" Hey Lucifer look at this " Karma turns the copy of Genesis into a spear with the great blade shrunk into a spearhead " I can even turn it into a smaller dagger "
Lucifer wonders why Karma is so unserious despite discovering that there is an unaccounted threat of a copy of god that was on earth likely holding the real Genesis .
Karma finds that his soul connection with Isir is gone again " Hmm why can't I check on Isir " He looks around as the primal instincts that composed the ground that he ate help him search the door .
" Found it " Karma hit a wall trying to feel around it as Lucifer wondered why there was an invisible wall " I could use a curse word to express how annoyed I feel right now " Karma said as he hit the wall .
" Maybe I should try to destroy it or something " " What are you going to do if whatever is in here is suddenly let out in the world " " Lucifer there is really nothing in here that's gonna spill out of the world , I ate my fill of primal instincts which is surprisingly easier to digest than flavorful memories "
Karma strikes the door and sighs " Well I'm sure Isir will notice and get here soon " Karma grabbed a handful of the ground and ate it as he waited " I'm wondering if El intended to use his throne to store as many of this eroded souls , it contains a lot of things that would be detrimental to heaven but mostly it composed of instincts that are still attached to the soul "
Lucifer wondered what Karma was doing and joins " Father likely did that so that animals don't eat each other " " Yeah but all animals go to heaven , it's unfair because most animals only have instincts and are barely as intelligent as humans , they probably don't know how to sin at all "
Karma plays with Genesis making it take different forms to entertain himself " Karma ? " Gale said together with the other promise keepers " Hey Karma can you hear us ? " Ember asked " I don't think he can " Truth said as they had all been screaming at him .
" Gale any luck on that memory ? " Dream asked " It's hard this memory is so hard to read I don't even know who's memory it is " Truth looked at Gale who was busy digesting the memory " You know our parent is still down there and there are earthquakes , plagues and fireballs falling and that guy with a giant sword "
The promise keepers wonder what would happen to whoever was downstairs as the shelter that Isir and Reed were supposed to be in was sent to the dreaming .
Diana looks at Moirai who yawns " Man I honestly thought you couldn't get through like Karma said but maybe that's why there is this spell that isolates the shelter "
Diana carries her nephew as she checks on the family tree to see what generation she is actually on " Probably doesn't matter if Karma thinks of the Fae's only parent as his parent " Moirai was blank as he was just thinking about the cartoon they watched before .
" Where is your parent Isir anyways ? " Moirai looks at Diana and lifts his body and tries to reach the laptop , Diana helped him reach it and watches the smart kid access a note pad , punching the buttons enough to get the laptop to register it .
" Outside ? " Diana was confused how Isir could be outside " Maybe Karma showed him around ? " Moirai shook his head and pointed at a logo of the planet " You mean like the outside that outside ? In whatever disaster was occurring outside ? "
Moirai nods as she wonders what kind of things Karma will do if he finds that Isir is in danger considering what he had done to people who tried to kill him " Is someone with him ? " Moirai nodded pointing at the family tree wallpaper as Diana gasped .
" It had to be the founder " Diana quickly went out wondering what she could do as she searched for anything she could use to get out , she ran through the exit door and found that it was lock . She checks around the shelter's more functional floor to search for anything that could help .
Of course , the only thing that could take them out was the AI that Isir prepared for the entire shelter that was meant to ensure that the shelter would be able to survive should the battle end terribly .
" Arachne ? " " Yes Diana Count ? " " We have a problem about the number of people that's supposed to be here " " Are you referring to the absence of Isir and Reed ? " " Yes why didn't you do a thing about that ? " Diana asked .
" Because Isir has control over me , they have told me "to watch the house while they're gone" " How were they planning to get back ? " " Through the portal that can only opened by Isir or Reed should they return "
" Can I go fetch them ? " " Yes " " What the heck ? " Diana was confused about how the AI that Isir installed didn't care if she leaves " Now I don't have the motivation to go out "
" There are weapons you may use to defend yourself as well as a few prepared spells to protect you should you desire to leave " Arachne assured Diana mistaking her loss of motivation as fear for her safty
" Thanks for the push ? " Diana followed the AI's silent instructions displayed as arrows leading her to the weaponry opening the door and the casings for her . She arrives at the portal as a metal ladder fell .
" I have inputted an access code into the portal that will lead you back please keep yourself safe " " Alright " Diana climbs the ladder as it closes after she reaches the surface " Okay I still have to go up "
She flies up spotting the chaos that is occurring " Oh goodness gracious " loud explosions , thunder strikes and tsunamis occurred that is making her wonder if anyone is alive at this current disaster " I guess I feel safer because of these "
" DIANA " she followed the sound spotting Isir and Reed at a distance " Why are you two outside " " Reed was trying to stop Count from killing god " The words that came out of Isir's mouth was enough for Diana to think she shouldn't have heard it .
