I met him in the midnight among the rains with lightening and thunder as the witnesses. He was standing next to me under the tree along with others. While everyone was pushing each other to get under the tree, he left me his spot and he stood in the rain. When I turned to ask his name, he replied, "Woody". My reaction made him reply my unasked question.
"Woody... Is my name."
Finally I gave a smile. Slowly the rain was slowing down its pour and everyone was moving away in their vehicles to return to their home. I was the only one standing alone. When I turned around to see if anyone was there, he was standing there right next to me.
"Do you need a ride?"
I was just wondering if I must shake my head positively or negatively. As I was standing still, he once again repeated the same question, but this time in a different way.
"Do you need a ride, my friend?"
This time I said yes. I was now riding along with him in his bike and he dropped me safely at home.
Even before I could thank him, he flew in his motorbike. The next day again we met in a company conference. I learned from him that our companies' boss are related to one another. This made our meeting more frequent. I always felt safe when I was around him. We took care of each other as best friends. But every happiness is short lived so as mine.
My parents arranged for my marriage and I felt that I was breaking from inside. He stopped visiting me very often as my fiance's family were around everytime. I started to miss him alot. My calls were slowly becoming unanswered. I started weeping alone especially at night. Am in love with my best friend?
Days passed... But still I was heartbroken. It was the final call on my wedding day and I was all alone in my room. My face looked the most beautiful that day but my eyes... they were weeping from the hurt inside. As I could hold no longer, I decided to call off the wedding.
When I turned to move out of my room, he was standing right there.
"Hai... How are you?". I wanted to say him that I missed him but something stopped me from saying so.
"I'm fine. But I was missing you alot."
There were tears in my eyes when I heard those words from him. He wiped the tears and handed me a gift.
"What's there in this?"
"Our memories. As you are moving away after your marriage I wished that you should never miss me."
I quickly unwrapped the gift and it was a collage of our beautiful moments together. As I was lost in it, someone called me as it was next my turn to do the rituals.
" What does this mean?, Woody ".
" It means we are FRIENDS FOREVER. "
" Okay... I must go now."
As I was moving out.. He held my hands and pushed me closer to him. Our eyes were staring deep into each other.
"I will miss you alot, even in my future" , saying this he plotted a strong kiss on my forehead and I hugged him back tight. After a brief second we moved away and I walked to perform my ritual leaving him in the room. As I was walking, I realised that what I and Woody shared was the best relationship as friends. I was happy that at last I had found a true and dear friend in my life. I performed my rituals of a wife to my husband and a foeever friend for my Woody.
Years passed but I and woody never met each other after my wedding. We had no communication but I still believe that our friendship has the best connection. When I miss him, all I remember is his last words of missing me and I still cherish the kiss from my old lost friend.