Tabitha winced as she tried to move her arm just a bit. She had been lying down in the sick bed long enough and was ready to sit up, but her pain killers were starting to wear off. Clay, who had returned to the room only moments ago, noticed her struggle and immediately jumped up to help her.
“Trying to sit up?” He asked, she nodded and he slipped his arms behind her, scooting her into a sitting position. Clay then sat back in the bed side chair that he had practically been living in for the past day and a half. Tabitha could hardly think of a moment when he wasn't there, but then again, she couldn't recall much while on morphine.
Another surge of pain shot through her body and a hiss passed through her gritted teeth. Clay noticed the suffering in her face and immediately leaned onto the bed.
“What's wrong?” His eyes shook with worry. Tabitha took a sharp breath before rolling her head to look at him.
“My painkillers...they're wearing off.” She smiled, hoping he would calm down just a bit. Clay immediately jumped from her side and took off into the hallway, chasing down the first nurse he saw. He returned not moments later with an agitated nurse in tow. She took her precious time administering the potent painkiller, but Tabitha was thankful when a sudden numbness began to set in. Soon she found herself a bit groggy, and struggled with her heavy eye lids.
However, Clay didn't seem to notice, his thoughts were elsewhere. He had felt responsible for the incident, somehow, he knew this was his fault. There was no doubt in his mind that as soon as she was better, she would up and leave for that special project with Everett. He couldn't let that happen, he knew now, she was too important him. How could he continue this project without her? She was his backbone, standing by him through the worst of times, and he let her down.
“Tabby-cat...” he started, looking at his feet while he twiddled his thumbs, “I..I want to thank you for what you did...for me and for 'A'.” Tabitha turned her head slightly, trying to focus her gaze on him.
“You were strong when I wasn't able to be. You've stood by me sense day one on this project, heck, you even helped me realize what direction I wanted to take this in. You never doubted me and have always had my back. I realize now...that I wouldn't be anything without you.” He looked up, meeting her wide emerald gaze. A blush settled on his cheeks and he was forced to look down again.
“I...I can't continue this project without you. You've stood by me through it all and...I don't know what I would do if you suddenly left me.” he continued, “I've thought about leaving the project before, taking 'A' and starting a new life on some distant planet, but every time I do, you're always there. Even in my simple daydreams, I can't imagine life without you.” His stomach tightened and his mind screamed at him to shut up, didn't he realize he was pouring his heart out to her? When he looked at her again, she had a gentle smile resting on her face, she looked so calm and peaceful as she lingered on every word he said.
The sudden beeping from his time piece snapped him out of the trance like state he was falling into. Even Tabitha blinked in surprise, looking suddenly as if she had no clue what was going on. Clay knew the alarm meant it was time for him to get 'A' from Clap-Trap and take him to speech therapy, but he couldn't leave yet.
Quickly he moved from the chair, his knees resting on the floor as he leaned against her bed. He grabbed her hand in his own, looking into her eyes pleadingly.
“Tabitha...I should have told you sooner, but I heard what your boss offered you. I know it's a great opportunity and it could totally change your life. But please...” his voice shook as he tried not to tear up. “please don't go. I know it's selfish of me, and I want you to succeed, but even just the thought of you leaving tears me up inside and I can't stand it.”
Her features softened and she stared back at him with a deep compassion, as if she felt sorry for the sniveling scientist on her bed. She however didn't speak a word, and Clay began to wonder if she was truly listening or not. His watch beeped again but he ignored it.
“I need you Tabitha, I want you to stay, please...don't leave.” He pushed himself closer, letting his hand rake through her silky hair and twist around his fingers. His other hand came to stop on her warm cheek, covering a faded scar that rested there. He could get lost in those evergreen eyes, he thought, and was willing to do so. His gaze traveled down to her soft pink lips and he swallowed back a gulp, knowing how badly he needed to feel them against his own.
“Please, don't go..” He whispered one last time before he leaned in and took that long lusted kiss. She leaned in to him for only a moment before Clay realized what he had done. Quickly he withdrew and stumbled off the bed, catching her startled gaze once before he bolted from the room. Clay was such a panicked mess he didn't even notice Everett who was waiting just outside the room. Before the head mechanic could get a word in, the scientist was gone, running like a March hare.