" Anyways it's good that you are here " Isir said with a smile " Why ? " " Now you can protect Reed " Diana was surprised as Isir took off to heaven " See you later Cousin-in-law " " Wait you just left me the most important person "
Diana's yell didn't reach Isir as they arrived at heaven seeing the promise keepers waiting for Gale to digest the memory " Isir " Dream called out as they looked at the crowd " What's happening ? "
" There's a lock on the back of this chair " Ember said while Isir took a look to see Karma eating something that looked like mud but couldn't hear a thing " Okay I'll open it " Isir broke the seal as Karma fell with the back of his head first .
" Well hello , there person of my interest " " Had to run late because no one could protect Reed so I dumped Reed to Diana " " Does Count know he's around ? " " Yes they were looking at us through a giant eye but their busy fighting god "
" I can tell you one thing and the fact is that it might not be god " Karma gets up and grabs Lucifer " For now let's lock this throne room up before it leaks something that shouldn't be out "
" Why is it not god ? " Isir locks the throne after Lucifer leaves Karma pointed out " Because there was a copy of god inside that we called Le and they admitted to Lucifer that the real Le was going to come back "
" Wait couldn't that have just been El then ? " " Could be but you know , I ate the fake Le and found another El who is the real Le " Isir was getting confused but didn't stop Karma to explain what he said again .
" According to fake Le's memories , the real Le was like a real person " Isir was confused as Karma continued " The real Le is completely different than El , Le was like the promise keepers but instead of a specific element of the world he represents El who was brave hence why he would be the weapon , it seems like El doesn't think or know that this Le wasn't a selfless weapon that could be alive with a seld , like your AI's because he was too focused that he wasn't as great as Count "
" So Le is just an El that isn't afraid ? " " Hmm sorta I guess maybe that's why I found that Le has the original sword of Genesis " " Oh so that's what's been happening down there " " What's happening " " I saw that person who gave us a shield again but with a sword , do you think that's Le ? "
Karma nods " That would be the right one " They heard a giant explosion as Le held a burning sword " That battle is getting intense " Karma returns Genesis to its original great blade form " Isir you are gonna be support so here's what I need you to do " he leaves a text for Isir .
They look at Karma curious what he wants to do " How about you distract Count think of anything a child would say to their parents to keep them distracted "
" Ehh ? " Isir was confused as Karma continued " Count is kind of mad at El and wants to kill him I can't let that happen because it's super annoying to take care of the aftermath of the death of a god who has been the main "religion" for a long time "
Lucifer looks down as Karma grab him " Also Samael you need to go convince your deadbeat dad to not let himself die because he's currently chasing after the scapegoat that Le is wearing " Lucifer was surprised that he was being called his old name but more surprise that Karma called El a deadbeat dad .
" I'll try at least " " Yeah try with your siblings " Isir looked at Karma who showed enjoyment imagining the awkwardness Lucifer was gonna have " Alright I always wanted to see what sky diving is like . "
Karma jumped lightly as he let himself fall from heaven " Get going everyone " He yelled as Gale flew the promise keepers to Count's body from outside while Lucifer was given coordinates as to where El could be while Karma went to Le .
Lucifer finds El destroying arrows of plague on a land as he calls out " Father ? " El was surprised as he turned to see face to face " " Lucifer ... What are you here for I thought you were supposed to be in heaven with the Count "
" Can you please not sacrifice yourself to Count ? " " No I have to or else you don't get to have a future " " No please father the implications could be horrible if you die here " " No it's okay I set up Metatron as my successor haven't people been calling him the lesser god ? "
" But what about your old plan ? " " I thought I told you and the Count that I abandoned it " El grabs an arrow and gathers all the plague that spread through the land as animals become more rejuvenated .
" Yes but you don't have to die for the new one " " You don't have to convince me in his place , I already told you that I have to be killed , I'll do it as soon as I remove all the wrath first and die by Count " Lucifer watched his father ignore him and said something that could only attract him .
" That weapon you made to fight Count is alive and I don't mean just the literal meaning I mean that it has a soul now , he's very powerful even if it was a lesser clone right and he has something called the sword of Genesis with him "
El turned to Lucifer surprised that the fake self he had wished he was became real " Is that true ? " " Can't you tell it yourself you have the 10 commandments right ? " El was shocked as he wondered why and how it was possible .
" Karma might mean to say that you are close to Count's level already " El thinks of how strong Count was as he thinks about the self or delusion he imagined himself to be .
