The longer she spends time with Yael, the more Arya yearns for a child of her own. It isn’t probable given what she likes to do with her leisurely activities, but perhaps one day she will have children. Until then she settles on being the best aunt she can possibly be.
Her relationship with Alara is a different story. She continues to walk that fine line between trusting her and being cautious.
“You’re good with him,” Alara smiles.
“He’s a good boy,” Arya smiles back. “Perhaps one day when I have children of my own they can play together.”
“Does Prince Jarrah want children?”
“I believe so,” she nods.
“Can I ask you a question?” Arya nods. “What do you see in him?”
“Malich?” Alara nods. “I don’t know, he’s funny, he’s a provider, and he’s good in bed.”
Alara grimaces at the last part of her statement and Arya laughs. “Well I think you can do better.”
“Like who?”
“King Ihsan.”
Arya’s smile fades. She can’t help but feel as if Alara might have some sort of agenda in planting that seed in her head. “Why would you say that?”
“Because I see things. Sometimes it’s the future, sometimes it’s the present, and sometimes it’s the past.”
“And you see me with King Rayne?” Arya asks.
“Not yet. The future is ever changing Arya and it can be affected by one decision to the next. I do not see you with King Rayne, but I also do not see you with Malich Jarrah.”
Arya swallows hard. She couldn’t imagine a life without Malich in it. He’s always been in her life. Weary, she hands Yael back to her sister and rises to leave. Alara quickly grabs her by the wrist. “Evander Kale is leaving for the Winter Court hoping to slip out without you knowing with half of your army. Don’t let him leave without you.” Arya frowns. She isn’t sure if Alara is being truthful about her abilities or if it’s just some clever ruse with an end game she is yet aware of. “You’ll find him in the throne room. Hurry sister.”
Arya’s skeptical but the urgency in Alara’s tone has her quickly heading to the throne room. As Alara said, Evander is in the throne room rattling off instructions to Godfrey.
“Going somewhere general?” Arya asks.
He stiffens, and then turns to greet her with a false smile. “I have some urgent business to attend to your Majesty,” Evander inclines his head.
“What urgent business could you possibly have at the Winter court?” Evander blanches. Alara is right; he istrying to leave without her. “Out with it and don’t make me ask twice. What good is having a general if I can’t trust him not to keep secrets from me?”
Sighing, Evander comes clean, “His royal highness is in the Winter Court. He’s met with some resistance and has asked for my help, but he does not want to involve you.”
“What in Anan’s name could Malich Jarrah possibly be doing in the Winter Court?He hates the cold of winter,” she frowns. Last she heard from him his brothers summoned him and she’s pretty sure Kahlem is the reason he’s there. “Very well then, but I’ll be coming along with you.”
Evander opens his mouth to object but one glare from Arya and his lips are sealed. She packs lightly, unsure of exactly how long they’ll be there and meets Evander out in the gardens where her army is prepping for departure.
“Not to alarm you, your Majesty, but time is of the essence. Could you perhaps-”
Before Evander can finish his sentence she winnows them all to border of the Winter Court. She sent word down her bond to Drakor to gather the others and find her.
“Holy Gods,” Rayu gasps.
Arya follows his gaze to where Malich and his protective detail are trying to ward off a large army, failing miserably. Every few seconds, arrows meet lightening but from what she can see there is no counter attack.
“Why are they not launching a counter attack?” Arya speaks mostly to herself.
“They don’t have one,” Evander sounds surprised. “Malich is the counter attack, but they have Channelers, Shields, and Conjurers. He faces the Fall Court. They’re as deadly a force as the Red Legion and the Seelie Army.”
“Then let’s even the odds, shall we?”
On Evander’s command his soldiers charge into battle. Rayu, Lumi and Jax make up her protective detail and they follow both her and Evander over to where Malich tirelessly fends off an aerial attack.
“Your highness,” Evander calls out to Malich.
Malich turns to him and blanches when he sees Arya at his side. His eyes shift to a group of women surrounded by guards then back to Arya. He looks angry to see her here. It isn’t exactly the greeting she was hoping for.
Pointing to the women with his chin Malich instructs, “These are the aunts and cousins of Princess Grayson. See to it that they are taken back to the palace at once.”
Evander nods and barks orders at his men. Meanwhile Arya’s eyes slide to the women. She knows that name, Princess Grayson…it’s the name of the woman she found in Malich’s bed. Why in Anan’s cock would he come here?
Malich approaches and she dismisses her friends so they might speak in private. “Princess Grayson? This is why your brother’s called you away?”
“Arya now isn’t the time. If you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a godsdamned battle, and I gave specific instructions for you not to come.”
“I wonder why?” She narrows her eyes at him. “Do not go behind my back again and undermine my authority as Queen. We share a bed Malich, not a kingdom.”
“Yet,” he points out. “But once we are married he will answer to myauthority. He may as well get used to it now. Now if you don’t mind, we have the Fall Court to deal with, your jealousy can’t wait until later. Stay here.”
Malich heads back to the front lines while she hangs back on his orders. She watches as the Fall Court launches attack after attack. After seeing their archers she sends word down her bond for Drakor to stay away. She won’t risk him getting hurt.
The battle seems to drag on forever. Tired of waiting, she walks to stand beside Malich and raises her hand in the air. Every arrow, freezes mid air and with a whirl of her finger she turns them around releasing them, launching them back at the Fall Court. Malich whips his head in her direction. “Would it kill you to be submissive just this once?”
Smirking she replied, “Yes it would.”
Focusing on the ground beneath them, she angles her hand palm down and begins to disrupt the soil beneath the feet of the Fall Court. As craters appear, fearful, the Fall Court retreats until none remain. The Winter Court celebrates the victory, shouting and hugging one another.
“Now,” Arya fixes Malich in her gaze, “Which way to the Winter Court?”