Chapter 4
Vander pushed open the door that111Please respect copyright.PENANAAxNOuQYhS6
led into a large, spacious office. The walls were blocked by large bookshelves111Please respect copyright.PENANAjUUVQlVG2Z
filled to the brim with various books from Eluvia’s history, there were even111Please respect copyright.PENANAfErlZUOL0P
some books from their neighboring countries. 111Please respect copyright.PENANAeQKMhvtwBa
When he was younger he had wanted to read them all, but it was a111Please respect copyright.PENANAryYg7pgT8T
daunting task that would take him many lifetimes. Each shelf was painstakingly111Please respect copyright.PENANA1fUX30vTkw
ordered alphabetically and by subject so you could find anything you wanted111Please respect copyright.PENANA2lvbLDarz0
quite easily.
There was a desk in front of the111Please respect copyright.PENANANXywsQ4pUf
left wall that was kept clean, only a letter or two adorned in. Inside the desk111Please respect copyright.PENANAIEDnTHHmSf
were reports from all the Blades scattered throughout the kingdom and a wax111Please respect copyright.PENANAbOmwZCAPKq
seal the Commander used on the letters before sending them out on delivery. On111Please respect copyright.PENANAeke8b5zAb4
the right side was a massive fireplace with two large chairs set up in front.111Please respect copyright.PENANAO0vSBHh5it
There was a table between them where his grandfather sat drinking after a long day’s111Please respect copyright.PENANAu2dUfeqRhO
work before he retired for the night.
“Are you just going to stand there111Please respect copyright.PENANA5T6HYiTdGJ
looking around or are you coming inside?” Vander looked towards the window111Please respect copyright.PENANA7pNR9FFfar
where his grandfather was standing.
Charles Pendrake was staring at111Please respect copyright.PENANA16ggC60NcF
him over his shoulder with a hard look in his eyes. Despite being an adult,111Please respect copyright.PENANAtQtxFEHZFP
Vander found his grandfather to be quite intimidating. Despite being almost111Please respect copyright.PENANAYlOsfUmwZw
sixty years old, at 6’6 he was still able to run over the younger Blades quite111Please respect copyright.PENANAuApJvikz6b
easily. His mind was still sharp, and he commanded an air of respect that few111Please respect copyright.PENANAjdhvhVH1Hd
could ignore. Despite being family, the two of them look nothing alike. He had111Please respect copyright.PENANADBiH4HJWJd
brown hair with graying edges and brown eyes. While Vander was wiry, Charles111Please respect copyright.PENANAuVVYNuKCle
was pure muscle. Charles was respected while Vander was feared.
“Apologies111Please respect copyright.PENANA8txIhnVfbv
Commander.” Vander stepped inside then closed the door. “It’s just been a long111Please respect copyright.PENANAHuXDvRzZb6
time since I’ve been in here.” Shea followed him in and went to sit by his111Please respect copyright.PENANAyo89erXAt0
grandfather’s desk chair.
“I’ve told you111Please respect copyright.PENANAEEoephlsRr
when it’s the two of us you can call me grandpa.” Charles sighed.
“Sorry111Please respect copyright.PENANAntoWcpA7LQ
Commander.” Vander bowed his head.
“Still just a111Please respect copyright.PENANA93pYKwnQKu
pain in the ass as always.” Charles stepped away from the window then sat down111Please respect copyright.PENANA5kaqxmXNox
behind his desk. “I thought spending the past six months up in the woods would111Please respect copyright.PENANAC0kvMjOhUW
have tempered the attitude of yours.” He rubbed the top of Shea’s head as she111Please respect copyright.PENANAK6oNpAly0v
placed her mouth on his leg.
“Don’t pretend111Please respect copyright.PENANAV5IK4qDs8l
that’s why you sent me up there to train.” Vander took the seat opposite him.111Please respect copyright.PENANAf1tKwHNSpx
“Though it was nice to get away from the city for a change.”
“I did it for111Please respect copyright.PENANAhUUEwisG3l
your own good, you know it.” Charles sighed. “I don’t know how I wound up with111Please respect copyright.PENANAJh4YXckYPt
such a head strong grandson.”
“And people say111Please respect copyright.PENANAqYeVNF7Cfh
we’re nothing alike.” He snorted. “Anyway, I received your letter and came as111Please respect copyright.PENANAthxC2SP24L
soon as I could. What’s going?” Charles leaned back in his chair.
