Clay had been correct to assume that production would be slowed after the Stalker disaster.
It took nearly a month for the lab to be repaired and the workers to return, and even longer for the project to get back on track.
Clay passed by a faded red stain on the lab floor that refused to come up. He was on his way to meet with the director of the Research team who had unfortunately survived the stalkers. Clay muttered under his breath as he stepped into the scrawny mans office, he was ready to get this out of the way.
“Boss!” The director exclaimed when he saw Clay, “I’ve been waiting. I assume by now you have read over the files and picked which soldiers DNA you want to us.” He stated expectantly.
“Yup,” Clay grumbled, tossing a file onto the mans desk. “I picked soldier RICK. Her performance in battle is exceptional and I value her integrity towards her fellow soldiers.” Clay sighed. The director was quiet for a moment,
“Her??” He asked, raising a brow questionably. Clays eyes widened,
“Uh HIM, I meant him.” He quickly corrected himself. Th director laughed, pulling out the vile labeled RICK.
“Well here you go. I’m sure the development lab is ready for it.” The Research director handed Clay the all too familiar vile.
“They better be.” Clay grumbled, leaving the office.
After all the delays, Clay was glad things were finally starting to get rolling. He marched confidently into the development lab. Everywhere he looked there were scientists leaning over paperwork, chemical mixes or equipment, everyone was busy.
The director of development hobbled over, a cast over his foot and brace around his neck. Clay couldn’t help but chuckle, served the man right. He was lucky Clay didn’t request his removal from the board, after all he was technically responsible for the whole disaster.
“Ah, Clay. I assume you are finally bringing the human DNA for us? It’s about time we got some work done. The board grows impatient with us.” The man sneered.
“The board can wait. I don’t see them down here helping anyone.” Clay rebutted. He pushed past the director and neared a scientist who was wiping down a large computer.
“Is this the DNA Code decipher 200?” Clay questioned, truly amazed.
“Y-yes sir. It arrived yesterday, shipped all the way from Hyperion headquarters.” The scientist explained. Clay beamed from ear to ear, now this was exciting.
“I’ve always wanted to use this.” Clay ran his hand over the control pad. However, the director stepped in, holding his hand out for the vile.
“As much as I would love to let you...fool around with this piece of fine machinery, I must insist you leave the real work to us professionals.” He grumbled.
Clay wasn’t having any of his crap, he smacked the directors hand away.
“Like it or not, I am your boss, and I wasn’t randomly picked for the job. I’m the brains behind this project and I fully intend to immerse myself in the process. If you refuse to be compliant, then I’ll just have to remind the board who’s fault it is that the project is behind schedule and why half of their best workers are dead!” Clay hissed bitterly, shoving the director out of his way.
Clay refused to make eye contact with the man, returning the treatment. He adjusted his lab coat and turned on the massive computer, finally, he was doing some real work.
The vile was placed into a slot near the keypad and then, Clay turned the machine on. It clicked with a satisfying purr. Clay's smile widened as the screen flashed and a code appeared, it was already reading the properties of the blood. Clay was on the computer for hours, he made models of DNA strands and calculated genetic outcomes, the whole process made his whole day.
Finally, as lunch slipped away and the clock ticked into the PM, Clay was done with his work. He had as much information as the scientists could ever need to complete the project. Clay ordered the computer to print all the information, and with a wide smile he took the vile labeled RICK.
“The rumors were right, that machine is the best thing sense sliced bread.” He chuckled at the director as he left the lab. Clay had a new pep in his step as he strode through the lab towards his office.
“Yes, there is absolutely nothing that can stop this!” Clay practically sung to himself, images of his finished creation flashed through his mind as he climbed the stairs to his office.
“You seem happy.” Clay was shaken from his daydreaming. His boss was seated in his desk chair, he spun around to face Clay with a wide smile taped to his face.
“Ah...Mason, how nice to see you.” Clay lied through his teeth. “What are you doing here?” Clay suddenly realized how tired his legs were after standing at the computer for hours, he stared longingly at his chair.
“I wanted to check in on you...I heard about the Stalker incident.” Mason eyed the bloody spot in the middle of the lab.
“Ah, I figured you'd hear about it somehow, despite the rock you live under.” Clay took a jab at him.
“You know I have better things to do than hang out in this forgotten branch of Hyperion.” Mason rebutted. However, it was true. Mason spent most of his time at the main Hyperion base, while Clay was stuck here.
