Karma stretched from his short nap as he checked the door to see a package " Hmm Isir ... " Karma smiles as his phone rings " Hello ? " " Hey boss " " You sound the same "
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" yeah that's because I was able to use some functions of the computer setup you gave me also Metatron wanted to kill you but I showed him somethings he didn't like "
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" Wow you got more capable than you previously were " " yeah turns out I can function like before but even better I can go anywhere I want without revealing any information I looked back where first arrived at hell and found distorted traces and I robbed a sinner of their eyes and found that anything I do is distorted or can be distorted I'm not sure if it's like a passive skill or if I am using something but I can tell where my limit is "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA3aCa6d0d7O
" Well that's good but is there anything else metatron wanted to do ? " " Well after they tried to think of killing you I learned they are going to come down and redeem some sinners and which sinners to keep out I already got the information on who will be redeemed and the irredeemables , do you want to help them so that we can get the redeemable sinners away from hell ? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAwkYu9RIWkG
" No , but I think you can and also focus on safeguarding the hellborn demons after all they will be the subject of the reenactment of crucifixion " " Oh so does that mean you want to oppose Metatron's redeeming of souls ? "
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" No , not exactly I plan to make hell a place for only sinners who love to kill basically the real criminals the ones who have a great capacity to sin there are quite a lot of them " " Oh that's true the files I got from Metatron all includes sinners and their capacity to sin "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAmGFt3IBvRf
" Yep " " And it also includes how capable they are probably using the human spirit " " You learned quite a lot about the human spirit " " It was a very interesting subject some even theorized that if you are very strong emotionally you don't have to die to unlock its power but just need to will it "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAe9F8usMFLD
" Oh that explains Metatron " " So what should I do now that I am in hell ? " " Maybe you can gather up as many of those irredeemable sinners or round them up for Metatron and get something out of him ? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA5ze034qQiR
Isir thinks about it " Hmm I could okay I'll get to it boss " Isir turns to the copied sinners they created " Okay now go get them " the copy-paste sinners followed Isir's commands like the Arachne they make .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAFiSOycl7L5
Metatron worries about the information leak when he is heard and wonders if Karma could've heard it from Isir ' How could I have made so many mistakes ? Have I really grown weaker ' a door opens as Metatron recognizes the manner of the door twisting .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAjNSlDvP5Qh
" Oh greetings to the lord " Metatron bowed as a glowing figure appears " How is everything Metatron ? " " I am afraid that the Count is interfering with hell " " Oh is it about his attempts to reenact Crucifixion ? " " Yes my lord I know you intend to separate hell during Revelation but "
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" No , let him reenact Crucifixion " " What but my lord " " Do not worry continue to redeem the sinners someone is already hoping to profit out of it you may use them and give them assistance in crucifixion "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAiR9V9S5Qt8
" But your rebellious child and the other angels and their children ? " " They know heaven is not a place for them and they wouldn't be willing to come up here ... Rather they will choose to stay with their relatives "
169Please respect copyright.PENANASu2EJ09h0Z
Metatron gasp " You mean the hybrids ? " " Yes they will go and find their homes there and so will the Pagans when their sins have been absolved " ' The fae that those witches turned to after the Count took away all their original ? '
169Please respect copyright.PENANACHPeqQo0OB
" Yes , it is as you have thought of " " Then would the seven princes excluding Beelzebub come to heaven ? " " That will be difficult for them , all of them excluding Leviathan openly opposed heaven however we can allow Leviathan to come to heaven "
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" But the dominion he rules " " Yes it wouldn't suit heaven but The Count will go to Leviathan and offer him a chance to go to heaven with the conditions whether he is let in be decided by heaven he is simply making it easier for Leviathan to come here so you should let Leviathan come here and prepare a place for him "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAB8lTl0zbWD
" ... yes my lord I understand your will " God disappears as Metatron calls his angels " Sir is there anything that we need to know ? " " Yes wait for someone to gather up the sinners " The angels didn't question Metatron as they waited allowing Isir to gather the sinners .
