Karma draws out what his body is like ' First when I was born it created a hollowed black hole it was pulling several memories into the body which crushed the soul , I've been utilizing it as a storage place but since it absorbs memories it might also develop some abilities on the way '
Azrael takes Uriel and the two humans with him as Karma guesses what kind of body he has ' It might've changed thanks to my occupation in my body , I have been creating things with it like the sinless monster , and copies of scapegoats maybe abusing the body's ability that has a stable connection with the perfect astral realm resulted to this '
He quickly took control of his body but didn't intend to inhabit it , he experienced the benefits of losing the restriction of his body " It does feel strange but I do feel lighter "
He used his body as a door to exit with his solid body " How strange indeed this is the first time I'm in the physical realm like this it feels so much different than how I go to hell with my physical body "
Karma made a very happy smile ' So many years trapped in a body knowing that death is pointless as long as I have a powerful soul and here I am in the physical world with a body like this '
He felt elated considering how he had known that it was very possible for him to be able to leave his near mortal body as he looked at his soul's image that he projected ' I remember Isir can change their appearance but I don't need appearance I need something more practical '
He thinks of his options as he plays with his soul like never before creating branches as he grabs a rock satisfied with being able to do something much easily " Perfect " he looks at his body and then at his soul wondering how useful his body's ability was .
" Maybe I can try it with just the feeling " He recalls the feeling of bringing out a memory as he felt something leave his soul to see a book " Oh neat " he still remembers the contents perfectly but checks on his own to see for himself .
After hours of reading , he confirmed it " Amazing it's exactly as I remember " he absorbed it back and stared at his soul again " You know I do have the tower of Babylon so maybe I can create a bridge "
He wonders what he could call it as he shakes his head " First I should find a way to understand this thing of mine I will have to teach Moirai about it when he eventually has to lose his body " Karma tries to find some kind of circuit or formula that enables his body to be able to do this .
" But before that let's get what I want from heaven " he looked up as he looked through the fake Abaddon's eyes to find what he was doing as several angels were neatly lined up as the seventh trumpet was being prepared .
From the world of the living the sky opened as they could see angels first from the third spheres then the second and the gigantic third spheres as heaven revealed itself to the world .
One angel held out the seventh trumpet prepared to sound it until they heard the shattering instead as Abaddon destroyed the trumpet and took the head of the lamb beside the angel .
The people with the seal gasped while the sinners who came from hell rejoiced happily mocking heaven as Michael struck Abaddon and he disintegrated at all the angel's surprise .
His feathers fell through the world and as if they were following a stream the head of the lamb arrived in front of Karma to the surprise of Azrael who saw his body and his soul staring at both like two identical twins .
" How is this possible ? " Azrael wasn't surprised at how Karma was alive but that his soul had exuded light that shouldn't have been possible if he had only lived for twenty years . Azrael mouthed the words "Who are you Count ?"
Karma smiled as he picked up the head of the lamb that fell lightly with the feathers . He creates the scales of famine to rot the flesh , crowns it with the crown of thorns and creates some nails to float above the skull to be struck .
He held the decorated Lamb skull as the fake scapegoat lying around cracked releasing all the sins of the demons . He takes the scroll and starts taking the punishment for the sins .
Lilith looks at her children working as she smiles grateful that she can see all of them working for themselves , she recalls the meeting she had and the files ' Using a fake scapegoat to carry the sins and then using the agreement of the demons so that he can exploit the loophole '
Lilith already understood how Karma had planned to reenact Crucifixion , he could easily delay it any way he wanted , using the agreement that every demon made to blame all their sins on a scapegoat which Karma had used .
Belphegor was sitting holding a book to read as he looked at the files reading them quicker due to his frequent use of Risana's project " So that's why Karma never got merit instead , he's smart in figuring out that kind of gimmick "
" He probably figured that out when he used the crown of thorns on you " Abaddon says " Yeah it did turn black instead of gold , is that why he made every demon agree to surrender their sins to Karma ? "
Abaddon nods enjoying his previous connection with Karma's soul " The Count is smart to have thought of that it's just weird how not everyone had noticed , using a price to get the willingness to blame the sins of demons on a scapegoat just like how he would receive merit from the gratitude of creating a world without a single change "
Belphegor understood how he had been giving Karma some merit for connecting him to RIsana's project " I just wish I was lucky like you brother , you are always so lazy , indulgent and purposely ignorant of the fights around "
" Too bad I got cast out of heaven that time " Belphegor didn't show any change because of the lack of interest in fights " How about we make a bet on Karma ? " Abaddon asked playfully " I already know you are going to win just say that you wanted my money in the first place "
Belphegor gave some money to Abaddon who happily accepted it as another meeting was occurring after Karma had suddenly destroyed the seventh trumpet " So Karma had delayed Crucifixion for this purpose ? "
" Yeah he is supposed to create a false prophet , release the dragon and the beast of the sea " they watched as the sins of demons enveloped Karma as he received the punishment of the sins " But isn't that his soul ? " Asmodeus asked .
