The house was too quiet as I made my way to the kitchen for my coffee. Dad, William, and the kids came in through the garage door, their arms full of breakfast foods.
“I hope you haven’t made coffee yet.” William told me. “We got you a drink while we were out.”
“Life. Saver.” I said to him, as he handed me a very tall cup of coffee.
“I don’t know who likes coffee more, you or Nora.” William replied.
“Speaking of, where is Nora, and Mom?” I asked, but realizing what day it was, I already knew. “Shopping.” I replied.
I said one more thank you, and went up the stairs. As I hit the top stair, my phone started to buzz. It was Sam.
“Hello.” I put the emphasis on the ‘o’.
“Did I wake you?” Sam asked, I could hear the smile in his voice.
I smiled back, “No, you didn’t.
“Good. So, how was your Thanksgiving?” He asked.
“It was…. good.” I could feel the lump forming in my throat, and tears forming in my eyes. “And yours? How was yours?” I quickly changed the subject.
“It was good.” He replied. “I have been out shopping with my mom and grandma since 3 o’clock this morning.”
“Wow, Sam. Since when do you like to shop?”
He laughed. “I was unwillingly drug out of my bed for this.”
“Well, I consider myself lucky. I am here, in my nice and warm bed with my coffee.”
“Mmm that sounds so nice right now.” Sam said.
“Well, you could come here when you get home.” I replied.
“I may have to take you up on that offer, If I survive.”
I could hear him talking to someone, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying
“Hey, I’ve gotta go.”
“Duty calls.” I replied.
“Yeah. I’ll text you, okay?” He said.
We said our goodbyes, and I sat on my phone, and drinking my coffee for a bit.
I heard a big thud from the other side of the wall. I knew this to be Olivia, because she would be the only person in her room.
I hastily went into her room, to find her face down in the carpet on the floor, speaking very fast, muffled words.
“Um, Olivia. Is everything okay in here?”
She rolled to her back.
“Does everything look okay to you?” She asked me, with her eyes closed.
“Well, I don’t know. That’s why I was asking you. I heard a thud from my room, and now I am in here, and you’re having a crisis of some sort. What’s going on?”
“I’m having my midlife crisis.” Olivia said covering her eyes.
“But Olivia, you’re sixteen.”
“I’m going to shave my head. I’m going to change my name.” She started listing off things that she wanted to do.
“Okay.” I mumbled, turned out of the room, and went back into my own.
After helping with lunch, I went back into my room to update my website.
tap I heard from the window tap tap
I wondered what could have been making that noise.
tap tap I heard again, and went over to see.
I opened the window. “Sam. What are you doing?” I asked with a laugh. “We do have a front door.”
“I didn’t want to….”
“I’ll be right down.” I said to him, and closed my window.
I dashed down to the front door.
I opened the door, pulled Sam in, and we quietly went up the stairs.
After shutting my door, I wrapped my arms around Sam’s neck, and he wrapped his around my waist, and pulled me close to him.
Our lips met, and we kissed for a bit, before moving to the bed. We kissed for a little while, before our legs intertwined, and I rested my head on his chest.
“I see you’ve survived.” I said to him.
“Mm. Not for much longer. I need sleep.” He sighed.
I adjusted myself to fit better to him, and started drifting off when I heard a muffled voice at my door.
The door flew opened, and Olivia fell face first on the floor.
Sam and I didn’t have time to say anything before she looked up at us and started laughing.
“Oh my god.” She giggled.
Sam and I quickly sat up on opposite sides of the bed.
“Please. Don’t let me keep you.” She was still giggling.
“There is a thing called knocking.” I said to her. “Now please, can you leave?”
“What in gods name is all of the commotion?” I heard Nora’s voice coming closer. “Carter is trying to sleep down the hall.” She then came full frame into the door.
I sat eyeing the ceiling, not making any eye contact with anyone.
“So, Violet. Who’s your friend?” She asked.
I looked back at her. “This is Sam. You probably met him a long time ago when I was in school. Sam, this is Nora.”
“Nice to meet you again” He said politely, and stood up to shake her hand.
Nora reached and shook his hand. “Very polite, you are.” Her eyes flickered to me, and back to Sam, and she smiled. “Later, we’ll be going to the movies. You’re more than welcome to join us.”
“I think that it’s up to Violet, if she’d like me to attend.”
Olivia rode with Sam and I to the theater. Olivia was able to bring Sierra. Thank god, she’d leave us alone.
“You really didn’t have to come.” I said to him, as we pulled into the parking lot. I mean, we’ve been out twice, and now my family has drug you along. Nora will drill you on everything, I hope you know.”
Sam smiled at me. He grabbed my hand. “I’ll be fine. Nora is nice, she can’t be worse than my mom.”
I looked down at my hands, and then back up at Sam. “Honestly, I’ve never brought anyone home to meet any of my family. They guys I have dated were not exactly the ‘bring me home to meet mom’ type of guys.”
“It’ll be okay.” He replied, and got out of the car.
I followed closely behind.
Nora asked him many questions while we waited for the previews to start. She was very nice to Sam, but I was still nervous until we got back into the car.
I finally was able to let out a sigh of relief.
“Well, that’s over.” I was relieved.
“V, it honestly wasn’t that bad.” Sam assured me. Then he sighed. “Look, you don’t have to say yes to this, but, my mom is holding an event for her society thing. I want you to go as not only my date, but as my girlfriend.”
“Society? Sam, have you seen me. Purple hair? I’m not exactly the debutante, like your sister. My family isn’t even into that kind of thing.”
“It’s better than having a face to face meeting with Susan.”
I shuddered at the thought. “Fine. I’ll go.”
“Thanks.” He said. “Briana will be glad that you’re coming.”
“Oh, it’s been years since I’ve seen her.” I said, remembering his little sister. “How is she?”
“Nothing has changed. She’s the same Briana. Taking after my mom with the whole society bit. I don’t get it. My mom has tried putting me with every girl she saw.” He shook his head.
Olivia and Sierra finally got into the car. The were mumbling something so neither of us could hear.
“We’re hungry.” Olivia announced. “Let’s get some burgers.”