" There's no way I'm at their level , that giant's scraps can birth life on its own , meanwhile I needed their body parts to create great angels like you and I was only able to make one "
El starts to cry as little tears gather in his eyes , Lucifer feels guilty for saying the wrong words to his father as El continues .
" Years of cowering inside that realm a proof of my soul's strength , nights of daydreaming of being a braver version of myself , gifting it the sword of genesis that was the original garden of eden , Years of planning and none of that is proof I'm strong , I'm just talented with a desire to be free but weakened when I'm trapped "
El wiped his tears as they spilled throw the ground weakening their foundation due to the sadness that El had been holding back " I was even a horrible person I was weak I couldn't account for the entirety of humanity , I had to give that role to you and I couldn't even do that correctly "
" No that part was also my fault I got drunk in power that I didn't earn " El looked at Lucifer as he cried " I'm just glad I watched my children grow so well " " Then please stay with us ... Dad ? " El smiled as his tears rejuvenated the land .
" I'm sorry but I really can't do that " Lucifer stared at El surprised as he yelled at him " Are you really going to give us more things again ? " El was taken aback , he wanted his children to grow but the mistake of giving his children everything they needed caused many problems one of them being that he made them too great .
" You gave angels status greater than humans , but you favored them because they were your kind and that we were servants , I didn't understand why you did that but now I know why , Humans had a future for them , we angels are too drunk in power we didn't earn that we were stuck in the past , so are you going to give us something again ? "
Lucifer said as little tears formed at the surface of his eyes " No I never wanted to do that , I just did the same for humans giving them salvation when I became the Messiah "
" But you came back to life after that , you didn't die for their sins you suffered for it , at least the humans get to see their Messiah but we don't even get to see you after all this "
El stopped his tears as Lucifer wiped his " I didn't mean it for that , I didn't want Count to direct their anger towards you , the only way I could have this war end is if I die " " I know that's what you can do but please just choose to ask for help from others you have been doing everything on your own after I fell "
Lucifer's pitiful state reminded El of the time when Lucifer was still very young and made a few mistakes as he said " Okay I'll go talk to Count at the very least is that enough now ? " Lucifer looks at El " You're not lying ? "
El formed letters as he said " I promise you I won't think of dying as my only plan okay ? " El embraces Lucifer to calm him down as chains of promise bind El " Okay "
Count couldn't find El again as they tried to search for him until they heard some yells " Hey uhm " Gale was confused about what to call Count " Uhm parent ? " it didn't sound like something a child would say to their parents because nobody had a parent like the Faes .
Count wondered why there were Fae and told " Please children I need to focus on god right now " " Uhm , But I'm hungry ? " Ember said as Count thought of giving them some food to Ember recreating the memory of fire as they fed Ember " Here have some I still haven't learned how to open a portal yet so help yourself "
" Me too " and so all of Count's efforts were turned to feeding their children slowly forgetting about what they were doing previously " Count what are you doing ? " Isir prevented this noise from reaching Count as more of their limbs were returned upon the accidental efforts that Karma sent .
" OVER HERE FAKE EL " Le raised his blade to block the sword as Karma crumbled the cement as he slows down " Karma you sound very excited " " IT MUST BE the primal instincts I've been eating I gotta read a book or two later "
Isir covered their ears hoping that Karma wouldn't act like this permanently " Now let's see what you got Le " Karma taunted Le as he knew Karma would be in his way . Le teleports as Karma swings his blade to where he would arrive and Le quickly parries it .
" You shouldn't have given that copy you left after closing the throne room a copy of Genesis " Karma swings Genesis down as Le parries it " Are you trying to destroy this land ? " Le asked " I mean I have already used the world as a hostage to force El out of his throne "
Karma grabs the scapegoat as he pushes a concentration of sins and used Blame to send pain at Le as he lands on a building , Karma drops the skull activating it for El before walking to Le " You know I've always been curious what it was like to fight especially watching all those superhero movies "
" Karma can you take this seriously it's making me lose motivation " " Don't worry Isir , soon we won't have to hide that thing anymore " " Why El and Count gonna make up " " Don't make it sound weird it's already hard to get to this point " Karma said as an eruption of light and dark flies to the sky .
Karma teleports and takes on the attack " Urgh " " Karma " Isir was worried at what Karma had just done as black flames covered the parts that had been damaged " Are you okay " Karma felt his senses being more volatile and animalistic .
" Isir I need you to do something that will turn me off ? " " Uhm mary had a little lamb ? " and without question , Isir made it a bit awkward as Karma regained his sense from confusion " Thanks I probably shouldn't have eaten so much of those primal instincts it's making me more like an animal "
" So you crawled your way out by confusion " " Yeah usually you make things awkward and get silence after " " Hey watch out " Karma turned his attention back to Le as he parried down the attack .