“Since you were111Please respect copyright.PENANAeJ9mP9wOxi
sent to the woods and Cuvera went to pick up his bride from Bricen, things have111Please respect copyright.PENANAisV2tmWomA
only gotten worse here.” He rubbed the back of his head. “What I am about to111Please respect copyright.PENANAXaRc9DgNAc
tell you, you can tell no one else about. Not even Alex, am I understood?”
“Is that111Please respect copyright.PENANAFSDnTcEXgk
serious I can’t tell another Captain?” Charles nodded grimly. Vander sighed111Please respect copyright.PENANAEkvUKxODSH
before agreeing. “A couple weeks ago, Malcolm had fallen mysteriously ill. We111Please respect copyright.PENANAumEe5RZFf5
aren’t sure the cause of it, Topal is by his side every day and night, but none111Please respect copyright.PENANAgK1002ORVI
of his remedies are working.”
“Really?”111Please respect copyright.PENANA1uFQAYx6sk
Vander frowned. “When I passed through the city earlier, nothing seemed amiss.111Please respect copyright.PENANAZNicxuw13y
There was no one sick and everyone seemed quite happy.”
“That’s because no one outside of111Please respect copyright.PENANAVevMMOloKD
the council knows.” Charles explained. “We wanted to keep it quiet to avoid a111Please respect copyright.PENANAjhFYDBxUSv
“So why tell me?”
“Because I want you to take over111Please respect copyright.PENANAs1pVZIqblX
the investigation for me.” Charles explained. “I don’t think the cause of his111Please respect copyright.PENANAEEMQWKx0jK
sickness is natural causes, I think it was poison. Topal agrees with me, but111Please respect copyright.PENANAi5B6M3oROC
the council doesn’t agree. While the King is fighting for his life, the council111Please respect copyright.PENANA4xiu7xa7lL
is trying to undermine him by passing laws that bolster their own power while111Please respect copyright.PENANAqxv1NkgVQ5
restricting ours. So now I must fight them off and can’t concentrate on finding111Please respect copyright.PENANAgPT3h7u3Nd
out who did this. So, will you do it?”
Vander folded his arms and thought111Please respect copyright.PENANA9pjwQc3Oov
for a moment. It was a lot of information to absorb at once, but he knew his111Please respect copyright.PENANAWVxo8E9pSi
grandfather was pressed for time. Despite his anger towards the old man, he111Please respect copyright.PENANAWJ4e7JRYG1
didn’t really want to see him suffer anymore.
“I will help you.” Vander sighed.111Please respect copyright.PENANAQQ5nFhw9gb
Charles broke out into a large grin.
“Thank you.” He reached into his111Please respect copyright.PENANAVXiP0gPKJg
desk and pulled something out. He placed the small item on the desk in front of111Please respect copyright.PENANALYKJ7WtWSP
Vander. It was a small blue medallion with the royal family’s crest on one side111Please respect copyright.PENANAlTRXhPWgfH
and the Blade symbol on the other. “This will open all doors for you inside the111Please respect copyright.PENANAjGQwF9hUSs
city. Get whatever you need, but you can tell no one about your mission.”
Vander took the medal then slipped111Please respect copyright.PENANAFAh18hc5GF
it into his pocket. “Is it alright if I see the King now?” He got up from the111Please respect copyright.PENANAId8GCUZP2x
chair and headed towards the door.
“Yes, but there is something I111Please respect copyright.PENANALKjDQ1kThc
should tell you-“ Vander opened the door while looking at his grandfather.111Please respect copyright.PENANAvKbr7TaZpP
Shea’s hackles raised as she started snarling. He turned to see who was111Please respect copyright.PENANAqCCs34eJaR
standing there and upon recognizing him, his blood started to boil.
“What the hell are you doing111Please respect copyright.PENANASikEV53Eiv
here?” he snapped. He grabbed the man by his collar and pushed him up against111Please respect copyright.PENANAaMEgfArbQi
the hallway wall. “Give me a reason why I should gut you where you stand.”
“Because I’m still a Blade and a111Please respect copyright.PENANANQU3tKvEuO
captain now.” Leon smirked. “You can’t do a damn thing to me.”