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" So that's their move huh ? Since god said it I should just go to Leviathan and offer him the deal ... but Beelzebub no I already placed plenty of risk on hell . I can't back down because it's my life " Karma looks at the tower of Babylon through his phone .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAiDUhqbOJvF
' Should I check on Ziz first maybe look for the land beast ? ' Karma was curious and fiured that the best beast to find first was Leviathan " No choice I guess " Karma opened a portal to hell and looked at the promise keepers .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAZvOMyV02EI
' Soon I will have to let them go back ' Karma closes it and calls Gale " What do you need to call me for ? " Karma sighed and said " Gale I want you to go with your family " " Huh ? What ? Is it because I haven't been helping I know that I "
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" No you helped a lot and thank you for it but soon this place is gonna be a big battlefield and I want you to leave " " But you promised to anchor me to this realm "
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" And you don't need it anymore soon you will have to leave because eventually something big might kill you the three beasts are powerful creations of god you will fall victim to them and I want to make sure you are safe "
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Gale was very hesitant but felt Karma's worry " okay we'll leave " " Good here keep this " Karma gave them the vial that acts as a key to their home " Now make sure you go as soon as possible "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA3FvZruFr5v
Gale turns into a finch and nuzzles on Karma " I promise I'll come back and kill that wind beast Ziz " " Don't do that but try your best to get back any promise keepers to your home alright ? "
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" Okay " " Then I leave it to you make sure you don't do anything too dangerous " " You too " Gale sounded sad as Karma sighs " Come on you are a child of an enormous entity don't be sad so easily "
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Gale pouted " It's because you told me to stay away from you I already considered someone as close as family and now you push me away " Karma smiled " I know it's betrayal so I promise I will make sure we will meet again "
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" What do you mean we are just gonna wait out whatever fights you are having it's not like we'll never see you again plus there are a lot of places you go when you die " Karma smiled as he waved .
169Please respect copyright.PENANARsGBIypcrC
" Then make sure you don't die first " he walks through a portal entering hell appearing at a cliff near a chaotic sea ' Leviathan ' " LEVIATHAN ARE YOU HERE " Nobody in hell would be so brave to simply yell and call the prince of envy to come out but .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAW5zKfbYoDS
The water shook as a giant serpent raised " Count " " Sorry I had to yell I'd like to make a deal with you " Leviathan sneers " You a mortal ? " " A mortal with a strong background my offer to you is "
169Please respect copyright.PENANABvjjVkWGtp
Karma shows the nails " A chance to go to heaven " Leviathan wanted to say yes but " Heh you think I want to ? " " Of course you do I heard you were jealous of humans going to heaven but not you a creation of god that lives for a very long time and even represent one of the terrains humans could live on "
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" Yet humans feared me yet chose the skies and land only using me as a means to an end so why would I be jealous I only have hate for them " Karma smiles unfazed by the presence of one of the three beast .
169Please respect copyright.PENANALw7y6xP6mX
" Oh relax " " You want me to relax after all those years of letting humans into the sea nobody I mean nobody wants to get in and take all the gifts I prepared for them yet when I told an angel about it they called me an impatient mother****** , a ******** ***** and an unholy piece of **** !!! "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAbyFXNXP8sp
Karma wonders how much information he was getting just from listening to Leviathan complain or vent his anger as he made the scales of judgment appear to prevent Leviathan from accidentally harming him and forgetting about the deal .
