No Plagiarism!WHmvVghEDdiGWu2023aPposted on PENANA The summer of ‘69.8964 copyright protection567PENANAFDoHzHk1Xm 維尼
That’s when I met Jodie.8964 copyright protection567PENANAyVNTkim0rK 維尼
She was Sam’s roommate.8964 copyright protection567PENANAYDNAWFPvNL 維尼
She played guitar. Really well.8964 copyright protection567PENANAfSovXJDCqg 維尼
We invited her into our band.8964 copyright protection567PENANADKOtHyMtXs 維尼
We weren’t famous but we had a few gigs.8964 copyright protection567PENANAoh2dZCV7p6 維尼
We got one at the drive-in.8964 copyright protection567PENANAHsp8STQoeu 維尼
That’s where she met Killian - her future husband.8964 copyright protection567PENANAK7j3IGAHf5 維尼
They got married shortly after.8964 copyright protection567PENANAwc0Mv6e3Hh 維尼
That’s why she quit.8964 copyright protection567PENANA3rGl40O1lC 維尼
I never saw her again.8964 copyright protection567PENANAv9BUQyxJLL 維尼
We ended the band after that.8964 copyright protection567PENANADuAovY13pE 維尼
We couldn’t play without her.8964 copyright protection567PENANARqbi1ngKGb 維尼
**8964 copyright protection567PENANAxb69CbS2Cn 維尼
But here we are now, in the summer of ‘72.8964 copyright protection567PENANA4BCTvDtpz3 維尼
22-years-old and done with that band stuff.8964 copyright protection567PENANAkRW0FrNzrz 維尼
Focusing on my career as a lawyer now.8964 copyright protection567PENANAotNj1byLBg 維尼
Single.8964 copyright protection567PENANADdDFdnsgeV 維尼
Dating wasn’t really something I was good at.8964 copyright protection567PENANAGxTEreoh09 維尼
That was one of the main reasons I never asked Jodie out before.8964 copyright protection567PENANAY9Amsg7atQ 維尼
I was scared to mess it up.8964 copyright protection567PENANAU6c42x7dJo 維尼
I had the biggest crush on Jodie at the time.8964 copyright protection567PENANA8pyENSTDip 維尼
I was going to ask her out at one point.8964 copyright protection567PENANAQLAHlve0GW 維尼
You may be wondering why I didn’t.8964 copyright protection567PENANA27Hoh2brzS 維尼
Killian.8964 copyright protection567PENANATkRkHvKTeS 維尼
I was going to ask her out at our gig at the drive-in.8964 copyright protection567PENANAKIH9wr0D4W 維尼
But then she met him.8964 copyright protection567PENANARsXs8HmVpD 維尼
And I was happy for her.8964 copyright protection567PENANAghILNUNkUx 維尼
She deserved someone nice.8964 copyright protection567PENANAAicPMHhUmo 維尼
And so did I.8964 copyright protection567PENANA2CkO7KeTWT 維尼
That’s why I was spending the summer of ‘72 going on dates.8964 copyright protection567PENANA8TdNLvwxLP 維尼
**8964 copyright protection567PENANAlzUizNSiq7 維尼
I was on a date with this girl.8964 copyright protection567PENANA94dN1PNXiA 維尼
She was gorgeous, yet her personality didn’t match.8964 copyright protection567PENANALeCNKWUQZO 維尼
She was so rude.8964 copyright protection567PENANAykV73OwBiq 維尼
A total narcissist.8964 copyright protection567PENANAJTZyZdepII 維尼
And I couldn’t get rid of her.8964 copyright protection567PENANAbauFdoG1fx 維尼
But then I heard the words.8964 copyright protection567PENANAQN9ligQysh 維尼
’I hate cheaters’8964 copyright protection567PENANAlqbmB8Znwn 維尼
I got my plan.8964 copyright protection567PENANAmgPdth2rWq 維尼
I’d fake cheat on her.8964 copyright protection567PENANAuAWAE8utaU 維尼
All I needed was someone to pretend to date.8964 copyright protection567PENANAOalJ8lCXAZ 維尼
Then the waitress called up a band to play the diner we were at.8964 copyright protection567PENANAlVzpN0bnbM 維尼
And who would possibly be in that band?8964 copyright protection567PENANAM2Qq68N0Ok 維尼
None other than Jodie Wilcox.8964 copyright protection567PENANAyHm74S663g 維尼
She noticed me immediately.8964 copyright protection567PENANAnlG2Gl0Ht7 維尼
She smiled and walked over.8964 copyright protection567PENANApeSeL6KTOz 維尼
But before she could say anything, my lips were on hers.8964 copyright protection567PENANA783nH4MymP 維尼
I didn’t even think.8964 copyright protection567PENANA1sHl6zGmCH 維尼
Not one part of my mind thought about the consequences.8964 copyright protection567PENANAuk2cWyeAwL 維尼
The girl I was on a date with wasn’t impressed.8964 copyright protection567PENANAC7h1LG2OKF 維尼
She left immediately.8964 copyright protection567PENANA1RHKdhzX7x 維尼
I was glad.8964 copyright protection567PENANA5CwpbYSgYX 維尼
But not for the reason you’d think of.8964 copyright protection567PENANAHWCYzQhWEY 維尼
I wasn’t glad that she was gone.8964 copyright protection567PENANAcKnsHnpHk0 維尼
I was glad that I’d finally got my chance to kiss Jodie.8964 copyright protection567PENANAEm512TD32Z 維尼
And that’s how I realised it.8964 copyright protection567PENANAojyKlNREDp 維尼
I was still madly in love with her.8964 copyright protection567PENANAWaUzGZBZIe 維尼
Madly in love with the girl I hadn’t seen for 3 years.8964 copyright protection567PENANAkAnIPEzWR3 維尼
Madly in love with the girl that was secretly madly in love with me.8964 copyright protection567PENANAKF9sVUR558 維尼