“So, what do I tell the board? They've been asking questions about the incident, but I've been stalling for you.” He frowned, lacing his fingers.
“Tell them it was caused by one of their smart ass scientists that they sent. The bimbo brought armed guards into the zoology center. He didn't wait for the zoology team to help him and took matters into his own hands. He ignorantly removed a covering from a stalker who killed one of the guards. This caused his gun to miss fire and shatter the other cages. The rest is history.” Clay went over the incident.
“I see.” Mason turned, taking a mental note of everything he was told.
“They also want to know if you picked one of their soldiers DNA yet?” Mason turned back around, his brow was raised suspiciously, as if waiting for Clay to say something he would regret. Clay paused, what was going on?
“Yes, I just finished scanning it. I picked RICK. The development team is working on making an embryo as we speak.” Clay explained. Mason was quiet for a moment before he finally stood, nearing the stairs.
“Well I'm glad to hear it.” He forced a grin, “Continue the good work, I'll be back in a few weeks. They want me on some little planet called Pandora or something.” He waved his hand.
“Good luck.” Clay muttered, collapsing into his chair.
Clay didn't have much time to relax during the next four months. Him and the whole team were up many restless nights trying their best to successfully combine the human and Stalker DNA into a functioning life form. Many times they had gotten close, but nothing ever lived longer than a day and the team was slowly growing discouraged.
However, Clay was determined. After three straight days in the lab without leave, he found success.
“I...I did it.” Clay collapsed to his knees. He let tears of joy roll down his face, the other scientists had retired hours ago and he was alone, but he had finally done it. The embryo was a tiny thing, secured in a petri dish. Clay leaned over it, staring at it with an overwhelming sense of pride. This was it, this was his creation, his assassin, it was happening. He could have stuck the dish in the incubator and called it a night, but Clay remained in the lab. He jotted down preparations for the upcoming months, he readied the life support vat where the experiment would be moved.
After all that, Clay still stuck around, refusing to leave. He felt like if he even left the lab, the embryo would die like the others and he would be forced to start over. So Clay stayed until the other scientists came in. He stayed until the next week rolled around and he woke up to a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I can't smell, but from the look on the other scientists faces...I'd say you stink.” Clay cast a tired eye at his Clap-Trap, too out of it to even make a witty remark. He had taken up sleeping under one of the desks, having Clap-Trap bring him meals.
“You need to go take a bath or something.” the purple robot poked at his back as he slumped on a desk next to the life support vat.
“What if I miss something.” Clay muttered under his breath. A nearby scientist heard him and added his two cents.
“With all due respect sir, the embryo has been stable for five whole days now. I don't think it's going to be doing some drastic changes while you take a day to yourself.”
“S-shutup Patterson.” Clay's words slurred into an insult. “I'm the bo...boss here. Why does everyone keep forgetting that?” He whined in aggravation.
“Ok...master Clay, you've completely lost it.” Clap-Trap tugged on his dirty lab coat, but Clay just yanked it away. “You leave me no choice.” The purple robot pouted and whirled out of the lab. Clay wasn't sure how long his robot was gone, his eyes never left the vat.
Shortly the lab doors slid open again, but Clay didn't bother to look up.
“There, see he refuses to get up.” He heard his Clap-Trap say.
“Oh gross, Clay jar, you smell like a dirty old sock.” Clay shot up, realizing Tabitha was standing behind him. He gave his Clap-Trap a death glare before turning to meet her eyes.
“Well...well...well you're covered in oil stains like usual.” Clay replied, trying not to blush with embarrassment. There were a few chuckles form the other scientists, but they quickly got back to work as Tabitha shot them threatening glances.
“Why haven't you been taking care of yourself. Clap-Trap tells me you haven't left the lab for days!” She could tell he was exhausted, but he wasn't known for skipping naps. “What has you up?” She muttered. Clay suddenly beamed, remembering why, in fact, he had been up for so long.
“Tabby cat! I did it! I successfully created the embryo!” He jumped out of his chair and pointed to the massive glass tube. Tabitha joined him, staring curiously at the off colored liquid in the vat.
“See, see,” Clay was practically jumping, “That is the embryo, it's five days seven hours and 32 minutes old.” He exclaimed.
“33!” A voice shouted from across the lab.
“SHUTUP PATTERSON!” Clay retaliated. Tabitha stared in awe at the small pink embryo floating in the liquid.
“You mean...that tiny little peanut is the experiment?” She asked.
