The sun wasn't even up yet, and outside the base darkness still settled on the small planet, distant starts twinkled in the black sky. Inside one of the bases small employee kitchens, a toaster dinged and out popped a warm stroodle of sorts. Tabitha grabbed the toasty pastry and took a hearty bite, ready to start the day. She was an early bird to say the least, and this was how she spent most of her mornings, up before the sun and alone in the mechanics shared kitchen. She liked it better this way. Once, she had overslept and found it nearly impossible to get her own breakfast as the other mechanics bustled about for their first meal of the day.
Tabitha took the last few bites of her breakfast and downed the cup of room temperature coffee sitting on the counter, then, she was off.
The quaint Hyperion base was peaceful at this time, the halls were empty, the lights were dimmer, and even the robots had retreated to their own corner of the facility. Tabitha had no trouble making her way to the mechanic hall, all the garages were shut tight, waiting for their workers to return.
With a quick crack of her knuckles, Tabitha whipped her key from her pocket, unlocked the metal garage door and using one strong arm, lifted it up. She had just cleaned the place yesterday evening and was pleased to be greeted with a tidy workspace, not a tool out of place. There were no half beaten robots lying limp on the floor, no oil stains on the wall and no wires in the corner, it was all ready for a new project.
Tabitha pulled a chord that dangled from the ceiling and the lights flickered on. She strode to her work desk and flopped down on the stool, unrolling the blue prints Clay had brought her last week.
“Assassin Robot” was scribbled at the top of the first blue scroll, he was never creative with project ideas. Tabitha couldn't help but smile as she made a supply list for her new project. She had gotten tired of the seemingly endless amount of “workerbots” she had been commissioned to fix. It was good practice of her skills, but it left her bored and longing for more. She knew she had what it took to work on something grand, and she was ready to prove it. It was then her previous conversation with her boss flashed in her mind and she glanced over to a vase of flowers sitting on the far side of her work bench.
The petals were drooping, she had forgotten to water them again. Her boss had brought them in the other day, then went off on a long rant about how amazing the new Hyperion base would be. Tabitha sighed, she recalled how she told him to do his best to convince her, but something inside wished he wouldn't try so hard.
“If he keeps this up, I'll be working on his new team by the end of the month.” She sighed to herself. Every night she would lie awake for hours, constantly battling herself on the whole idea. One minute she found herself grabbing up her tools ready to hop on the next ship out of there, then something deep down would stop her and she would stand wondering what had come over her. She knew this was the opportunity of a life time, a chance to say goodbye to the old rusty robot rejects. Yet she found it hard to even imagine leaving, to closing her workshop for the last time and especially to saying goodbye to Clay.
Oh she didn't even know where she would begin with him. How would she tell him? What would she say? How would he react? They had been working together for years and had become close friends to say the least. The idea of him alone, here, left at this base made her cringe. He was bound to get himself into trouble. So Tabitha knew she couldn't matter how badly she needed to.
Tabitha was suddenly yanked from her train of thought to the sound of someone knocking against her garage wall. A bit startled she looked up, how long had she been staring at the blueprints? Standing in open doorway was a fellow Mechanic, one she knew quite well. He wore a groggy look as he fought back a yawn and opted for itching his short beard.
“Good morning Tabitha,” the yawn won him over, “Do you happen to have any of those old 8 inch nails? You know...the ones with the tiny ridges?” He asked. Tabitha nodded and retrieved said nails from a tiny box on one of her shelves.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it. I was meaning to ask you last night before I closed shop, but when I came around, you had already left.” He stiffed another yawn, clearly he was not used to such early hours.
“It's no problem Jenson, you take care.” She waved as he trudged down the long hall to his own garage.
Occurrences like this weren't out of the ordinary for Tabitha. She kept it a habit to have her garage well stocked with as much supplies as it could hold, you never knew when the storage bay would run out of things.
However this time it was Tabitha's turn to make a supply run, for once, she had a project so wild, she actually didn't have most of the pieces already. Quickly she grabbed up her list, hoping to make it down to he supply room before the other mechanics.
