Everyone unloaded from the boat, and Jeremy showed his family to their mansion. And rose showed her family to their mansion. Then finally Jeremy showed the bell home residents to their mansion. Jeremy, all of the staff have houses right adjacent to the bell home’s new temporary location.
Keegan, oh my goodness. This place is huge. Jeremy, Tiona, are you ready to start your job. Tiona, I am. This is going to be fun. Jeremy, I want you to start asking all of your employees under you to prepare the park or guests. Islanders visit for free. Actually You are to have the water park open by next Friday, do you think you can do it. Tiona, I will make it happen. Jeremy Dave, your hotel is to make the hotel open to the public the same day. Dave, You have a deal. Jeremy. Very well. Jeremy, prepare your expectations speech.
Dave I have the same one I used for when I worked for the other hotels. What is the hotel’s name. Jeremy, Hapgrave Inn and suites. Dave, Hello, I am David adams, I am the manager of Harpgrave inn and suites. Here are my expectations of you.
- You are your brothers keeper
- You must help your fellow employees
- Slacking off, or goldbricking will not be toasted. This includes the following
- Being late from breaks or lunch
- Exaggerating your task’s completion length.
- Pawning your duties onto other employees so you can dick around.
- You are to take responsibility for your actions.
- Do not tell the customer that we don’t do this, we don’t do that
- The customer is always right, even when you think they aren’t
- If I hear of a complaint and I find out it was you who are the cause the complaint. You have one chance to make it right, then termination.
- I will be doing undercover boss type inspections of different areas, and one of your employees tells me you aren’t paying the=m their raise, or aren’t treating them fairly. You have 1 week fulfill their request then your out the door, and they take your place.
Are there any questions. Jeremy, bravo. Very well spoken, you didn’t even stutter. Dave, since I’m not in pain, I haven’t done that anymore. Its like I’m a whole new person.
Jeremy, go fourth and prepare the hotel for guests. Dave, yes sir. Jeremy, I expect you to come see me weekly and tell me how things are going, and report with me any terminations. etcetera. Dave, yes sir, You got it. Jeremy, I also want me token an eye out for potential enemy agents, Dave, yes sir.
Austin, Jeremy, we’re putting your inner sanctum on an elevator track, so you can go to different floors. And you and rose have a nice big apartment on the bottom floor next to your inner sanctum.
Jeremy, good. Tell me. Can I call my inner sanctum to different floors with my phone. The head scientist, yes, now you can. They made their way to the inner sanctum. Rose, Miss Ramsey, you report to Jeremy and I directly now. I require you to be my eyes and relay to me everything going on that needs fixing.
Miss Ramsey, Yess miss. Can I get you something. Rose, a cup of coffee please. Oh, and tell the former female foreman I wish to see her in the inner sanctum now. She’s a Traitor. Bring her to me. Some the guards brought the former foreman to her. Rose looked up her name in the database system Jeremy had designed before they left. Rose, Miss Ekarton , Mis Alva Ekarton do you know why your here? Ekarten, you found out I betrayed you. Rose, oh, so your not going to waste my time and play the dumbs. That’s good because I’m mad as hell. Do you realize you could have put my husband in danger. Luckily, Jeremy has a few spin doctors who showed him that we haven’t done anything, and that we haven’t killed any of you despite your incompetence Miss keratin, I wasn’t being Incompetent. I just didn’t know that you shouldn’t put an inner sanctum on the top floor. Rose, my dear that’s the height of incompetence. And you have broken your contract. And there for your money earned is taken away, plus you are to be sued for breach of contract. She gulped. For how much. Rose, that’s not up to me to decide. Its up to him to decide, the one you betrayed.
Jeremy, organizationally you have done 25,250,000 in damages. Because you have put several of my projects back several months. Jeremy, you have one way to redeem yourself. She gulped. yes. Jeremy, luckily for you these weren’t my main projects. Or I wouldn’t be offering this. If you had, I would leave you on an island where there are known cannibalistic tribes tied to a tree as a peace offering. Or, since this is technically my country I could make yo a ward of the state and have excruciating experiments done to you. Abut you didn’t mess up my main goal. However you did mess up a surprise for my beloved grandmother. So I am offering you a chance at redemption.
