"Welcome to The Black Parade" ~My Chemical Romance
*pretend Coma by Issues is playing*
" say something I'm giving up on you, I'll stay as long as you need me to" whispered the boy in the back of the classroom.
His jet black hair was parted to the side, it was short. It almost looked like a justin bieber hair cut but actually better. He had violet eyes that smiled whenever he smiled, but that was a rare occasion. His fashion wasn't the best, he only wore black to school, wearing eye liner made him seem a bit edgy. His dark complexion made it hard to just walk up to and talk to him. Even though he seemed like he loved talking to others, which was strange for a kid like himself.
The bell rang for class to end, it wasn't until he left the room that I realized I was staring at him the whole time. Shaking my head I stood up, grabbing my jacket I read outside to find him. He was right where he was every single day, his hoodie on in the pouring rain. Which seemed just like him. I open my umbrella and walk towards him, without saying a word I put my umbrella over him. He glanced over and just smirked at me, I just wanted to be nice. I look away as he went back to his music, he wasn't going to say thank you? After a couple minutes his ride came, he just waved his hand at me before leaving me in the dust. That was pointless, I was trying to be nice to him. But he did smile at me, which made me blush tremendously.
I stayed in the same position until I saw my father driving into the parking lot. I walk over and hop into the passenger seat.
" how was school" he asked driving home
" it was good, the guy I told you about smiled at me today" I chirped as I put my seatbelt on
" go really, what did you do this time" he chuckled rolling his eyes at me
" I put my umbrella over him while he waited for his ride. We didn't speak to each other but he just smiled" I explained
" I'm glad someone had fun at school" he replied right before we got home
I got my backpack and walked inside, the house was silent. I missed mother, she would've been proud of me for trying to talking to someone today. I see that my older brother was visiting since the kitchen and living room was a mess. It always smelled of cigarettes and alcohol, which I actually liked coming home to. I let my backpack fall to the tiled floor as I collapsed onto the couch, it was finally a Friday. My favorite day of the week.
My father walked in and went straight for the kitchen, cleaning up my older brothers mess before preparing our dinner. I heard him run down the stairs and into the living room, he would always ruffle my hair and mess it up. Which made me giggle, he did just that and kissed my forehead.
" so did you talk to him" he asked
" no, but he did smile at me" I smile
" thats good, I'm glad your getting better at trying to talk to him" he cheered
" thanks Micheal" I blush slightly before hearing him chuckle817Please respect copyright.PENANAdBE9sdkdc8
I pout before he started to laugh at me, he knew me very easily when it came to a crush, I couldn't understand how he did it. I heard father whistle which meant dinner was ready, I jumped up and sat down at the dinner table. Micheal had set it, he always did. I bit my bottom lip as father brought the food to the table, it was steak, green beans and pasta. I shrugged and decided to fill up on energy, I didn't really need it but I was hungry. My father whispered a pray before we spoke amen, I then dogged into my food straight away.
" so hows was work" my father asked Micheal
" It was fine I guess, we got another couple pages finished. Still not even half way finished" he explained as father nodded
My brother is a manga artist, you wouldn't expect it from a guy like him. But his talent at drawing anime is amazing, on the side he will sometimes sell weed and marijuana for money but thats rarely not. We all finished, Micheal put our plates in the sink before he ran off to his room. For a 25 year old like himself he's very isolated, just like a bear in hibernation. Which is similar to me, but I keep my door open so my father can watch me.
That morning I was early to school waiting for the kid. He came right on time, which was 7:00 exactly. I wanted to speak to him but he seemed busy in his music. I gulped and walked in front of him, kind of stopping him. He looked up and just smiled.
" um hi" I muttered folding my hands together
" hi" he spoke softly his voice was husky but at the same time smooth
" I'm sorry if you think its weird to watch you all the time, I know you've probably noticed" I slightly blush
" yeah, whats up with that" he questioned stopping his music to talk to me
" I don't know, I guess I see something in you that you yourself don't see" I explained and he just nodded
" I see, I'm Kevin" he took out his hand
" I'm Kyle" I spoke shyly before shaking his hand, it was warm which made me smile
" lets talk in class" he suggested before smiling at me
" oh sure, so are we friends" I asked shifting my feet on the pavement
" why not, you seem pretty chill" he smirked before walking off
So I just talked to the guy I have a crush on, what to do now. Probably scream, but that would make it noticeable. I just dance a little bit before going to class, I couldn't wait for my last period. I just wanted to talk to him so badly.
Finally 6th period came around, I walked in and saw him sitting in his seat. I slightly blushed and sat in the seat next to him, I heard him chuckle before waving his hand at me while he listened to music. I smiled back as the rest of the class got to their seats, he got a piece of paper out and started to write on it. He quickly gave it to me, this was his way of speaking? I didn't mind at all.