Everett growled under his breath, now that he knew Clay was desperately attempting to keep Tabitha there, he had to step up his game. 686Please respect copyright.PENANApp3DqoByKF
Clay sat patiently in his office overlooking the whole lab. Any minute now the speech therapist was sure to arrive with 'A', he had already been with the lady for a whole hour. Despite how desperate Clay was to hear from the woman, he couldn't stop his mind from drifting back to earlier that morning. He had kissed Tabitha and ran before he could even see how she would react. He wanted to smack himself and re-wind time. Why did he even do that, it's not like she had loved him.
Clay whirled around in his office chair nervously, he let out a relieved sigh when he saw the speech therapist coming up the stairs with 'A'.
“Dr. Clay.” She smiled, letting A's hand go so he could hug the scientist.
“How did he do?” Clay stood, letting 'A' climb into his arms. The woman let out an exasperated sigh as she adjusted the thin rimmed glasses that rested on her pointed nose.
“Based on our sessions and the tests that I ran last week, I have concluded that his issues are more than...a delay. They seem to be neurological, probably stemming from sort of issue with the DNA makeup.” She raised a brow at him in accusation. Clay frowned, somewhere he had slipped up, at least it had only been speech.
“So...what does this mean for him?” Clay asked.
“It means that it can't be fixed with therapy. No amount of therapy can fix something in his brain that simply isn't there.” She pulled a paper from her bag, it looked to be a blue print. “I explained the issue to the CEO's last week and they brought me this yesterday, it is a solution to his problem.” She handed the paper to Clay who immediately began to look it over.
A small device had been etched onto the paper, it instantly raised a red flag for Clay.
“Wait....this is an implant.” Clay furrowed his brows.
“That's what I was told. They explained to me that the engineers and scientists who designed it made it to be surgically placed into the brain. It will replace his whole Broca's are in the cerebra...”
“Cerebral Cortex, yes I know where it's located.” Clay hissed bitterly.
“Yes that. However because of the amount of technology required, his left eye would be removed, in order to make more rome.” She explained, adjusting her glasses yet again. Clay was quiet, he folded the paper as calmly as he could before placing it in his pocket. He tried his best not to lose his temper in front of the therapist, he knew this was out of her control.
“Thank you for informing me. I assume he will no longer be taking therapy.” He asked.686Please respect copyright.PENANAjuGlH1Faxa
“Yes. The CEO's informed me that you are to take the experiment to the medical facility for the procedure as soon as possible, that way he can grow accustomed to the implant sooner.” She gave a quick nod before turning to leave, ready to head back to the main facility. As soon as she had gone, Clay ripped the blueprint from his pocket and chucked it straight into the trash bin. There was no way he was following through with some unnecessary modification that would take one of A's beautiful eyes, and for what? So he could speak normally? Clay had grown used to A's slurred lines of speech, as long as someone understood him, what did it matter?
“I have more important things to worry about.” He muttered under his breath. The gala was coming up and he still had no clue what he would wear, or say if he was called for an award. The days slipped by too quickly for Clay's licking, and before he knew it, it was the day of the gala. He had tried to let the event take over his thoughts, but ever sense that fated day in the infirmary, his mind kept flashing back to that moment.
“Why did I do that!?” He practically shouted as he peered at himself in his bedroom mirror. He needed to adjust his tie, but guilt and embarrassment had his arms glued to his side. He hadn't been back to visit Tabitha sense that day, and he felt just awful because of it.
“Master Clay, you need to hurry, you're going to miss your ship.” Clap-Trap wheeled into his bedroom, A sitting on top of the robots head.
“I know I know!” His arms finally moved and he adjusted the dark blue bow tie around his neck. He looked himself once over again, just to make sure he hadn't missed anything. Mason had shown up the other day with the suit and told him to wear it, it wasn't like Clay had a choice, what other formal clothes did he even have? He reached into the blue suit pocket and retrieved a golden H shaped broach, pinning it over his chest, there, he was ready.
“Wish me luck.” He sighed, leaving his room and heading for the lab doors. 'A' raced after him, leaping onto his back quickly, hugging his arms around the Scientists neck.
