“Let me just run and get my tools, then I can start on the elevator.” Tabitha stated before she turned and left the enormous lab. Clay sighed happily, things were working our perfectly, or....so he thought. Before he had time to enjoy his short success, he was approached by the head of the research team.
“Clay,” the man blurted. The scientist jumped, whirling around as he clutched a hand over his racing heart.
“Whatdoyouwant!!!” His words scrambled together in a startled panic.
“We need to go ahead and start development.” The man grumbled, clearly irritated with something.
“What...we can't just yet, we don't even have the DNA samples we need from the stalkers, not to mention the human.” Clay argued.
“Don't worry, I've taken the liberty of taking a DNA sample from Hyperion's best soldiers.” The man beamed with pride. Clay snorted,
“Is that so? Well I'd like to have a say in this. Who told you to go ahead and jump the gun?”
“Nobody, but I knew things needed to be sped up, I'm just helping the team like I was assigned to do.” He rebutted.
“Yes, you were assigned to help, not make my decisions for me.” Clay glared daggers at the man.
“Sir, with all due respect, I left the important decision to you, you simply have to pick which soldiers DNA you want to use to make the ultimate assassin. The rest was simple work.”
Clay sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was all he could do not to just scream and strangle the man. He couldn't believe that the project just started and already he was beginning to butt heads with his under-workers.
“Look, I appreciate your input and eagerness to get things rolling, but the process of DNA selection has to be perfect. I can't just have any old soldiers genetical makeup to mold the body of my assassin. I have to take everything into account, height, attitude, brain activity, family mutations, every little thing matters.” Clay groaned, imagining how much time was wasted on extracting DNA from the soldiers.
“Oh well I didn't have to do any of that. The board gave me a list of nominees to chose from, I just went ahead and extracted their DNA so you wouldn't have to. Hyperion picked who they wanted, not me.” The man started to sweat, hoping to avoid any backlash.
“What!?” Clay snarled, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was his project, he came up with it, he was put in charge, and already Hyperion was trying to add their say? How dare they pick his DNA donors.
“Where is the memo for this? Why was I not informed?” Clay's fists were shaking, he was on the verge of a break down.
“I...I was given the memo...h-here.” He pulled a crumpled paper from his vest pocket, holding it out with a shaking hand. Clay snatched the folded paper up, reading over it quickly. Sure enough, Hyperion had ordered that the DNA must be selected from the following list of people. Clay balled the paper up and chucked it as his Clap-Trap.
“Get rid of that garbage.” He hissed angrily. Then, he turned toward the development director.
“Thank you for getting that work done for me. I want as much information on these bimbo donors as possible. Have the file on my desk by tonight, maybe one of them is worth something.” He grumbled.
The other man nodded before he turned to hurry of for his own work place.
“I need a drink or something.” Clay muttered to himself, however, before he could even climb the stairs to his office, there was a loud commotion from the front of the lab that drew his attention.
“COMING THROUGH, MIND THE CAGES!” Leanna shouted as she burst through the doors, a massive cage swung over her bulky shoulders. Clay could hardly believe his eyes as Simeon pulled a ginormous cart behind him piled high with cages. Each containment had a rather ill tempered Stalker inside. One of the creatures who wasn't in a glass tank shot a row of arrows out of the bars. The spikes flew across the lab, piercing into one of the massive computer screens.
Several lab workers bolted for cover, quivering under their desks as the creatures were drug back to the Zoology sector. Clay's mouth was gaping open as the two zoologists walked bellow him. There were so many Stalkers to work on, they may even have a few left over for extra research.
“Finally something good.” Clay beamed, practically leaping down the stairs, he wanted to see the devilish creatures up close.
“Simeon, put those on the far wall, and for pete's sake get that Stalker into a cage with glass.” Leanne shouted as she pulled a spike from her shoe.
“How many Stalkers do we have?” Clay exclaimed as he burst into their sector, he was practically overflowing with excitement. Simeon laughed at his enthusiasm.
“We have exactly 27.” He answered, tossing a tarp over the glassless cage.
“Which one is from my lab?” Clay neared the cages, staring in awe at all the different Stalkers.
“What do you mean? You had a Stalker?” Leanne asked.