Despite her efforts, she found herself at the back of a long line of mechanics, all with lists of their own.
“Woah, Tabitha, long time no see, what are you doing down here?” A young mechanic asked her. He was just leaving the supply room, a heavy box of wires in his thin arms.
“I have a new project that requires a lot of the newer pieces that just shipped in. Everything in my garage is almost older than me.” She blushed, giving a small chuckle.
“Well have fun, I think everyone heard about this new Silver Laced Wire and is itching to get their paws on it. Practically every mechanic is ahead of you in line.” He gave a quick glance and the seemingly never ending line that wrapped around the hall.
“Ah, thanks.” Tabitha sighed and the younger mechanic walked off. Nearly the whole morning slipped away before Tabitha finally made it through the line and up to the storage keeper, which happened to be a Clap-Trap. The small robot sat behind a window with a hole in it, taking peoples supply lists, then after a moment or so, the door next to the window would open up and another robot would wheel out whatever they had ordered.
This process was especially long for Tabitha due to the length of her supply list, but time seemed to fly compared to how long she spent in line. Soon she was eagerly wheeling a massive cart piled high with different metals, wires, gears, tools and practically a bit of everything, back to her garage. As she entered her garage, she wasn't in the least shocked to find someone already waiting for her inside.
“Ah, there you are Tabitha.” Her boss, Everett, looked up from her work desk where he had been examining the blueprints still sprawled over the table.
“Good morning sir.” Tabitha smiled, she always enjoyed visitors.
“It's noon Tabby.” He snickered, helping her unload the materials from the cart.
“Ah, time stands still for no man.” She sighed half heartedly, where had the morning gone? Everett, after helping unload, handed Tabitha what appeared to be a cake box, tied up in a silky pink bow.
“Oh, what did you bring me today?” She teased, setting it on her work desk and carefully untying the ribbon.
“Oh I just got back from the mane base and they have the best little cafe. I figured i'd bring you a sample. Once you join my team of mechanics, you'll be able to go there all the time.” He beamed, leaning against his favorite spot on the wall.
“Uhuh.” Tabitha gave a half smile and raised a brow at him suspiciously. The lid to the box was carefully removed, revealing a delicate souffle. Tabitha's stomach grumbled and she figured it wouldn't be the worst thing if she took a bite. Before she knew it, she had eaten the whole thing and was wishing that there had been another.
“So, I see you've taken up some...project?” He raised a brow and gestured towards the blueprints. “Who exactly wanted you to make an assassin robot?” His gaze was nothing but judgmental.
“Ah, a scientist here at the facility, his name is Clay.” Tabitha couldn't help but brighten at the thought of him. Everett faked a smile as Tabitha went on and on about her dear friend, Clay.
“Anyways, so he’s been assigned this project and it’s a really big deal. He’s asked me to help him build a robot to help train his little assassin.” She rambled on, a pleased smile settling on her face.
Everett wanted to scowl but fought every muscle to do so.
“Well,” He began, leaning closely over her shoulder. “Do you mind if I take a look. I’d like to know what project my prized mechanic is working on.” He cued sweetly.
“S-sure.” Tabitha stammered, trying not to think about the mesmerizing smell of his cologne.
“You know, once you join my team, you’ll be able to work on projects like this all the time.” Hey cast her a sly smile before turning back to the blueprints. Tabitha refused to look at him and opted for tightening a loose screw in her work desk. After what felt like an eternity, Everett stood back up, grumbling under his breath. He shoved his hand into his coat pocket and fished out a golden envelope. It glistened in the light of the overhead bulb and caught Tabitha’s attention.
“What’s...” she began, confused as he placed it in her shy hands.
“It’s an invitation to the Hyperion Gala. I’d like you to be my plus one.” He explained, that sneaky smile returning to his tanned face.Tabitha’s heart fluttered in her chest, her, invited to the Hyperion Gala? She never would have imagined.
“I-I don’t have anything I could even wear there.” She blurted, blushing as she fiddled with the letter.