“What?” He spun around to see his111Please respect copyright.PENANAk1A6wifwgM
grandfather standing in the doorway looking at him with a dejected look on his111Please respect copyright.PENANAuktsGKB7mx
“I had no choice in the matter.”111Please respect copyright.PENANAjvxgfcbn29
Charles looked pained. “That’s part of the reason I wanted to see you; will you111Please respect copyright.PENANAMcJ8ZOn8oM
sit down? Please?” Vander took one more look at Leon’s smug face before shoving111Please respect copyright.PENANAOWRCMCc7la
him back against the wall and walking back to his seat. Shea, still growling,111Please respect copyright.PENANAu5UzgNOr22
kept her eyes locked on Leon perhaps daring him to make a move against her111Please respect copyright.PENANA2IqgEezfu7
master. Vander sat down.
“The council is making moves to111Please respect copyright.PENANAAu0C0FOmxy
limit the power of the Blades, or to remove us completely.” Charles explained.111Please respect copyright.PENANADf9otZqQGm
“Since the wars ended, they decided there isn’t a need for us to carry on how111Please respect copyright.PENANARU65OaBiU2
we are. With the poisoning of the King, it further reinforced their views. They111Please respect copyright.PENANA4GOVfUC8Bt
appointed Leon as Captain to oversee us and to report back.”
“And what qualifications does he111Please respect copyright.PENANADS3IuFn64h
have to report on anything?” Vander glared at the other man who was leaning up111Please respect copyright.PENANA6q1D2jefah
against the wall with a broad grin on his face.
“None whatsoever.” Charles111Please respect copyright.PENANAQBUzxeDosI
snorted. “His father just promoted him into our ranks to be a pain in the ass.”
“That’s not going to win you any111Please respect copyright.PENANADSLtxicdfH
points, Commander.” Leon sneered. “I have absolute authority to decide the fate111Please respect copyright.PENANAZBY0R1EVLv
of the Blades. It wouldn’t go well for you to get on my bad side.”
“Shea kindly escort him from the111Please respect copyright.PENANA79qa9xFC57
room.” Vander commanded. “I don’t need him overhearing actual Blade business.”
“With pleasure.” She111Please respect copyright.PENANAIpc3b8EvY8
snarled. She got up from off the ground and with teeth bared, she stalked111Please respect copyright.PENANAxgE3N7ybPL
towards Leon. Leon’s smug smirk disappeared instantly as he slowly started111Please respect copyright.PENANAXIwtvk7RHK
backing up towards the door.
“Call off your mutt, Vander.” His111Please respect copyright.PENANA3HEjTynRYd
face became pale as neither of them moved to help. “Vander.” He quickly ducked111Please respect copyright.PENANAkjjpXV9To7
through the door and slammed it shut as Shea lunged at him. She landed nimbly111Please respect copyright.PENANASp0kiqrl95
in front of the door.
“Don’t come back.” Vander111Please respect copyright.PENANAY44h0M0MeI
heard Leon’s panicked footsteps echoing down the hall. The thought of the man111Please respect copyright.PENANA3b0oVood2f
pissing himself brought a small smile to his face.
“That was unwise, yet very111Please respect copyright.PENANASghD78ztnW
satisfying.” Charles chuckled. “Viggo won’t be happy.”
“I don’t give a shit what makes111Please respect copyright.PENANA7t2fmf0rj7
him happy.” Vander sighed. “He just wants to control us for his own personal111Please respect copyright.PENANA5Wr8YfssXs
gain. Man’s a snake and should be removed.”
“We are just protectors Vander,111Please respect copyright.PENANAHWENWlYvii
not politicians. Leave the removal to those with the mind to do it.”
“Yes sir.” Vander sighed. “When do111Please respect copyright.PENANA9ACGi4bSJj
you want me to go and see the King?”“The investigation can wait until you are111Please respect copyright.PENANAz8emdPP4Dz
fresh faced and rested.” Charles said. “Everything is how it was; the King has111Please respect copyright.PENANAFK36kQWuxS
just been moved to a secret location while he recovers. This is our last chance111Please respect copyright.PENANAfJECAM1Gkn
to prove our worth to the council.”
“We shouldn’t have to prove a damn111Please respect copyright.PENANANoXhMxXEIc
thing, but I’m with you.” Vander got up to stretch, stifling a yawn. “I will do111Please respect copyright.PENANAyaANfk5nQ7
what I can to find out who hurt the King and bring them to justice.”
“Thank you.” Charles smiled. “How111Please respect copyright.PENANAsmJmdE6b7Z
are the recruits coming along? I wanted to give a demonstration to the council,111Please respect copyright.PENANArv7ObTf7oL
but only if you think they are ready.”