" How about we go somewhere safer " Karma teleports to Le and sends them both to the dreaming . Le is surprised to see the dreaming as souls from near and far drop memory in the center " Hey Le you know what the eternal fire does right ? "
" Don't you dare " Le warned " I think I will " Karma ignites the eternal flame on his free hand and turns it into dark flames using his primal instincts " Eternal flame burns bright with souls that are purely about a person's self but dark with instincts that god removed from animals when their souls came to heaven don't know the process don't need to know now "
Le appears and slices off the hand with the fire as a branch stretches out off Karma to take it back " Hey Le don't forget you are fighting the ancient evil here " Karma lost arm turns completely dark as he throws it at a bunch of souls .
Le quickly jumped towards it and used the second thorn to seal it in a tight space . Karma takes Le's legs as he tosses them up and a dark orb protrudes out of his body and eats it " So your objective is to save the world too the same way El wants to save the world "
Le regenerates his legs and makes a platform to restore his footing as he holds a sphere with the dark flame " I will save this world and El and you aren't the ancient evil " " Meeh your copy was easier to trick "
Karma bends time as he takes out the bubble of dark flame from Le and pops it with his Genesis and eats it " Why not do that finisher move but then again this place isn't the most ideal place but it's not like you can change it "
Karma looks at Le who remains still " Huh I'm sure I match my time's speed with yours in here " Le opens a different realm as the memories at the bottom were converted into light as it manifested an imperfect astral realm similar to the one that Karma was sealed at .
" You can do that ? " " I can with the materials " Karma thinks of the primal instincts that Le left as he reaches to open a portal until he felt something keep him from leaving as he saw several seals that looked like seven-point stars around both of them " touche Le "
Le uses Genesis as he projected merits and sins creating a black and white angel " Oh come on be more original will you " " it will be because unlike the lesser version of me this will be more troublesome to deal with " the eyes charges up as the patterns in each eye began to colour and so did the light .
" Goddamn that's original " Karma raised Genesis and forced the primal instinct to work together with it as light blasted from all the eyes as Karma clenched Genesis with both arms forming a pitch-black shield to take on the attacks . Cracks form as they disintegrate and regenerate the shield to withstand the force of the attack that fell on Karma .
Karma felt cracks in Genesis as the second thorn was cracks " How specific can you get ? " Karma sprouted out wings made of branches and leaves flying out of the attack .
His instincts suddenly scream that an attack is coming as the seven stars around them light up and created pillars of light telling him how big the space is as he maneuvers through the light keeping track of Le .
The angel was moving through this light like they were invisible to it but Karma's instincts tells him that he would be scorched if he touches it ' This is really hard ' he couldn't find a proper ground to stand on but the facts that both the angel and Le aren't affected gave him the idea on what it was .
He chops a part of himself making Le question his reasoning for doing so " Say Le these pillars of lights are the pure souls or memories being burned by the eternal fire right ? " Le realizes what he wanted to do but before he can make changes Karma drops his part on the pillar of light as it quickly turns dark .
The part burned staining the pillar of light as a stream of pitch black instincts spreads through the pillar of light as the angel dodges it and strikes the seven star seal eroding it " Oh wow I did remember there was the instinct to consume but damn "
Le quickly restores it losing the pillars of light as some black sludge fell on the ground , Karma took the chance and dives towards Le as they both parried each other's swords and stood on the ground again .
" Not gonna do your pesky pillars of light this time ? " Le charged his angel attack annoying Karma as he flew away with the eyes following him as they charged the attack he started dropping black sludge down as Le was forced to focus his efforts on cleaning it .
Le gathered all the nasty memories that Karma drop and spots him holding a dark flame " It's suspicious how you think that black stuff is the same thing I used to light this " " NO !! " Karma ignites his body with dark flames and flies through the seal of god and quickly puts out the fire .
" Hello home " He quickly bends time and looks at the crack behind him ' Now I need to resupply ' he dived into the pile of memories with primal instincts and swipes the entire load with his wings as he devoured the pile as it starts to pile up on its own .
" Now for you " Karma ignites the dark flame again as he charges up a fire pillar as he brought fire into the crack between the dreaming and Le's realm as the primal instincts fused together with the pure soul of selves .
Le appears outside as he stops Karma from doing any further damage before taking what was salvageable from his realm and sealing it as he goes to fight Karma who opens a portal . Le quickly got passed it before Karma could close it .
" Oh darn it , I should've just teleported " Karma's sarcasm made Le not understand what Karma meant as Count seized Le .71Please respect copyright.PENANA7fJXcgoKIh
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