“Yeah, will you transport him over too?” Clay questioned. “Be careful though, he's very...energetic.” He warned them. Simeon and Leanna didn't hesitate and hurried for Clay's old work place.
Clay took a moment to admire one of the Stalkers. He neared the cage, pressing his hands against the glass. The creature inside hissed angrily before turning his whole body completely invisible.
“So amazing.” Clay sighed.
“In here boys.” a voice shouted from behind. Clay felt his heart drop, now what? He stood, turning around bitterly, couldn't he have a moment to himself? Standing by the doors was a tall lanky man that Clay recognized as the head of genetics. He had been quiet through their meeting and Clay didn't think he would give him any trouble, he must have guessed wrong.
The director was currently issuing in a crowd of at least 15 of his under workers and 5 soldiers.
“What is the meaning of all this?” Clay demanded as other scientists pushed past him to get close to the stalkers.
“The stalkers are here, so we can now finally begin our observations of them. Before we can begin any experiments we have to watch them.” The director didn't even turn to face Clay as he let the last armed soldier into the zoology sector.
“The stalkers just got here, at least give Simeon and Leanna a few hours to get things settled.” Clay explained, but no one seemed to care.
“Who?” The director still refused to make eye contact. Again Clay could feel his frustration boiling over.
“It's just simple observations, nothing important.” He whispered to himself, clenching his fists. His previous hopes and dreams of being project manager had been dashed and he felt like he was scrambling just to keep up. This was his project, his idea, why weren't they waiting for his directions?
Clay stood back, watching bitterly as the scientists all picked a Stalker to watch. They pulled out clipboards and notebooks and immediately began to scribble down every little ting. The director walked behind the scientists, peering occasionally over their shoulders.
“What are the soldiers for?” Clay asked, this time the director actually met his gaze. His beady eyes flashed and his brows furrowed as if Clay had asked a stupid question.
“You clearly don't have experience with animal research.” He sneered. “Us professionals know that these creatures are dangerous and should not be underestimated. In fact, I don't suggest you come back into the Zoology room, you need to be back in your office.” The director turned his nose up, turning to avoid seeing Clay's reaction. Clay new his face was red as a tomato, he could feel his blood boiling. “Who the hell does this skinny little man think he is?” Clay thought. He knew most of the directors were big deals in Hyperion, with years of achievements and experience under their belts, but he was THEIR project manager for crying out loud.
Clay stared daggers at the back of the genetic directors head, refusing to leave the zoology sector out of pure spite. He kept his eyes on the man as he neared the end of line of stalkers. The director eyed the covered cage, approaching it curiously. Clay was about to speak up, but bit his lip, remembering how the director had just spoke down to him. Clay hoped he would rip off the tarp and the stalker would scratch him through the bars. He had to hold back a laugh as he imagined the director screaming in fear.
A wide smile crept across Clay's face as the director actually reached for the tarp, he was going to uncover the cage, un-aware of what lie beneath it.
“Serves him right.” Clay sneered, arms crossed. The tarp was chucked aside and revealed an empty cage.
“W-what...” Clay didn't have time to process what was going on as the director suddenly leaned closer to the empty cage. All at once the stalker re-appeared with a snarl. He flicked his tail sending a spray of spiked across the room. Clay immediately ducked to his knees, watching in disbelief as on of the spikes whizzed by at lightning speed, striking one of the armed soldiers right between the eyes. The soldier's body flenched, his finger pulling the trigger on his laser gun before his body fell limp on the ground.
Clay watching with gaping eyes as the red laser zipped across the room, striking one of the cages housing two stalkers. Everyone in the sector fell silent as the sound of shattering glass echoed through the room. The two stalkers glanced at each other before they simultaneously disappeared.
“RUN!” One of the scientists shrieked after realizing that two of the creatures had just escaped. Clay's heart rose to his throat and he couldn't move, frozen with fear as two scientists were suddenly torn apart in front of him, blood spraying across the floor. The four remaining soldiers began to panic, and shot towards every little movement and growl. It wasn't long before another stray laser struck another cage, releasing even more Stalkers into the lab.
Screams echoed through Clay's ears and he knew he had to get away, but he couldn't bring himself to move. He was right by the sector doors, but it didn't matter. Other scientists raced past him, not bothering to lend a hand as they fled for their lives. By now the stalkers had eaten half of the scientists and killed all but one soldier who was hiding on top of a stack of empty cages.