She said, ok, Jeremy, tomorrow you are to report to Mister Adams in the hotel, where you will work in the kitchen as a sous chef. That way you aren’t exposed to the guests and you cannot betray us. Your phone calls will be monitored by security.now getup of my sight before I change my mind and have those experiments done on you, combining your Dan with that of an Ocelot. She said, I wasn’t the only one who betrayed you. Mister John Tames my temporary replacement snuck into your inner sanctum and found out your master plan. Jeremy, yes, I will deal with Mister Tames myself she said, I didn’t do this willingly. I was pressured into it. He said, Oh were you. By mister Tames. She said, yes, and his second in command Miss Langstrum . Jeremy, MissRamsey, bring me mister Tames and Miss Langstrum. Forthwith if you please.
Jeremy, you would’t like to me to avoid suspicion would you. She said, no sir. Jeremy, now get going. I will inform mister Adams of your arrival. Allis forgiven. Rose, so the poor girl was pressured into betraying you. That makes me angry. Rose, I’m going to talk to her, let her know I’m no longer angry with her. Jeremy, hold your horses honey, we want to have these enterogated. Jeremy, saw the guards bring them. Jeremy, take them to the mixer. They put him in first and spun him in the mixer, Jeremy, who’s I deal was it to betray me. He spat, I’ll never tell. Jeremy, fine, then I will assume that Miss Ekkarton is telling the truth. He said, she is, the woman said, stop, it was I I convinced him to pressure her into betraying you. Jeremy, why I have done nothing to you. I gave you employment, food, a place to stay, beautiful scenery right out your cottage window, the finest doctors and nurse, and all I am trying to do is bring the world’s laws back into alignment with God.
She said, in case you din’t know I’m an atheist. Jeremy, well, that explains a lot. So and you agreed with her to pressure this poor girl. He said yes, in extreme pain. Jeremy, call your families tell them your not coming home, you’ve been made a ward of the state for betraying me for no good reason. Oh, so neither of you have families, then you will not be missed, take them to the lab.I want their minds erased Make him Hyena and her into a Lynx. They will be the start of my private guard. Jeremy found his head scientist. Have you prepared these two for the experiment. He sid, yes, but before we turn a human animal hybrid, should’t we try the opposite first> Jeremy, yes, but where are we going to get an animal to try it on. Jeremy, no, these people should meet their fate. They removed the memories of the two, people. And tried out the animal human hybridizer. Beam ,Jeremy saw them changed right before his eyes. The two woke up and said, who are we, Jeremy, you are my new human animal hybrid bodyguards Your name is Hyam. And Yours is Lysandra. Do you remember your old lives at all. Lysandra no, I remember nothing earlier than us waking up a few minutes ago. Hyam, neither do I. Jeremy, if I tell you the truth about your former lives, you must promise to never go through my personal files about former employees. They said, we promise. You were once humans who betrayed me.and I had done nothing to you. So I gave you these new forms, and made you part of my bodyguard squad, knowing that you would n to make the same mistake, for if you did, it would kill me.
Lysandra, when you say we betrayed you, how. Jeremy, you called the authorities on me, becauseI am a christian, and in your former lives you were atheists, and my goal is to bring the world under the sway of biblical laws. Lysandra,we are not those people anymore master. Jeremy your not slaves. So please don’t use that word around me. You are servants, you get paid. If you must call me anything call me Jeremy, or boss. Hyam, yess boss. We will make you proud of us boss. Rose, ah these are our new body guards. Jeremy, by the time I’m done we will have a whole army of human animal hybrid servants under our sway.
As soon as you have some brethren , you and they will take turns guarding us.2 for each of us. Just then a helicopter appeared, a large one. Containing cages of animals from around the world. Most of these will be full hybrids like you. Others well, they will be partial hybrids more animal than human, just enough to have the ability to talk. They are pets if you will. Jeremy continued, well not pets, more like service dogs. And a cat or 2.
Jeremy inspected the animals. Jeremy saw an albino Savanah. It batted at him with its paw, claws not out. Jeremy bent dow and the cat put her paws on hi hands. Jeremy, make this one a pet, only one third hybridized enough for it to talk. I wish to have it done first. The scientist, yes sir. They pointed the hybridizer beam at the Savana cat, and it was able total. “Whoah she said, I can talk. Jeremy, come here my little friend. She said, my new human.and kept into Jeremy;’s arms. Rose, this hybridizer doesn’t hurt the animals. It doesn’t make them feel pain. Jeremy, not any excruciating pain. They just feel the pain of their bodies growing, its more like a s a kid getting growing pains. The Savana cat jumped from Jeremy’s arms to Rose’s. Jeremy, how about the name Savvy. Savvy, I like it.