“I have arranged for my best tailors to visit you tomorrow evening. I’m sure they’ll create something just stunning for you.” He winked. Tabitha couldn’t fight the smile that graced her lips, she was unable to deny the fantasy that was the Hyperion Gala.
“Thank you Everett.” She gave him a quick hug, earning a chuckle from him.
“Well I’m looking forward to it.” He patter her head then departed, leaving Tabitha to day dream of the upcoming Gala.
Visions of elegantly clad ladies and gents flashed in her mind as she began to tinker with the materials. Would there be music? Dancing? Perhaps there would be a fine banquet where she could meet some famous Hyperion workers, maybe even some CEO's. She pictured herself hanging on the arm of her boss like an important business woman, but nobody would know she was secretly a humble mechanic, the thought made her blush.
Hunger was the only thing that could pull her from her work and soon the rumbling protests of her stomach had her returning to the small kitchen. Still, her mind was on the Gala, even as she slopped together a sandwich.
“I wonder if anyone I know will be there?” The thought crossed her mind, she secretly hoped she was the only mechanic, she wouldn't feel so special if she knew her co-workers had also been invited.
Tabitha had a slow lunch, her distant thoughts made her normal routine drag on, it was as if she moved in slow motion. She was the last mechanic to leave the kitchen, and by the time she finally did leave, the hall outside was filled with the sounds of clattering metal and power tools. Every garage was open, and everyone was busy with their own projects, none noticing Tabitha as she practically floated down the muggy hall like a fairy from a dream.
As she neared her own garage, she found it exceedingly difficult to day dream with the constant banging and clanging from the other work spaces.
“Has it always been this loud around here?” She muttered to herself, hardly able to hear her own words. With an irritated grunt she shuffled into her garage and decided that for once, she could work with the door closed. She pulled the metal door down, drowning out the deafening sounds from the hall. As the other noises dulled to mere echoes behind the wall, Tabitha was suddenly aware that another sound was drifting through her garage. It was soft and would have gone unnoticed if she hadn't closed her door, it almost sounded like muffled sobs. Tabitha's suspicion grew as she neared her work desk and could hear the undeniable sniffles and whimpers of despair lingering from the corner.
“Is someone here?” She asked, tilting her head curiously towards where she imagined the noise was coming from. The sobs grew clearer as she neared two of her shelves that came close together, leaving a space in the corner.
“You can come out.” Tabitha's voice was soft and encouraging as she peeked around the shelf. Her heart skipped a beat when she eyed the huddled form of a child in the shadows of the corner. It only took her a few moments to realize who it was.
“A...what...what are you doing in here?” Immediately she turned around to see if Clay had been standing somewhere and she had just simply missed him, however, the room was completely empty. 'A' looked up at her, big round drops streaking down his cheeks. When she held a hand out to him he didn't hesitate and instantly jumped into her arms, hugging her close.
“What's the matter? Where's Clay? Did you get lost?” Tabitha asked, giving 'A' some time to compose himself. When he finally loosened his grip she held him out to get a good look at him and was mortified to find little scratches and bruises on his cheeks, arms and shoulders.
“A...what happened to you?” She set him carefully on her work desk, examining each cut and gash carefully. 'A' simply couldn't respond, he was clearly distraught by whatever had happened and could hardly breath without shaking terribly.
Tabitha didn't try to ask him anymore questions at the moment, and instead retrieved a small first aid kit from one of the shelves. Tenderly she wiped the blood that was dripping from his lip and other wounds, then neatly applied bandages. After that she slid him back into her arms, his head resting safely on her shoulder as she slipped out of the side door of her garage and hurried back to the small kitchen. 'A' was given a small bag of ice for his bruised lip while Tabitha whipped him up a sweet drink and sneaked a cookie from someones lunch bag.
“Here, you look hungry.” She offered him the treat which he gratefully took, popping it into his mouth. He winced at the sharp pain it caused his lip, but that wasn't going to stop him from enjoying his snack. After the juice had been drunk, and the cookie devoured, Tabitha carried him back to the garage where she felt it had been enough time for him to calm down.