“Yes, isn't it exciting!?” Clay snapped his attention back to her. Tabitha didn't answer, simply nodding her head as she watched it, it was so peaceful.
“It's not a looker.” Clap-Trap butted in, oblivious to the moment. Clay moaned, he was so done with his robot.
“Clay, this is amazing but how can you take care of this little...tiny assassin...if you can't even take care of yourself?” She turned to face him, clearly concerned with his well being. Clay was quiet before he stubbornly folded his arms.
“There is literally nothing you can say to make me leave.” He wasn't budging. Tabitha gave him a sneaky grin before she all at once charged at him. Within seconds Clay found himself in the air and tossed over Tabitha's shoulder as she took off from the lab.
“P-put me down!” Clay stammered, holding on tight to the back of her shirt, but Tabitha didn't stop. She hopped into one of the elevators, and Clay was officially out of the lab.
“Fine, I'll go with you, but will you put me down now?” Clay grumbled, Tabitha gave a mischievous laugh.
“You suck.” He grumped.
Tabitha carried Clay all the way back to his old lab where his personal quarters were still located. Clay had given her the code to his room once years ago, but she had always remembered it. She let Clay slide to the floor outside of his washroom before she placed her hands on her hips.
“Now you go in there and shower all that stink off of you.” She demanded, giving him a gentle nudge into the bathroom before slamming the door closed behind him. Clay blinked at his reflection in the mirror, he really was a mess. His hair was oily and frizzy at the same time, fly aways sticking in every direction. He had a horrible four o'clock shadow and the bags under his eyes were dark. Clay didn't need anymore encouragement and he stepped into the shower.
Once he finally got out of the bathroom, he found his bedroom empty, Tabitha had left. On his bedside table was a note set on top of a fresh pair of clothes. It read,
“Get some sleep, ~T” beside the T was a little scribble of a cat, Clay snickered.
That was the routine for the next few months. Clay would spend nearly a week in the lab until he was forcibly removed by Tabitha who would always bring him right back to his room. It was like clock work. The other scientists grew to love “shower day”. They would even cheer and clap when Tabitha showed up to carry their smelly boss away, afterwards he would sleep for a day or two before he finally returned and the process would start all over again.
Despite the strange schedule Clay had, he was able to get a lot of his work done. His excitement grew along with the experiment, and one day Clay found himself staring at not just a tiny embryo in the vat, but a fully recognizable creature. It felt like only yesterday he had successfully created life in a petri disk.
Clay pulled up a stool to admire the small baby floating soundly in the teal liquid. It was shower day, but Clay figured Tabitha wouldn't mind if he watched his creation a bit longer. The embryo had almost fully developed now, changing from a light pink to a grayish blue. His legs were curled into his chest, his little arms covered his dainty head. A small tail resembling that of a Stalker wrapped around him, and tiny bat like wings lay folded on his small back. Strange panel like scales covered his shoulders and upper back, these too came from the Stalker DNA.
“Absolutely perfect.” Clay sighed pridefully. Clay couldn't hold back a smile as he remembered how he planned to open the vat at the end of the upcoming week. His experiment would move, breath, see, experience things.
“I wonder if he'll be able to talk.” Clay pondered the many mysteries soon to be discovered. Clay wasn't the only one hyped about the experiment. The other scientists chattered amongst themselves, they could hardly wait to get their hands on the creation, oh the tests they would run, the data they would record. They knew Clay had a meeting coming up with the Hyperion board of CEO's, and they were eager to provide him with as much information for the board as possible. This was all of their projects now, something they would all be remembered for.
When the lab doors finally slid open, no one seemed to notice. Not even the scientists who usually waited eagerly for shower day. Tabitha walked across the lab, raising a brow at the lack of applause. She could care less if they cheered her on, but this was out of character for all the scientists.
“What's going...” Tabitha paused as her eyes fell on the vat. It had been a week sense she last saw the experiment, but already he had grown so much.
“Wow! Clay, look at him!” Tabitha pressed her hand up against the vat.
“Isn't it amazing.” Clay whispered, completely infatuated.
“ really is.” She nodded in agreement. She cast a quick glance down to Clay before chuckling lightheartedly.
“You are so happy, I almost feel bad taking you away.” She patted his head. Clay chuckled, he spun on his heels and let himself fall backwards in her direction. Tabitha quickly swooped under him and hoisted him back over her shoulder.
“Honestly Clay, do I really have to carry you out still? I mean, can't you just walk with me?” Tabitha complained, he was a man after all.