169Please respect copyright.PENANARoeYZmksU4
" And then I was cast down to Hell !!! and became a chief demon so that I could punish all these bastards for having a chance to go to heaven yet they ruined it " " Is that why it's very red in your seas " " Yes ! I keep killing them again and again to make them repent for ruining their chances , That I didn't have !!! "
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" But what would that do to go to heaven " " That's the problem unlike these humans I can't die as long as the sea is left unconquered I can never go to heaven Behemoth was lucky enough to go to heaven first because humans conquered the land first and Ziz can at least sit on top of the tower of Babylon and guard god's sword and visit heaven but I !!! CAN NEVER DO ANY OF THAT !!! "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAGMVbg8bSLK
Heavy thunder struck everywhere just from the yell as Karma wondered if Leviathan's power to control the storms was because the cloud was made of water rather than wind " Oh well do you still want to get the deal the chance of going to heaven ? "
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Leviathan looks at Karma " Yes please " " Then just to be clear I want some payment " " Payment ? What kind of payment ? " " Well first off I want information about the three beasts doesn't matter what but I would like to know more also you said that you can only go to heaven if the seas were conquered by humans right ? "
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" Yeah " " What's the gift that you plan to give humanity ? " " Land was obviously more territory and the harvest or maybe anything earth related , the sky was to reach beyond and to see afar or have a similar glimpse of the world as heaven would and maybe something sky related and the sea would be the eternal life or anything sea related "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA4boxwXe6OK
" Interesting why would you do that ? " " Well they were gonna inherit eternal life may as well give it to them much earlier " " Oh interesting then I'll make sure to look for that eternal life you spoke of "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAesGQYuoira
" Well it's just a passage to heaven that I opened up because life starts on earth and continues in heaven " Karma gasped at what Leviathan just said as he recalled the dream he just had today .
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" hey do you care about life ? " Reed asked Count " A lot actually you know before you or a long time ago every life we know it , would die forever but I could still see them fall into the center of their homeland " " Really ? " " Yep but you see Reed those events would slowly stop happening each world it started losing their souls instantly as soon as they die "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAPaHbJ8aMXL
" What happened to them ? " " Don't know that's what I'm trying to find out but so far I can't find that's why I really don't want you to die but no matter what I do , any souls that I eat after these events start disappearing all the time I tried eating their memories last moment and it works " " so are you going to take my memories of you ? " There was a pause between them .
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" Okay take my memories and remember me then " " You are not afraid ? " " Death will come to everyone I just wish I was like you do that we can still be together " " me too " Count pats Reed's head .
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169Please respect copyright.PENANA3xmdSmTeZw
' Hmm , so that means all those life disappearing is going to some kind of heaven ' " thanks for that but is it okay for a passage to heaven to be open ? " " Yeah I mean god was fine with me making one " ' So it's your own present huh ? '
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" Then I guess there's no reason for me to get it I already got to heaven " " WHAT !!!??? " Karma covered his ears and looks at Leviathan " Can you please stop yelling I wasn't exactly thrilled " " Y-you ... You went to heaven and you didn't enjoy it !? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAQibLkJjo1v
Leviathan was genuinely surprised as Karma sighed " Please stop it I was invited but I didn't feel like a guest anyways do you want the chance to go to heaven or not " Leviathan looked at Karma thinking about what he wants .
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" Okay I will accept it " " Okay but I'm curious why you call it eternal life when your life just continues in heaven " " Oh well that's only because just by passing through the passage I made you are technically immortal and eternally youthful "
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Karma was surprised and thinks of ways that he could use the passage Leviathan opened " Wait what happens if a corpse passes through it ? " " I don't know ... oh wait there was a time when a drowned corpse went through "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA5TDdL2Tb0j
Karma listened attentively to Leviathan " It was very terrible the corpse was reanimated by the soul and by the time I noticed they were already trying to escape it was probably a soul from hell " " Interesting what happened next ? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA0D8tLCBLFm
" Well I remade their body and sent them back to hell after that the angel came and then I was cast to hell " Leviathan was depressed as he sunk deeper into the water " Oh then can you teach me how you remade their body ? "
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" Ehh is that included in the payment for my chance to go to heaven ? " " Maybe or would like to not go to heaven then ? " " Nonono please let me go " " Okay then I'd like all the knowledge you amassed "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAY4olN91dii
" Oh is that all ? " " Of course there is more " Karma starts to write a contract with his sins " First I'd like all your knowledge to wait what happens when Behemoth goes to heaven ? " " Dead " " Oh so where is their body ? "
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" Ugh can't you just let me sign the deal " Karma put the contract away and said " First we make a deal you will give me all your knowledge and I guarantee to make a contract available that gives you a chance to go to heaven "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAQizCiM9IUX
Leviathan thinks and wonders about it " But why can't you give it to me ? " " There is too little that I know to make a proper contract I'm sure the sea beast knows how much going to heaven is worth right ? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA0CYwFtgKA8
Leviathan thinks about his words " Fine I'll give you all my knowledge " A paper floats as chains spread between them as Karma smiles receiving the knowledge ' How nice ' " Okay then since this is your body I can keep it right ? "
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" What why ? " " I heard it makes for good food " Leviathan recalled what the revelation said " Oh fine go get it I don't care but don't give it to the sinners " " Yes yes " Karma wrote a contract to get Leviathan's body and give Leviathan a chance to go to heaven .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAnNavq8HS3q
" So how would you do it " " I thought you'd know enough I already showed you the nails of crucifixion " " What ? " " Yep I will be using these nails to crucify you just like the thieves " Leviathan recalls and wonders who the other thief would be as Karma calls Isir .