“Their teamwork could use some111Please respect copyright.PENANAjIfDI0SUNv
help and if they stopped letting their hormones get the better of them they111Please respect copyright.PENANAP9Xz8o0t0v
would be solid fighters.” Vander explained. “We are meeting at my place for111Please respect copyright.PENANANslQV4Lxub
celebratory drinks and food. They deserve it.”
“I don’t know why you still stay111Please respect copyright.PENANA4zXuAW6RU9
in that shit hole.” Charles said. “We have plenty of rooms for you in the111Please respect copyright.PENANA4IzyhrZbFD
compound, you should stay there.”
“You know my feelings on its111Please respect copyright.PENANAfY3yl17kiW
gramps.” He said. “I don’t like how the others look at me. At least in the city111Please respect copyright.PENANA2xUJiejrdT
I can be a little anonymous and keep to myself.”
“I know, I know.” He sighed. “I111Please respect copyright.PENANAw6V6nQefmP
will see you tomorrow. The price will be arriving in the next couple of days111Please respect copyright.PENANAusHDB41Ju7
with his new bride, I would like the investigation to be wrapped up by then,111Please respect copyright.PENANA3OFtenSPRM
then we will have the recruits tested. Will that be alright with you?”
“Yes.” He stared down at his111Please respect copyright.PENANApdtArs92oK
grandfather. “And just because I’m being civil with you, doesn’t mean I’m not111Please respect copyright.PENANAJsFRb3ctqS
angry with you. We will have our talk once this is all over.”
“I understand.” Charles looked111Please respect copyright.PENANAMCrRtwgolU
down at his desk and began rifling through his papers. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”111Please respect copyright.PENANA3bl1AZ43Af
Realizing that was his cue, Vander opened the door for Shea and the two of them111Please respect copyright.PENANAXubibizquv
slipped out quietly closing it behind them.
The walk back through the castle111Please respect copyright.PENANAjVYkcB45Au
was uneventful. Most of the servants were too busy to talk to him, as they were111Please respect copyright.PENANAxBvJkj0VPo
preparing for the prince’s return along with his new bride. Vander was hopeful111Please respect copyright.PENANABcGCuJmWbZ
with their union because finally the long war that killed thousands of people111Please respect copyright.PENANAuUa5l4U3TN
was finally at its end. Peyton’s words at the front door didn’t surprise Vander111Please respect copyright.PENANAd7C2q9O0WA
in the least. The two countries would finally be allowed to heal but some111Please respect copyright.PENANAzuo5hxKjhg
people didn’t care about that. They just wanted the war to continue because it111Please respect copyright.PENANAHOhn8nRdBC
just made them richer. It was a disgrace, but greed ruled overall. Part of him111Please respect copyright.PENANAvb74jjjYID
had hoped that the would be told who was against the treaty and toss them in111Please respect copyright.PENANABBTYf8E0SF
jail, but if the King, Charles, and Peyton wanted them to stick around, they111Please respect copyright.PENANAQktOZdP3gQ
must have a good reason for doing so. It was above his paygrade at any rate.
He headed back towards the gate111Please respect copyright.PENANAn1SmFFBqbX
where Jeffery Jilena’s soldiers were guarding the passage through, and to his111Please respect copyright.PENANAZTbDvksqBP
surprise, it seemed as though his advice worked. They were alert and not111Please respect copyright.PENANAkSyDQlrApp
leaning up against the walls. Their weapons were at attention and even though111Please respect copyright.PENANARp5EUOo02w
they gave him a dirty look as he passed, one snarl from Shea kept them from111Please respect copyright.PENANASg1ZWjdc5B
saying anything they would regret, and they allowed him to pass without any111Please respect copyright.PENANAUholahIHLa
By the time he made it out of the111Please respect copyright.PENANAz0qVwwOcxb
middle ring, the sun was beginning to set illuminating the sky with colors of111Please respect copyright.PENANAmzJS7DahFY
bring pink and yellow. Most of the people he walked past were scurrying to get111Please respect copyright.PENANAmA195HezS8
home before nightfall or closing shops so they could calculate their profits111Please respect copyright.PENANAao45fKIg1T
before heading in for the night. Nighttime was always Vander’s favorite time of111Please respect copyright.PENANAviUe7xfPbW
day. The hustle and bustle of city life would disappear into almost nothing111Please respect copyright.PENANAziSLB2a5xG
giving him the peace and quiet he and Shea desperately enjoyed. Being back in111Please respect copyright.PENANA6ir5hvu0rc
the city would be a challenge and he knew it would only be a matter of time111Please respect copyright.PENANAkeqZCuzEn7
before they two of them wanted to go back to the woods where they both felt at111Please respect copyright.PENANAvfkYSNitts
home. For now, they would just have to enjoy the place they lived in and make111Please respect copyright.PENANA3RlW72if6m
do with that.
