After that night, my house was loud almost every night. Rachel is a sweet kid and Trevor is doing a fine job raising her. I'm sure it's not easy to raise an eight-year-old girl. From that kiss, everything evolved in a way I never expected or worse never intended it to be. But Trevor is different, he makes life worth living and me saying that is something big. The worst thing is that I'm starting to like him for real, and that's bad.
" Thank you for coming. Have a good night." I said to the last customer in the shop.
Felicia smiled and patted my shoulder. " Go home."
I shook my head and continued to clean the table.
" Is he waiting for you?" Clark came near me.
" He'll wait," I said, putting the plates in the bowl.
I heard Felicia sigh. " You are doing it on purpose right?"
I looked at her. " What?"
" You are trying to avoid spending too much time with him. That's why you have been taking so many shifts also your work at the excavations."
" Which he works at," I said.
Felicia sat down on the chair.
" Why are you doing this?" She said.
" I'm not doing anything Fel."
" Oh, but you are. You just don't know it."
I sighed and sat on the chair near her.
" It's just-"
" You are scared." She said.
" Why am I like this?"
Felicia chuckled and stroked my head.
" You have your own reasons, sweetheart. But this guy seems worth the risk right?"
" But what if he ends up hurt?"
She furrowed her brow. " You are scared that the same thing will happen to him?"
I nodded.
" But everything is solved right-"
I shook my head furiously. " I'm not sure it is."
Clark was watching from near his mother and he put his hand on my head.
" Rosa, you deserve to be happy. That horrible accident wasn't your fault and you know it."
It was.
He crunched in front of me.
" I've known you for some years now and I couldn't be more proud. You came here from such an ugly situation, that I was scared you couldn't get out of it. But to my amazement, you became such a bright person."
I put my hand on his forehead. " Are you sick? Where am I a bright person?"
Felicia and Clark laughed.
I smiled. " Thank you."
They smiled and hugged me.
A soft chirm sounded.
I turned.
Trevor was looking at us.
" I thought I'd come get you." He said rubbing his cheek.
Felicia hit my side, her mouth was open.
" You didn't tell me he was that handsome."
Trevor chuckled and nudged his head to the outside.
" I'll wait for you outside. It was nice to meet you."
Felicia waved.
I sighed and went to get my things.
Clark came into the changing room.
" Rosa?"
" Yeah?"
"He really seems like a great guy. Give yourself a chance."
I hugged him. " I'll try."
He hugged me and stroked my back. " You are like a sister to me. I'll always be here."
"Thanks, Clark. I mean it."
He nodded and I went outside.
Trevor was leaning on his car. When he saw me he steadied himself.
" Sorry, since you didn't have the bike I thought-"
I pulled him to me and kissed him.
" What was that for?" He said smiling.
I shrugged. " A thank you, I guess."
He chuckled and pulled me close.
" I might get used to this."
I smiled and nudged him softly.
" Let's go. I'm scared to leave Milo with Rachel for too long." I said.
Trevor laughed once and nodded.
" Remember, how we found him last time? He was dead tired."
" My point exactly," I said.
It's already been a few months since I started to go out with Trevor. Well, technically speaking, I was trying to avoid him but he just manages to pull me away every single time.
" What are you up to tonight?" Trevor said.
" Italian," Rachel shouted.
Trevor looked at me.
" I don't mind."
He nodded. " Italian it is."
We have been going out almost every night. Trevor always pays and it pisses me off.
I hate how he uses his money so easily. I know he's rich but still.
After a lot of arguing, we came to an understanding.
When we go out he pays, when we eat at home I pay for the supplies.
I was about to protest since we go out almost every night. But he didn't listen to me anymore.
So I came up with a plan that at least three times a week, we eat at our homes.
It worked so far.
My phone started to ring.
I excused myself and went outside.
" Yeah?"
My heart stopped.
" Tiffany? What happened?"
She sighed. " Nothing serious. But I thought I'd keep you informed."
I sighed in relief. " Yeah."
" They haven't found anything about you yet, but they aren't looking much lately. Some scum has been keeping them busy."
" Which Scum?"
" Erik and the others."
I rolled my eyes. " They know how to make a scene."
Tiffany chuckled. " Yeah, and they are trying their best to save you and you know it. Did you move far enough?"
" Yeah, trust me."
" Don't let them catch you, Rosa."
" I won't."