" Yeah is there a problem ? " " Of course , there is a problem the Messiah died with an earthly body Karma's body is over there " Asmodeus pointed out .
" If Karma stays in that body he will never be able to die for the sins of the demons he needs to do it using his soul that's the only way he can receive the punishment properly "
They were surprised at how Isir was calm when Karma could die " Isir we are no strangers to mortals dying and never returning to life because their soul was weak , the punishment of the sins is like that too , eroding his soul from a mountain to dust "
" Calm down if anything you guys should have more faith in him , he's not stupid like that plus you guys all know that the soul's strength is reflected in how you can see them " they recall the young soul Karma had first taken in remembering how they needed time spent with other's to be able to walk the worlds .
" But he doesn't have god's help " Bael said " The only reason why the Messiah was able to live through the crucifixion was because he was part of the holy trinity as the son " " Whatever I can prove it to you by making you guys watch " Isir muted everyone but does worry without showing it .
' Even though he assured me with evidence I can't exactly stay calm with just that ' Isir does expect the possibility of Karma's complete death but knows if it does happen they'll feel more than just the despair they had in anticipating it ' Come on Karma you didn't come this far just to fail '
Karma felt all of the pain that came as punishment he held the lamb skull beside him . He felt like there was fire burning inside him along with the acid , Ice crystals forming and stabbing his soul , lightning coursing through every part of his soul with no clear direction and choking on air .
He had to take all of these punishments as his only thought right now was the only thing that guided him , he concentrated on that thought as he kept taking the punishments as signatures left the scroll turning into dark sigils that symbolized each demon's unique soul .
He shakes as he lifts the lamb's skull and walks to his own body feeling like he is carrying more than just the skull but something his soul could barely stand " Hey is that okay right now ? " Diana asked " It does make sense " Isir said " But that's his dead body what use will it be ? "
" It will be that the body is technically still connected to Karma even though the body is dead it can still be controlled however he likes right now he is just using the body to get the blood , to make it easier to absorb "
Karma lifts the skull on his own body as the nails hammer themselves into his body's face " ARRRRGGGG " he grabs his head feeling the nails stab deeper into his skull that it almost felt like he was going to bleed out even though he was experiencing the pain through his body .
He slowly gets up as the assaults of the punishment slows down and smiles " I did it " he said as his body remains where it was . He turns to his own corpse feeling strange , he takes out the Lamb , and his blood absorbs the nails while turning completely golden giving Karma a smile while his body a few scars left to heal .
" Looks like Jane was right it needed my blood to receive one person's merits " he smiled as he held the skull and took out the scapegoat " Here I have the demon's merits which turned to sin through damnation and here I have the proof of bringing salvation to the demons by taking the punishments and dying for them "
He faces his corpse and says " Although mine was already dead " Isir heaved a big sigh of relief seeing Karma survive as the tension finally ended they watched Karma carry the skull with golden blood on it .
" Oh thank goodness " many also breathe a sigh of relief seeing Karma succeed in accepting the punishment of the sins " Alright we should hurry now "
Karma appears in the shelter with Jane near the false prophet a lamb with Karma's blood " Oh hey boss I did the thing about the false prophet it's missing a few parts though " " Well thanks for that did Sebastian release the other two beast ? "
" He did it was a bit hard moving them unnoticed while everyone was fighting against the army of the sixth trumpet " " It's okay I just hope this is the last thing I have to do " Jane complained as she had pulled so many all-nighters " just go get your well deserved rest I'll be busy with my own project "
She is too tired to hear it and clocks out of work while Karma goes to hell and the Babylon tower ' a perfect place to put my body in ' he walks down the tower bypassing the bottomless abyss as he reaches down and seizes the eternal flames and freezes it's time .
