause Count was in giving life to their children " You know you can always try to solve that problem by trying to understand why that's happening " " I know I have been shedding some memories it's similar to how living things forget but when it happens to me I create life instead "
" Ohh " Reed wonders if there is a solution as they look at Count's soul " Hmm this vision is handy " " Why ? " " I can see that this body is keeping your body from leaving any traces "
" Oh I already know that but I'm still wondering about a lot of things that are about me I'm just a collage of memories that suddenly starts to develop a self so I wouldn't even know anything I don't have parents to teach me where I came from or how I came to being so a lot about me is a real mystery "
" Oh I know that feeling , I was an orphan too " Reed feels like he's been in this conversation before " Hey aren't we in the same conversation we had ? " " Oh yeah then I told you that you had parents because a human doesn't just pop out at that era " " And I told you that you must be the first of your kind "
" Remembering that memory was really fun , I told you a lot about the world because you were the only one I could talk to in that lonely void of space " " Then you told me about black holes , you told me about things that would later be theorized " " Yeah I know right we had so many conversations back then and it was all about the world beyond yours "
" Then did you see the world beyond what you were familiar with when you left ? " " I traveled to some places but it looks like the souls were also disappearing I wonder if there is another person like El out there "
They look out the window at the stars " I remember thinking that the stars were people " " Until I told them that the stars were just like the sun you have except light years apart "
" I'm curious how your body was able to be in so many places at once " " My growth is exponential I kept eating memories , I wasn't exactly hungry or anything but I tried to expand my body so that I could protect the memories I got from you "
Reed wonders what is left to know in this world " Do you think there are other gods that aren't your children " " Maybe I have been around many places and seen many conditions that could've created another me but I haven't seen one so far , probably because I've been grabbing all the food that they needed "
" Would you think they will be very powerful to create things like god ? " " I don't know , I can't even imagine how El just decided to run from my sight one day and start the creation of heaven and hell I wouldn't even know how your civilization started from the bundles of memories I have been eating "
" I did see some fae go to the tower you built as soon as you left " " I did gather some food for them and left it there " " Oh you are being a good parent now " " Karma was the one who asked me to do it " " I take that back , you are acting more like a parent now "
" I'll appreciate that at least " " So aren't you supposed to go and die ? " " Oh yeah I do have to do that , can you go somewhere safe ? " " I will Isir invited me to stay with them in that bunker over there "
" Then I'll go to the sea right there " They parted ways as Count looked at the shore wondering what they were supposed to do as they removed their shoes and kicked the sea ' He did say that there is a duration and told me to leave some of my body unless I want to lose it again '
They sighed and walked to the shore wondering if they should drown but barely had any memories of dying because people don't usually die and stay in this realm " I can at least go for a swim " Count swam to the sea wondering how long until the clones they sent die as Metatron appear .
" Here you are Count " " Yes that's me " Metatron was skeptical about Count's lax attitude but kills Count anyway " Ouch " Metatron watched the sea turn into blood as he had expected as the red blood suddenly change to see a mouth " That hurts "
He was surprised as a giant hand grasped his body " Seriously Karma should've done something else " Metatron soon realized that this wasn't the real Count he was after " MICHAEL THIS ISN'T THE COUNT "
Michael is shocked to hear it and he thinks quickly ' Why would father let Count in ' " Angels return to heaven this order is absolute " Michael tries to think of what kind of things his father wanted to happen .
" Michael I think I should be killed " " What father why ? ' Michael was anxious hearing that his father who has been teaching him would have to leave .
" I had done too much to their children I had persecuted and shamed them as false gods , many of them have been suffering , but I've been watching the founder and learned what kind of person they are "
" But that doesn't mean that you have to die " " No I have to it is the only to free you all from their anger " " But we don't even know if they are angry or not " " I know but that doesn't mean I shouldn't think they would calmly give me who have been harming their children forgiveness "
' Please do not kill him , I beg of you , father has always held humanity in his mind please do not do anything to him ' Karma looks down from heaven as Leviathan shows his home to Karma " So after all this we can show this and that "
" Leviathan I want to apologize a little bit early " Leviathan was confused as Karma held the scapegoat and the lamb skull " What are you doing " Karma smiled as takes Leviathan's merit and sins .
" Wait Count what is this ? " Leviathan was worried about what he was experiencing " It's a little something so that you don't have to see anything that's about to happen up here " " Count what are you gonna do ? " Leviathan reached out as his curiosity came with fear .
A barrier encloses Leviathan as Karma takes away more of his merits making him sink slowly" COUNT WAAAITTT " " See you later , hopefully you don't get mad at what I'm about to do "
The clouds made of lightweight merit dissolved into Karma as he took away the merit and received the sin and gave it to the scapegoat , Leviathan falls as he tried to grab whatever he could to keep him .