Rose, Ah come here darlin’ rose patted Savvy on her head. Savvy, I’ll give you a month of Sundays to stop that, she said purring. Rose laughed. Save, my brother should be here too. There he is. Rose picked up savvy’s brother up and he melted into her arms. And they used the same settings on him as they had on savvy. Rose, what shall I call you. The cat landed on her phone, and VoiceOver said, “Samuel Belll home for the sightless. Rose, dol you like that name Samuel. Samuel, yeah, I like that name. Samuel, hey sis, what’s your name now. She said, Savvy.
Jeremy, we have over 60 animals you can have as many animals as you want, and no they don’t all have to be hybrid. A male timber wolf was batting his paw at the lock to his cage and he was whimpering.
Jeremy, hey is that cage too small for you. Wolf nodded his head yes then hauled in Lament. Jeremy, Jeremy used ahis fingerprint on the lock and it opened, and he knocked the lock off, and the cage door swung open. The wolf left onto Jeremy and licked him profusely. Jeremy easy boy. The wolf stepped off Jeremy and was hit with the beam, and he was standing tall and picked Jeremy up, and said, sorry about that I was so overjoyed to be out of that cage that was too small. Jeremy, its all good in the neighbor hood my friend. Your name is Wilfred. He said, Wilfred. I like it. Jeremy, I’m glad you like it its the only one I could think of in short notice. Wilfred, eh, I think that’s pretty good on short notice.
Wilfred, my mate she’s here too, she and I are in the act of procreation. Jeremy, she’s not with child now is she. Wilfred no not yet. Just then the other timberwolf was released, and they fired the beam on her. She stood up and said, hey, were’s my mate. Wilfred, over here, honey. Jeremy, Hello Willamina. You two are now a part of my bodyguard squad of animal human hybrids, you are the second group.
Willamina, your blind, or partially blind, and she, she’s totally blind, I am Jeremy, this is my beloved Rose. Please don’t call us master or mistress, that denotes slavery. You will get paid. Jeremy, I want you two to lead the squad, not the first two. Who were former humans who betrayed me. Wilamina, how did they betray you. Did they tell the authorities about some of your goals. Jeremy yes. Irene, he had their memory erased so they would not remember their old lives. Their names are Hyam and Lysandra. Wilfred and Wilamina said, we will lead the body guard patrol. Rose, yes you will.
Just then boxer walks up to Jeremy and rubs up on him. She says My name is Beryl and a lack lab walked up to rose, and he said, My name is Brodus Maximus. Both loved their new dogs who had been trained how to be guide dogs using a form mental training. Jeremy grabbed Beryl up by the front legs and gave her a hug,, and Rose gave Brodus Maximus a big hug and he said, yeah my mom is hugging me. And beryl, said, my dad he’s hugging me. Rose bent down and stroked brodus Maximus n his back. Brodus, ah, man that feels so nice. Beryl saw Jeremy reading something. Jeremy, come here girl. Beryl, you are a pretty dog. Jeremy saw a sugar glider. And it landed in his hand.and said, “Hi, I’m sugar bear, and the other sugar glider coming, and his name is dew drop. Sugar bear ook a liking to rose, and dew drop to Jeremy. Dew drop curled up on Jeremy’s shoulder
Rose didn’t have any pockets her outfit, but Jeremy did. He was a little cool, so the was wearing a hoodie with a sleeve on the chest, this is where dew drop hung out. Jeremy, sat Dew drop down, and anded her a small bowl of fruits, and nuts. Rose came and laid sugar bear next to dew drop. And got him the same thing. The two sugar gliders finished their food, and jumped on the arms of their waiting owners. Rose, sugar bear, come here sweet. Sugar bear jumped off the counter top and flew to rose, and landed in her. hand.
Jeremy, “come along dew drop” and dew drop did likewise. Some times the two got mischievous and would tease the guide dogs who were leading Jeremy and rose. Brodus, would you 2 stop flying around us. Beryl, Oh Brodus, don’t yell at them, that’s what they do. Brodus, but do they have to flick their tails at me as they fly past. At this Beryl who got ahead of Brodus and smacked him with her tail. Brodus, what wa that for? Beryl, beccause, I saw you giving the sugar gliders the evil eye.
Brodus, what’s wrong with that. Beryl flipped him over on his back. She punched him on the nose and said, because, then she punched him in his stomach and said, I like, and she punched him in his manhood saying “like them” Brodus, alright, alright I won’t try to eat them.
Jeremy, Beryl, that’s enough, I know what you were trying to do, but that’s not the way to do things. Remember I must make my words so nice4 and sweet, for day by day I will never know which ones I may have to eat. Rose, and Brodus, you will not mess with those sugar gliders. Unless you want to be called a bad boy and not get your treat tonight. Brodus, OK OK. Rose, watch your mouth. . Brodus, yes, I’m sorry. Rose, that’s OK, I can’t stay mad at you forever darling.