The room began to fall silent again and Clay began to realize that he and the soldier were the only people in the sector that were still alive. He could hear the stalkers growl as they scurried around the cages, sniffing out the soldier.
“They know he has a weapon.” Clay thought, he watched in awe as the stalkers surrounded the Hyperion soldier.
“Master Clay, I got rid of that....what happened in here!” Clays breath hitched as his Clap-Trap whirled into the room, completely clueless.
“C-clap-trap!” Clay stammered, finding his voice. “The stalkers are loose!” the purple robot took a second to process before he shrieked in fear. Without wasting another second, the clap-trap grabbed Clay's arm, and practically dragged him from the sector.
“We need to get out of here, get to the elevator.” the robot panicked. Clay managed to his feet as they neared his office, for once his Clap-Trap was right.
The zoology sector doors all at once began to hiss and bubble as they melted away.
“One of the stalkers must be an acid type!” Clay stammered, watching as the stalkers raced from the sector, they were no longer contained.
“There are tons of them!” Clap-trap yelled in fear.
“Those assholes must have figure out a way to free the rest of their kind.” Clay concluded, these creatures had some sense about them.
“RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!” The purple robot quickly abandoned him and ran shrieking through the lab, waving his mechanical arms in the air frantically. Clay wanted to follow him and seek shelter, but if the stalkers killed the rest of his team, then his whole project would be over. Clay gulped back his fear and darted up the stairs to his lab. He reached for the large mic on his desk, his voice echoing over the speakers.
“Code red, everyone evacuate the lab. Seek shelter on other floors of the facility. The stalkers are on the loose. I repeat, evacuate immediately or suffer the consequences.” Clay continued to repeat over the intercom. He watched as workers began to pour out of their offices, racing for the elevators. The stalkers were constantly switching back and forth between their invisibility, making them nearly impossible to track. However, the screams of horror and pain would soon draw his eyes to a bloodied scene and he knew the stalkers had gotten someone else. The lab was slowly turning into a blood bath as one after another the stalkers picked off the workers. Clay's heart was racing when he saw Leanne and Simeon get off one of the elevators and race into the lab.
“WHAT THE HELL!” Simeon screamed in shock as he stepped in a pool of blood.
“WHAT IDIOT LET THE STALKERS OUT!” Leanne was beyond furious. Clay grabbed the mic back as he slipped under his desk for protection.
“SIMEON, LEANNE, the stalkers are killing everyone, we need to stop them. There was an accident in the zoology sector and a laser gun shot the cage and I'm not even sure what's going on.” Clay shrieked from under his desk.
“Clay! You need to get out of here.” Leanne shouted from down bellow. “Me and Simeon will try our best to round up the stalkers.”
“WHAT! You're crazy!” Clay screamed, peering over the edge of his office. He watched in awe as Leanne leapt onto a stalker that darted past her. She wrestled it to the ground like it was nothing more than a puppy dog.
“Maybe they got this.” Clay thought. All at once another stalker swooped down on Leanne, clawing at her back. “NOPE! THEY DO NOT HAVE THIS!” Clay rushed for the stairs, he had to escape while he still could.
Clay raced past Simeon who was ripping the stalker off his sisters back.
“Run Clay, we've got this!” the burly man assured him. Clay took his word for it and kept his eyes on the lab exit where the elevators waited just beyond. He darted past bloodied bodies and jumped overturned chairs, he hadn't run like this in years. He was almost there, he could practically touch the doors when he was suddenly tackled to the ground, a stalker ran over his back and disappeared behind a table. Clay attempted to get back on his feet but another stalker leapt on him, grabbing the tip of his boot.
“H-help!!” Clay screeched as he felt himself being dragged away from the doors. From the corner of his eyes he could see Simeon struggling with two stalkers under each arm, another biting at his heels. Leanne was dodging a spray of spikes, and was too far to hear his cries over the screeches of the stalkers.
Clay tried to kick the Stalkers face with his other foot, but it didn't faze the creature. Clay struggled and twisted but only managed to get his lab coat hung up around his shoulders, restricting his arm movement. By now another stalker had joined the fun and was trying to grab him by the leg. It gave him a nip and Clay screamed as it's teeth sunk into his calf.