“A, darling, where did you get all those scratches?” She cued encouragingly as she gently raked her fingers through his midnight hair. His head leaned against her shoulder, his legs draped over her lap as he sought comfort in her. Experiment A was quiet for a moment before he eventually attempted to speak.
“Bi-ig” His voice was shaky, but Tabitha had heard him speak before, she was aware of his speech delay.
“There was a big man yelling?” She asked, feeling his head nod against her shoulder. “Did the big man yell at you?” He nodded again. “Did the big man hurt you?” Her voice grew more serious. 'A' paused before his head nodded and Tabitha felt a wave of rage rush over her, who was this big man? How dare he hurt little 'A'.
“Where is Clay? Just wait till he hears about this!” Tabitha barked angrily. She moved to stand from her spot on the floor but was stopped when 'A' began to panic. He whined in protest and held her arm, more tears threatening to slip down his bandaged cheeks.
“What's wrong now? Don't you want to find Clay?” She raised a brow suspiciously. 'A' shook his head, his emerald green eyes pleading with her.
“N-uhuh.” He whimpered.
“W-why not?”
'A' took a deep breath, she could tell he was struggling.
“I-i r-ra-an to CL-ay. To-ook I ba-ack to bi-ig ma-an.” Tabitha furrowed her brows, had she heard him right?
“You ran to Clay after the big man hurt you? And Clay took you BACK to the big man?” Now she was beyond confused, why wasn't Clay helping 'A'? It didn't make any sense.
“It's okay, the big man isn't here.” Tabitha assured him and hugged him close, his tail wrapped around to her back. She sat there on the workshop floor for at least ten minutes, cradling the upset child, before a loud knock on the garage door caused them both the jump. 'A' clenched at her shirt as she stood and neared the door, her mind racing with scenarios before her mouth spoke for itself.
“W-who's there?” She called, immediately biting her lip afterwards, wishing she hadn't said anything.
“Tabitha! You've got to help me!” The stressed voice of Clay echoed through the door and Tabitha began to panic. She wanted to open the door, to get answers, but 'A' was shaking like a leaf, his face buried in her shoulder. However, she had to make a decision, and finally she replied,
“The side door is unlocked, come in.” She set 'A' down and he quickly darted behind her leg, gripping tightly to her pants as he hid.
Clay burst through the side door, sweat dripping from his brow, a panicked shake in his eyes.
“Tabitha, I can't find 'A'!” He blurted, “I-I've looked everywhere. He ran off almost two hours ago, can you...” He paused as he suddenly noticed the small hand clutching the pants around her knee.
“A!” Clay exclaimed, a relieved smile washed the stress from his face, he made to grab him but 'A' whined and raced for the corner. Tabitha grabbed Clay's shoulder, holding him back before he could chase the child.
“Clay, you have a heck of a lot of explaining to do.” She growled. The tone was new to the scientist and he immediately turned to face her, surprised with how irritated she sounded.
“W-what do you mean?” He tilted his head, somewhat baffled.
“I'd like to know why when I came back from my lunch break, I step into my garage and find poor little 'A' in tears! Crying his beautiful eyes out and covered in scratch marks, scrapes and bruises. His lip was bleeding Clay! And when I asked him what was wrong, he told me that some big man hurt him and yelled at him. What's worse, he said that when he went to you for help, you brought him back to this...strange big man!” Tabitha folded her arms angrily, her foot tapping as she awaited an explanation.
Clay was quiet for a moment, looking at her as if trying to figure out how pissed she was.
“Look,” He sighed heavily, “I really don't have the time to explain any of this right now and I have got to get 'A' back to the lab. His speech therapist will be here soon.” He grumbled, allowing his stress to roll into his words. Tabitha was shocked, never had he brushed her off like that before. He moved to go around her but she stepped closer, blocking his way again.
“Clay you better answer my questions! I'm not letting you take him until I am certain he'll be safe with you!” She barked, her arms squeezing tighter as she fought the urge to grab him and just shake the answers out.