169Please respect copyright.PENANARTw0H2LScN
" Isir I want you to make a deal with Metatron give him the sinners he plans to redeem and ask him for more nails for Crucifixion " " Yessir " Karma smiled as he left hell hoping to get the good news .
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169Please respect copyright.PENANAL6snwJ9jMw
Isir looks at the sinners they have gathered smiling as they copy-paste the sinners were removed . A big army of angels descended at the order of Metatron " Hello I heard you were looking for sinners "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAjVhEBoS3t0
The angels look at the sinners and recall the files they were given ' How do they know ? ' they are terrified by the distortions that Isir shows " I want to ask if Metatron could get me some nails for crucifxion "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAkm6yEuGEWr
An angel hears Metatrons voice through them as Metatron takes control of their body " You wish for nails ? " " Yep you know how to make them right give them to me ? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAn50X6c1ia9
Metatron looks at Isir trying to see through them only to see more distortions and memories of different children some he was sure to be fake because he knew these children .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAbzRi8yrQYh
" It's rude to stare , isn't it ? " Metatron stops digging for information " I will help you with your crucifixion " " Okay then you can take these sinners as soon as I get the nails " " I can't do it " " Why ? " " It is what the nephalem made despite having grace the nails are not made by angels "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAykCqOdUuJA
" Can you swear that you are telling the truth " Metatron nodded and took the oath as Isir asked for more information " What do I need to get the holy nails ? " " A powerful material that can carry sins . "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAnpRsx11vlE
Isir was confused and Metatron understood why God only told him to simply assist and help them reenact crucifixion ' I see I understand now ' " You are more than capable of creating them " Isir tilted their head .
169Please respect copyright.PENANApNo3gs2eNz
" Those sinners you made and control can be used as materials . The holy nails were meant to be containers so that all the sins of humanity can be taken by the one nailed by it and having a great capacity to sin is what allows that "
169Please respect copyright.PENANApN1TeM6mgW
Isir felt annoyed by the fact that their ability could be used this way and that god intended to have this used " Okay take the sinners " Isir made a shooing motion yet to the angels it was glitching in real life as Isir disappeared like logging out of a game .
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After some hours when it is past lunch .