“Help me!” Clay screamed again, hoping the sibling could come to his aid, but the stalkers had drug him too far, he was on his own. Clay closed his eyes, excepting his fate as stalker lunch, when he heard a roar of anger echo through the lab.
“GET OFF OF HIM YOU NASTY CREATURES!” Clay's heart leapt, his eyes opened wide. He looked up just in time to see a huge metal wrench fly over his head and smack one of the stalkers in the jaw. The stalker let go of Clay's boot, hissing towards Tabitha who was running across the lab, determination in her eyes.
“T-tabitha run!” Clay shouted, she was no match for the stalkers. Tabitha didn't waver and continued to charge into battle. She ripped a heavy mallet from her tool belt and sprang into the air. With both hands gripping the handle, she socked the other stalker clean across the head, causing the creature to bite its tongue in half.
Angered, the stalkers began to climb the wall before vanishing into thin air. Tabitha skidded onto her knees to Clay's side, helping him out of his lab coat.
“Clay jar, are you ok?” Sweat beaded her brow as she checked him for injuries.
“I-i'm fine!” He assured her, despite the throbbing in his lower leg. “We've got to get out of here.” Clay struggled to his feet but was knocked down as a stalker jumped onto Tabitha causing her to fall on the scientist. Tabitha reacted quickly, rolling herself over and giving the creature a well deserved throat punch. She bounced back on her feet quicker than lightning. Clay could hardly keep up with her movements as she whipped a nail gun from her belt and fired it right into the Stalkers skull. It writhed and hissed before finally collapsing motionless on the ground. Attracted by the noise, other stalkers surrounded the two, and it was all Clay could do but watch as Tabitha skilfully fended each one off. Her movements were quick and well calculated, her attacks strong and damaging. Clay suddenly felt completely safe as he leaned against the wall, Tabitha as the only thing between him and the ravenous stalkers.
Every tool she had was used precisely and effectively, there were no blind attacks. Clay was all at once aware that if Tabitha was given the proper training, she could be one of the best soldiers Hyperion had, and yet she was merely a mechanic.
Tabitha stood over the bodies of four lifeless stalkers, her pants and shirt were stained with red splotches. Her messy bun was half hanging in her face, but she still held a tight grip on her mallet. An invisible stalker charged her from the right, it's claws dug into her arm. Tabitha gritted back a yell as she reached her other arm over, grabbed the stalkers wing and hurled him into the floor. There was a loud crack as it made impact and it writhed in pain defenseless on the lab floor.
“Are you guys ok!” Simeon shouted, nearing the two. Tabitha took the opportunity to grab Clay's arm, dragging him out of the corner.
“I-i think so, just a few scratches.” Tabitha answered, holding a hand over her bleeding arm.
“Y'all shouldn't have any trouble getting out of here now, and from the looks of it, this woman can hold her own.” Simeon smiled as he eyed the heap of dead stalkers in the corner.
“Me and Leanne were able to round up some of them, she has them sedated right now.” Simeon pointed a finger back towards the zoologist sector. “If my calculations are correct, there are only two stalkers not counted for.” Simeon's eyes wandered around the lab, searching for the two hiding stalkers. “but i'll find them in no time.” He assured them.
“T-thank you.” Clay let a sigh of relief escape him, he had been close to losing his whole project, but after this disaster, production was sure to get held back. However, Clay's thoughts were elsewhere and he gently reached for Tabitha's hand.
“Tabitha, come with me.” He instructed her, quickly leading her out of the lab. He guided her to the elevators and up to his old lab area where most of his things still remained.
“I've got to admit it Tabby cat, that was amazing back there. It thought I was a goner.” Clay stated after letting her sit in his work chair.
“Well I wasn't about to let them just eat you. When I came in and saw them dragging you away...I was so angry.” She clenched her fists, glancing down at the wound on her arm.
“I can't thank you enough...here...” he stepped over with a damp rag, pressing it carefully over her cut. Tabitha winced, hissing through her teeth at the pain.
“I should take a blood sample, who knows what diseases those things carry.” Clay rambled, throwing random facts at her. Tabitha got a look of worry in her eyes as she held the rag over her arm.
“D-diseases?” She stammered, she tried not to let it concern her, but she couldn't help but let her imagination run wild.