“Bi-by-e.” He stammered, quickly letting go so not to choke the man. Clay laughed, ruffling the experiments hair before turning seriously to the purple robot.
“Clap-Trap.” his voice was stiff, “Don't let anybody in, and you take care of him you hear? You guys don't need to be leaving the lab at all. I'll be back late so don't bother staying up waiting for me. And please remember to feed 'A'. There is food already prepped in the refrigerator, it doesn't need to be heated and...” Clap-Trap crossed his arms and the scientist rambled on.
“Boss, your ship leaves in five minutes.” He stated. Clay immediately glanced at his watch, letting out a startled gasp before racing from the room.
“I swear,” Clap-Trap sighed after he left the room, “Sometimes he never shuts up.” 686Please respect copyright.PENANAU0Hwvu7VTs
When Clay finally made it to the holding bay, Mason was outside the ship, waiting for him.
“I was starting to think that you chickened out.” His boss coughed, tapping at his watch to remind Clay what time it was. Clay took a moment to catch his breath as Mason approached him. He leaned to one side, taking in Clay's features. He took a step forward and straightened the scientists bow tie and dusted his suit.
“I was right to assume this would look great on you. It's a perfect fit too.” He praised himself before leading Clay inside the private ship. The pilot was already inside and the two scientists took their seat in the spacious air craft.
“Shouldn't take us long to get there with the hyperdrive this thing is packing.” Mason patted the inside wall before taking a seat on a lush sofa across from Clay.
Clay was quiet as the ship took off, leaving the small planet behind. He couldn't help but feel just a little it nervous, he hadn't left the facility in years. It was already bad enough that he had to go without 'A', and knowing he would be stuck with Mason for the entirety of the ride didn't exactly make him smile.
“Let's talk.” Mason's smile dropped away and he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. Clay rolled his eyes, this trip was going to be longer than it needed to be.
“About what?” Clay shot him a side glance, but quickly turned back to watching the distant stars out the window.
“I think you know what...” Masons voice almost sounded sinister, casing Clay to fully turn to him, wide eyed.
“W-what are you talking about?” He held his breath as Mason pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Clay...the board of CEO's is...not happy. They are demanding to know why you haven't gone through with the speech procedure that they instructed you to. I'm running out of excuses for you, it's not good Clay.” He warned. Clay could feel a bead of sweat dripping down his brow, he knew those things were going to catch up with him.
“Don't get me started on the strings I had to pull to cover up that whole trainer incident, luckily for you I was able to get some help from the head of mechanics. He seemed interested in helping for some reason.” Mason scratched at his head.
“I'm...I didn't feel like the procedure was necessary. I don't think it's worth him losing an eye over. Sight is more important to an assassin than speech.” Clay argued. Mason exhaled loudly, taking his glasses off his head to wipe them as a way of relieving his stress.
“Clay, I honestly don't know what their reasoning is behind this, but it's not my place to question them, it's not yours either. You may be head of the project, but you have GOT to respect their decisions.” He grumbled in irritation.
“I..I created him, don't I get any say in this?” Clay was trying his hardest not to have a complete breakdown, Mason always picked the worst times to talk.
“Look, I understand that you probably feel some sort of bond with your...experiment but he is property of Hyperion. The CEO's have given you enough strikes. First the DNA incident, then the 3 month break, the trainer, and now you are refusing to tweak the experiment like you first claimed you would. Clay, if you don't comply, there is going to be consequences.” Mason stood, he neared Clay who looked paler than a ghost. The poor scientists heart was beating out of his chest, they knew about the DNA?
“I...but...” he was at a loss for words.
“Look, they didn't tell me to talk to you, and I'm assuming they invited you to the Gala in hopes to sway your mind. Just, for your own sake, do something right for once.” Mason plopped down beside him, as if the whole conversation had exhausted him. Clay's mind was racing, couldn't anything go right? He could feel his stomach flip, his heart beating too fast and all he wanted to do was vomit and curl up in a ball.
“We're here.” the pilot called over the intercom. “Just great!” Clay thought, how could he possibly go to the Gala now?
Well, I'm trying not to make the Gala chapter...a thousand minute read, so I had to make this a chapter. It was originally going to be the beginning to the next chapter, but it was getting lengthy. Hope you enjoy.