' so tell me about yourself ' he had written
' myself.. I don't talk much about it but I can try. Well of course I was born, but into a family that supported anything and I mean anything. Once I turned 12 I told my parents I was gay, they smiled and hugged me. It was the best day of my life. The next year my mom was diagnosed with cancer and she had only a year left to live. On my 14th birthday she died with a smile on her face. After that my father has taken care of me and my older brother, which he try his best to do. And I thank him for taking care of us. ' I wrote and placed it onto his desk
After a couple of minutes he looked at me, kind of shocked with sorrow in his eyes. I give him a small smile before he wrote something down on the piece of paper. I glance at the teacher who was looking around at people, Kevin waited before the teacher was looking away from us.
' i'm sorry that happened, I just have my mother. I don't remember anything of my father because he left when I was just 3 years old. Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me. Maybe we can be good friends with our similarities. '
' I guess we can, maybe our parents should get together. Or maybe not, you probably won't like my older brother ' I wrote and hid the piece of paper from our teacher. 817Please respect copyright.PENANAbVNbj6wAAZ
Once the bell rang I gave the piece of paper to Kevin, he nodded and chuckled at it as he just put it in his backpack. He put his ear buds in as we walked to the front of the school, isn't wasn't long until I realized he was pretty special already.
' wait.. am i catching feelings already ' I question myself before shrugging
It had stopped raining from this morning, so I didn't need my umbrella. Which was kind of a bummer. I watched as Kevin went to his ride home, his mother looked at me. I raised an eyebrow as he wanted me to come to his car, I walk slowly as I hear his mother chuckling.
" you must be Kyle" she spoke her dark red hair was up in a messy ponytail. Her green eyes were smiling like Kevin's
" yeah, I'm guessing you told her about me" he gestured to Kevin as they both laughed
" well he couldn't help it.." his mother shrugged and smiled " why don't you come over for dinner" she added
" oh, my father would want to come. And then I have my older brother" I blushed and shifted my feet on the pavement
" I don't mind sweetie, I'd love to meet him" she winked and I just rolled my eyes
Kevin gave me their address before they drove off. I looked down at the address and just blushed, was this a date or something. Waiting a bit longer for my father to show up I walked around the front of the school listening to music. It wasn't until the song was over that my father had arrived.
I got into the passenger seat with a huge smile on my face, my father raised an eyebrow at me. I pouted at him and explained, his eyes lit up, I guess he did want to meet this women. Once we got home my brother ruffled my hair before I explained why father was so happy. Micheal rolled his eyes making father to go take a shower. I gave a small giggle before trying to make myself look presentable, but that was of course after I took a shower as well. Micheal then took one after me, I guess this was a family clean up day. Which usually never happens.
We raced to the car and got in, my father was being a total fail with his heavy breathing and sweaty face of his. I giggle a little before he drove off, my older brother chuckled with me.
" so you finally met his mom, what does she look like" father asked
" dad just stop, its a surprise okay. But I know you'll love her" I reply while Michael was having a happy day himself817Please respect copyright.PENANAFG66ThyrVN
He snorted and rolled his eyes, which made me raise an eyebrow. Once my dad parked in front of Kevin's house I literally ran for the front door. Isn't it obvious I have a crush on this kid. I knocked on the door as my heart almost beaten out of my chest, his mom opens the door. I just hugged her, which was random but she just laughed. My dad got to the door, you could see it was love at first sight. I plant my palm to my face as Micheal laughs.
" come in for crying out loud" she cried
We walked in and i closed the door behind us, they had a better house then us but well there all the same right. They just look fancier because their someone else's home. I see Kevin setting the table, I smile and just run up and hug him. He was surprised but hugged me back, he felt good to be in his embrace.
" someones happy" he chuckled as he let go of me
" well yeah, your mom gets to meet my dad. And I'm sorry to say this but this feels like a date" I admitted to hear him chuckle and nod his head
" same " he muttered as everyone sat down.
We all talked and laughed, it was fun. After dinner my father and Kevin's mother got really drunk and somehow they both got into her bedroom. All eyes to Micheal. Kevin and I were sitting outside on his porch watching the sun go down.
" you know I can't believe were friends " he spoke
" how, you thought I was too shy or scared to say hi" I rolled my eyes
" no, its the way you were nice to me. I didn't think anyone would be nice and let me listen to my music. Thanks for that" he smiled
" oh yeah no problem" I blush
" you know I really like you.. but not like a friend. I think I want to me more" he whispered as we heard his mom moaning in the background.
We both start to laugh, and roll our eyes.
" I like you too" I reply as I glance at him.
" that was easier then expected" he chirped
" but is the next going to be easy for you" I lean closer to him and place my lips on his
For a second I didn't think he would kiss back, once his lips started moving it got me thinking. Just because an act of kindness towards him got me into this friendship and even more. Love is amazing if you think about.
A/N: Sorry its so long, I wanted it to be detailed and not short like my other romance short stories I write. Hope its okay XD