“Oh yeah, scientists don't know much about Stalkers after all, so who knows.” Clay shrugged, grabbing a syringe from his desk. However, Clay did know. He had already been given a report on them and knew all to well that the only dangerous thing about their claws was how sharp they were. He quickly cleaned the needle and pulled a stool up close to Tabitha.
Tabitha looked at the far wall as he skilfully stuck the needle into a vein on the inside of her wounded arm.
“Really...I didn't expect you to be so squeamish about blood, considering how you handled those Stalkers.” Clay teased her.
“It's weird. It just creeps me out to see blood being taken from me so casually. Having a bloody wound is different.” She explained, still refusing to watch as the crimson liquid traveled down a thin tube and filled the thin vile Clay held in his hand. The two fell silent until Clay withdrew the needle and gently slid a tiny bandage over the spot the needle had been.
“Ok, now let's treat that nasty gash.” Clay had gone into full care taker mode, completely forgetting about his own injuries. Tabitha came first, after all, she had been the one to save him. If she hadn't have showed up he surely would have been just another mangled pile on the lab floor.
Clay worked quickly, sanitizing Tabitha's wound and rapping it tightly.
“Thanks Clay jar.” Tabitha gave a gentle smile, standing from the chair, she neared the scientist. It was then Clay suddenly noticed how elegantly tall she was, she stood over him by at least half a foot. She playfully placed her hand on his head, ruffling his hair like she occasionally did. Clay blushed, a tingle rising from his spine as she ran her fingers through his hair. Clay wanted to whirl around and undo that messy bun of hers, see how long her hair really was. Now that he thought about it, he'd never really seen her hair completely down and loose.
“T-tabby cat...” He started but was interrupted as his lab doors swung open and a certain purple robot came wheeling in.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god, I can't believe I escaped.” Clap-Trap stammered to himself.
“CLAP-TRAP.” Clay barked angrily. “What are you doing here?” the scientist asked with frustration.
“Oh master Clay you're alive!” The robot raced up to him, hugging his leg, earning a chuckle from Tabitha. “I've been looking everywhere for you.”
“Lies, I bet you were hiding somewhere. You left me for dead you miserable hunk of metal. I should have your free will removed.” Clay threatened, patting the top of the robot.
“Thanks again Clay, i'm going to go see if that guy was able to find those two other Stalkers. It looks like they need all the help they can get, and I don't want your project falling behind.” Tabitha waved, darting from the old lab.
“but..I...” Clay paused, she was already gone. He cast a bitter glare at his robot, “What are you even good for?”
The robot seemed saddened and looked down quietly at the lab floor. Clay sighed, he tried not to take his frustration out on the Clap-Trap.
“Look, make it up to me. I need you to go back down to the new lab.”
“But the stalkers!” The robot shook.
“They're all either dead or captured and Simeon is hunting down the other two, you'll be fine. Now listen carefully. I need you to sneak into the director of the Research teams office. In there you will find different vials of blood. Pick one of them, doesn't matter which one, and bring it to me. You shouldn't have any trouble, everyone evacuated the lab.” Clay instructed him. The robot gave a salute before hurrying off to complete his mission.
Clay couldn't believe he was about to do this, but this was his project and he wasn't about to have the DNA of some random soldier be the make up for his assassin. The Hyperion board didn't know what they were talking about, they hardly ever did. He had seen their folder of ideas for the project, it was a bunch of useless nonsense, not worth a flip. If this project was going to be perfect, then he couldn't let them get their clutches on it.
His Clap-Trap returned within the hour with one of the vials, filled with blood. On it was a sticker labeled, RICK.
“Thanks Clap-Trap.” Clay acknowledged the robot before getting to work. He emptied the vial into a vat of acid, letting the blood disintegrate into nothing. The vial was sterilized before with a steady hand, he poured what he had taken from Tabitha into it. He then handed the RICK vial back to his Clap-Trap,
“Please put this back exactly where you got it.”
“Sure thing!” The robot saluted yet again, knowing better than to ask any questions, Clay always knew best.
Authors Note:
I hadn't planned for Clay and Tabitha to be too important in this fic, but it appears things have changed. So this fic will be a bit longer than expected, but it's still about Zer0, fret not.