He grabbed the edge of a platform and climbed up as he saw that all of the first sphere's clouds were gone as heavy platforms fell clearing the obstacles that blocked the sight of El on his seat " You look like the latest memory Count still has for you "
El looks at Count with an expression hard to read but shows a little bit of contempt " Were you expecting someone else like how your angel was expecting Count to be me " " Is that the name they go by now ? "
El asked , Leviathan witnessed the conversation with awe but with fear at what Karma might do that would make him mad or hate him .
" Yes it is the other person who is the "friend" of my ancestor's friend " " Is that it then I hope you do it now by the time the angels come here there will be no way for you to do it , they have grown too strong "
Karma smiled " Nope I think I'll wait , after all , if you wanted to die you could've killed yourself " " No I left myself alive so someone can kill me " " Trying to reenact the crucifixion to spare the angels of the punishment of the sins against the pagans ? You did bring salvation to humans but not for demons "
" There was nothing to give salvation for the demons would've led together with their families if Lucifer had read my will " Lucifer felt the same regret of not taking it .
" The plan was supposed so that the fallen angels would lead the souls , but I'm not the omnipotent god I said I was , I can see the future but not without having variables affect it "
Karma listened as El continued to talk " I wanted for heaven and hell to stand together secretly after Lucifer went down , but perhaps it's because I knew he would tear it as soon as he found it during his younger years that I was afraid it will all go wrong , or maybe I hid it too deep for him to find it "
Lucifer felt guilty as he slowly lost all the reason he needed to hate his father who he had thought let him fall after giving up great gifts to humanity " The plan starts becoming different now that you have started to take the role , maybe it's because you have showed concern to your family that you had pushed them aside "
Leviathan was shocked hearing how god was willing to reveal so many secrets but also feared what he had thought of as a possible scenario the death of god himself .
" I was terrified but the years of hiding my true self to others , other than my close angels ... have prevented me from showing fear , even now as I look calm I am afraid that my death isn't enough to quench the anger of your parent "
" So you changed your plan as soon as you realized that the future was changed ? " " Yes all my children had done simply delayed the process it couldn't do anything at all " " You're lucky I'm curious about you "
Karma raises the scapegoat and takes the merit that forms the clouds on the second sphere as Leviathan falls into the first sphere together with the solid platforms as the blood on the scapegoat turns darker .
" So you were expecting me to kill for C as revenge for what you did to the fae ? " " Yes that's the best outcome , it will save the angels and spare the human souls that should've come to the new kingdom "
Karma shrugged his shoulders as he raised up to El's level as Leviathan covered his eyes not wanting to see " Hey El you said you were good at drawing did you draw those creepy angels yourself ? " " Yes the first spheres were prototype angels you could say they are older than Lucifer and all the other angels but they are nothing but puppets without strings "
El continues to stare at Karma " Do you have more questions about heaven ? " " Yeah in fact I do " " But you can get them by devouring my soul I know Count can do that and you being the same as them should mean you can "
" Yeah but there's a flaw in both of us , neither of us are really willing to digest that much memory why else do you think my soul took a long time to complete " " I see then ask away " " How did you make heaven and hell "
Leviathan was scared but astonished to hear that they were still talking , he decided to at least hear god's answers to Karma's questions .
El felt nostalgic as he started to recount his memories " I was a very dreamful child when I was young , my parents were amazed as they tried to sell me to worshippers for security , but I was also smart , I was able to run away from home then "
" Why not hold a grudge to them ? " " It's nothing back then we were ignorant , I was the selfish one to run away from them because I had the very selfish wish to explore the world , even though I could've watched a god perform their miracles I wanted to be like that "
El starts creating Illusions to entertain Karma as Leviathan watches seeing a beautiful scenario of nature as he hears birds chirping and rain drops drop " I loved the whistles of the wind , loud strikes of thunder , I found ways to make instruments and I found ways to make dyes "
There was a painting as it was painted and flowers and leaves that came with it " I drew so well they could've been real , And then I tried to draw two people someone I didn't see they were the Adam and Lilith "
" But as my talents grew so did my reputation , people wanted to take me to their gods as a live offering , I had to do something so I made a fake god , my stories grew but I was terrified of what would happen when people find that my god was fake , until that fear was replaced , by a much scarier problem "
" Count was it ? " " I was too scared of them as I witnessed their great form and had shown desire over my talents , I thought I was meeting with a god who was the same as the worshippers of the different tribes so I was afraid because I knew that if a greater being had found out they will take me knowing I had no protection "
The illusion suddenly changed into a calm blue sky " So I quickly escaped as soon as I got the chance , I created a realm a divine realm that only one god can stay me "90Please respect copyright.PENANA90oyHAW8za
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