One of the only places that would111Please respect copyright.PENANAKm6BiXepH0
have Vander and Shea was a little inn within the eastern district called the111Please respect copyright.PENANAWjivVdwU89
Warm Hearth. They got hunters coming from the forest to try and sell skin,111Please respect copyright.PENANAO6v2hToWlo
meat, bones, and fur to anyone who wanted them. Often the hunters would bring111Please respect copyright.PENANApm2U596Wdm
their dogs with them as an insurance policy against thieves. They were unruly111Please respect copyright.PENANAr3DqU87oXq
to the inn owners and would often feel up many of the servers. One time Vander111Please respect copyright.PENANAxgTx6Bmj1g
got into it with a couple of them who felt they were entitled to the servers111Please respect copyright.PENANAtiOEkeyghZ
after hours. The sicced their dogs on him, but once Shea jumped in killing two111Please respect copyright.PENANAbchETjH3MW
of them, the hunters knew better than to fuck with them and, by extension, the111Please respect copyright.PENANAdmYw7pEn80
serving girls. From the day forward, he had a discounted room and a place to111Please respect copyright.PENANAWRzByX4Xwp
relax after work.
Upon arrival, he could hear dozens111Please respect copyright.PENANAirW6ptW0Li
of patrons talking and demanding foo and drinks. It wasn’t a bad place, a111Please respect copyright.PENANAXcCXlOvnn5
little run down, but kempt. The front door was missing a hinge causing it to111Please respect copyright.PENANA1Uqve3qzor
lean slightly. Once you opened it, you had to lift it a little bit to make sure111Please respect copyright.PENANAu6BNU04cOO
it didn’t catch on the stairs. Unknown to all but Vander, the servers and the111Please respect copyright.PENANAekPn7mNs5n
owner, the stools were slightly off center. It was a way to make sure people111Please respect copyright.PENANAREW9fOakIb
weren’t drinking too much. If they fall to the floor, they get cut off and111Please respect copyright.PENANAir9JFExRCt
taken somewhere to sleep it off before going home to their families.
Vander pulled open the door,111Please respect copyright.PENANAU1TPM7Q0qv
making sure to lift it, and was greeted with even more noise than he was111Please respect copyright.PENANA8SIrW5HNBr
expecting. There were thirty people jammed inside all shouting to be heard over111Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9iYdtmX5C
the music playing in the corner. A couple of people, men, and women were111Please respect copyright.PENANAFfjJW2Ezhr
dancing on the floor in front of the band twirling their dresses and spinning111Please respect copyright.PENANA7RBgoCIn1E
on their feet to the beat. Shea, hating all the noise slunk off behind the111Please respect copyright.PENANAgWfrYQEsch
counter and quickly made her way over to the rear corner to scamper her way up111Please respect copyright.PENANAB1cdDka3qh
the stairs and out of sight. She knew where she was going, they had installed a111Please respect copyright.PENANA4tNWW243VR
little door for her to come and go as she pleased so she would have no issues111Please respect copyright.PENANAAv3gjVu5tn
getting into his room. He just hoped no one was squatting there or they would111Please respect copyright.PENANA8YWiyM91cy
be in for a real rude awakening.
“Vander!” Someone shouted at him.111Please respect copyright.PENANA7HUDCm7nV5
The voice came from the Inn Keeper, a young woman named Julianne, who had111Please respect copyright.PENANAM9QgKKY1TV
received the bar from her father after his untimely death. She had long black111Please respect copyright.PENANA5uffD9QlxG
hair, brown eyes, and a figure that drew the eye of every man in the room. She111Please respect copyright.PENANAVdasGrci0A
flirted harmlessly with the guests, made sure to top of their drinks whenever111Please respect copyright.PENANAASNDX6Ku6P
she could, but was still responsible in making sure people didn’t drink more111Please respect copyright.PENANAN8gIS16Zee
than they could handle.