Berryl was on her back and Jeremy was stroking beryl’s chest. Beryl, oh, that’s the stuff. They made their way to the new apartment for themselves. Austin, we have finished your quarters, and put the inner sanctum on elevator track. Jeremy, cool. Austin, yeah, and our scientists have generated an app with a Siri shortcut that Jeremy called his grandpa and said, I want you to be a drill instructor on some human animal hybrids. Grandpa, OK. When do I start. Jeremy, tomorrow. Jeremy added another 8 floors underneath the floors they already had. Jeremy, met his grandpa at the front gate, and grandpa had brought a couple people who wanted to help him.
Jeremy, grandpa Austin is your temporary assistant drill instructor. Jeremy asked Tiona to help out too, as well as sharon. Jeremy sharon, you can’t be nice. Drill instructors have to show as little kindness as possible. These creatures are my army. Grandma even helped, so did Bryan.
Grandpa, listen up you animals, as far as me and my drill instructors are concerned you haven’t earned your humanity. We will come and give you your assigned codename. Based on how you come across to us. Is that clear. You will be called by that code name for the rest of your career. One of the privates’ need were knocking. Austin, What’s the matter Private scared. Thechiwawa human hybrid said, yes sir. Austin, will calm your ass down, you have no reason to be scared…. Yet. The chinaware said, “sir, I’m afraid of loud noises. Austin just do what your told and we won’t have to get loud with you. No calm down before Iput you on KP duty. The chinaware said what’s that sir.413Please respect copyright.PENANA6QEFXjCZZe
Austin, Pealing potatoes, and shucking corn. Now control yourself. Tiona found an ostrich trying to hi mouth and mic what Ron was saying. Tiona grabbed the ostrich by the throat and said. You think your funny don’t you ostrich boy. Well your dumber than you look if you don’t straighten up and get that damned smile off your face I’ ride your ass around the island literally, and give you toilet duty for 6 months. The ostrich apologized and held his face in a grim expression.
Everyone was nicknamed.
The chinaware was named private skid mark. The ostrich private bird brain. The twin hyenas were named private funny bone, and private joker. A bull was named private bullshit the bigs were named. Private hogwash, private Porker, Private Bacon bits, Private prosciutto . Private capicola. And private sow’s ear. A lynx was named private punter, 2 jaguars were named private jag, and private Livewire
9 alligators were named private toothy, private scales. Private boots, private chaps, private green jeans, private swampy private snapper private snappy, and private drowner.
All of the animals had been given call signs from private bird brain, to private warhorse Austin, Listen up the head drill instructor is speaking. Grandpa, listen up, how you do on these tests will determine your rank. Whether you stay a private, or if you get promoted to squad captain. Some of you may e granted the rank of drill agent, therefor you can handle educating the next batch of bodyguards..
Over the next six weeks the bodyguards in training learned how to use both their natural weapons, and guns. Some were given the rank of captain, others were lieutenant and the rest were still privates. There were 14 squads of bodyguards, squad alpha, squad bravo, squad charley, squad delta, squad echo, squad foxtrot squad golf, squad hotel, squad Indiana. Squad Juliet, squad kilo, squad lima, squad mike, team November. Jeremy, two squads will be working at a time. 1 squad will be protecting rose and I ten of you will be guarding rose’s family, and the other ten will be guarding mine. And you will do so 3 days straight. There are places for you to sleep in each. Squad mike and squad November, your permanent task is to protect the bell home, and help out when and however possible.
You have a barracks under the bell home.
Jeremy had collected his scientists and they were working on space based weapons. They launched 25 satellites in 9 hours. They would launch a satellite wait a half hour, and launch a second satellite. And so on and so forth. As soon as one of the ships were in Chinese territory one of the Chinese used missiles to try to destroy the enemy satellite. Jeremy, fire on that Chinese satellite. The fired a laser on the satellite, and it blew up. The Chinese were like call Anvil
Jeremy got on the worlds communications networks. Jeremy, Christians of the world rejoice, because I plan on easing some of the tensions you are dealing with in the news. Muslems, and those who are against Israel, you will not lay a hand on her. Or I will bring your countries to ruin. We have different satellite used weapons targeted on you. You united states citizens who are christian conservative, if you are with me contact your representative and let them know you want trump back in office.
He got off of the pirate broadcast, and said, well, now we hit and see if anyone attacks.