“This is the deal Tabitha, if I have to leave the lab, then you have to carry me, because I would never leave my Experiment of my own free will, you know this.” He teased although he was being completely honest.
“Uhuh, I'm sure if I didn't come, these other guys would just spray you down with the chemical spill hose.” She chuckled.
“Oh shoot! Why didn't I think of that!?” Patterson snapped from across the lab.
“Patterson I'm getting real tired of your jokes!” Clay pointed at the man as he was carried out of the lab yet again.
Clay didn't want to admit it to himself, but he was slightly relieved it was shower day. He had been slaving away in the lab getting everything ready for the next stage in his experiment and he was beyond exhausted. He let his mind drift off to thoughts of his warm bed and soft pillow.
“Besides.” He told himself, “I need to rest up for next week.” Maybe he'd take an extra day off, Experiment A wasn't going anywhere.
After his warm shower Clay eagerly hopped into bed and tucked the covers around his neck, he was asleep almost instantly.
Clay woke with a start to the sound of metal clattering to the floor.
“W-what’s going on!?” He sat up in bed, eyes wide. His gaze fell upon his purple Clap-Trap who was lying next to a toppled over stool in the corner.
“Do I even want to know what you were trying to do?” Clay groaned, irritated he had been woken so rudely. “What are you doing in here anyways?” He rolled back over, hoping the sound of his chattering robot would lull him back to sleep.
“Tabitha told me to keep an eye on you when you didn’t wake up. It’s been about 3 days now.” Clap-Trap explained. Clay all at once leapt out of his bed, throwing his covers half way across the room.
“WHAT!!?? I’ve been sleeping for 3 days? Why didn’t you wake me?” He fumed.
“Y-you looked so peaceful.” The robot stammered.
“Experiment A, is everything all right? Has he moved! Oh I bet he moved and I freaking missed it!” Clay practically screamed as he hurried into his lab coat.
“I don’t know, I’ve been with you the whole time.” Clap-Trap began to panic alongside his master, was he supposed to check on the Experiment?
Clay darted from the room running a fast as his legs would take him. Within no time he was in the lab, but he skidded to a stop as he burst through the doors, the development room was empty, and so was the vat.
Clay felt his heart stop and his stomach drop, where was Experiment A?
“I KNEW IT!” Clay fell to his knees slamming his fists into the ground. Tears dripped onto the cold lab floor as frustration boiled up inside of him. He thought back to how he last remembered Experiment A, a cute little infant almost ready for the real world.
“I-i never should have left!” He sobbed. There was a complication, Clay assumed, and if he had been there, he could have prevented it, because the other scientists were stupid as hell and he hated them. Clay wanted to scream, he was so close, he never even got to hold him.
“D-doctor Clay?” Clay spun around, his eyes red and puffy. Patterson stood in the doorway of the lab, he looked exhausted.
“How did it happen!? When? Tell me everything, we can't let it happen again!” Clay sobbed, running up and pulling the collar of Patterson's lab coat.
“W-what are you talking about?” Patterson stammered as his boss shook him.
“EXPERIMENT A!! What went wrong you idiot!” Clay shrieked, he half expected it was Patterson's fault.
“N-nothing happened! W-we, we took him out just a few hours ago!” Patterson exclaimed, immediately defending his face. Clay let go of the other scientists jacket, completely horror stricken.
“W-what.” His voice dripped with pure hatred. “Why?” Patterson had never seen Clay so furious. Immediately he grabbed a clipboard from the nearby desk, holding it up by his face.
“ wasn't our idea. Y-your boss, Mason, he showed up today for a progress report. When he saw the experiment he wanted to know when we could take him out. Our director wanted to impress him I guess, but he took him out and ordered we begin our research.” Patterson had his eyes closed, hoping his fear would move Clay to show mercy.
“I'll kill him, I'll kill them both.” Clay hissed under his breath, grabbing Patterson's jacket again, “Where are they! Where did they move the experiment?” he was practically screaming as he pulled Patterson's head down to his level.
“O-observation room A!” Patterson whimpered, he was beginning to fear for his life. Clay immediately released him and stormed from the lab, Patterson however was smart and stayed behind, no way was he sticking around to watch the confrontation.
Authors Note:
Sorry if this is a weird place to leave off, the next part is super long though and I felt like this chapter was long enough. Any who, Mason sucks and Patterson is basically the human version of a Clap-Trap.