“Julianna,” he waved to her. She111Please respect copyright.PENANALsW6ZvEltW
sashayed her way through the crowd to embrace him in a quick hug followed by a111Please respect copyright.PENANAu8RqAze6if
quick peck on the cheek. Today she was wearing a low-cut navy-blue dress and111Please respect copyright.PENANAVd7hCRXbWA
blue boots. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail to keep any loose111Please respect copyright.PENANABlGmKLLGV9
strands from falling into anyone’s food or drinks.
“I had a feeling you might be here111Please respect copyright.PENANADzBh86eVnM
today.” She beamed causing dimples to form in her cheeks. “I had your room111Please respect copyright.PENANARqG8xvRYa4
dusted then the linen and your clothing cleaned. My maid, Kyra, just finished111Please respect copyright.PENANA0WlP9pzv7n
an hour or so ago.”
“You have a knack for knowing when111Please respect copyright.PENANAdZfyTMG7un
I get here.” He laughed, hugging her back. “Are you sure you aren’t a seer?”
“Nonsense,” She slapped him111Please respect copyright.PENANAxrE0ywZvTd
lightly on the arm. “Get upstairs and get changed, you smell like stale sweat111Please respect copyright.PENANAyf7RhpC1mC
and feet.” Vander lifted his arms then grimaced. She was being polite about it.
“Alexander and the recruits are111Please respect copyright.PENANAHdjiaVp0ed
coming tonight.” Vander said. “If they arrived before I come back down, will111Please respect copyright.PENANA6xv2kMSjTY
you get them a table?”
“Of course.” She smiled. “After111Please respect copyright.PENANAKJXnzeIeZb
they leave, I’d love to hear how your time away from this place was. We can111Please respect copyright.PENANAaINFBbHh44
drink and relax, how does that sound?”
“Sounds great.” He waved goodbye111Please respect copyright.PENANAfwP7yvXUvz
to her as he tried to make his way though. The servers smiled and waved at him111Please respect copyright.PENANAqjAATe86BF
while the patrons backed up several steps. He wasn’t sure if it was because111Please respect copyright.PENANAmhfIGcfrmq
they recognized him or because of the way he smelled, but he guessed it didn’t111Please respect copyright.PENANAo9ig8wUuQ8
really matter. He was glad to not have to talk to any of them.
His room was on the third floor111Please respect copyright.PENANAZLSl8gTJbw
all the way at the back. Julianne had offered a closer room on the lower floor,111Please respect copyright.PENANAZCT8eiFuaR
but he liked his privacy as most of the people who stayed here were either111Please respect copyright.PENANAoiXSVY3rKZ
travelers who wanted a cheaper room or patrons who were too drunk to walk and111Please respect copyright.PENANACGMIolFqzE
couldn’t walk. She had her own room in the basement where it was warm and where111Please respect copyright.PENANA4NKoMJcZCy
she didn’t have to worry about anyone trying to get into her room. The basement111Please respect copyright.PENANAFLdH2fPTjX
was only open during business hours and was locked during the day. He had never111Please respect copyright.PENANA76iyaFPl4Q
been down there, but he expected there was a second door that was always locked111Please respect copyright.PENANA0QRV8sOYuu
to keep anyone from sneaking down there when she was busy.
His room wasn’t much to look at.111Please respect copyright.PENANAQVhx7R3XmN
It was big enough for a small bed, a desk, and a dresser. There was a closet111Please respect copyright.PENANAWVorQ1m33i
along the left wall and a door that led into a bathroom complete with both a111Please respect copyright.PENANAND32LdGsEw
shower and a sink. True to her word, the room smelled freshly cleaned the smell111Please respect copyright.PENANAlBxTtiUcr7
of lemon still fragrant in the air. As they were getting closer to fall, his111Please respect copyright.PENANAf2X1lApmkH
lighter blankets had been swapped for a warmer one. Shea was in the process of111Please respect copyright.PENANAmVBqG3fIr2
rubbing her scent on everything when he walked in.
“I hate it when she cleans in111Please respect copyright.PENANAiwW7XRsHPc
here.” She complained.