' now that I got the fuel I just need the rails ' he dives deep into hell as far as he can arriving at the bottom of the sofa called the bottomless abyss ' This is where Lucifer would find his destiny , and the reason why he became the first fallen ' Karma leaves his body at the location as he teleports back to the sky .
' now with this , I'll be able to have a straight path I'll have the infernals fix the tower and turn it into a tunnel maybe make it slanted a little but maybe not '
He then turns to his hands now as a soul " I also have to figure out what my blood really is " Karma tries to access the astral realm according to the diaries of Reed after he learns his memories .
" Far apart in blood yet still helping me even now " Karma finally appears in the perfect astral realm as he looks around the realm that feels like outer space considering the location " Hey I know you are here "
Karma calls out as Count appears as a giant still trying to repair the damage done to their lost body part " What are you here for ? Last time you talked to me you had me gather memories to plug that space "
Karma smiles seeing the Family's guardian again " I'm here to tell you that I plan to use my body to create a bridge between the astral realms it would be perfect for you , wouldn't it ? " " My body is too big if I compress it further the gravitational pull from the density will be too much for your realm to handle "
" I know that's why I have other plans , the bridge between realms is meant for smaller passengers I already turned a third of the seas into my blood I just need to gather them into one space for it "
Count looks at Karma as they asked " What did you make it for ? " " Protecting the family like you always do , except it will just be me that needs protecting " " You already unleashed the three beasts all according to the work of god what else did you have planned"
" I don't plan to end here yet the beast isn't the entirety of it I want to go through the whole Revelation , Lucifer's visits to god still left me with many unanswered questions "
" I don't like how you twist your words because you have absorbed a big portion of me , then you made my children think you are their parent , you are more like a mini me like how Moirai is a mini you "
Karma shrugs his shoulders " Not my fault I have to take care of my elder brothers and sisters , although it is nice to know I have a close family " " I'm surprised you think of me and Reed as your parents when we both hardly talk to you "
" It was Reed's diaries that helped me and your memories and assistance that made me into a mentally stable person , Although I'm really glad you decided to reunite with your children " Karma said .
" But forget all this family stuff first , God is a very powerful person , even if he is afraid of you , years have passed and look at all he had created , heaven and hell both great realms imperfect to keep it away from your eyes "
" I know this god is very smart " Karma was glad the gift before Babylon is still able to translate what Count says " I hope you go visit Reed and give his memories back he can only remember much with his diary that he left "
" Yeah I know " Karma smiles as he stays inside the dreaming for a while as he and Count study his body and soul's ability to open doors and bridge realms between physical and astral realms .
Inside the best buffet establishment as a celebration for surviving the attack the military and researchers had a long dinner with the well deserved rest that Karma had promised Jane " There was a lot we had to fight that day it was still easier than the angels "
" Boss just made me keep that for the sinners to pick up " Jane said after she finished a mouthful , her coworkers also continued " We were told to study the angel's blood and it was nothing like what the shows say it doesn't poison people like we thought it would "
" How lucky we were to know that " the soldiers said as they drank a lot of the expensive bears made from famine and pestilience " It's weird we used to kill just humans and now some unknown years later we were killing giant man-faced insects and angels on horses "
The researchers couldn't relate " Feels like nothing to us , we have been working like crazy before all this but you know what " They slammed the beer glass down to the table " Oh god this as a reward is so much worth it and WE ARE SAVING LIVES "
They all look outside to see the false prophet and the beast doing their part of the work " Say did you guys do that ? " " Ask the head she was the one responsible for telling you to move the giant crates did you think they were something else ? "
Jane groans being pulled to talk and pushes her assistant to take her place " You know lives don't really count if you just talk about saving someone from a bullet " " Enough with that kind of nerdy talk we wanna know how they were made "
" We wanna know " they military chanted as Jane moved somewhere while James was dead drunk , Jane injected a serum into James to make him deal with the nonsense he brought with him as she thought of what she had to do .
' I already released the beast so it's no longer my problem but boss did say we have to meet up with him in hell I wonder if these guys know that at all they probably miss the emails even though I told them to separate work and personal emails '
She goes to the hotel to bath and falls asleep after much preparation and goes to the establishment to see a lot of knocked-out soldiers and researchers , she calls the janitor to help her out .
" I need you to put this into the vents after that put a sign and tell everyone not to come inside this room " gas was released waking everyone up as Jane grabbed the karaoke michrophone .
