In our seats I couldn't help the bounce of my leg. Master Gaines put a hand on my thigh, "It'll be ok." He reassured. "It'll be World War Three. I plan to try and get her fantasy out of her head once and for all." I said as I tried forming the right words to say in my head because clearly being blunt like I have been hasn't seemed to work. He kissed my temple, "Try not to blow up the house in the process." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, "No promises." I sighed. Instead of thinking of every scenario in my head on what's going to happen I decided to take a nap.
I felt someone gently shaking me and I cracked my eyes open. "We landed." Master Gaines informed me. After grabbing our things from the baggage claim we went to a desk and a lady handed us the keys to a rental car Master Stone had requested for our time here so we can go from the airport to my mother's since we'll be staying there.
I drove to the ranch I called home until I was eighteen. Jessica and her husband,Robbie, with their kids were already here and so was Cayden and his wife Sarah and their kids. Gerald won't come till tomorrow. We got out of the car and Master Gaines grabbed our bags. I lead him inside and my mother met us in the foyer. "Kaylee it is so good to see you." She said then kissed my cheek. "Mom this is Nicholas. Nick this is my mom." I introduced. My mom gave him a disapproving look. Before anything harsh could be exchanged a hurrican of kids came and hugged me. "Aunt Kay did you miss us?" My neice Gracie asked. "Of course I did." I replied. After I exchanged introductions between them and Master Gaines the rest of my family came and met him. The only one who seemed to approve of him was my sister, maybe because she recognized him from the magazines. We then went to my old room and he looked around at all the old trophies my mom hadn't packed away.
After an intense dinner my neices dragged me into the back yard. "Come on Aunt Kay pretty please?" Gracie begged as we stood by the huge trampoline my parents got for the grandparents. I sighed, "Ok." I took my shoes off and and got on. I tossed Master Gaines my jacket and he watched with amusement. "If I die I'm blaming you girls." I teased. I then started to get some air before doing a simple back flip. "Come on Aunt Kay even Patrick can do that." Patricia complained.
I laughed and did a couple of ones that they liked to see. "There happy?" I asked them. "Yes!" The said in unison. When I got off I walked over Master Gaines, "Enjoy the show?" He smirked, "Maybe Christopher and I should get one." I rolled my eyes and went inside. Everyone was doing their own things so we went upstairs. Feeling tired from jet lag we decided to call it a night.
The next morning we woke up to the smell of bacon and the kids playing with the toys from "Santa". We dressed then headed downstairs. Gerald was already here and having a conversation with my mom. I held in my groan of irritation and plastered a smile on my face because I don't plan on ruining the day this early. "Good morning." I said as I made myself a glass of hot chocolate. "Gerald this is my boyfriend Nicholas. Nick this is the man I told you about." I introduced with a kind smile. The men had a glaring contest and I held in my sigh. "How long have you two been together?" Gerald asked. "About a month or so." Master Gaines replied. Gerald scoffed, "Won't last long. Kaylee's flings never do." I put a hand on my hand and looked at him, "How would you know?" "Because you are in denial. You keep looking for someone who is like me but isn't me when deep down you know you want me." Gerald said and I instantly lost my appetite. Master Gaines' phone rang and he stepped out of the kitchen to answer it.
Nicholas's POV.
"Good Morning and Merry Christmas." I greeted Master Stone. "Yeah a Merry Christmas." He said in a slightly hard tone. "What's wrong?" I asked him concerned. "Serenity just blasted our that we are BDSM Dominants to the press." He said. Oh shit, "Does she have any proof?" I asked in concern. "Yeah. She kept a copy of the contract. Won't be long till we have press at Fez Tech and the house. Lawyers are already trying to clean it up." He said. He sighed, "Where's Kitty?" He asked.
"In the kitchen with her mom and Gerald." I replied. "I want to talk to her." He said. When I stepped back into the kitchen Kitty was about to unleash her claws. "You fucking pompous ass. You don't know who I am so quit talking like you fucking do. You and me will never happen. And you." She said turning to her mother, "Can shove your dream for me to be with him up your ass. I am who I am and if you don't like that then tough shit. Here is a little piece of information Gerald. I lost my virginity to your brother my sophomore year of highschool and I enjoyed it. We weren't dating, it was a one night stand, but better than the thought of us actually getting together."
She had yet to turn and see me behind her. "Put her on the phone." Master Stone said in a harsh tone. Kaylee finally turned around to leave and noticed I was standing in the doorway. "It's for you." I said while waving the phone. She came over to come take it. I whispered in her ear so no one else could hear, "He's already in a bad mood and your slip of tongue made it worse." I warned her. "Crap." She muttered and took the phone and stepped out.
Her mother looked like she just wasn't yelled at by her daughter. Gerald only seemed stunned. "I see I already missed the action." Jessica said as she came in. "So where is my hurricane sister?" She asked. "She's on the phone upstairs. Does stuff like this happen every year?" I asked. "It's tradition for her and mom to get into it over something. This year mom asked for it. Last New Year when she was here and had a half a bottle of Jack in her system she surely was quite the vocalist about how she hates mom being match maker. That girl, when she's in the mood can cuss so bad she could make a sailor blush." Jessica said with laugh. Really? Sweet shy Kaylee can make a sailor blush?
Jessica and I then went to the porch to watch the kids play. "I know what kind of relationships she's into and I'm telling you if you hurt her and leave her broken like her last dom did I will hunt you down and kill you." She said softly. I looked at her, "That won't happen. What happened with her last?" "He became more than just a dom. He became abusive and raped her several times. You're her first in over a year. She broke down to me over the phone the night she left him and she didn't know what to do. She hated herself for what he did to her but I managed to get back on her feet and move past what happened. She had her one night stands after it but she hadn't wanted to sign a contract with any of them. When she looks at you, I can tell she's happy. Don't let that light in her eyes go out." She warned me and I nodded.
I then went up to the room and saw that she was still on thw phone with silent tears streaming down her cheeks. "He wants to talk to you." She said with a sniffle then handed me the phone back. "Yes sir." I said. "She is not to receive any pleasure until after her punishment." He told me. "Yes sir." I said. "I've got to go and make some more calls. She told me to book your flights for tomorrow afternoon. I'll text you the codes for the tickets once I do it." He said. "Yes sir." I said again. He hung up with out a good bye.
I sat on the bed and pulled her into my lap. She laid her head on my shoulder and I rubbed her back soothingly. I kissed the top of her head, "It'll be ok." I told her softly. "I know. It's just he sounded so mad and disappointed in me and I didn't like that. I don't like it when either of you are mad at me." She sniffled. "I'm not mad Kitty. I am disappointed, but not mad. I have my slip ups too and I don't like it when he is mad at me, but even during the punishment I know that he still cares about me. Don't ever think he doesn't care about you." I told her while making her look at me. I wiped her tears away then kissed her forehead. "Now no more tears. It's Christmas and we still have the rest of the day left." I told her and she nodded. When she went to the bathroom to wash her face I texted Master Stone what Jessica told me. I didn't want him to scare her into not wanting us. The only reply he sent was the ticket numbers.
I sighed and hoped the rest of the day wasn't a trainwreck.