There was an air that something different was coming to his doorstep, his mother was asleep in front of the fireplace with the cat, and he was reading a romantic book. He never consider himself to be a soppy man but there he was, reading a romantic book to get inspired for his new role.
On top of the table there was his screenplay, he had written it during holidays and he was almost ready to roll...he only missed the DoP but he figured maybe it was his own job after all, his friends were useless and talentless, so he was basically alone.
As he read, he imagined of having a romance himself, he had failed many times before to be with a girl and that had rendered him almost a-sexual. He wasn't an ugly young-man but something made the girls stay away from him, maybe it was because he was five' four and everybody else he knew had an impressive tallness.
At least as an acteur he had managed to kiss a lot of women, but overall his life had been relationship-less and he was not unhappy, he loved to be alone...but today he felt different.
He looked at his mother as she slept and slowly he moved to cover her with a blanket. The cat woke up as he did this, and jumped from her legs, leaving the living room promptly.
The door knocked not much after, he was impressed because they had installed a bell, also, no-one ever come to visit them. It was him and his his brother was still doing his PHD at university and he had free time before the theatre called him again to direct a new play in London.
Nevertheless, he lived in London, in a chic apartment close to the theatre he worked at. He was with his mother for a month as an excuse to stay away from his manager who had become prone to not give him any vacation or validation to do his own creative films.
The door knocked again, it was a knock he knew but he was sure it had been four years since he last heard that knock. He slowly approached the door and when he opened he discovered an small lady, not much smaller than him, 5'2 she was and she looked at him with her big brown eyes smiling. 566Please respect copyright.PENANADnxoeZwuQT
"Its been a long time" she said smiling, and he realised it was Victoria, his house mate at university which he had not seen since five years ago. He didn't know what had happened to her but she was back, and he could tell there was something different in her but didn't know what.
"How have you been? It has been so long...!" he didn't want to sound too excited but she had been rocking since she left university, she had managed to get her feature film made in New York and then jumped into making films and winning a lot of...she was his only talented and creative friend.
"I've heard you are making a film!" she said to him, he remembered when they used to make films together and there she was, his DoP, his damn director of photography.
"You are hired miss..." he said, impressing her, Victoria did not expect him to ask her to be part of his film but she could not hide that was the first reason why she decided to go all the way to Cambridge to stalk him.
Joe was to Victoria, what Yoda had been to Luke Skywalker, her inspiration and mentor, as well as the best friend she could have never asked for.
"Do you want to come in and have a cup of tea?" asked Joe as Victoria quietly stared at his bearded face, she thought he looked different but couldn't point out what it was.
Victoria nodded as she entered the house, everything looked the same but at the same time everything looked different. They went to the kitchen quietly without waking Joe's mother and soon they were catching up.
It impressed Joe to learn that Victoria was now single, she had been dating a guy for years and he thought they would marry, but Victoria explained she travelled too much and they decided to leave things but stayed as very good friends. Learning that she had lost her love made him feel uneasy as her relationship had been "relationship goals" for him.
Now, when Victoria asked about his love life he wanted to lie and say he had someone, he was scared that she was making fun of him after so long, when he finally told her the truth, she seemed satisfied, as if saying "no woman deserves you".
A few days later, they went to Joe's production house in Cambridge, they made only a few indie films per year and Joe was glad with them, they represented all that he was and having Victoria as his DoP made everything better.
Inside the production house there was a usual "office" ambiance, but there was also a very cool creative area where many of his employees will sit to make creative decisions and to pitch new ideas.
The last four months they had been working on several advertisements for supermarkets but now it was their main focus to finish Joe's film.
"Now Joe, let me set the focus on you" said Victoria as they prepared to film for the first time, everything seemed to be running so fast and he was worried to be director and actor of his first feature film but in a way he was ready, he was ready to be a soppy homosexual character, he had never played that role.
"Say, Joe...if you had to choose to change something of the film, what would it be?" asked Victoria as they were having lunch one day, he looked at her for a while, he loved his idea, he couldn't change anything...but..maybe, just maybe...
"Maybe it needed to happen in space" he jokes, Victoria smiles as she continues to eat, she had been quiet all day and there was a burning question he had unrelated to the film.
"Vic, what happened between you and..." before he continued, she left the fork in the table.
"Too many days far away from home, I just realised one day that I no longer missed him." she smiled, "I always missed you"
"Me?" asked Joe back, he was not expecting that response, no one ever missed him.
"Yeah, I always miss my friends" he found himself holding his breath before but there was nothing holding him anymore.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" he said rapidly, he was not the one to hold anything in, all of the sudden they were filming again and he was actually talking to the other actor.
Once they finished, Victoria congratulated him for an excellent first day at the job, there had been good and bad scenes but he trusted her, as one can trust that old friend...
"Say Joe, you remember that poem, the 8th?" she asked as they were packing everything away for the night, he nodded distractedly and he lifted bags and carried them to the storage room, "it was about you Joe" she said, Joe dropped his bag trying to remember it.
"I can't remember the poem, sorry" he replied, Victoria and him continued to carry all the equipment back to the room in silence. Once they had finished, she looked at him once more, almost trembling.
"Maybe this will help you remember" she said as her lips made their way to Joe's, and she kissed him.
El octavo.
Ella lo besó porque ya no se contenía.
Lo había permitido entrar, ella lo sabía.
Y sus labios permanecían,
y sus labios se tocaban y se conocían.
Ella se permitió ser humanan y lo admitía.
Pensó en todos los detalles y su todo lo quería.
Lo abrazaba y lo olía.
Ella sentía el efecto en su cuerpo que él le causaba
tan perfecto, tan modesto, tan seductor.
Y sus labios se encontraron no una o dos veces, se repasaron y se tocaron hasta que el aliento no había.
No se encontraba ninguna torpeza en esa osadía.
Su cuerpo se inclinaba hacia él con furia y a la vez con desidia.
No hoy ni mañana lo olvidaría.
La humanidad aparecía, y ella la mantendría.
Caer en el mismo ciclo lo conocía.
Y la mejor parte era que no sufrirían.