“Not everyone likes the smell of111Please respect copyright.PENANAHZVr4CbVDB
wolf day in and day out.” Vander said. “Maybe we should give you a bath as111Please respect copyright.PENANAfr1MyxMMXu
“Try it and you’ll be minus a111Please respect copyright.PENANAJSEX8HEYjN
hand.” She growled. The two of them looked at each other, but eventually111Please respect copyright.PENANAOZTQOkVW6u
Vander shrugged his shoulders. “Suit yourself sinky.” She lunged at him, but he111Please respect copyright.PENANAwI1MzfQzJO
jumped nimbly away. He quickly removed his sword, placing it carefully on the111Please respect copyright.PENANA8br669tOeQ
ground. Then he grabbed her, picked her up, then threw her on the bed. Before111Please respect copyright.PENANAVYBbv9wsip
she could right herself, her body slammed her then started rubbing her belly.111Please respect copyright.PENANAuFOv2xuh8I
She squirmed under him, but eventually she told him she gave up. Laughing, he111Please respect copyright.PENANAZZApGDOTSF
shrugged off his jacket and tossed it on top of her.
“I’m going to bathe and change111Please respect copyright.PENANAIT6vNNYu9y
before I meet the others. I assume you want to stay here?” she nodded her head.111Please respect copyright.PENANA9prodmdU0o
“Want anything from the kitchen?”
“Beef.” Was the response. She wiggled her way under111Please respect copyright.PENANAj7mmu7zfID
the blanket and moments later, he could hear her snoring gently from111Please respect copyright.PENANAZUgHkPiyd5
Vander shrugged off his clothing111Please respect copyright.PENANAHi3rl5p0aP
and dumped it in a pile by the door. Walking into the bathroom, he turned the111Please respect copyright.PENANAwnlZOpiTzs
water faucet on. It took awhile for the water to become hot enough where he111Please respect copyright.PENANAt7o2d9xG25
didn’t freeze. He stepped inside and felt his aches melt away with the hot111Please respect copyright.PENANA41jSJW22Ly
water pounding into his body.
He always enjoyed this part of the111Please respect copyright.PENANAvkvZqMIQou
day. Even if it was day of just sitting in meetings, just washing away your111Please respect copyright.PENANAapMSPrWBLT
worries for even a little bit was enough to make him happy. He didn’t get to111Please respect copyright.PENANA0Po0boFnX9
shower at all while he was in the woods. The closest he got was taking a dip in111Please respect copyright.PENANAtoQKWvURd3
the lake every other day, but that wasn’t the same. He got clean, but it was111Please respect copyright.PENANANW2Ay2vLkX
never truly relaxing for him.
He lost track of how long he was111Please respect copyright.PENANAl4fg0JUQYP
under the water, but he turned it off once it became cold. He grabbed the towel111Please respect copyright.PENANAaFOWSKXLrp
hanging up next to the sink to dry off then wrapped it around his waist. When111Please respect copyright.PENANABqGvC1rMdd
we walked into the room, he noticed that Shea was on alert. Her ears were lying111Please respect copyright.PENANAUFJbNlPw3a
flat against her head and her teeth were bared. Only one person would make her111Please respect copyright.PENANAIIN5KZ3j54
that upset in the inn, someone he had hoped would take a little bit longer to111Please respect copyright.PENANAriA4emnMdx
see him, but it wasn’t an unexpected visit. He could hear her voice coming up111Please respect copyright.PENANAoyBQBkbO6L
from downstairs, so he figured he still had some time.
Whistling to himself, he walked111Please respect copyright.PENANAC4wXmhgdED
over to his closet and removed a brown shirt with strings which would allow him111Please respect copyright.PENANAcyqhPWOFJw
to pull it tight over his chest or leave it loose. He picked out a pair of111Please respect copyright.PENANA0psVYxEsZP
casual black pants along with a pair of black boots. He removed two black111Please respect copyright.PENANAcJQDhCCPNW
leather cuffs and carefully tied them to his wrists. He didn’t like wearing111Please respect copyright.PENANA56uzduDFVc
jewelry while on duty, however he wore a silver ring with an emerald embedded in111Please respect copyright.PENANAYuNk1CUY3N
it when he was off duty. It was the last thing he received from his mother111Please respect copyright.PENANA3gYAyiF6DE
before her death.
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He heard the footsteps coming up111Please respect copyright.PENANA7aXfsFKSaD
the stairs then stopped right in front of his door. “Behave Shea.” He said. She111Please respect copyright.PENANABgUFgKbyLt
didn’t relax, but she did hide her teeth so as not scare his guest. His heart111Please respect copyright.PENANA3Qkqv9k8RU
pounded in his chest as he waited for the knock. As soon as he heard it, he got111Please respect copyright.PENANAfJ4247rV40
up from his bed and opened the door. “Hello Bree.”