" Okay you deadbeats , boss has some task for you it's nothing too hard he needs help in some place he wants us to meet him in hell somewhere deeper I already prepared a gate to it " " No breaks ? "
" You guys partied for a week without rest boss agreed to let you have the days off during that it already ended so we will get to work starting with what ever boss has sent to me I don't care if you guys don't remember receiving an email but he just wants to go to hell the bottom of the abyss where the Locust had been incubating before the fifth trumpet "
Everyone frowned knowing their days of paradise were gone as they lined up slightly disorderly as they walked into hell leaving the place with the gas as the janitor finished Jane's instructions .
Everyone looked at hell to see the familiar infernals working at the entrance of the abyss " What is this ? " " Boss said he plans to make a train the one that runs as for how we get there we will walk through these stairs for a very long time consider it an exercise " James said .
They followed James as they walked down the stairs seeing the rails go up they felt strange to see train rails point upwards instead of parallel to the ground they were stepping on .
" Say wasn't this where our boss put the Babylon tower ? " the sinners mentioned as the soldiers think of the tall tower that can be seen from everywhere in hell .
" Now that you mention it , this is where those demons migrated from , what does boss want us to do down there ? " they all turned to Jane as she sighs " Don't look at me , I personally have no idea he said he wants to build a something and already got the materials but doesn't specify what it is "
" Where does he want us to go then ? " " He never said anything he just told me to bring everyone down to the bottom of the abyss to make sure we reach down the bottom of the abyss "
James answered making everyone curious as they looked at the walls of the stairs they were on showing the marks of the locust eggs that had been there since Abaddon took control of the place .
As they descend down , the marks of the eggs disappear as they reached the bottom seeing some construction going on " He warned me that as soon as we get through this line gravity will be different so be sure to grab the railings unless you guys wanna puke what you had yesterda "
Jane quickly gets in guessing where gravity will pull her as she walks through the station looking around the empty space . she hears people vomit from the sudden change of gravity and quickly runs away and turns to see them puke while also seeing a giant mass .
' Is that supposed to be flesh ? ' she was confused to see Count who was an amalgam of several people's memories " Oh thank goodness you are here " Jane turned to see Karma on a table inside a building with plenty of papers .
" Boss what is that ? " " Something I would call my parent for being a big influence to me , but for what they are , they are the parent of all the faes , but they didn't know I told them when I got into the secret society and learned more about the Fae "
Jane was amazed by the strange creature and saw that somethings were flying to their location " Boss what are those things ? " " Memories , I asked if they could grab them for me while I refine it to more useable material , this place is like raft game but you have to dismantle the materials "
" So what kind of world is this place ? the void ? " " Sorta like that but it's an astral realm , before heaven and hell were made this is where people go to when they die or sometimes when they go to sleep they dream if they don't they just see the void or absolutely nothing "
Jane could see how many answers she got from their conversation " So that parent of yours is like a god or something ? " " Not sure I did remember that they were alive before heaven and hell appeared but the idea right now is that I will help them come to our world the physical world if I can because before all this the blood I have been manufacturing is the only thing that acts as a conduit "
' So that's the reason he wanted to make more " " Okay I see , but are you gonna like summon them like some crazy cultist with the blood sacrifice they have ? " " Well this blood sacrifice is one of the things that can bring anything from this realm to the other "
" What's the other one ? " " My soul " Jane nods as she turns to the others who are terrified to see a moving giant " Okay we'll help but will this be okay I mean you made a train that's going up from hell "
" I know but this is just something I plan to use for safety measures you know so that I could go to heaven without a problem " Jane wonders what kind of modification Karma wants to make .
" Currently I am preparing the things that I need for my future trip to heaven I need personnel to stay here to continue the construction while I make sure whatever changes happen up there stay within desired outcomes "
" Okay boss I'll build your train " Jane thinks of how the train would operate " By the way boss what kind of train are you making ? " " One that is powered by the eternal fire " " So why do you need my team exactly ? " " You know I have no idea what each material is so I need you guys working on it "
" Wait then how did you build this place ? " " I had Count's help but they don't really care about the composition of any materials here since they can just eat it . " Jane thinks of the unfamiliar realm " And how much time we got ? " she sees Karma smile as she worries .
" As long as you can live , Count over there can bend this realm's time so you can stay for years but only days could pass outside so you can do it slowly if you guys like however I would rather not have you guys work for too long so I will give blueprints to build Luxury facilities in here , just ask Count to help you "
Karma waves Jane goodbye as he disappears " Goddammit "108Please respect copyright.PENANAqzXE4s8P9y
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