A/N: Please do not be confused. I'm just super bored, and I got this random inspiration, so maybe use this as an example...? Maybe...? Well, thanks for entering and reading! And I highly encourage reading this along with the song ^^
Inspired by Adele's song: Water Under the Bridge:
"Let's go!! Don't drop the good vibes like you always do!"
The outdoor party sparkled in the dimming area, with so many people laughing and holding their fragile champaign glasses. My 27 year old spirit couldn't take in anymore of that serious business and mingling, so I grasped onto Liam's bony yet stern wrist and pulled him into the center of the grass field.
"Sarah! What are you doing--"
"Shut up Liam. Don't say anything. Just forget about your stupid wilderness, and let's dance."
His American accent soothes me, balancing my foreign English accent. But that beautiful voice always puts me down gently, always lying that he can't be with me. His bloody eyesight doesn't matter a single bit. I just don't understand why he wants to leave me, just because of that petty reason.
We swung and turned, almost bumping into other people, but we didn't care. I peered into his face, and quietly whispered, "Take off those glasses."
"But, my eyes..."
"Pretend that we're the only ones here. Do you truly think I would think of you any differently without those dark glasses hiding your eyes. Show me them."
I knew he would have completely exposed his weakness in front of me and others, and I understood why he reluctantly took them off, but I wanted to see him, all 100% of him.
"Fine... You really make me tired sometimes, you know that Sarah?"
"Of course I do. Now take them off." I chuckled and said impatiently, hearing his right after.
He slowly placed them into his shirt collar behind his pitch black suit, right on top of his loose tie. My heart fluttered, wanting to fix his tie, but I was simply against the idea of stopping our dance.
I once again gazed into his eyes, the most gorgeous, yet myserious pair of eyes I've ever seen before. Just because of his lack of eyesight... he desires to return back to America. Absurd. Never-going-to-happen.
To catch our breaths, we both plopped onto two empty chairs, further away from everyone else.
"Do you really want to go back to America without me? No, what exactly are you doing?"
"Answer me, you arse."
"Sarah. Look at me."
My teary eyes brought even more sadness and confusion, but when he placed a hand onto my rosy cheeks, I stopped with wide eyes.
"I'm hiding from the truth. When I'm with you, I feel like I can see anything. Feel anything. Even love, something I haven't felt in a while, Sarah. But everytime we part, I know exactly what I am, and I recognize what I cannot do for you."
My misery transforms into slight anger, a flame burning the tears inside of me. "Don't act like you're the only one hurting right now! I honestly don't care if you can't do the things other bloody men can do! And if you were going to leave me, then why have we been through the things these past eight months!"
He tries to recklessly disagree with me, but before then, I continue, "You're not living a life, Liam. This isn't living! Well, it's no matter. I'm going to stick right next to you, and we've been having this ridiculous conversation for almost two months now. End of convo."
Tears dashing down my cheeks uncontrollably, I pout, and hear him laugh.
"Sarah, you're so adorable when you try and say those kind of words. Oh, and your wonderful pout too."
Shifting from my silence, he continued, "You know what?"
"... What."
"This is going to be the last time we're ever going to have this argument from now on. So don't worry."
I wanted to scream. Let the birds and his family in America hear my pain, and Liam's as well. Before I did, he interrupted my thoughts, "Don't ever leave me. You promise me that?"
Silence. Then a few pebbles jumping in place. An explosion. Everything bursted. The thing I've always wanted has come true. Keeping everything under control inside of me, I reply, "Our love isn't under the bridge yet, right?"
"Nope. It never was, and it never will be."
I nodded, and kicked my feet, squealing quietly. The water ceased to exist, and we're crossing the stone arch, arms linked, and whistling into the cool and breezy air, unafraid of absolutely anything that would stand in our way.
- WindyFontaine