“Tabitha, you can't take 'A', that's kidnapping.” Clay tried to laugh it off as a joke, hoping to lighten the mood.
“It isn't funny Clay, 'A' came here for help! Look at him, he's scared of you!” She pointed towards the corner where the child was hunkered down, hands over his ears. Clay cast a quick glance towards the experiment before he looked away gritting his teeth. Seeing 'A' like that made his heart ache, but he had a job to do.
“ don't understand, there's nothing I can do!” Clay shouted, trying again to move past her. Tabitha grabbed his arms, pulling him in front of her.
“CLAY!” She shouted, shaking him angrily. Clay fought to break free, but her grip was too strong. He let out an irritated grumble before yelling,
“Tabitha! I..I have to get 'A'. If I don't take him to his therapy then the therapist will tell the board of directors! If they find out that I'm not meeting their conditions, then I'll be stripped from the job! Someone else will be head of the Assassin Project, and...I'll lose 'A'!” He screamed, his brows knitted together in rage, but the tiny beads of tears that tugged at his eyes was enough to un-mask his whole demeanor. Tabitha loosened her grip on him, but didn't let go as he sagged in her grasp.
“C-clay, what are you saying?” Her tone was gentle as she watched a cold tear drip down to his chin.
“I-I know it hurt him Tabitha...but I couldn't help, there was nothing I could do but bring him back.” Clay let out a shaky breath, but the whimpers that echoed from the corner made it hard for him to hold his composure.
“Clay...why can't you do anything?” Tabitha tried to look the scientist in the eye, but he hung his head and stared at his shoes.
“The CEO's...they told me I had to start training 'A' to be an assassin. Yesterday they sent a combat tutor for 'A' to train him everyday...but I felt like the tutor was too rough on him. He didn't hold punches, or catch 'A' when he had him practice gliding. I told yelled at him yesterday...told him to tone it down. He didn't like that.” Clay rubbed the back of his neck, “He spoke with the board after the training session and they reprimanded me. They gave me a strike Tabitha...” this time he looked back up at her, his eyes glazed over and hazy.
“ toady when he ran to me for help, after his tutor was too rough...I...I had to bring him back. I couldn't say anything...” Clay held his hands over his face, “I couldn't help him...couldn't make it easier for him.” With this the scientist completely lost it, his voice cracked and his shoulder shook as he sobbed there in the middle of the garage.
“Oh...Clay Jar.” Tabitha whispered, pulling him in to her arms. She squeezed him close, unsure of any other way to comfort him.
“He hates me Tabby..c-cat. He hates me but I can't let them take him away from me.” He hiccuped, moving his own arms to rap around her middle.
“No, he doesn't hate you, it's okay. Everything's going to be fine.” She assured him, despite not knowing how to fix the issue at hand. She let her cheek rest lightly atop his head, his light brown locks swaying as she calmly exhaled. She could feel Clay's breaths start to even out rhythmically, his shoulders ceased there shaking and he loosened his grip on her. By now, even 'A' had quieted and was emerging from his hiding place in the corner. He had heard the whole argument, and when he saw Clay burst into tears, he had completely forgotten he had been hiding from him.
“Do-on-nt cr-i-ry.” 'A' stammered as he leaned his head against Clay's knee. The scientist wiped the last tear from his eye and bent to scoop 'A' up.
“I'm so sorry.” His voice muffled as he let the child squeeze his neck lovingly. He planted a gentle kiss on 'A's forehead before apologizing once again. Then he turned, facing the mechanic.
“Tabby Cat...I'm so, so, so sorry I yelled at you. I...I didn't mean it I....”
“It's ok.” Tabitha cut him off as she ruffled his hair in a teasing manner. “We'll figure this out together, I promise. However, right now, I think we could both use a drink.”
Thought this chapter would be longer *shrugs* oh well.
I honestly have no clue how Tabitha and Clay are going to fix this...geez I'm such a good writer (-_-) not
Any who, hope the sob fest was enjoyable.