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" Hmm I do have to visit them " Karma said as he sat on the bed inside with Risana and other demons outside working too hard trying to make Belphegor's request " Then I'll go in your place " " You can ? "
169Please respect copyright.PENANA8eVk8vblQ2
" Yep I can copy-paste sinners I can also act as you and have your appearance too " " Then go ahead can you meet up so I can give you Lilith's authority then ? " " Oh how about I just do this "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAFZa4z6pkje
Karma's phone shakes as a hand appears continuously glitching " Huh how convenient " Karma ignites his hands and seals a deal with Isir to lend them Lilith's authority to obtain the nails " Then I'll go look for suitable sinners to copy-paste "
169Please respect copyright.PENANADOyoej0a3m
" Do you have a lead ? " " Of course , there was a list of irredeemable sinners I'll target them and copy their data and then paste them to have it ready they are the most suitable materials afterall "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAgMBvErARn4
" Yeah it sounds about right after all you can't redeem someone who hasn't sinned maybe these nails are like that too , but I want you to make sure you don't push your limit now that you are going to do something important you should take care of yourself "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAqWeRmwKWbx
" I know but I don't know how to make it easier for me " Karma looks at the supercomputer that he gave Risana " Hey maybe you can get a supercomputer " " I could okay I'll get one later "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAYLeWnPOZtN
" Sure you have access to them anyways but call when you need me I will have to do other things myself too " Karma closes the phone thinking about the fact that he slept for four hours again .
169Please respect copyright.PENANA06gQttpu6H
' My sleep time is becoming too varied it's not healthy at all ' Karma recalls the location where Behemoth died and smiled ' First I'll have to get that place ready ' Karma makes a few calls to the giant island .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAYPEnoip72E
' Who knew an ancient property of the Count was actually the corpse of the biblical beast Behemoth the harvest was great in that area but I'd like to find out more about their gifts Leviathan opened a passage to heaven I could use that to recall some souls and maybe try out this power I learned . '
169Please respect copyright.PENANAit31TEhy06
Karma summons grace and miasma together melding their shapes into a sword and shield as the scales of judgment shifts constantly as the favors change ' So this is why the Nephalems have a hard time with their merits and sins however it is useful '
169Please respect copyright.PENANALJAI2GX46u
Karma takes his leave and opens a laptop in the car checking on the Behemoth island " I named it that out of fun but who knew it is actually the Behemoth "
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He looks at the island which has been turned into Karma's giant personal garden and wonders if Rochester planned to use that for his life-extending business .
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' meh I don't need him however ' Karma thinks about the potential of Rochester being an enemy in the future but learns that his arrest already ended with his loss of magic .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAMBGXORPY0N
' but I still wonder what would happen to the extra piece ? ' he looks at a small pebble he picked from the side ' my earth affinity is quite useful I can use it to make earthquakes but for a pebble , I can't do much '
169Please respect copyright.PENANAfZJ1bqqJjU
Karma knew many films and stories as well as entertainment about commanding the elements like stomping on the floor to make rocks move ' Even though I have a high affinity for earth it's not very useful if you think about the requirements '
169Please respect copyright.PENANA33KowhK0um
" Oh maybe that's why I have a high affinity for earth " ' But the high requirement just to use it requires a lot of training , knowledge maybe that's why demons and angels can control them ' Karma sighed disappointed by the requirements he has yet to fulfill .
169Please respect copyright.PENANAnZzV4Pp1pR
" It's gonna take a while huh maybe I can check on Behemoth and see if I could get their knowledge and strength ... " Karma looks outside at nature and at his laptop of the view of behemoth island .
169Please respect copyright.PENANA5OVPjcD4qk
' How should one recall a soul though I have Leviathan's knowledge I want to use it to find Behemoth however ' he tries to recall stories about the two beast ' They don't have much of a record huh ? Only Leviathan was popular while Behemoth wasn't even depicted much as a biblical beast '
169Please respect copyright.PENANA0CqxVmc4iW
" Then there is Ziz from what Leviathan's memories show it seems like the three beasts are the actual creation of god , they want to go to heaven to meet the father and Leviathan was the furthest Behemoth was the closest and then there is the in-between "
169Please respect copyright.PENANAdWW4to0pLM
Karma wonders if he should meet Ziz first but ' It's best to get to Behemoth after all , if I can obtain his strength then I can use my earth affinity much better but as for how to get his gift '
169Please respect copyright.PENANArNNsjRsvVP
Karma searched the memories of when the three beasts met together to confirm Behemoth's gift of the land ' I'll just have to reach the island first '
169Please respect copyright.PENANAaDABtyFynq